A Fae Princess's Iron Man (Krystal x thatguy1)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Jacqueline "JJ" Bucky Barnes poked her head out from the door. "Oh, Mr. Stark. Please come in." she said with a soft smile, opening the door to show her whole self, and to let her patient in. She wore simple yet expensive dark wash jeans, an AC-DC t-shirt, and a few leather bracelets on her right hand. They had been gifts from her uncle Thor when he had visited. Her hair was long and blue, and she was tall, at least 6'. She smiled at Tony, writing something on her Stark-pad. She could tell that the two of them would be great friends.

JJ's office was large, an had a lovely cherry wood desk with dragons intricately carved on it, with a modern yet tasteful black office chair behind it, a large aquarium with all kinds of fish, and a velvet lounge chair across from a couple of big plush arm chairs. The color scheme was mostly blue and black, though there were simple touches of silver and Cherry wood to balance it all out. It looked more like a home office than an office in a busy hotel.

Jackie smiled again. "Please, make yourself comfortable, Mr. Stark. I am Dr. Jacqueline Barnes, but you may call me JJ. Everyone does." she said as she finished writing on her Stark-pad. She put the tablet on the desk, and set the stylus back in her pen holder. She gave Tony another smile, sitting in one of the plush blue chairs across from the lounge. She crossed her legs, reclining in the chair easily. She knew of Tony's record with therapists, so she wanted to make this meeting as casual as possible.
Anthony, or "Tony" Stark as the world of supermodels, paparazzi, and supervillain came to call the genius billionaire playboy with a suit of armor at his beck and call, was at Jackie ' s office at the behest of the good ol' Nick Fury as an ultimatum of sorts because of what had gone down a week prior.

Because of the death of Pepper Potts.

When the shrink spoke to Tony, he smiled half-heartedly and sat down opposite of her, not taking note of her slim, yet buxom figure like he would before his world was turned into a rolling snowball of a shit-storm, back when his world was fast cars, fast women, and even faster booze. Now he was practically homeless, single, and hadn't a suit of armor to his name. He was starting from scratch, and he didn't very well like it.

"Nice to meet you, JJ," he said with a sigh, briefly taking note of her relaxed posture and her short skirt, but yet her legs were closed, "i'm, or I should say I WAS Iron Man,"
JJ gave him a comforting smile as she sat, simply relaxing as she studied him. The more she learned about his body language the better she could help him. "Its nice to meet you too Mr Stark. Momma has told me so much about you." She admitted, floating a cupnof his favorite coffee over to him as she sipped her green tea. While for the most part the pretty blue haired woman didn't use her powers when in session, Tony was a special case. She didn't have to hide who she was around him, seeing as her mother, Krystal and he had been friends for as long as tony could probably remember.

JJ smiled again as she took anothe sip of tea, the prepared yo speak. "Its your favorite flavor. Please don't hesitate tobdrinknit. Its very fresh." She promised him, her expression showing her awe of the man in front of her. The princess had never thought she would have the chance to be so close, but with Pepper gone, she could hopefully get him to fall for her. She still desparately wanted to help him, but also secretly hoped that in helping him, he'd realize how much she actually loved him.
"Don't mind if I do," Tony said with a brief shrug as he stood up, "but who's Momma?" He asked her as he poured the cool liquid into his cup, "anybody I would know?" After finishing his cup and downing a second glass he sat back down in the patient's chair and dug his hands into his pockets, looking around the room to get a sense of who his shrink was as a blue haired lady.
JJ smiled, watching him drink it happily, crossing her legs as she relaxed. She sipped her tea, watching him as he looked around. "Heh, I would have thought the magic powers and blue hair would have given it away. Krystal. Better known as Blue Luna." She said in a flat tone, chuckling a little. He had only known his mother since before his parents died. She hoped knowing who her mother was would make him feel more comfortable and able to talk with her like he did with her motger. "Remember, nothing you say here leaves this room." She promised, giving him another smile.
"Blue Luna?" Anthony asked and shifted to be more comfortable, "that sounds like a superhero name," he paused and rubbed at his freshly shaven beard, something that he had never done back in the day, in the day of the media being at his front door, when he did have a front door.

"Are you an Enhanced Person?" He asked her curiously, "they seem to be popping up all over the place," he laughed quietly.
JJ rolled her eyes. "It is a superhero name." She said with a laugh, taking another sip of her tea. She noticed he had shaved his beird, which she found strange, but not unpleasant to look at. He looked more like a movie star now than a genius inventor. It was sexy, but in a different way than he had before.

JJ laughed again. "No, i'm not an enhanced. I'm a fae. Technically i'm not human, nornis my mother. Course, you should know that. She's only been friends with you since your dad introduced her to you. You for got Krystal Kobayashi?" She asked, looking curiously at him as she tilted her head. He mist really be hurting if he didn't even remember his best friend.
"I got friends high places, I got friends in low places. Heck I even have criminal contacts," Tony said with a sigh, "sometimes I have trouble remembering people, which sucks considering one day I might forget Pepper," he said with a sigh, his impenetrable armor finally starting to crack and reveal the man underneath of it all.

"I don't want to forget," he told her calmly, but rubbed his hands in a nervous manner, "the human brain can only store so much information,"
JJ let out a small inaudible chuckle. "Yeah, so does mom. Never know when you might need advice on something." She admitted, giving him a small soft smile. She could certainly sympathize with him. She lost someone she loved very deeply too.

"You won't forget her, Tony. Love connections like that last a lifetime. I should know. I still sometimes cry over the death of my lover long ago." She wasn't specific about the year not wanting to freak him out, but her lover killed himself in 1963, just after her 20th birthday. It still hurt sometimes to think of him.
"Tell me about him," Tony said as he leaned forwards, his hands on his knees in his own therapist mode, "probably wasn't a billionaire-playboy-genius-inventor-avenger on hiatus, or was he?" He added in a joking tone with a raised eyebrow,

"Could he invent a badass suit of flying Armor on the fly? Oh wait, that's me," he said in a quiet tone, "but seriously, forget about me for a second, if I can, and tell me about him,"
JJ let out a slow, soft chuckle. "No, he wasn't. He was a lawyer, actually. We met at Harvard while I was getting my doctorate in psycology." She started to explain, noting tony's change in body language. She'd tell him all he wanted to know, hoping her own story of pain might help him recover from his. She gave him a soft smile, nodding her head a little though she her eyes flashed pain for only a moment.

JJ smiled a little as she thought back. "He was a brilliant man, head of the most prominent law firm in boston. He used to commute from there to new york city just to see me. Everytime he came home, he'd bring me jewelry." she explained, fingering a sapphire encrusted locket around her neck as she talked. This had always been her favorite piece given to her by her late fiance, and she almost bever took it off. She smiled at tony, a picture appearing in her free hand. She showed it to him. "This is him. Anthony Larkin. Can't tell you how much a miss him." She admitted, and in the picture, tony would see a man about 6' 4" in a dark blue suit with black hair and hazel eyes that look emeral in the picture. He didn't look to unlike tony himself, though his cheekbones were a bit higher. JJ often wondered if they might've been related.
"Lawyer was he?" Tony nodded, "I met this one lawyer, fresh on the job, guy was blind too," he said with a laugh, "but maybe my dad employed your lover, wouldn't that be weird," he said with a snort and got up to get himself some more of that tea, "want some?" He asked JJ as he offered her a cup before plopping back down in his seat,

"So if your lover boy's dead now, are you seeing anybody right now?" He asked her out of curiousity.
JJ chuckled. "I wouldn't doubt it. Mom would have recommended him to Howard. They were pretty close. She still doesn't believe their death was an accident." she admitted, and to tony, she might look around 25. She was far from that. She gave him a smile and nodded at his question simply relaxing in the chair. she was actually gaining insight into this man while letting him know about her. She often used this technique on her hardest of patients, as it helped them to pen up better.

JJ blushed a little, smiling at him as she took the cup. "no, actually i'm single. haven't found the right person yet." she admitted sighing.
"Well, you know what the cure for a broken heart is, young lady?" Tony said suggestively, trying to reboot his charming personality by beta testing it on his SHIELD appointed therapist.


There once lived a politician who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. A man born easily into his family's old money, he lived a life of charasmatic excess, charming the right people but for the wrong reasons. One day, after having one too many on a yacht party, the young lady killer Senator Woodsman was found dead in his master bathroom from an apparent drug overdose.

This death was sure to make the headlines of every major news outlet, but there was a ghost in the machine, a legend of epic proportions whispered amongst the world's intelligence circles.

The Winter Soldier was back in play...
JJ raised an eyebrow, though she blushed. He was everything her mother had said he was. "Oh, what's that, Mr.Stark?" She returned playfully, smirking a bit.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city...

Krystal awoke in a cold sweat. "That's not possible. There's no way." She muttered as she got out of bed, heading out to the balcony of her penthouse. She looked out into the city, breathing in deep the smell of the modern world. She could smell faint traces of gunpowder and could see from a nearby rooftop a strange figure watching her. She wondered who it might be.

Krystal had heard whispers of the assassin known as the winter soldier, but she had never encountered him herself. All she knew was that when he was spotted, her heart sensed her Bucky. It was a curious thing really, what she felt, but she had no idea how to approach it. The fae queen could feel every subject of her court, and if someone died, the feel was instantly severed. When Bucky fell from the train never snapped though, it only dulled. Never was it strongest though then when the winter soldier was on the prowl. Tonight was no different, and Krystal found herself wishing to meet this illustrious winter soldier. She needed to know for sure that it isn't him.
"They find another another one," Anthony said with a seductive smile directed at JJ, "if you catch my drift," and started to stand up...


The figure had torn the room apart like a tornado, drawers busted and splintered, bookcases toppled over, papers everywhere. A figure shrouded in the darkness of the room stood in the epi-center of it all, clutching a safe the size a human head, and the color of darkness.

"Control to the Soldier, do you have the package yet? Evac should be above the Kill-Box in T-minus 5 minutes,"
JJ raised an eyebrow again at the man in front of her. She smirked, and it was as mischevious as a fae's smile should be. "Oh, then aren't you the charmer? Well, I think i'll have to take you up on that offer." She said, her usually pale cheeks tinted a becoming shade of pink. She hoped this wouldn't be one of Tony stark's infamous one night stands. That would hurt. JJ got up from her chair, giving him a smile. "This is entirely unprofessinal of me, but you intruige me on more than just a psychological level. Why don't we go back to my penthouse? Get to know each other, maybe take in a movie?"

Krystal took a moment to smell the air again, frowning at the thought that Steve was off on a mission without her. The last time he went without her, he more or less committed suicide. She sighed. "Stevie, be safe. Something big is about to happen." She muttered to the wind, hair gently blowing. She wished him home soon, wanting him by herside again. She loved him, even if a part of her, like she knew lie dormant in her lover, loved Bucky still.
"Y'know, Netflix and Chill is only one D away from Child," Anthony told her jokingly, "but yeah, that certainly sounds like a nice idea," he said getting up to leave the office with her, unbuttoning his top button of his shirt, the scars of his arc reactor surgery now nearly healed and gone.


The figure known as the Winter Soldier was exerting himself to the limit as he attempted to reach the Ex-Fil zone, which also happened to be the roof of the mansion, where the dead politician actually had a heli-pad installed. The man in the decked out attire of the greatest assassin the world had never known, had his mind blank, focusing solely on his next objective and only that. But even he had to admit that traversing this fortress was going to be difficult with the time alotted.


Steven Rogers, aka "Captain America, or also "The First Avenger" was trying to catch up on the music of generations now long over, with Beats by Dre planted in his ears. He was flying too some politician's mansion, probably to sign more collector's cards, or shake hands for a local paper, he was used to being debriefed mid-flight by his various handlers.
JJ laughed. "It certainly is. Betcha we'd make adorable babies." She joked back, grabbing her coat and her keys. She purposely had only booked him for the day just in case something like this unfolded. She took notice to the scars on his chest, though she said nothing about it. She knew he was just as touchy about that as she was about her dad. The woman had never known him, and it had been so lonely. She had always wanted to know him, but couldn't.

Agent carter tapped the captain on the shoulder, trying to get his attention. She knew when he was wearing his headphones, he was hard to get ahold of. "Captain Rogers? It's time for me to debrief you." She explained calmly, wondering if the man even heard her. It was no secret that when he was listening to music, he could be as oblivious as Krystal.
"Wouldn't hurt to find out," Anthony said as he held the door open for the buxom, blue haired young lady. He left with her and closed the door, "unless you don't want to find out," he said with a shrug and pulled out a condom from within his pocket, "they don't call me a futurist for nothing," he added with a laugh as they made their way to the parking lot.

It took almost another minute for Captain America to put down his Beats, he was listening intently to Green Day's American Idiot, they were a band that he was growing quite fond of recently. He looked at the lithe, blond figure of Agent Carter and smiled humbly up at her, "I'm sorry Ms. Carter, we're you speaking to me?" He asked as he put the Beats away. He turned back to give the young lady his full and undivided attention, but with a respectful smile for added measure.
JJ blushed, though she chuckled. "Hmm, maybe. Depends, you wanna be stuck with me indefinately?" She replied, chuckling again as he showed her the condom. She couldn't say forever, not wanting to scare him away from saying just a simple word. She really wanted him, and hoped not to be just another of his one night stands. What the pretty fae hadn't realized yet was that she had found her heart. The one she was meant to be with.

Agent Sharon carter gave him a soft smile, nodding. "Yes captain rogers. I need to debreif you on the mission at hand." She explained, watching him put his beats away. It was kind of funny to hear the captain listening to green day's "American Idiot." She had figured Steve would have eclectic tastes, being with the very eclectic and sometimes eccentic second in command at SHEILD, but she still found it kind of funny. She stifled a laugh. "The estate of this senetor is to believed to hold information imperative to saftey in america. We need you to retreive it. Our sources say that the senator woodsman is a big fan and will certainly relase the information to you." She continued, her expression showing her curiosity towards how he and the second in command got together, not knowing that she was the same Krystal who almost married his deceased best friend Bucky.
"Stuck on you, maybe," Anthony teased her as they made their way to her car. His own car not a block away, his "bodyguard" and pal, Happy Hogan at the wheel. He pulled out his Stark Tech designed cellphone to tell the man to take the vehicle home before returning his attention to the gorgeous young lady in front of him. He playfully spanked her on the butt as he helped her into the vehicle.

"Very ma'am," Steven Rogers spoke to Agent Carter and offered her a brief nod in response, "so this us simply a meet and greet situation?" He asked her curiously, his star spangled shield waving brightly in the light of the transport hold of the aircraft, "to think I'd be needing this," he said looking at the shield.
JJ let out a chuckle. "Well, that can be arranged I think." She replied with a playful wink, but on the inside she was a ball of nerves. She didn't just want to be a one night stand, even if she knew that due to the psychological trauma he had experienced recently, it may end that way. She hated the thought of loosing him. She let out a tiny sound in surprise as he slapped her butt, though she smirked. Even if he were subconciously mourning Pepper, it was a small comfort to think he wanted her.

Agent carter nodded. "In a best case scenario, Captain. We've just received information that someone else maybe playing for the information." She added, showing him the blue prints of the house on her stark pad. She knew it would be easier for him to navigate if things went bad. Despite just being his handler, the woman worried about him in a way mire like a lover. Everyone but the captain knew she was crushing.
"I'll have my people call your people, who probably don't exist right now," Anthony teased her as they got into her car, "Do you want people? I could hook you up," he added with a shrug. It was true, with just a single call from a guy like him she could have anything and everything in the world. Though, he was unaware of her true nature of what she actually was.

"Well then, let's have some fun, shall we?" Captain Steven Rogers said as he stood up in a respectful pose before the young blond woman, "permission to jump out of the plane and secure the perimeter, before any of these young men put their lives in the line potentially?" He asked her, hoping she'd say yes. It wasn't that he had a death wish, he just didn't want others to die for him.
JJ grinned wryly as she started her 2016 Lotus Evora. "Don't be so sure, Anthony." She teased back, shrugging a bit as she drove off. She had told him she was fae, true, but what she'd neglected to admit is that she is a princess. She hadn't wanted to scare him off. Despite being beautiful, the fae had never seen it herself. She always worried that the reason she hadn't found her heart yet was because she was ugly. That was hardly the case. She had loved her last man, but he hadn't loved her enough to stay with her. She had been alone ever since, so she didn't know what it truly felt like to love someone. Seeing Tony had changed that. She wondered if he noticed their instant connection.

Agent carter let out a soft sigh, though she smiled. "Go ahead captain. We're nearing the drop off site now." She replied, though you could see the faint worry in her eyes. She always hated seeing him jump out of planes, but knew it was unavoidable. It was just who he is. She let out a small chuckle. "Don't tell assistant director Kobayashi, right?" She asked, everyone having known their battle on jumping out of planes. Krystal always did it, but that was because she could fly. Steve couldn't.
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