A Fae Princess's Iron Man (Krystal x thatguy1)

The ride, uneventful as it was, was actually rather pleasent as Tony had the window down in the passenger seat of the young lady's vehicle. the cool air doing him some good with his genius mind being in a thousand different directions. When they arrived at her Penthouse building, he looked up in wonderment, having to crane his neck almost, "You live here?" He asked her as they walked inside, her car being attended by a valet. "Damn, girl,"

"Yes ma'am," Steven said with a curt salute. He pushed the red button that allowed the plane door to start to lower and got himself a quick running start, being the Super Soldier, he could afford just a brief area for a run. Then he was gone as the wind and sky swallowed him whole, his goggles fixed to his face to accommodate for the wind blowing out his eyeballs, barely a thought in the world as he free fell.
JJ let out a soft melodic chuckle "Yeah, on the top floor. I actually own this building." she explained, smiling at the valet and tipping him before showing Tony to the elevator. The ride wasn't very long, despite being 100 floors tall. She softly sang along to the Led Zeppelin song that played through the speakers of the elevator, stretching her lithe figure. Sitting all day could make her neck crick a bit. When the doors opened, they were greeted with a floor plan not unlike that of the top floor of the avenger's tower, though its color scheme was mostly deep blues, and on the wall hung a large painting of her parents before she was born. She let out a small sigh as she walked past it, clutching the locket she always wore with her father's picture in it.

Agent carter let out a sigh, looking to the others of the team. "wait for his word. i have to report to the directors." she said, getting on the screen and calling both fury and Krystal. Krystal looked like she'd just woken up. "oh, hey Shar. my boyfriend jump out of the plane again?" she asked, chuckling a little though her eyes showed her annoyance. She told him to stop that, especially after bucky. Sharon just nodded, hopng this would' cause another fight. Steve wasn't in his right mind when he fought with Krystal.
"Even Stark Industries isn't this big," Tony said in amazement and gave her a wolf whistle as they entered into the sleek elevator. He smiled at the Led Zeppelin music as a choice for elevator music before turning to JJ as she started to move into her lobby, but he grabbed her by the arm, not really caring about where they were, or if anybody were to walk in on them and he planted a kiss upon her lips...

Captain Rogers felt the most free out in the open air, especially in free fall from a few miles up, where his mind could both wander and stay contained all at once. Part of his mind was on the mission of course, part of it on Krystal, who was both his lady in waiting and his boss who was third in command over at SHIELD, and part of his mind was stuck in the past. Steven would always be stuck in the past, for example when he saw Sharon Carter he would see her aunt Peggy.

Steven managed to get his body into position, his vibranium shield beneath his feet to absorb the impact of his descent and made contact upon the estate grounds with a brief dive roll to avoid any discomfort. As he stood up to look back at where the plane could have been, he realized that his comma wasn't working.

"Oh poop," he said quietly before walking towards the front door...
JJ smiled. "It's home. Better than living with mom, even if she does live in a castle." She admitted, letting out a soft chuckle. When he kissed her, she melted into his arms, kissing back with feelings she didn't think she could feel anymore. She stroked his cheek softly. "But- why... i'm nothing special. Nobody ever wants to kiss me. My own fiancee killed himself to get away from me." She thought to herself meekly, not realizing that with that simple kiss initiated from him, the first stage of the heart connection set in, telepathy. He would hear what she was thinking from that simple kiss.

The captain would greeted by a quiet mansion, and he would be able to walk right in. When he got to the office, what he would see would shock him. A man in all black ransacking the premises.

Krystal contacted steve with his phone. "Captain, what's the story? We couldn't get you over the comm." She said, worry in her voice. She would have to look at his suit herself. She had designed it abd equipped it to herself.
"I'm nothing special either," Anthony said with a shrug when JJ broke their brief kiss, "It's the suit that's special, I'm just the guy who invented, uses, upgrades, revolutionizes, and saves the world with it," he said, turning in his charm as the planted another soft kiss upon her glossy lips. He started to guide her towards somewhere to sit, having gone through plenty of these encounters to have almost a sixth sense of where the furniture was located. His hands holding the sides of her white blouse, feeling her hips and rib cage as the walked in both a tangled mess and as one.


The Winter Soldier was in the midst of securing the fact that nobody was to discover his presence in the room, until the butler came in to investigate the ruckus he caused. Hanging his head, the assassin spoke quietly, "you should've stated in the kitchen," before pulling out his handgun which was to be used for emergencies. Then, without a second ' s hesitation, he pulled the trigger, and watched as brains and gore splattered across the Senator's curtains.

As he was about to head towards the mansion, Steven ' s phone rang with it's catchy AC/DC rendition of "Back in Back" to find that it was his lady, Krystal calling.

"Apologies madame," he spoke as he traversed the front yard, listening for any patrolling guard. "the comms are down, they broke in the descent," he explained, passing the roundabout front entrance, stopping to gaze at the large fountain centerpeice. It was then that he had heard the gunshot with his enhanced hearing capabilities. "Shots fired!" He spoke into the high tech mobile device, "shots fired!" He repeated, "hostiles, or friendly fire I am unaware," he spoke hurriedly as he ran towards the front entrance, using his shield like that of a battering ram to knock it down.
JJ's expression wnt from thoughtful to pure shock. "How did you know what I was thinking?" She asked, walking with him to the nearby couch. Her mother had always told her that you had found your heart when you could hear their thoughts and they could hear yours. She sat daintily, and from her expression you could tell that she was a touched starved cat. No one had wanted to touch her like he was in many a years. She kept herself gaurded, but the pretty fae woman had never found that men fell at her feet like they did her mother.

Krystal made an annoyed sound. "What have I told you about jumping out ofbthe jet?" She asked, though she could sense something was about to happen. At his alarm, she called the agents in. "We've got agents coming stevie. Keep on your gaurd." She told him, the phone abruptly cutting as a smallish drone appeared. She sensed something was up, and she wanted to see for herself, even if she couldn't be there
Anthony left her curious on the couch as he started to back up and slip off his badass t-shirt, revealing his swimmer's physique, and more of a pronouncement of his surgical removal of his arc reactor. He tossed the shirt aside and onto the cold flooring before whispering to his assistant Jarvis, in his ear, "Jarvis, put on some tunes,"

"Oh I thought you'd never ask, Tony" the male british voiced AI spoke in his audio device in his ear. "What tunes shall I locate for you this evening?" The voice asked as Tony started to remove his belt. "Also, there seems to be an alert coming in from SHIELD Assistant Director Krystal, should I patch her through?"

Tony almost stopped what he was doing as he rolled his eyes, "did you really have to ask that?" He asked.
JJ watched in curiosity and slight arousal as he took off his shirt, silently vowing to learn every piece of that body. She wanted him so much, even if she didn't hust want to be a one night stand for him. She was all to familiar with his patterns.

JJ watched as he spoke to the blue tooth like device in his ear, tilting her head slightly. Her acute hearing allowed her to hear what JARVIS was saying. She looked contemplative "Mom's calling?" She asked, tilting her head again, imagining how her mother was likely fuming.

"JARVIS! YOU TELL HIM TO PICK UP HIS DAMN PHONE RIGHT NOW!" Krystal yelled, her blood boiling. He could be so frustrating sometimes.
"Sir, I have a call for you," Jarvis spoke, his autonomous voice falling upon deaf ears as Anthony began to work on his pants, dropping the jeans to reveal that he was a boxer ' s guy. "Sir, it's rather important in regards to Steven Rogers," Jarvis tried once more, but with a sigh he gave up and found a stereo system in the young woman's abode, and turned on some smooth jazz for the two of them.

Jarvis then turned his attention to Miss Krystal, "i'm sorry ma'am, but he just won't pick up," he explained and provided the whole floor with a visual from both Tony's eye contact and JJ'S security feeds. "It seems he's soon to engage in coitus with this young woman," he informed them all, the smooth jazz being played on SHIELD ' S speakers as well.
JJ watched intently as Tony undid his clothes, eyes trained on him. She wanted him real badly. She smirked a bit as she too took off her shirt, revealing her lacy red and gold bra. She had and affinity for Iron man's colors, even if she preferred blue and silver.

Krystal made a face. "Damn brat." She muttered to herself, eyes widening when she saw just who he would be having said coitus with. "Jarvis, that's my daughter!" She exclaimed, calling JJ on her television. She looked annoyed. "Anthony Edward Stark, what the hell do you think you're doing with my daughter?" She yelled, looking apologetically at JJ. The woman knew her mother was mad at tony, not her.
"Looks like I got a fan girl," Tony said teasingly to JJ as he began to approach her, now taking off his boxers, and revealing his cock to JJ, which was an impressive six inches when erect, though it was currently in a semi erect 5 inch state at the moment. "Jarvis, mute the television as well, tell Krystal I'll send her a fruit basket, or an IOU," he informed his autonomous buddy. Then he leaned over and held JJ's head in his hands kissed her ever so tenderly.
Krystal and JJ both rolled their eyes. "It must be important if she resorted to calling me, tony." she admitted, though she licked her lip slightly as he took off his boxers. This was shaping up to be very interesting. The pretty blue haired fae found herself getting even wetter, and she slipped off her boots easily, revealing her bare legs nd feet. Last to go was her skirt, which was tight and black. If there was one thing her mother had taught her, it was that the better you dress, the more likely you were to get the guy. That had never been the case for her, but she still tried to present herself well anyway. The pretty fae was very proud of her many doctorates, but she had a feeling her level of smartness was intimidating to guys.

Krysta rolled her eyes. "Just tell him to stay alert. Cap may need some help." she told the AI, sighing as she shut the television off. She would not be a voyeur of her own daughter.
"The only thing important here right now, is you," Tony said as he watched her in wonder as she got down to her under garments. "And me, and what's about to go down," he added with a laugh before getting on the couch with JJ and climbing atop of her. His hands carassed her sides, feeling her side breasts and bra. "SHIELD can handle it for a few minutes, they're SHIELD,"
JJ chuckled a little. "You're a weirdo. But I like that about you." She said, pulling him down for a kiss. Small moans escaped the pretty fae as she was touched, and you could just see that she hadn't been touched in a very long time. The woman hadn't had a good fuck since 1963. She had no idea what to do other than just cuddle.
"How do you figure?" Tony asked her as his hands started to run along her back, finding and unhooking the the buxom woman's black bra. He balled it up and tossed it confediantly across the room like a basketball player before looking down and gazing wondrously at her breasts a, "oh wow," he whispered. He started to go down and kiss her pink, relaxed nipples as if they were her glossy lips, as if they were kissing him back.
"I dunno. Maybe the fact that you were okay with my mom watching. I mean i don't care either, but awkward." JJ said with a hearty chuckle,moaning out as her breasts werr played with. She really was very touch starved, and as such, she found herself getting wetter by the minute.
"I guess we could just talk to her about it," Tony said, in a rather kinky mood as he came up for air. His hands replaced his mouth upon her breasts as he laid down upon her. Discovering her body and started to eye her black satin panties with a quiet, lustful hunger.


Captain America barged into the confines of the manor, shield before him and crouching low in case he was met with any opposition. "I have entered the manor, do we have eyes inside?" Steven asked his comma before remembering that it had been broken earlier, "Well poop," he said quietly before ringing up Krystal. Before they connected though, he heard yelling and looked up at the second floor. A butler was running from a calmly walking figure wearing complete body armor, including a gas mask of some sort.

Before Steven could engage, or even think about throwing his shield, the figure aimed a high powered assault rifle at the butler and the rest would be explained in a shower of gore now staining the empty manor.
JJ made a face. "Yeah, but then she'll just retaliate by telling me all the details about her sex life with Howard and then dad back in the 40's. Yuck." she said, her body shivering from every touch of her unknown to her yet heart.

The bot next to Steve watched closely so Krystal could see. Her eyes went as wide as saucers when she saw the man all in black. There was something so familiar about him. She remembered hearing Natasha talk about her run in with the winter soldier, and wondered if that were who it could be. It was obvious he had a metal arm. She could smell the metal all the way from SHIELD. "Bot, zoom in, face. Subject: winter soldier." she muttered, typing something on the computer of the helicarrior. She squinted her eyes as she looked at the man, and a memory crossed her mind. One of a long since gone time.

"do I really have to cut it, Stevie? Krystal likes my hair like this!" Bucky whined, referring to his freshly washed shoulder length brown hair. Steve rolled his eyes at his friend. "Yes, you do, unless you want the army to buzz it off." he told his best friend as Krystal simply chuckled. "You two. Just cut it buckeye. You'll be just as handsome. Like when we met." she promised, giving him a kiss on the lips before she sat down on the nearby couch in heir now shared penthouse.

The memory ended quickly, but it made her squint even more. "Is that even possible? he was half fae when he died." she muttered partly to herself, though it could be heard next to Steve from the bot. Perhaps her fiancee wasn't dead after all.
"I'll tell you what's not tuck," Tony teased her as he came up for air and started towards her panties, and kissed the cloth above her crotch. Then he started to take then off if her figure, looking up at her and tossing them on the floor before finally saying, "you are," and begun to crawl back up her once more, his sex organ grazing her own.
JJ let out soft moans as she was touched and kissed, playing with his dark hair. She needed him, even if she feared being a one night stand. "You really think so?" She asked, her expression showing she was still vulnerable. Even after about 50 years of being pretty, she still didn't believe she was. She had been pushed aside in favor of her beautiful mother way to many a time.
"I don't think so," Tony told the bare, fresh young woman under his nude body, "I know so, it's what being a futurist is all about," he said and went in for a momentary kiss of her lips before parting. Then he sat up to gaze upon her form for a moment forever frozen in time before getting on top of her, his cock grazing her wet pussy lips and he began to slide himself into her. He didn't want to wear a condom, something was telling him no because thst something wanted more with her, wanted everything with her, when he was with her, those memories of Pepper were no longer depressing.

"HEY!" Steven hollered, his voice full of rage at seeing such a cold blooded murder, and gaining the undivided attention of the shadowy figure. "What was that, Assistant Director Krystal?" He asked the small surveillance drone, but instead he charged up the staircase, skipping several at once as the figure started down the hallway. "That man was an unarmed civilian!" He called out, "you kill him in cold blood, but you run from me? Coward!" Steven hollered.
JJ blushed. No one had ever called her beautiful before, not even her fiancee. She kissed him back, her back arching into it slightly. She loved him, wanted to be with him. She let out a moan as he thrust inside her, pulling him down for a kiss, his forehead resting on hers. She hoped that this time maybe she'd have someone who would want to be with her, instead of someone who died because of her. What neither of them realized though, was that Tony was already turning fae. The princess had finally found her heart.

Krystal rolled her eyes. She hated when he called her that. "Nothing. Focus on the mission. Ill tell you later." She muttered from the speaker of the drone, watching the man running with great interest. Her mind was swirling with thoughts as she watched. "The stride is the same... Could it really be you, Buckeye?" Her voice was low, but Steve probably heard. She hoped not though. That was something she would need to bridge tonight in bed. Soften the blow.
Tony pushed himself as deeply as he could within JJ's womb, feeling her hot, sticky walls with his engorged and throbbing cock. He bit her lip again before having an idea and started to whisper into her cute little ears, "Have you ever... heard of reverse cowgirl?" He asked of her, heavy in breath. He was never a great excersize participant, sex or boxing being his two go-to excersize routines in life.

"Sounds like another day at the office," Steven said to the surveillance technology, knowing they were her eyes and ears. He raced down corridors and though twists and turns of the manor after the black armored individual. "Can we identify this person at all?" He called out, getting tired of running after the person, suprised that their speed was being matched step for step. Then they changed course, and Steven could hear the soft whupping of helicopter blades outside, "suspect has an extraction point!" He declared.
JJ let out a small chuckle. "Of course i have, inima mea. Is that what you would prefer?" eyes showing her wonder. She hadn't meant to call him "my heart" and yet she had. Did he understand Romanian? She didn't know, but she half hoped he didn't. Even if she were curious about what he might say to it, she also feared his reaction. Her moan was needy as he thrust up inside her, playing with his hair. She wanted to be his always.

Krystal rolled her eyes. "Yes, but later. Focus on catching him, Stevie!" she told him sternly, though the fact that she used his private nickname hinted at the fact that she already had a theory. One that might be rather jarring, if she were right. She couldn't deny the similarities in the way he moved, and the most telling feature was the fact that she could sense his energy. It was super soldier mixed with.... Dark fae. The kind of fae Bucky was becoming before he died. "catch him before he can get away! I need him!" Krystal yelled excitedly, mentally giving him an extra boost of power to do so. She and Steve were as close as bucky had been. She was one of those rare fae cases who had two hearts.
Tony stopped briefly pumping his cock into her tender and virgin flower, she had called him her heart in a European language, and it made him smile pleasently. "Yeah, that's what I want, have you ever done it before?" He asked of her and tenderly started to pull out of her, her vaginal juices covering his thick cock. He moved to sit down beside her beautiful form, messaging and pumping his erect cock in her gracious presence.

"I'd like to know at least a little of whom I'm playing tag with," Steven said under his breath in a serious, yet jovial manner towards the drone technology that was keeping pace with him. He could only watch though as the figure hurdles through the window, shattering it into a thousand peices. Steven was only a few feet behind him, but if he didn't hurry, the assailant would be scott free and on the Heli-Copter.
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