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Is it the alcohol, or is it me? (guile21 and ms_muffintops)


Oct 12, 2009
Drury Lane
"We'll be back Sunday afternoon dear, tell your brother that. And no parties!" Ami's parents said as they stepped out the door, leaving their daughter. They were going to a friend's wedding and would be gone all weekend. Ami waved as she shut the door behind her and locked it. She looked around the quiet house.

"Wow..", she thought to herself, "No parents until Sunday.." She smirked, the whole house would be hers for the weekend. Well, her's and her brother's, but she didn't mind his company at all. Unlike most brothers and sisters, they were like best friends, it surprised some people.

Ami wasn't the type of girl to have a party, although she was still surprised her parents left her and her brother alone for the weekend. She knew she'd definitely take advantage of the weekend and cut loose, perhaps raid her parent's bar. She knew which drinks they wouldn't notice her drinking from.

"Mom and dad are gone now!", she yelled, hoping her brother would hear her, "They won't be back until Sunday! What do you want to do?!" If she was going to drink, why not see if he wanted to drink. It is better to drink with a partner than alone.
"All right!" Sam shouted down the hall. he'd been anticipating this for a while. He now had access to the bar all weekend! That is, if his older sis didnt rat him out first.

fiured he'd test the waters first "How about raid their bar first?" he mused. "I'm sure they said 'no parties, blah-blah-blah' but they never said we couldnt enjoy the weekend!"
Ami nodded as she walked into their dads office that was decorated like a Man's hut. She stepped behind the bar examining all of the bottles, there was a wide range of drinks, ranging from light beers to hard liquors. She was clueless as to how potent some of the stuff was, but all she cared about was the taste.
"Holy shit sis, you're serious?" she always seemed to be more the goody-goody of the two of them, ever since they were kids.

"what do you think is the hardest thing in there?" He wanted to get drunk.. quick.
Ami rummaged through all of the bottles looking for something for Same. She pulled out a bottle of Tequila and Brandy. "These should be strong..", she said smirking at him. She turned around and continued to search through the bottles for something she'd like, if no, she'd just drink whatever Sam drank. She didn't want to get stumbling over drunk, she just wanted to cut loose.
Sam looked at both bottles and decided to try the tequila... it was clear, so it couldnt be too harsh...

as he cracked the bottle open, he immediatley knew he was wrong... He gave a wince as he smelled the drink.
Ami chose out a bottle of strawberry schnapps. Common, tasty, but not too potent. She placed it down on the counter and put the Brandy bottle away. She looked at Sam who seemed to be a bit disgusted by his drink of choice. She put down a glass in front of him, and cocked a brow, "So are you going to drink it?", she asked him as she twisted open the schnapps bottle.
"Y.....yeah! I told you I wanted the hardest thing mom and dad have..." He retorted. Hoping his bullheadedness wouldnt come back to bite him in the ass.

he poured himself a full glass, not realizing how potent the alcohol was. He watched as his sister poured her drink, then held up his as if making a toast.
Ami grinned at her brother as she closed the bottle and held up her glass. She knew Sam would be drunk much sooner than she was, and hoped for something embarrassing to happen to him for her to take a picture of while she was still sober.

"Cheers", she said with a giggle as she took a sip of her drink. Her drink wasn't rancid tasting at all. In fact, it tastes sweet, like a tarty juice. She sighed as she swallowed her first sip.
He took a sip of his drink, after clinking glasses with his sister "To the weekend!"

He hesitated when it was time to drink, just to make sure she took her sip.

When he saw her start drinking, he tried drinking it like soda.

Then his eyes got real wide as he put the glass down real quick and started coughing. "Aw GOD! THIS is the shit Dad drinks all the time? Tastes like lighter fluid!"
Ami giggled and poured some more into his glass. She smirked at Sam and rested against the bar while taking a sip of her drink.

"You said you wanted to get drunk fast..", she commented as she shrugged.

She was getting a little excited, she and her brother had never had the house to themselves before. She knew they'd have fun, they were only a year apart and most thought they were twins. They might as well have been. And little did he know, she had a camera in her pocket, ready to flash when he started stumbling.
another glass down, and Sam tells his sis "I cant see how he drinks this shtuff... uh, I mean stuff... all the time."

His throat burned a bit, but he didnt want to look like a pussy infront of his sis... she'd never let him live it down and she'd tell everyone at school about it.
Ami finished off her first drink and poured herself another.

She grabbed the bottle and walked over to their father's desk. She rested her feet up on the desk and lounged back before taking a sip. She smirked as she watched him force the powerful liquid down his throat. She didn't get why he was so determined.
After finishing the third glass in ten minutes with one gulp, the burn not bothering him as much anymore, his competitivness... and the liquor... was really hitting him.

He looked over at his sis, realizing she's only had one drink so far.

"Ha-ha..." he said "I'be alredy had three drinksh.... you habent even had two yet." He axaggerated the point by holding up two fingers.

"I think that... I need to take a.... little break." as he started wobbling a bit on the chair.

"Where's da soda?" he tried peering over the bar, but slid off the stool and landed flat on his ass, laughing as he did so.
Ami walked over to her brother and grabbed the glass and the bottle. She giggled and shook her head. She had indeed had two drinks, but her drinks weren't as powerful so she was only a little buzzed, if anything at all.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him up, "No more for you", she said with a smirk. She led him to the leather couch of their father's study that sat in front of a masculine fireplace with a deers head placed on the mantle.
as his sister was helping him over to the couch, he couldnt help looking down her shirt. "hehe.... boobs." He playfully grabbed her right breast.

He used to tease her when she was younger about having a small chest. But when he grabbed her chest this time, he realized how much she'd changed.

His face flushes when his brain registers what he just did.
Ami gasped and jumped back on the couch when he grabbed her breasts. She smirked when she thought of the irony.

He indeed had always teased her about having small breasts when they were younger, but she grown very much and blossomed. She laughed nervously as she looked at him, "Yeah, I think you drank too much.." she said, figuring if he had resorted to groping her.
"shoory about that..." as his face got redder.

he satred up at the ceiling and muttered "but they are nice..." He said with a smirk.... then wondered why he didnt keep his mouth shut...
Ami decided to start teasing him. If anything, she could tease him about how he hit on her while drunk. Normally she wouldn't have done it, but her inhibitions had been lowered.

"You uh... wanna see them?", she asked with a giggle, half joking, wondering how he'd react.
His eyebrow purked up, as he said "Yeah, sure!" and he sat up in the couch, daring her to actually try it.
Ami smiled innocently as she gripped the bottom of her shirt and lifted it , also pulling up her bra. A large supple pair of breasts bounced out of her shirt, appearing in front of him.

Her giggled softly behind her shirt, curious about how he'd react. She thought to herself, knowing her luck, it'd back fire on her.
In his drunken stupor, he timidly reached forward and felt her tits... They were the most beautiful things he ever laid eyes on.

"Wow, sis, they're great... and sho friggin big!" as he buries his face in them.
Ami gasped and jumped and let go of her shirt once she felt his hands on the warm soft mounds she had been hiding from him.

"Uh um... wow..", she said as he burried his face into them. Her cheeks turned a bright red. She wanted to pull the camera out and take a picture of him, but she knew she'd regret it as well, so she decided to hold off on the picture.

"Y-y-you like them..?", she asked in a nervous quivered voice as her brother smothered his face into her cleavage. Her breasts were very sensitive, each touch sent little tingles through her body.
"mmmhmmm..." he mumbled into her cleavage.

Pulling his face out, his hair was a mess. His cheeks were also flushed after drinking so much.

after looking at her another second, still rubbing her chest, he says with a mischevious grin "You know... I think you should go topless thish weekend. I mean, I've already sheen them, the secrets out."
Ami shrugged and pulled her shirt and bra off. She had already embarrassed herself, and if he was drunk enough, he wouldn't remember the night and she could always put her shirt back on. She couldn't deny liking him playing with her breasts though.

She looked away from him, her cheeks still red and bit her lip. Her large breasts were bulging out between his fingers that had gripped them.
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