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Forgotten Realms of Pleasure (Dkitty & Cysma)


Aug 18, 2009
“Okay. One pinch of this one and….” Telva bit her lower lip as she tried to remember the right amount. She liked trying new potions but her memory wasn’t the best and the broken veils scattered on her work table was testament to that. Her red eyes closed as she thought out what she had read four years ago in her father’s laboratory. When she had watched him work magic the only problem was some of the spells wouldn’t come to her.

Four years ago Telva had been the youngest daughter of a small noble house in the underdark city of Dro’Xun. She had slaves to care for her and modest riches to use for her pleasure. That was before her mother had made a stronger house angry with hers. Her house was destroyed and most of her family murdered. Telva had barely made it out before the assassin’s breeched the upper levels of her house and escaped to the world above. After wondering for days she found a nice small cave near a village to make her home. A short way outside was a pond with a small waterfall empting into it. Last year she had found an underwater entrance to her cave as she was swimming around in the warm water of the pond.

She loved living in her cave. It was quiet and no one was around to make her dress in clothes. Telva hated to ware clothes and loved to be naked, the way the cool air of the cave or the warm light of the sun felt on her smooth obsidian skin made her happy. Another benefit was that her skin was easier to clean when her potions blow up plus clothes made it harder for her arms to move to cast spells. The only time she wore clothes was when she went into town for supplies and to sale her potions. But she hated going to town because the city watch didn’t like the amount of attention that she would draw from walking around neutral. Telva didn’t mind the attention the mostly males of the village gave her. It made for some fun nights after she sold her potions and made her way to the tavern. Between the male in the tavern and the few local teenaged boys that snuck up to her cave for a peek at the naked Drow, Telve had a good sex live. And she didn’t worry about what race they were just as long as they wanted to and were good at sex.

“Two!” Telva smiled her warm smile as she remembered the right amount. Dropping the two pinches in she looked into the bowl and waited. As she looked a puff of grey smoke came out of the bowl and then with a pop the bowl shatter in a ball of smoke. Telva coughed as she waved the smoke way. “Maybe it was three.” As the smoke cleared Telva looked down at her naked body. It was covered in soot from her flat tummy up past her small breast up to her face. Even her long silvery white hair was covered in it. “Well it’s time for a bath again.” She said with a shrug and turned towards the mouth of the cave.

As Telva walked out the mouth of the cave trying to brush off the soot. The sun wasn’t high over head which would make it easier for her to see. As she walking out in the warm sun Telva could see in color how bad her skin was covered. “Great now I’m a grey elf.” She said as she rolled her red eyes. Walking the few paces to the edge of the pond she looked at the small waterfall. Then with a smile she slowly walked into the warm water and moaned with delight. It felt great on her smooth naked obsidian skin. When she was up to her thigh she dove in and swam out into the pond. The waterfall churned the water helping her to clean the soot off her body. She swam to the surface and rubbed the water out of her eyes and then looked at her hands. “Now I’m dark again.” She said with a giggle as she swam backwards in the pond letting the warm water play over her smooth naked body.

Age: 90
Ht: 5'2"

Appearance: Telva has silvery white hair down to the middle of her back. Her skin glistens in fire light, like polished black glass and is very soft and smooth. Her eyes are soft and kind, a contrast to their blood red color. Her figure is slender with small breast with dark grey nipples and cut little ass. The few that have taken the time to get to know her say her smile is the gentlest they have seen. But don’t make her mad or the dark elf side will come out.
The trees near the water's edge rustled as something made its way through. It was a human, a good half foot taller than Telva at that. A steely sword cut its way through the thick foliage and the man eventually emerged from behind the trees. He was a caucasian human with unkempt light brown hair. He had the face of a thinker, but his apparel betrayed that. He was wearing a tan tunic with full-body chainmail beneath it, a belt around his waist that held a bag at his right side and the scabbard for his sword on his back. A small shield was buckled to his left arm so that his left hand was free, but still had protection.

The adventurer surveyed the water before him and quickly noticed that he was not alone. There was another person in the water...a very dark-skinned one at that. He observed to find that this was a naked female drow elf. Wait a minute, she was naked!? This was a sight to see! He tried hiding behind a tree to watch her in secret, but the clinking of his chainmail made him bad at sneaking.

(I'll reveal more about my character as the RP progresses)
Telva swam through the warm water enjoying the feeling of it caressing her naked body. Her red eyes were closed and a smile on her pretty face as she felt the cool air tingle her hard dark grey nipples as her small breast peeked out of the warm water. She had much rather had a males warm lips gently caressing her nipples to make them hard. Maybe a trip to town would be needed tonight.

As long as it wasn’t like last time she had ventured to the tavern. A drunken Dwarf had flirted with her all night and finally he had asked her to his room up stairs. Curious as to how good a Dwarf was in bed Telva had agreed to go with him. There is something to be said about Dwarves being stout and steed with every thing they do. But the next morning hadn’t been so fun. After the Dwarf awoke he had started screaming about the ‘Drow bitch that had ensorcelled him’ then he chased her out the door down the stair and out into the street swinging his great axe. It was scary then but she had to laugh later when she thought about a naked Dwarf running through the streets.

Telva’s fun memories were cut short as she heard something. She quickly straightened up and rubbed the water from her red eyes. As she smoothed her silvery white hair back she surveyed the surrounding trees and brush. What could it have been? As Telva looked around it dawned on her what it could have been. Boys! Some of the local farm boys had probably snuck down her to try and catch a glimpse of her naked. Maybe if she caught one she could have some fun with him. With a smile on her face she swam closer to the top of the water and dove backwards. First she let her small breast come up then her flat tummy and next her smooth hairless pussy, lastly her thighs came out as she circled round to come back up. Let see if they like the show, she thought as she moved to do something else.
As Cysma watched the show she put on, he somehow came to the conclusion that she was wanting to be watched. Perhaps she knew that he was there, and that she didn't mind him seeing her naked. He had gotten a glimpse of her nipples and pussy, and wanted to see them again. Perhaps if he was honest and showed himself, he would get that. He got out from his hiding place and stood at the water's edge until the drow noticed him. He was lucky that he could easily conceal a bulge in his shorts with his chainmail undergarments.
Telva smiled as she swam around under the water. Looking around she saw the opening for the lower part of her cave next to the waterfall. Hopefully it was a male that she wanted to let see her naked body watching from the trees. You never know when a group of Orc’s would be out roaming about. She shook her head to clear the unpleasant thought away. What to do next? Telva nodded as she got an idea.

Swimming up to the surface of the pond, Telva angled so her back would come up this time. As she broke the surface of the pond she swept her hand over her silvery white hair and pulled it in front of her. Next she arced forward so her smooth back was out of the water. With a little kick of her feet she swam a bit then dove straight down. As her tight little ass came up Telva moved her legs apart giving whoever a great look at her little asshole and silky pussy lips. That should give them ideas. She thought as she turned and slowly swam to the surface.

As her head came out of the water Telva smoothed back her long white hair and looked around. She yelped in surprise as she saw a Human male standing by the waters edge. He was dress in chainmail and holding a sword in his hand, defiantly not a teenage boy. With a visible gulp Telva moved back toward the waterfall.

Wiping the water from her red eyes, as she moved, Telva gave him a nervous smile. “Um Hi.” She then raised her hand up to shield her eyes from the sun and get ready if she had to cast a spell if she need it. He was handsome for a human she thought as she looked at him. “Are you lost?”
"Lost? I don't think so, but if I am lost, I don't think I'd want to find my way again..." He smiled weakly, looking over her naked body. "You don't mind if I...spend some time with you, do you?" He put his sword in his scabbard as he didn't need to use it for now, and also to show the naked drow that he came in peace. "And you don't seem to mind that you're naked...not that that offends me...I like it..." He took his time to admire her nudity, her nipples and pussy in particular if he could see them. It wasn't often that he saw those parts, after all.
Telva eyebrow rose as she listened to what he first said. Then she smiled as she realized why he was talking funny as she saw him trying to see more of her body under the water. She was relieved as she watched him put his sword away and swam closer to the edge of the pond. Telva didn’t want to be stabbed by it. Maybe something else hard on him but not his sharp sword.

“No, I don’t mind if you stay.” She said as she moved to were her feet could touch the bottom. Telva looked down at herself then back up at the Human standing before her. “No, I don’t mind that I’m naked. I like being this way.” She winked a red eye at him. “And thank you not being offended.” Telva looked the human up and down. His clothes hide too much from her gaze. Curiosity made her wonder what he looked like naked.

As she looked back at his eyes she saw that he was trying to crane his neck to see more of her body under the water. She tilted her head to the right and shook it. “Were are my manners.” With a little giggle she slow walked up the bank with her hand out to shake his. As she moved toward him Telva straightened her back letting him see her small firm breast and hard dark grey nipples. The warm water trickled down her back and between her breasts from her silvery white hair as she stopped at hip level in the pond. “Hello. I’m name is Telva.”
"I'm Cysma...Cysma Winheim, adventurer." He said, his voice wavering nervously. He shook her hand firmly as he looked to her naked breasts. "She's so pretty...Umm...when can you take me back to your place?" He asked. He looked rather hot in all that chainmail armor, and it wasn't just from the heat of day. His eyes fixated on her globes, admiring their round, curvy shape and the cute nipples she had. He hoped she would be getting out of the water soon. Seeing naked women was quite a treat for a human like him.

Eventually, his eyes went back to look her in the face as he finally realized that he had been staring. "Oh, umm..." A blush crossed his cheeks.
Cysma! What a nice name. Telva thought as she shook his hand. He had a firm grip great for holding on during sex. And she thought his nervousness at looking at her was cute and charming.

Her red eyes widened as he asked her to take her back to her place. That was quick. “Thank you. You’re rather handsome yourself.” With her left hand she point to her right toward the entrance of her cave. “My place is over there.” She looked at his face and saw that it was covered in sweat and his hand trembled slightly as he held hers. “I live alone.”

Telva liked how handsome Cysma as he stood there… She looked at his eyes and then down at her breast. She cleared her throat to get his attention. Then she smiled as he blushed. “My eyes are up here.” She said pointing to her face with her left hand. Then she looked down at there hands. “Can I have that back please?” Telva took another step forward, her flat tummy moved in and out as she thought about what was to happen and her pussy tingled with anticipation. “Or do you want to help me out of the pond?”
"Umm...yes...I could help you." He pulled the naked drow out of the water, trying not to hurt her in the process. At last he could see her in all her naked glory. He looked her head to toe and everywhere in between, especially her crotch. She was hairless down there, something he thought unusual until he then remembered that elves don't have any body hair. All the more amazing for her, he thought. Her skin looked like it would be very nice to touch, but he resisted for now. She looked like she would be giving him what he wanted eventually. That, or it was his imagination. He could imagine a lot when he was aroused..."Lead the way, please..."
Telva smiled as she let him help her out of the water. She could tell that he was strong and that made her heart beat a bit faster. Finishing walking out of the water she stopped in front of him and moved her legs apart slightly. The cool air let her know that the dark obsidian petals of her pussy were open and ready as they tingled in the air. She reached up with her hands and grabbed her long white hair. With a quick motion she pulled around and gently squeezed the water out of it as she leaned her head back.

After getting most of the water out Telva smiled at him and slowly turned to walk toward her cave. As she walked she could feel water trickling down her back over her tight little ass and down her smooth legs. She let her slender hips swing seductively as she walked in front of her new friend. “So what brings you all the way out here?” then she stopped and tossed her long white hair back over her soft shoulder. Half turning she looked back at him with a glance that left little to the imagination. “And why do you want me to show you where I live?”
"I, umm...well," Cysma began as he was following her, "You're the friendliest naked woman I've ever met, and I should spend more time with friendly people, right?" He didn't really know what to say. "And I've never been with a drow before..." The sight of her naked body, and the seductive way in which she moved it, was really turning him on. So much so that his bulge could just barely be seen, even through his chainmail and tunic if one were to look closely. "Although you're going to get dressed once we get there, won't you?" He frowned a bit at that.
Telva smiled and started walking towards the cave again. “You want to spend more time around friendly people.” She giggled and looked back over her smooth black left shoulder at Cysma’s handsome face. “Or is it you want to spend time with a woman that’s naked.”

Telva loved the way the soft grass felt on her bare feet as she walked closer to her cave. She had hoped to catch a teenage boy today but a man would do better. A tingle ran through her obsidian skin as she heard him say he had never been with a Drow. A lot of males had said the same thing when they found out they had a chances with her. And she never grew tired of hearing it. Maybe he was a bit straight laced and not into anything different or maybe he was. It didn’t matter either way she would enjoy being with him. “That’s okay. I’ll make sure you remember your time with one.”

Telva laughed as she stepped up to the mouth of her cave. “Dressed! My dear handsome Human, I only dress when I have to. And that is only when I go to town.” She looked down and thought she saw what looked like a bulge were his cock should be. With a smile on her pretty face Telva walked up to Cysma. “You should adjust that before you hurt yourself.” Next she reached down and pushed her palm against the bulge in his chainmail. Mmmm, it felt nice and big. She then winked at him and turned as she walked into the cave mouth.
" mean you're naked all the time!?" He said this in the same manner someone might say, "You mean you're going to give me a million gold?" His imagination was filled with images of a beautiful naked drow going about her daily life, her lovely form on display for all to see. Cysma loved seeing naked women. The sight of a naked woman was more or less preferable to a mountain of gold, and he had more success with gold. To him, being with a woman that is naked all the time would be like a greedy bandit bathing in gold coins every day. It was a slice of Celestia.

As he entered the cave, he reached into his bag and pulled out a torch that couldn't possibly fit inside of it, and somehow got it lit. It was as if the bag was larger on the inside than it was on the outside, like the transportation device of a space and time-travelling doctor, if one could imagine such a thing. This lighting a torch as he walked inside seemed to be a force of habit for him, as the cave might already be lit.
Telva waited for Cysma inside the mouth of the cave. She giggled at the way he said naked all the time. “Yes. All the time I’m away from the village or people who frown on me not wearing clothes.” She smiled as she looked at his face. There was a dreamy look on it like he had found something special. And there was the bulge under his chainmail which made her lick her dark lips at the thought of what his human cock looked like.

Telva turned her back on him and waved her right hand at the cave entrance. A slight shimmer floated down from the roof to the floor. She had worked for weeks to remember the illusion spell that covered her cave from prying eyes and curious creatures. Humanoids weren’t the only males to look for something play with.

As the illusion completed Telva noticed that there was light behind her. Turning she saw Cysma looking at her while holding the torch. Right, he couldn’t see in the dark like she could. Her darkvision always came on as she entered the darkness so there was no need for a torch. Telva looked down at her body as she remembered the effect that fire light had on her obsidian complexion. It was glistening like lava glass as she moved in the warm fire light. Men liked watching her like this every time she followed one to their room at the tavern. She looked back up at Cysma and gave him a warm inviting look. “Do I look better in the torch light?” With that she made of slow turn to let him see how the fire light played off her smooth black skin.
"Ah, you do look...quite interesting like this..." Cysma said, eyeing her body intently as she turned for him in the torchlight. There was something about the way the light shone on her skin, and her nipples and pussy as well, perhaps. He looked to see if there were any places where he could set his torch to illuminate the chamber.

As he looked around, he noticed a body of water in the cave. He slipped off one glove and touched its surface with his bare hand. "It's quite cool...I would like to take a dip in's rather hot in all this armor." He admitted. "Where can I put my torch?"
Telva giggled at being called interesting. She had been called a lot of things but she couldn’t remember being called that. As she turned back towards him she looked down at her naked body in the torch light. Even her dark grey nipples glistened in the fire light and she had been told by one of her other conquest that her pussy did the same. But that was in the brief time before the male had slide his hard cock into her making her forget until now what he had said. It had been some time since her last hard sex match and his was looking forward to this.

Telva watched as Cysma walked over to her where she drew her drinking water. After he place his hand in it she shock her head making her long silvery white hair tumble down of her slender black shoulders. “No. Not in there. That’s were I drew water to cook and drink. Besides it’s only knee deep.” She then took his exposed hand and gentle moved him farther into the cave. Her mind drifted away as she though of were she would like him to put his torch. Not the one on fire but the one that would make her heat up all the same. “I think I have something back here.”

The first room was her kitchen/study. There was a smell table with a dish and a cup on it. Two tables with broken veils from bad experiments scattered over them. A crate half full of veils with red liquid in them sat under one table. A fire pit was against the left back wall with a hole in the roof for smoke. There was a couple of chair sitting around and a coat stand next to the front with a purple silk robe tossed on top of it. Against one corner of the room was a pile of this and that junk. To the right was an opening that could be heard the soft gurgle of water, under the pool inside the room there was her escape hole through about five feet tunnel to the pond. To the left was another opening in the rock with a curtain hanging over it. That was her bed chamber with a pallet of soft furs and blankets in one corner.

As Telva walked Cysma across the room she pointed to the opening to her bathing pool. “In there is where I bath.” She let go his strong hand, she couldn’t wait to feel it rubbing her smooth dark skin, and walked over to the pile of junk. Bending over she poked through it trying to find the touch stand she remembered tossing in there. “There it is.” Telva said as she spread her slender legs and pulled out the torch stand. As she straitened up and turned around with it she laughed at seeing the look on his face. “See anything you liked?” She said as she walked over to him with the stand.
"Oh...drinking water...right. I wouldn't want to dilute that with my dirtiness..." Cysma said, feeling a bit embarrassed. He couldn't tell how deep it was in the darkness of the cave anyway. He grew intrigued as she took his hand and led him elsewhere. He was touching her hand, he thought, and it was taking all his self-control to keep himself from touching her anywhere else.

"Oh, so you're a bit of an alchemist?" The adventurer blurted out as he noticed the equipment in the back. "I owe my life to the potions created by alchemists around the world...and that coat and that what you put on when you head into town?" He thought about how she must spend more time with it off than with it on, and he looked to her naked body as he thought about how much time she spent in this state; it made him even harder than before.

He finally got to where she bathed, and looked into the water. He couldn't tell how deep it was or its temperature, but if she said it was acceptable for bathing...he was then distracted by the sight of her bending over. He blushed as he saw her pussy lips between her legs as she spread them. When he heard her question, he had to apologize. "I...I'm sorry...I saw your lady parts...forgive me..." He glanced down to her pussy again as she faced him, then tried to keep his eyes focused on hers.
Telva nodded at Cysma as she looked around at the miss the room was in. “I try to be an alchemist. But some times I don’t get it right.” She pointed to the crate of red veiled liquid. “Except those. I called them ‘Sweet Maidens Friend’.” She looked back at him and realized he may not know what that was. “It makes women temporarily infertile for a day.” She smiled at him as she pushed a strand of white hair out of her face. “The women in town pay handsomely of them.”

She looked over at the coat rack and the robe tossed on it. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of wearing the robe. “Yes, I use that to keep the villagers from getting too distracted by me.” She looked back at him and noticed him eyeing her naked body. She liked the way he looked at her, all restrained and gentlemanly but just barely holding back.

Telva laughed a sweet rich tone as she heard the handsome human nervously talk about her ‘lady parts’. She liked that he was awkward and not over eager to take her, it was cute. “There’s nothing to forgive, sweet Cysma. I don’t mind you looking at me.” She bit her lower lip and smiled looking him up and down. “But it’s not fair that you can see me like this and I can’t see you the same way.” Walking closure to him she placed her hands on his chest as she stepped close enough to feel her hard dark grey nipples on his tunic and looked up with her red eyes into his. “Why don’t you undress and let me wash your back in the pool.” With that Telva stood up on her tip toes and kissed Cysma on the cheek then she turned toward the bathing pool. As she walked away Telva swung her hips seductively when she got to the opening in the cave to the pool she turned and crooked a finger to motion for him to follow.
"Infertile for a day!?" Cysma was shocked at the mention of such a potion. If such a potion were manufactured and distributed publicly, the humanoid birthrate would drop dramatically, possibly threatening extinction. Still, he had to ask, "Would I become sterile if I were to drink it?" This was not a pleasant thought for him, although he thought of what became of the one-night stands he had with some tavern wenches, exotic dancers, brothel occupants, and even female adventurers. Could his legacy be already carried on without him knowing it?

He shook his head as he got his thoughts back to what was going on here and now. "Not fair...I see. I understand...I know that feeling well..." Unfairness had a deeper meaning with Cysma, as he had arrived at misfortunes in life through no fault of his own. Elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings alike have all discriminated against him at some point or another for being human, and he has been cheated out of hundreds of thousands of gold's worth of riches due to someone not holding up his end of the bargain. Cysma wished that an Inevitable would one day come from Mechanus to set things right, but he never heard from them again. This drow hasn't discriminated against his race, and when he weighed the consequences of him undressing for her, he concluded that anything bad coming of it would be highly unlikely, and a risk worth taking. Cysma was a risk-taker after all, even risking his very life on numerous occasions, and not always winning...

When she kissed him on the cheek, he made up his mind for sure. He followed her to the pool and began to remove his tunic and armor. It took a little longer to undress than if he were wearing normal clothes, and he winced as some of his bodily hair snagged onto the interlinked chains making up his armor in the process. He felt like he forcibly pulled several hairs off of his skin when he finally got out of his chainmail. Eventually he was as naked as Telva was, his somewhat-light skin contrasting her obsidian tones. His body was lean with a hint of muscle, complete with a bit of a sculpted torso, though this was to be expected with an adventurer that fights monsters for a living. Of course, his penis was fully erect when he undressed, no doubt from seeing Telva naked, and all her seductive advances on him. It was half a foot long from base to tip, a bit larger than the average human's, which made it more uncomfortable to him when he got an erection in his clothes. It throbbed slightly with his heartbeat, he didn't try to cover it up as he found that hiding an erection with just your hands was impossible to do. He looked to Telva to see how she would react.
Telva shook her head. Males always thought about sex but not what could come of it. Her little contribution had made sex more exciting for the women that used it and the males that used them. “No it doesn’t work on men. And it’s only used when a women wants to have a bit of fun without the worry.” She had never used the stuff herself knowing that because she was a Drow she had even less chance at getting pregnant then other elves. Something about a curse that made it harder for them. But if it happened it happened.

She looked at his face as he said he knew that feeling well. Someone must have hurt him in his past. It made her feel a bit sad. She would have to make up for what whoever did to him.

Telva watched Cysma from the edge of the pool of water. It was cooler then the pond outside but felt great against her smooth dark skin of her feet. She placed her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing as she watched him try to hurriedly take off his armor. She could tell he wasn’t thinking about a bath as much as hoping he could be with her. Finally she watched him take off the armor over his chest. She loved the way his skin contrasted with her dark obsidian complexion. Her red eyes looked over the trim torso with it sculpted muscles. Then her breath caught in her slender throat as she watched him pull the rest of his armor off. There it was, Cysma hard cock swung free as he pulled off the last of his armor. She had seen different sizes in her live but all still looked great fully hard. Telva licked her lips as she looked at it, a small drop of precum popped out the tip. She could feel her pussy tingle as she thought of his hard cock sliding inside her then explode his hot seed deep in her womb. She cleared her throat and shook her head. “Do want to get in me now?” Her red eyes widened in surprise. She laughed nervously, “I mean do you want to get in the water now.” She walked down the smooth rocks until she felt the edge of the deeper part, the water was up to her waist now and she could feel it lapping the dark red opening to her pussy hole and tight little asshole. ‘It’s about seven to eight feet out toward the back.” She pointed to the opposite wall.
Cysma couldn't help but blush as Telva looked him over. Like most humans, he wasn't used to being seen naked. He felt like covering himself, but he knew that he couldn't. "I...I hope you like what you see..." Was all he could say at this time. He made his way into the water shortly after the drow did, finally getting to swim with a naked drow! He listened to her telling him about the deep end. So he would have to tread water at that end, all right. At least he would have much less trouble doing so than if he were wearing armor. That was a problem when adventuring in waterlogged places, but he sometimes used it to his advantage. In sunken caverns, he would cast a scroll of underwater breathing on himself and then strap on some steel boots to explore the depths. The same thing could be used to explore the bottoms of lakes as well. But for now he was just bathing...bathing with a beautiful naked woman...and he made sure he could get a good look at his favorite features of her as much as he could during the swim.
Telva smiled at Cysma as he walked toward the water. “I do like what I see.” Her red eyes moved down to his hard pale cock. Then she looked back up at his face. “Very much so.” When he came up next to her she reached out and ran two fingers over the head of his cock. “Nice!” She said then turned and dove into the dark water.

She liked having Darkvision for times like this. The torch could only light the cave above the water, the deeper she dove the less it would effect her sight. The images coming to her eyes turned from color to grays as soon as she looked away from the torch. He wouldn’t be able to find her if she was under him. Telva smiled as she remembered the spell for water breathing. She could give him something no one else had done, well maybe.

With this new idea Telva swam back up and broke the surface of the water. She rubbed the water out of her eyes and smoothed back her silvery white hair. Then she slapped her hand down across the water making it slash at Cysma. “Come on in and try to catch me.” She then stuck her dark pink tongue out and turned away from him. Now was the time to show him not to trust a Drow to be fair even when they liked you. With a mischievous smile she mumbled the words, Water Breathing. Then she dove under the water and waited for him.
The adventurer was surprised and shocked as Telva touched his most private area, especially considering the fact that she had been naked the whole time and he hadn't touched any part of her except her own hand. He was also a bit confused when the drow dove down in the water. As she was submerged, he began to worry: what if this drow was just seducing him so that he would let down his guard? He gulped and looked to the water around him, and began to flail his arms and legs around in the water, hoping he would find the drow by kicking her.
Telva watched Cysma search for her with his hands and feet. She looked up and saw his hard pale cock dancing around under the water. She could see his balls underneath it to and thought about what it would feel like to have him empty them into her. She reached out and gently grabbed one of his flailing legs and pulled up it. She moved up until her face was close to his hard cock. She started to reach out and grab it with her mouth but one look up at his panicked face made her change her mind, for now. Maybe the human wasn’t use to so forward a female. Maybe he had never been around a Drow female before.

Telva waved her hand across her face as she dispelled the Water Breathing and pulled herself up his body until her head broke the surface in front of him. With one hand on his strong shoulder she rubbed the water from her red eyes. “Cysma, are you alright?” She saw the confusion on his face and winced as she realized that she had worried him.

“I’m sorry.” She took her hand off his shoulder and swam back a bit from him. “I was just being mischievous.” She shrugged and gave him and apologetic smile. “After all I’m a Drow.”
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