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On patrol

For a second, he thought about listening to her. Maybe letting her go might do well for letting the humans know he really just wanted his land to himself.

The rage almost completley left his face. "Maybe...."

Then he realised what she was doing to him. He shook his head to fight her spell. "God damned fucking Elves!" as he backhanded her across the face.

he grabbed her jaw this time, making her gaze meet his, this time letting his claws sink into her skin a bit. "Keep those damned mind games going, see where it gets you."

As he grabbed her breast with his free hand. "Next time, I wont be so nice." as he squeezed her tit in his hand, digging her claws in just enough to draw blood.

When he knew she got the message, he let go of her breast, and licked off the drops of blood as he gently raked his claws down her side, being careful not to cut her further. He kept his grip on her jaw, however.
For a moment Kikora thought her spells were working, the rage left his face and he almost agreed with her. She relaxed a bit, and sighed, hoping this meant she could avoid being raped. She wasn't lying, she did mean to help him... But he shook his head, and her eyes widened. By just his willower he broke though her spell, and backhanded her while cursing her species.

She gasped slightly, surprised, and openly stared when he grabbed her jaw, forcing her eyes to meet his. She winced as his claws dug in, and tried to pull back. His hand brabbed a breast, and she tried again to pull away as he squeezed hard. No man, even Elven, had ever touched her in such a way. She groaned in pain as he broke skin, blood tricking down her breasts.

He licked at the droplets, and ran his claws down her. She wimpered softly, and twisted against the bonds. "Please let me go..." She pleaded. "No games, no games... I will help you, but please don't rape me."
She was still trying to talk some manner of restraint into him. He figured that he'd at least amuse her for a bit, and asked "Just how would you propose to do that? 'Oh please, he really didnt mean to hurt anyone...'" he said as his hand reached her thighs, and started spreading them apart.

he now started licking further down, now at her abdomen.
Kikora shook her head as he mocked her. "I can... Make an appeal to the Elders..." She said, desperately trying to think, as he licked his way down her, towards her virgin womanhood. "We can claim this land as Elven territory, we have claim, and offically while the elders may own it, give it to you as your own territory... No humans can pass if we put up barriers..."

He moved lower and she gasped. "Please... Don't make it happen like this..."
He stopped and considered this for a second. Elves were known to keep their word, at least more often then those filthy humans... But then he reconsidered.

"I've already taken out more then 3 or 4 recon parties, and have taken out a couple of the humans 'prized' knights." as he points to a corner with a sheild that's been broken in half, and two helmets mounted in holes punched into the wall. "I'm not scared at all by the humans or Elves, so there's still nothing for me to gain."

he then removed his hand from her jaw, moved his hands under her body, and lifted her up in his arms so her sex is directly infront of his maw, one arm under each thigh. "Besides, what could they offer me that could compare to this?" as he runs his long, wet tounge up from her entrance to her clit.
He paused, and again she thought she might be getting through, but he brushed off her offer again. Her body trembled as he pointed out the helmets decorating the caves, held high to the wall. "Will you kill me when you're done?" She whispered as he lifted her, and cut off when his face moved in close to her womanhood. She shut her eyes tightly, and gasped when his tongue slid over her pussy, in one long lick. Her body arched and pushed against him, out of her control for a brief second. "Please stop!" She begged, losing the control in her voice.
"the thought had crossed my mind." as he continued licking her, creating a slurr in his voice. "But you're alot more... fun then the other people they sent to 'negotiate' with me." he noticed the tremor in her voice as well, and noticed she wasn't as ernest in her attemps to convince him anymore. He pulled his face away and looked up at her.

"Besides, if I didnt know any better, I'd say you were starting to enjoy this." He said, showing his sharp toothed smirk and his fur covered with her juices.
She tried not to buck against him as he licked, his voice creating a gentle rumble that sent shivers up her spine. She tried to bite back moans of pleasure as he touched senstive spots of her anatomy, and grew wetter with each little violation.

"I..." She broke off and looked away at his question, her face growing red. "I am not stone, I can feel."
He let out a low growl, knowing that she was his at that point. Only a small doubt in his mind that she would try to escape.

Then he gently put her down on her knees atop of a deer skin rug, arms still bound behind her back. She was now eye level with his twitching cock, his tail twitching in anticipation.
She was startled when he stopped licking, and picked her up. She struggled to understand what he wanted as he placed her gently onto the rug, and stood in front of her. His manhood stood out, large and proud right before, her, and she looked away, her face dark red. She had never seen a man like this before... It was intimidating. "What do you want?" She asked quietly. "Why are you showing me yourself...? I have never seen..."
He grabbed her hair before she could finish the sentance, pulled her back to his cock with a frustrated snarl and pressed it to her mouth.

"I want you to suck on my co....." he stopped mid sentance, and looked over his shoulder, his ear turning towards a noise he heard outside of the cave.

The fur on the back of his neck bristled as he told her"Looks like someone's either a fool, or is looking for you. Probably both." as he tosses her to the side with another loud growl.
Kikora gasped as he grabbedher, forcing her to face his rigid cock, and pressed it to her lips. Bound and defenseless she almost took it into her mouth then a voice echoes into the cave, and she was thrown aside, struggling to get up despite her binding.

Zayle finally tracked the trail back to a cave. He was not fooled, as the other trackers had been, by the apparent fall off the cliff. No, he knew Kikora too well to think she would wander so close to the unsteady ridge, and risk falling. Blood could easily be left behind if you had a body, living or dead. He shudderedf at the thought of the young elf dead, and reminded himself that if she were her attacker would not pick such a spot that they would not be able to find her body.

He straightened, and looked into the cave. "Do you have the Elven tracker, Kikora!" He called, "I mean you no harm, whoever you are, but release her!"
The warewolf spins around, and crouches to al fours, giving a intimidating snarl.

"You Elves and humans arent content enough running amok in my forest, now you defile my home with your presence?!? Give me one good reason why i shouldn't rip your juggular out right now!" as he starts backing up towards the wall.
The older Elf simply bowed, looking for Kikora, but she must be deeper in the cave. He was more eloquent then the emotional girl, evident by his respectful demeanor. "So you are the master of these woods?" He said calmly. "I do apologize for our intrusion, lord Wolf. Had we known one of your kind resides here we would have warded off the humans ourselves. I do hope my student has been kind to you, and take full responcibility for any rudeness she has displayed."
"hm. Aside from a little mouthy at first, I'd say she's been most hospitable, heh." Looking back over his shoulder where he tossed her. He remained on all fours, waiting for some sort of action.

"One could say it's been quite stimulating with her here."
Zayle chuckled, missing his meaning. "Kikora is still young, and has yet to learn how to control her tongue. It will come with age. If you would like she could come and visit you again, but only if you allow it. We would not wish to intrude upon your land, or disrupt you in any way."
He actually thought about this latest offering.

Shes obviously not shown an intent to leave, otherwise he'd hear her struggling.

and since the Elf Zayle here didnt get his joke, he doubted he'd be one to make a bluff.

"Lets say I go along with your plan. What happens when, not if, but when the humans attempt to violate this sheild/barrier or whatever you call it?" as he stands up to his full length.
Zayles eyes did not leave the wolf-man's. He was nude, but then that was not surprising given his species. "Humas rarely attempt to bypass out security." He said calmly. "More than ninty percent of the time our alerts rise, and we detain them long before they do harm. Again, this is rare. Humans are a lazy race, most would rather walk around than take the time to bypass powerful magic." He smiled reasonably. "Those that do are a dangerous lot that we do not want in our forest. I am sure either you can have us take care of it... Or do us the favor of ridding the woods of their presense youself." His words were entirely smooth, almost poetic, and he smiled without faltering.

Kikora managed to push herself up to a sitting position, but otherwise didn't move. Her master was out there, a man she respected more than any in the world. She could not let him see her like this. Both because it might endanger any progress he was making... And it humiliated her.
he was still smelling her scent, keeping him hard... this made the conversation akward, but not unbareable.

"Yes, I've got teh Elf-girl. she's here, and relativley safe." he looks back over his shoulder to see her sitting up, but making no effort to leave, a blush on her face.

"But I dotn think she's ready to leave yet." He said while looking at her.
Zayle nodded. "Would you give me permission toenter, so I may speak with her?" He asked politely."

Kikora's eyes grew wide, and she shook her head. She did not want him to see her nude, tied up, and vunerable like this.
The warewolf smirked... knowing that it would humiliate her a bit. He had something in mind that might be a different kind of fun.
Kikora held her breath hoping, praying, that he would find an excuse to keep her hidded. The wolf just smirked, and she swallowed.

Zayled moved over, trying to peak it without being noticed. Something was off... But he didn't know what, and his sharp eyes traveled back to the wolf again. "I would like to speak with her, if you would be so kind..."
"Sure, Elf-girl can stand up on her own now." He started walking around behind the rock she was hiding behind. "Of course, if she needs help..."

"come on in, have a seat over there. I'll help her up." he pointed to a boulder fasioned to be a chair, with an animal fur draped over it.
A blush crept over her cheeks as Zayle walked in and the werewolf approached. She stood quickly, her back to them both as she struggled to keep the humiliation from her face.

Zayle approached the chair, but froze when he saw Kikora stand. His mouth went dry as his eyes roamed across her once, before darting to the wolf. He had to conciously control his rage, keeping any negative emotion from his tone as he asked calmly, "Am I interupting?" He raised a brow. "I am afraid it is not commonly acceptable, this behavior... But seeing as she did invade you land." He broke off, unable to barter for his student. As a diplomet he should leave her for now... But to let this happen...
"Oh, I dont think youre interrupting that much." The warewolf mused. "things were just getting good, werent they, Elf-girl." as he grabs her shoulders, and turns her around.

He starts licking up her neck while staring down her teacher, rubbing his paws on her stomach.

"Of course, if you dont want to stay, you could always come back in a few minutes." as he let out a chuckle.
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