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On patrol

Zayle watched in horror as the wolf spun Kikora around. Her eyes clenched shut as humiation washed over her young face. He fought the urge to rush to her aid as the wolf licked along her jaw, and rubbed on her belly. "I do not suppose I could convince you to release her?" He managed to get out, "Under the promise that we will not return?"
"I tell you what, you promise me SHE will return every week, and I'll let you both go now." as his hand starts rising up and cupping a breast.

"You see, I've grown rather fond of this Elf-girl. I'd like to see HER more often" as he pulls her chin towards his mouth and he starts kissing her, trying to push his tounge in her mouth.
He started to mov forward as the wolf grabbed a breast, but froze as Kikora raised her hand to stop him. He kissed her and Zayle just stood and watched, a pained look on his face. Kikora accepted the kiss, shumiliated that she had to do this in front of her master, but broke it off, breathing deeply. "I will return, every week." She said softly, "In return, will you let us leave and put the barrier around you land?"
"That's my good elf-girl." he said as he squeezed her breast.

He let her go, looking at the old man, and said "You both can leave... but she better come back every week. Otherwise I go on the hunt. and you wouldnt like that."
Zayle draped his cloak over her, and bowed to the wolf before leaving. On the way back he and Kikora argued some, before finally he gave in. Over the next week several Elves scouted just beyond the Wolf's land, placing barriers to keep out humans, until the final day of the week.

Kikora took in a deep breath. She had tried to mentally prepare for this, but she still shook slightly as she walked into the forest. Many elves looked at her leave with pity, but she tried to ignore it. She wore a forest green dress that clung close to her skin, ending just above her knees, and a long black cloak that she pulled in close to keep out the chill.

She entered the Wolf's land and paused, hesitated before she turned in the direction of his cage, and moved forward, stiffly.
He saw her coming, He was acutally kind of surprised to see her.

he sat, reclined outside his cave agaisnt a rock, with a fire burning inside.

When he recognizes her, he lets out a loud howl.
She paused when she reached the cave, startled by his howl. She offered him a smile, hesitant but friendly, before stepping forward. "Is that a hello?" She asked, stopping just before him, and kneeling down into the grass outside his cave. She bowed her head. "I came as promised."
"good thing too, we never finished last time. Think that old guy made me forget or something." as he looked her up and down.

"lets go inside, where its warm. No need for you to catch a cold out here... then I'd be without you a week, haha!" He turns to walk inside.
Kikora nodded, and stood, bowing as she entered the cave and moved in close to the fire. "He is not that old, only two or three times my age." She said reasonably, watching the werewolf carefully. "Do you wish to talk?"
"Talk, what about?" as he turns around and removes her cloak... no need to assault her, he figured sicne he invited her in.
She shrugged, and let him take her cloak, feeling a bit shy in her slightly revealing green dress. She sat, and she skirt rode up some, revealing more of her long legs. "Anything you would like." She said softly, "You wish for my company, and I want to be a good guest."
"I wanted your company for a different reason. I dont have a mate. anywhere. YOU are going to be my mate." as he walked over and started moving his paw up her thigh.
Kikora looked down for a moment. She had been expecting and fearing such an answer, but hoped she would be able to delay it some. She shivered as his paw ran up her, gently rubbing her thigh as he spoke. Her eyes grew wide, and she stared. "Aren't mates meant to bear children?" She asked quietly. "I am not your species..."
"mates only mate.. they dont need to bear children." as her skirt starts getting lifed up. he then leans down further and starts kissing her.

"and if you really wanted to, I could help you with the speicies thing."
She nodded as he spoke, not quite understanding though. Sex was new to her, foriegn... She blushed as he pushed up her shirt, slowly, and let him kiss her, returning it with a soft passion. He broke it off, and spoke low in her ear, making her shiver some. "Help?" She asked, her throat dry. "I like being an Elf..."
"That's my Good Elf-girl. I wouldnt be able to use my pet name if you weren't, heh."

as his and reached up her skirt and started pulling down her panties, he planted another deep kiss on her mouth, letting his long tounge slide in.
Kikora nodded, a blush creeping up her face as he pushed up her skirt, ad began to pull at her panties. She lifted her hips slightly, helping him slide them off as his lips pressed to hers and they shared a deep kiss. She moaned gently, knowing what he wanted, and slowly began to undo the buttons at the back of her dress.
As her dress fell off to the side, he continued kissing her, reaching up and cupping a breast with his paw, and gave a gentle squeeze.

He then took her delicate hand and moved it down to his still sheathed cock, and had her start rubbing the area to get him aroused quicker.
She couldn't help but to give a small moan as his paw gripped her breast, now exposed with her dress tossed to the side. She kissed him back with a growing passion, but blushed when he put her hand on his sheathed rod. She rubbed him lightly through his clothes, stroking and brushing against his hardening meat.
It's been so long since anyone's touched him like this, he broke the kiss, leaned up and gave a low growl as her hand started manipulating him.

it didnt take long for his meat to start becoming exposed, as he started rubbing a knuckle along her pussy. then he leaned back down and started kissing her again.
It was so odd for her, rubbing him like this. His manhood slowly became exposed to her as she teased and touched it, coaxing it hard and out. His paw went down to her own crotch, and slowely began to rub her. Her body responded almost as if it had a mind if it's own, and she arched against him as he kissed her again. Her free hand stroked him lightly, brushing over fur covered muscles, and she drew him in close, pressing herself to him lightly.
He could tell she was ready by how wet she was already. maybe the whole walk up she kept imagening this?

he picked her up and put her on another rock, one that elevated her waist up to his waist level. by now, with her scent filling his nostrils, and her obvious anticipation, he was ready to enter her.

He lined his cock up to her entrance, and said "you know this is going to hurt, right? heh.." as he grabbed her ass and started pushing in. as much as he admitted he started loving her, it was still hard to ignore all his animal instincts, as he dug his claws in her ass a bit, and pulled her into his thrust.
He teased her wet entrance, fingering and toying with her while she stimulated him more, until finally he seemed ready, and her heart pounded in anticipation. Dispite the warning of Zayle and other Elves she had not taken a mate that week, and still stayed virgin for this moment.

She clung to him as he lifted her, and lined up. Her breath caught, and she looked up at him while her pusle pounded and raced. With a warning he pushed in, and she tensed. It did hurt, and his claws digging into the tender flesh of her ass did not help any... But at the same time it felt right to have him pushing inside of her, until he hit her cherry, a virgin barrier that barred complete entrance. She held her breath again, waiting for him to push through.
in a single thrust, he took her verginity. she now had the full length of his cock buried in her to the hilt, as he held her to him, waiting for her body to relax after being impaled on his cock. the warm embrace surrounding his member was esquisite.

He then started slowly moving in and out of her.

He also, using his supernatural flexibility, started to lick her nipple as he cupped the opposite breast with his paw, and started running a claw around its nipple.
Kikora let out a cry as he thrust into her, her body tensing around his rod as it pushed into her warmth. He stayed still for a moment as she moaned in pain, he was so big to be inside her like this, she almost wanted to whimper against him.

Finally he began to move, twisting to lick her breasts as he ran a claw around her nipple. He rhips thrust to meet his with each stroke, slow and passionate as the pain began to melt away into pure pleasure.
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