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Forgotten Realms of Pleasure (Dkitty & Cysma)

Telva's grabbing his leg only worried him more, as he wasn't sure what she was going to do with him. He tried to push her off of him until she resurfaced.

He looked slightly more relieved when the drow apologized to him. "I...I was afraid you were going something to me...I've had my sex drive taken advantage of in the past, so I wasn't sure..." some of the bad memories filled his mind for a moment. A monster posing as a beautiful maiden to lure in its prey was one of the oldest tricks in the book. "Telva...please promise to me that you are not going to hurt me in any way, shape, or form..." He said, looking to her in the water.
Telva tilted her head to one side as she listened to Cysma, she to had been taken advantage before when she was younger. Her brother had been mad at her mother from time to time and had taken it out on her. He had slipped her a potion that made her compliant and then took her to the slave pins. There he let the male slave use her until they had their fill. She had been livid at the time but later had found the experience rather enlightening. Thanks to that time she now let her curiosity about sex with other males become reality.

Talva smiled at him and sunk beneath the water. She quickly swam around behind him and then up popped out and wrapped her arms around his strong shoulder. She loved how his light colored skin felt as her hard dark grey nipples brushed against his back. “Cysma. If I wanted to hurt you I would have done it when you were out side. Not in here.” She then pushed herself up onto his back so she could look at his face. “Besides, I get lonely in here and would love to have your company.” She kissed him on her cheek and brushed her flat tummy against his back then pushed off and swam away from him. With that she dove down to the bottom of the pool and touched the rocks. Fairy Fire! The rocks began to glow soft blue filling the pool with its light. Then she swam back up to the surface. Smoothing the silvery white hair away from her red eyes, Talva smiled again at Cysma. “Better?”
"Ah...that looks better. It looks...enchanting..." He wasn't sure what words to use here, but something about that light felt mystical. "Well, I didn't see what chances a naked drow would have had against a fully-armored adventurer, so I thought that you might have lured me in here to get me to let down my guard. I am sorry I suspected you." He explained, his eyes wondering back down to her chest. Before he realized what he was doing, he put his hands on her naked breasts and began groping them. Oh, so this is what a drow's breasts feel like! Wait, I'm touching her breasts? Gulp... Cysma looked into her eyes when he found out what he was doing, afraid of what she might do to him for this...
Telva laughed at the thought of Cysma worrying about her. How silly he must be to think she would want to hurt him. She swam a bit closure to him. “Yes, your right it would be dumb for a naked drow to fit some one in armor.”

She started to say something else but before she could she felt something grab her small firm breast. Telva’s eyes widened in surprise then she looked down to see what it was. To her relief she saw Cysma’s strong hands on her breast. She groaned softly as she felt his callused fingers work over her smooth soft black skin. The blue glow from below let her see the contrast between his light skin and her obsidian completion. She closed her red eyes as she felt his hand touch her hard dark grey nipples. “Mmmm, finally!” she said.

Telva opened her eyes and saw the worried look on Cysma’s handsome face. She smiled at him and quickly brushed his hands away. Then she reached out and wrapped her slender arms around his neck and her slender legs around his lower back. A shiver ran through her as she felt the shaft of his cock rub against her swollen hard clit. She could felt the head of his cock just below her belly button trapped between their naked bodies. All it would take was a little lifting of her up and he would be in position to enter her hot open drow pussy. With her nose touching his she said, “Maybe it was me who need to be worried.” She then turn her head to one side and closed her eyes as she kissed him passionately, her hard grey nipples digging into his chest
"I...I'm sorry! I was getting ahead of myself there...or something..." The adventurer said, referring to him groping her naked breasts. He then felt her wrap her arms around him, and then his legs as well! Was she trying to bring him down? No, of course not. She wasn't exactly heavy enough to drag him down with her weight alone, and he was all but certain he could overpower her if things started taking a turn for the worse.

Wait, why was he thinking about all of this? Get a clue, Cysma! A part of his mind told him. You have this really hot girl here; she has shown no intentions of harming you, she just wants to have sex with you! It is with this that he finally managed to let go of all of his doubt.

He felt the tip of his sensitive penis press against the drow's slit, and a smile came to his face. "All right...I get it..." He lifted her up just a bit by her hindquarters so she was at just the right height for him to push his shaft into her obsidian folds, and he did exactly that, gasping in pleasant surprise as he did so, feeling her inner tunnel around his member. "This...this is what you are after...and I am glad to give it to you!"
Telva was happy when she felt him let go of his suspicions about her. The way he kissed her let her know that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She pulled her mouth away from his as she felt his strong rough hands grab onto the back of her thighs and left her up. She moaned as she felt the tip of his hard cock drag across her swollen dark clit as he moved her into position. She smiled at him then closed her red eyes as she felt the tip of his cock touch the open obsidian lips of her pussy. She gasped as she felt the tip push into her open pussy for the first time.

Her slender dark body shivered as she felt his hard cock slid into her tight pussy. Inch by inch it went opening her up so she would fit like a master work glove around his human cock. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she gasped for air. “Mmmm, Cysma that’s what I’m after.” She kissed his lips again as she felt the tip of his cock touch the opening to her womb. She knew it wasn’t likely for him to impregnate some one from her race with just one time but it was fun to take the chance every time she did. She almost laughed to herself wondering if he thought she used her potion to not get pregnant. She pulled away from his lips and looked into his eyes. “If you make me happy I’ll let do it as many times as you want.” She winked at him and got ready for what he would give her.
The adventurer slowly began wiggling his hips in the water to move his member about in her pussy. The movements were subtle at first, but as he got a feeling for what her insides were like he began to make bigger and bigger thrusts. Eventually he would be pressing himself inside of her all the way to the hilt, and would pull out of her all the way to where only the head of his shaft was inside, and would do this with every thrust.

He worked to get the rhythm right, trying to get what felt the best for him, and he hoped that the rhythm he found brought pleasure for Telva as well. He made sure that she had her arms wrapped around him so she would not fall, and he used one of his hands to grope and fondle one of her breasts in time with their thrusting. It would be a cycle of pleasure for her, or so he had hoped. He watched her face and listened to her reactions to see how well he was doing.

Eventually Telva's folds began to be filled with more than just the water that they were submerged in; it was some of Cysma's precum, and soon after, he finally released his orgasm from the overflow of pleasure, pouring his hot seed inside of the drow as he gasped out in ecstasy.
Telva moaned as Cysma thrusts began to get harder bumping the inner opening to her Drow womb as the hilt of his Human cock slapped against her dark pussy lips. She tried her best to counter thrust down on his hard cock but the water and their floating position made it difficult. She couldn’t wait to get him in a bed. Her dark grey nipples tingled as he worked her small breast in time to his hard thrusting with his strong calloused hands making her slender fingers dug into his shoulder.

“Oh, gods! Cysma don’t stop!” Telva shouted between loud gasp for air. Her head fell back as her red eyes closed. Her wet silvery white hair slapped at the water as their fucking made the pool of water churn around them. She felt his body start to tense and his hard thrust slowing down. She heard his grunts getting louder and knew it was close.

Then she felt his body tensed more as he thrust into her pussy harder then before. Telva pushed her body down so the head of his cock was against the opening to her womb. Next she felt a hot explosion deep inside her and the wonderful feeling of his Human cock throbbing against her tight Drow inner sheath. Telva clamped down on his throbbing cock milking it of all his seed as she moaned her pleasure loudly. “Mmmm, fill me up.” Then she pulled her body close to his and rested her head on his shoulder. Her breath was ragged as she gasped for air. “That… was… great.”
The adventurer was left all but breathless in the afterglow of his orgasm. He felt the drow's embrace and smiled. He kept his member inside her warm slit long after he orgasmed. "Telva..." He said, his voice just above a whisper. "I would like to stay with you...if you would let me." He gave her a long, passionate kiss on on the lips and then pulled his length out of her, getting out of the water. He went around lighting more torches to see better, and waited to dry off so he could sit on her bed. He also waited for Telva to step out of the water, and asked her to hold still a minute so he could enjoy the sight of her anterior. He looked to see how the torchlight reflected her skin when she was wet.
Telva could feel Cysma’s warm breath on her smooth obsidian shoulder. She smiled realizing that he was out of breath to. The hard feeling of his cock still pressed against the opening to her womb made her purr out a sigh. She smiled at the thought of his human seed deep inside her drow pussy.

She heard her name spoken softly in her long ear and raised her head up to look at his handsome face. She could see the desire behind his warm eyes desire for her. She smiled at him but before she could answer his request his warm lips on hers. Telva closed her red eyes and drank in the loving kiss of her new human lover. Yes, she should let him stay it would be better then having to search the village for sex and he was really good too. Telva opened her eyes as she felt his cock pull out of her used pussy. It was a bit swore but in the good way, she would have to make him work that out soon. She swam behind Cysma as he made his way to the rocky shore of the pool. She smiled as he walked out of the pool water dripping from his naked pale human body. Mmm, cute ass. She thought licking her lips as she used the water to clean up a bit.

“Yes. I’ve decided that you I will let you stay. Under one condition. “She winked at him as he lit more torches. “Do what you did in the pool to me anytime you want it or I want it.” It was an easy request one that she knew he would want to keep. As Telva walked out of the water the cool cave air maked her obsidian skin tingle. Rivulets of water cascade down her smooth black skin, over her small dark breast and down her tight little dark ass. Stopping so her lover could enjoy the glossy shine of her drow skin in the touch light, Telva reached over her slender shoulder and grasped her silvery white hair. She gently twisted it letting the water ran down her smooth back over her tight dark ass. A pleasant laugh fell from her delicate lips as Cysma asked her to let him look at her. Men were al the same when it came to a beautiful naked women. “Do you like what you see?” She said as she crossed the distance to stand in front of him on the bed. She could feel something else start to run down her smooth black inner thighs. But there was more were his seed came from.
Cysma looked up in awe at the sight of the beautiful naked drow girl as she stood over him. He leaned back on the bed to look at her, thrusting out his crotch in the process, his penis growing erect a second time from seeing her. He especially loved the sight of her breasts and her pussy, which he himself penetrated just minutes ago. "Yes, Telva. I do like what I see." He said. "Do you like being seen like this?"

"Also, I don't know if you would be of any help, but I have heard that nymphs live in these woods..." He said. "Would you know if this is true? I have been trying to study them myself. If there is anything you can tell me about them, I would like to know." He explained, revealing his original reason for coming here.
Telva looked down at the handsome human’s naked body. But what caught her attention even more was the sight of his hard pale cock. She laughed sweetly and shook her head yes. “Mmm, I love what I see.” Her red eyes flicked up to his then back to his hard cock. “Yes. I love being naked. It’s more natural. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make an illusion to make it look like I’m clothed.”

“Nymphs?” she looked away as she thought about that. Cysma’s cock was ever distracting. “Oh there is one near by. She lives by a lake that way.” She waved her slender hand toward the entrance to the cave. “Her name is Dewdrop, I think. I don’t talk to her much. There are trolls guarding her area of the woods and she made me promises not to hurt them.” She looked back at his hard pale cock. “Just be glad you didn’t walk up to her unannounced.” She waved her hands in front of her eyes. “She can make you blind for life if you had walked up and scared her.”

Telva licked her dark lips as she saw a drop of precum pop out on the top of his hard cock. “I think we need to take care of this first.” She slowly squatted down until she was on her knees in front of him. She could feel the stickiness of his cum on her outer pussy lips when she leaned forward over his crotch. They would have time later to fill her up again so she didn’t worry about the little rivets of cum on her smooth thighs. She reached out her slender black hand and gently grasped his hard cock the contrast between their skin tones looked great. Telva then looked up at him and smiled as she lowered her mouth down to the base of his cock. Her dark red tongue came out and slowly licked up the shaft until she came to the head of his pale cock. Then she opened her mouth and slowly slid his cock into it. As she gently started to suck on his cock her red eyes looked up to see how he liked it.
"You know, I actually know a person who does just that. He casts an illusion of clothing onto his body." Cysma said. "His name is Kurokami."

"Dewdrop...what does she look like? I have a bestiary in my pack that I'm filling out myself. I'm trying to sketch as many creatures as I possibly can." He smiled at the thought of meeting a nymph.

The adventurer gasped and moaned slightly when he felt the drow's hands wrap around his sensitive penis, and moaned louder still when she put her lips around his shaft. His face gave off an expression of satisfaction as she sucked on him, and he leaned backwards more, supporting his upper body with his arms.
Telva listened to Cysma as he talked about the person he knew. She would have to meet this guy and see if she could learn that spell. She sucked his hard cock deep into her mouth then pulled her head back until her lips were just around the head of his cock. Then she used her dark red tongue to lick the little slit at the top of the head. Telva could tell by the gasps and moans that he was enjoying himself.

Telva pulled her head back letting his pale human cock fall into her slender hand. She looked up at him and smiled while slowly jerking him off. “Umm, she’s taller then me. Has very long green hair and light blue skin with these little silvery speckles on it.” Telva quickly licked some pre-cum off his cock head. “Grey eyes, slender like me but bigger breast.” Her other hand came up and gently took a hold of his hair covered balls and started rubbing them gently. She loved how males of most races had that fuzzy covering over their balls, it tickled her smooth pussy when she had sex making it feel much better. “She’s a bit shy but chatty if she likes you.” She started to lick his cock again but stopped. “Oh and she doesn’t wear any clothes.” She looked up at him and arched one silvery white eyebrow. “And she is very petty. Much more then me.” She laughed. “I won’t be jealous if you get the chance to fuck her. I would. Oh and yes I’d like to see your friend about the spell.””

Telva tossed her hair silvery white back over her black shoulder and turned her head as she opened her mouth and took his cock back into her. She loved the way his precum tasted when his cock twitched and a little spurt popped out into her mouth. She rolled her dark red tongue around the under side of his shaft then started moving head her up and down on his hard cock.
Cysma listened carefully to everything Telva had to say, though it took him effort to do so because of what she was doing to him, how it felt so good. "I will look for Kurokami...if I get the chance." He managed to say. When she described Dewdrop, he tried visualizing the nymph, imagining how beautiful she must be, though he would expect nothing less from a nymph. This made him more excited, and Telva got to taste a little more of his seed because of this. He eventually leaned forward to put a hand on her shoulder, his way of showing his appreciation for what she was doing.
Telva sucked on Cysma cock as she listened to him try and talk. She wondered what the male he was talking about looked like and if she could fuck him also. It was the best way to pay for services rendered. As she bobbed her head up and down she felt the head of his human cock pump the opening to her throat, thankfully long ago she had lost the gag reflex and now could take a males cock deep into her throat.

Then as she was messaging his hairy human balls she felt them twitch. Many times of sucking men’s cock let her know what was coming next and she moved her head back until only his cock head remained in her drow mouth. Telva ran her dark red tongue over his head as she got ready for his seed. It didn’t take long until she heard Cysma groan loudly and his cock tensed in her mouth. Quickly she wrapped her lips around the head just in time too. As she felt his hot human seed exploded into her mouth Telva sucked and swallowed it down. Each time his hard cock throbbed and shot into her ready mouth she suck it down and waited for more.

After the last short throb produced the last shot of cum Telva felt Cysma’s warm hand on her shinny ebony shoulder. It was a tender gesture that she didn’t miss his meaning. She quickly licked his cock clean and sat back on her feet. She could feel some of the sticky remains of their first sexing on her smooth calves. Next she reached over to a small alcove and pulled out a flask of water. She drank some to slack her trust and clean her mouth out. Then with a smile she stood up and crawled over his body onto the bed. When she was directly over him she lay down on top and offered the water. “This should help your thrust my handsome human.” She loved the way was body felt under hers, her dark grey nipples pressed in the warm hair of his muscled chest. Her flat tummy against his rippled belly. The smooth hairless mound above her pussy against his semi hard cock. Her slender obsidian legs on either side of his strong muscular legs. She purred out, “That was fun.”
Cysma was left panting heavily after he came, having done so twice in such a short amount of time. Though he was a fighter with a considerable amount of stamina, orgasming three times over a short time felt like a bit much for him. "Telva...I don't know if I can do it..." He said. He looked a little confused when he was handed the water flask. "What am I supposed to do with this? Drink it?"

But he knew that Telva was not yet satisfied. He needed to please her still, and was happy to oblige. As she straddled him, he took her breasts in his hands and squeezed them gently. He fondled them for a while, then leaned his head up to them, and rolled his tongue along one of her breasts. He began to lick both of them. The adventurer wondered if he had what it takes to make a drow lactate.
Telva laughed at the tired look on Cysma’s face as he talked. He wasn’t a teenage boy that could go four or five times before passing out so she wasn’t about to try again unless he really wanted to.

“Yes, you silly human. Drink the water to help your thirst.” She was about to say something else but she felt him gently take her obsidian breast and gently squeeze them. She closed her red eyes and purred her pleasure at feeling his rough fingers fondling her firm dark breast. Telva gasped as she felt his tongue caress her breast then over her dark grey nipples leaving a warm wet strike across them. This human was like most other men she had been with. Always trying to act like a baby and milk her breast. She smiled at the knowledge that even thou she made a potion to keep other females from getting pregnant, she herself never used it. She didn’t want a child but if it happened she would definitely keep it.

Telva had even found a way to turn her potion into something else. After a female drank it for one day she could have a child with any male that tried with, no matter what they were. Thanks to that there were a few half dwarf/half human children in town. She had to put a flavoring in it to keep some of the men from slipping it into women’s drinks without them knowing it. And a few had tried with her too. The new potion didn’t sell as much but it still made a profit.

Telva moaned at the felling of Cysma’s lips on her obsidian breast. Then she smiled as she felt his hardening human cock against her smooth hairless mound. “I think there’s one more in you, my handsome human.” She said as she reached back to help him slid his cock into her wet drow pussy.
Cysma took a swig of the water flask after he worked his tongue over Telva's nipples before dropping it to free his hands. He then went to kiss the drow on the lips just before he felt her guiding his length inside of her again.

"Telva...if you had that spell that cast an illusion of clothing onto your body...what would you do with it, I wonder? Remember that a mere illusion does not protect you from the elements, or from touch." He said this shortly after breaking off the kiss. He put his hands on her hips to try to help her thrust up and down on top of him. Because he was starting to get tired, it would take him longer to orgasm this time. "And after I get some rest...can you show me to Dewdrop? I figure she would be more friendly to me if you brought me to her..."
Telva closed her red eyes and groaned as she felt Cysma’s human cock head touch her open wet drow pussy lips. She bit her lower lip and shivered as she used her weight to push his cock into her tight dark red pussy. Inch by inch she felt it slide deep in to her. It was hard for her to answer him until she felt his cock head touch her open womb. Before she could open her mouth to answer she felt Cysma’s lips on hers then she kissed him back passionately felting his tongue against hers.

She opened her red eyes after their kiss and smiled at Cysma’s handsome human face. “I could go out more without town’s people complaining about me being naked.” Telva pulled her legs up until her knees were next to his hips and she could sit on his lap. “I can use a spell against elements for a short time and mage armor will protect me form harm as long as I don’t get into physical combat.” Telva placed her hands on either side of his head and slowly started rocking her hips up and down on his hard cock. It felt much better without water making less friction inside her. She grunted as she felt him help her thrusting up and down on him.

“Mmm, after this I’ll need some rest to.” With that Telva leaned back until her hands were on his legs then she began rolling her hips back and forth on his hard human cock. “We can see Dewdrop after a nice rest. It would be better because she may accidently blind you if you startle her and I may have to distract her troll bodyguards to.” She then let her head fall back let her silvery white hair brush against the smooth obsidian skin of her back and the torch light glistened off the glossy black sin of her chest and tummy. “Ohh! You feel so good, Cysma!”
Cysma listened carefully to what Telva had to say, all the while penetrating her inner folds and even her womb. He still had a few more questions for her.

"So Dewdrop has troll bodyguards...tell me what they are like. How are you planning to distract them? Will you be all right?" He asked. Shortly afterward, his excitement built up to its breaking point, where he gasped and moaned loudly as he poured his hot human seed into the drow's folds. He smiled up at her as he watched how her skin reflected the candlelight. He slowly pulled himself out of her as he basked in the afterglow of their sex.
Telva grunted as she felt Cysma cock head pop into her womb. With her head back she smiled at the ceiling of her cave as she bounced on his hard cock making it’s head pop in and out of her womb. Telva knew that the more cum she got that deep inside her drow womb the more likely she could become with child. She still felt if it happened it happened by why not help it out a bit.

She heard Cysma’s warm voice and titled her head forward to look at him throw half closed red eyes. She purred out a moan and smiled. “Oh, their taller then you and with green skin and long black hair. Real big muscles but not to smart. Not the most handsome creatures but they can be distracted if a attractive female pays attention to them.” She gently place her right hand over her pubic area then slowly moved it up her glossy black skin passed her tight tummy and over her small firm breast. “Now how do you think I’ll distract them? And don’t worry about me, they won’t hurt me. At least not in any way that wouldn’t be pleasurable.”

Telva licked her soft lips as she looked at the human’s handsome face. It wasn’t long until she felt his body tensing under her as he gasped and moaned. Then she felt his hand dig into her skin as his cock throbbed and she felt his human seed start to explode deep inside her drow pussy. With the first blast of hot cum Telva pushed down so his cock head was deep inside her womb. She shivered as she felt his hard cock throb again and again as he emptied his seed into her. Telva smiled down at him as they both tried to catch their breath. Telva then lay down on top of Cysma and rolled to his right side as he pulled his spent cock out of her full pussy. She snuggled against his sweaty human body enjoying the afterglow of great sex making sure to clamp her legs together to keep his seed from leaking out. “That was great Cysma!”
The adventurer smiled as he lay beside the drow, taking into consideration her explanation. "Hmm...I'd like to visit her whenever you're ready to take me there, Telva. Also, would you mind if I...stayed here in this cave for a few days, perhaps? If you don't want me to, I understand, you probably only have enough food for yourself, but it would be nice if you could tell me where the nearest inn is if you don't want me staying with you." He embraced the drow with one arm as she lay beside him.
Telva ran her dark slender finger round in a circle on Cysma chest as he talked to her. She smiled when he asked to stay with her for a few days. She had had other males say the same thing to her before. She had let them stay and enjoyed sex with them but never saw them again after they left. She thought about the warm seed deep inside her womb. Even though she felt if it happened it happened about being with child she still wouldn’t mind the company of a little one around her.

She stretched and laid her head on his shoulder. She looked up at his handsome face with her red eyes and brushed some stray stands of slivery hair out of her face. “Mmm, we can visit Dewdrop after a little rest.” Then Telva closed her eyes and smiled. “And you can stay as long as you like Cysma. I have enough food for a week and we can get more from town if it’s needed.” She wrapped one slender obsidian leg around his leg then she rubbed her heel up and down the hairy leg. “Besides, wouldn’t you rather want me to be your wench then some ugly human girl?” Her voice betraying her tiredness from the great sex of the last few minutes.
"Hmmm...then I would like to remain here since you are kind enough to offer." He said to the drow. "As an adventurer I spend a lot of time wondering where I'll be sleeping each night. It takes a lot off of my mind when someone offers lodging." He smiled a bit as he felt Telva's slender leg running up and down his slightly muscular one. He slowly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of something he would immediately forget about the moment he awakened.

When he did awaken, he slowly sat up and looked around for Telva. The adventurer then got to his feet and headed over to the cave's entrance to look out to the sky, seeing how much the time of day had changed to get an idea of how long he had been asleep.
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