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Way of the Wicked [PF] - OOC

Guess the only way to exactly know is to remove them my guess is a potion(possibly healing but who knows), a bag (probably money), 2daggers, a window (weird but may be use to hollow a wall), a lantern, a climbing rope and the weird pile of bricks(a wall?), and last but not least a summoning pentagram

Maybe a spellcraft check could tell Elasha what everything really means
Spellcraft is among the skills I will be putting a rank in next level. Yeah, I'm versatile, but I have somewhat neglected the casting skills.
Guess I could be doing that roll then or perhaps even the male, he happens to be most intelligent
And so I'm forever known as the male. Guess that's my role in the party (kind of like the Token Girl, only the opposite. lol) While I'm waiting for our DM to show the results of my lockpicking, I can have La'croise examine the veil. Then to unlock the cell door.
*Pets him on the top of the head* Ah, yes, but look at it this way! Your sure to get some female attention this way, and if your a good boy, they might come up with some rewards.... primarily for themselves, but still ;)
That's true ^_^

As for the veil, from what I see, we have a bag of..something. A potion (I can have La'croise identify it), two daggers (either that or shorts words), lock picks, rope, and a lantern. I think that small pile thing might be money (it reminds me of a stack of gold bars, and it would be strange to give us bullets without anything to fire them). The window looking thing, I have no idea :S. As for the star, I checked and realized that Asmodous' symbol is an upside down star. A clerical focus perhaps?
Well, a clerical focus of Asmodeus would only help a cleric of Asmodeus ...

Thankfully all Avara really needs to escape the prison are these lockpicks and someone who kows how to use them. Plus maybe the rope.
Doesn't Elasha's goddess serve under Asmodeus? I'm sure if it is, our DM would work out some way for it to work. Without it, Elasha can't really do anything.

*Is that someone who knows how to use lock picks.* ^_^
Probably not the wisest course of action but I do wonder how the guards would react if a few naked girls strolled merrily into the guard chamber asking "Who wants to fuck?" :)

P.S: Do males get a negative modifier on their rolls right after ejaculating due to exhaustion?
I would recon they get penalty to wisdom checks :) and might be exhausted.

On a second note - I've not heard anything from the toshiro in five days. I'm a little worried that they'll be the first casualty to the player eating monster of PBP. However we have another potential player that is about to make a character. It should be possible to include another character fairly easy at this point without making any deux ex machina moves.
Considering you get a penalty for sleeping with an ogre, yeah, penalties for sex endured exhaustion sounds about right.

Now I'm curious about this new character.
I say we only accept the new applicant if he plays a subservient male playing a support class. :)
Well, we do need a tank in the party right now.

Hmm, I know we're free of our bonds, I'm guessing I need to unlock the cell doors too?
I thought monks were pretty badass frontline fighters in general.

And yeah, I forgot they get an AC bonus for not wearing armor. My mistake.
Guess some decent bluff rolls from a couple of of our group would do the trick to seduce the guards if that is wanted, I would rather have vengeance instead of relief with them but could be conviced otherwise :p . Might as well free the ogre so he teaches them a lesson and keeps them busy.

On the mean time I'm trying to find out more about the veil with a spellcraft check
Well, if we free the ogre things are bound to get loud. Not sure we want that, I'd prefer to take out (or circumvent) the guards in small patches, preferably one at a time.

P.S: Getting vengeance and getting relief do not exclude each other, you merely have to sequence them correctly. Unless you are a necrophiliac, then the sequencing does not matter.
Hmm, that is a good point. And after looking at Avara's character sheet, she's the most equipped to fight her way out of of all of us here.

Oh, that reminds me. Those lock picks, are they regular lock picks or masterwork?
Hello, I'm Meatshield MKII, nice to meet you all. Unfortunately, I made character before I saw the subservient manservant requirement.
Of course she is, wished I had a spell comp pouch to be able to cast mage armor too, Tigiri could support her with her claws though summoned monsters can do the trick too

It would be nice they be masterwork, what would be the bonus for that, Tigiri already has +13.
And welcome to the party a2znut :)
The bonus for masterwork lock picks is +2. Though if the door locks are the same as those on the shackles, then Tigiri can simply take 10 to open them.
Welcome aboard a2znut. Always good to have a meat shield.

And, I sat recruit Ogre, capture some guards, and have some vengeance outside the walls. I do have Profession (Slave Trainer) after all, for the vengeance that keeps itself pleasurable.
khan said:
Of course she is, wished I had a spell comp pouch to be able to cast mage armor too,


a2znut said:
Unfortunately, I made character before I saw the subservient manservant requirement.
I am sure our GM will allow you to adjust your character sheet, since you have not been formally introduced yet. :)
Things will most likely get loud, especially when we get our gear back. I'd say having the ogre at least as a distraction works.

Hmm, so many ways we can do this.
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