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On patrol


Sep 12, 2009
Too far south
Kikora checked over her gear, making sure she had everything. It was her first lone mission into the woods just outside their control, a wild and untamed land that the Elders had little control over. Rumor was there was a beast prowling this area, and what was normally a human job turned into Elf business when outrage spread far enough.

Still, the Elders must not to be too concerned, Kikora thought to herself, if they sent a trainee like her to scout in the place of a trained warrior. Still, she had a job to do, and without hesitation she tucked several throwing knifes into her belt loop and leapt into the trees, headed for the wild woods.

When she reached she dropped silently to the forest floor, her eyes scanning for any sign of danger before she straightened, and slowly began down the path, looking for any disturbances that could identify what it was she was looking for.
He smelled her. Fresh. Doubt she's ever been out of the town before, hahaha...

about a mile down the path, he patiently waited to catch a glimpse of his latest target. Smelled like an Elf... a young one at that, doubtful if she's over 70 years old.

then he caught sight of her... she must have thought she was being careful, but the blonde hair always gives it away. And *sniff, sniff* was she wearing perfume? He couldnt quite tell at this range.

he backed off a few hundred yards at a fast pace, hoping to catch her attention.
Kikora kept scouting. Her blonde hair waved behind her, but she didn't care at the moment. She doubted whatever creature was terrorizing this forest would be able to pick her out just based on that. Still, she cleaned off any lingering traces of Elven influence, scented baths, or flowery lotions. Shetried to enter the forsest scentless, if that was at all possible.

A noise forward caught her interest, and she reached behingher, pulling out several throwing knifes and holding them in her hand as she stalked closer.
He knew she was following him at this point. an Elf with any pride at all wouldnt let such a clumsy beast that would tell his position get away.

he picked up and threw a log down a steep riverbed, then prowled back through the trees, doubling back behind his prey.
Kikora heard the crashing and smirked. She started to where she heard it, careful not to glance over her shoulder. Whatever this creature was, it was smart, enought o think it could trick her. But rookieor not, she would not be fooled by such a simple trick, not when she could hear him run behind her.
he saw her, peering over the riverbed...

now was the time to strike, if there ever was one.

He lept from the tree branch he was sitting on, and at the last second, let out a loud growl, slashing towards her with his powerful claws... he always enjoyed watching the fear on the victims face jsut before the attack.
She waited, crouched to examine the riverbed as she heard him climb a tree behind her. When his lept, she rolled, and pulled out her knifes, heating them with her magic before throwing them at him.

She pulled herself to her feet, and pulled out a longer sword, begining a chant to bind him with the wildlife. Her voice echoed low across the land as the plants began to respond.
the knives dug into his attacking forarm, injuring him. he did a backslash and removed them in a single throw.

He saw her draw her sword, and start chanting a spell. He never bothered to learn the ancient magic language, but he knew it wasn't good.

he used his superhuman speed and agility to quickly advance on her before she could unleash her spell. he body tackles her, and springjumps back up to his feet, knowing that the elf would have some other trick up her sleave.

dispite what he had originally thought, this elf DID know what she was doing.
Kikora grinned as her knifes hit her mark, watching as the wolf tore them and threw them off. She chanted faster, but he was already charging her, and all her speed couldn't help her evade. He slammed into her with enough force to make her gasp, and she rolled over, trying to get enough air in her lungs to breath, mch less attack.

She grabbed another set of throwing knifes, knowing she should ration them, but sent a few flying in his direction. She Forced herself to her knees, her eyes trained on the werewolf.
the second barrage of knives didnt even get close, he must have hit her harder then he thought.

she was still straining to get up when he lept off a tree from his forward spring and slashed at her with his claws again.
She gasped as he attacked, raising her sword to block, and swing in a wide arch. Her lungs still burned painfully, but she forced herself to stand, raising into a defensive pose. "Why areyou here?" She gasped out.
he growled, and said "This is my forest, I should be asking YOU that!" as he lept forward, dodged to the right and tried bashing her hand with his clenched fist, in an attempt to make her drop the sword.
"If you are the one attacking human travelors it is my job to detain you!" She snapped back, before yelping as his fist struck her hand. She almost dropped her sword, but changed her grip, leaping beck a few paces. "This can be resolved peacefully if you are willing to talk..."
"hmm. Talking is for the weak, the weak have no buisness in the forest, dont you elf's know that??"

as he started forward again, this time leaping just above her and kicking her in teh back of the head, making her stumble forward.
Kikora was about to say something else when he attacked, and hit her in the back of the head. She stumbled forward, losing her balence. He hit her just right... Likely on purpose too... That she crumbled after a step, and struggled to pick herself up, her muscles not responding right. The damage was only temporary, but for now... She was defenseless.
he stalked up behind her, s growl permiating his lips.

he kicked away her sword, and ripped the bag off her back. then he picked her up by the front of her dress with one hand, and pulled her in close to his face.

"so, you want to know what happens to the people who 'dissapear'?" he laughes as he knocks her on the head, knocking her out cold.

he slings her over his back, holding onto her dress and grabs a few supplies from her bag.

he lept away through the trees, back to his cave, and binded her with some rope from her bag.
Kikora's eyes grew wide as he picked her up, and she opened her mouth to protest, before his blow knocked her out completely. She went limp in his hands as he slung her over his shoulder.

She started to wake up some time later, and struggled against the ropes, looking around her carefully to try to think of where she was.
"Dont bother" he said to her, not even sure if he could hear her yet. "I tied those ropes so tight, there's no way youre getting out."

as he walks over to her, he starts by using a claw to pick her cin up and meet his gaze, then licks up the side of her face.

"mm.... so pretty. what are they doing sending such a young one after ME? hm."

then he takes his claw and starts tracing it down to her dress, tearing through the fabric like butter.

Once halfway down the bust, he puts his hand inside the cut and rips the top half of the dress open, exposing her breasts.
Kikora pulled against the ropes anyway, but he was right, they were far too tight for her to break free. He walked over, and lifted her chin with a claw, and she did her best to not wince as he slid his tongue up the side of her cheek.

His claw began to slice apart her dress and she bit back a scream. "You can't do this! Let me go!" She growled, "My people will not let this happen."
"Ha-ha-ha, 'you're people' probably think you're dead by now. your supplies, your sword and knives, the blood. and all right next to the deepest ravine in the forest with a trail leading down like someone fell. Even if they wanted to, they'd never be able to get down there and find a body."

he laughed again as he tore the bottom part of her dress in a similar fasion.
Kikora's eyes grew wide, and she shook her head. "They wont be so easily fooled." She growled, and yelped as he cut away her dress. "Let me go now, and I will make sure my people will treat you fairly." She said, trying again to stay calm.
"Treat me fairly, just like you did when you first saw me, right? Ha!" as he stands up, takes a step away from her. "That's what he told me, too." as he pointed over to the fire pit, there was a leg cooking from what could only be assumed as the previous 'ranger'.

"I tried being the good guy, just scaring people away, those damned humans think they own everything. Well, I got my territory too!" as he turned back around to face her, examining his prey.
Kikora frowned, this wolf was twisting the facts, but she refused to let him manipulate her. "I was just scouting." She pointed out. "Weapons to defend myself, but I did not attack you, you pounced onto me." She pulled again at the binds, eyes narrowing when all she could do was strain against the ropes. "I did nothing wrong, I was just there to see what was making the humans vanish. We could still have these woods declared yous, I could make an appeal to the elders..." She tried to reason with him, but the leg in the pit made her stomach toss some. She glanced back, keeping her expression clear. "Are you planning on eating me?"
"In a matter of speaking..." he says as he leans down and licks from her cleavage, up around her neck, stopping just at her jawline.

"I'm planning on enjoying you a bit differently though, heh..."

he then grabs her around her waist and heaves her up over his massive shoulder. he puts her up on a rock on the other side of the cave, and rips her panties off with his claws.
She didn't have to ask what he meant by 'in a manner of speaking' the tongue he ran up her skin spoke clearly for itself. She shved, and stared at him in horror as he lifted her, and set her on a rock, his claws ripping away her panties. "Please, you shouldn't do this." Her voice echoes slightly in his head, her power of influence, a common spell. She hoped, prayed it would make him reconsider his action... To release her. "We are not the same species, and I wish to help you... I am not your enemy..." She continued, her charm still in effect.
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