
Nov 30, 2010
Tony Stark smiled a little as he leaned back in his chair, studying his best friend across the table, before glancing at Sue. " want to what?" "Hire your publicist. she did amazing things for the avengers image, I want her to work for us, and help not only the team, but Johnny not look..." "Like the man-whore he is?Good luck with that."Tony flashed a amused smirk at Johnny, tilting his head as he considered what he was hearing. Having already talked to Sabrina after Sue had called him the first time, but he'd wanted to hear about it in person. if only to make sure they both understood exactly what was going on...and he'd been curious to know what Johnny had finally done to get Sue to hire someone, which she'd been threatening to do for years. but he wouldn't ask, at least not yet.

Rubbing a hand over his face he considered Johnny, sighing quietly. "I know you've already met her a few times, but seriously. Leave Sabrina alone, at least don't make things harder for her then it already is, if she really is going to work on your image."Tony said, being defensive and protective of the former super model, not simply for her own sake, but for what was going on right now. nervous and upset, because he was waiting for them to get back. "Where is she anyways?I thought you said she'd be here when we got here?"Sue said, looking curious.

"Something came up."Tony said not about to elaborate on that, it wasn't any of her business, and if he told johnny, who was a good friend, it wasn't going to be with Sue in the room. not when he knew the woman was nice, and kind, but could be extremely judgemental given the right circumstances. "Her and Steve should be back any minute." "Sir?Ms.Dalca and the Captain are on their way up."Jarvis announced, even as the office door opened and in stepped Sabrina and steve.

Even three years out of the business, Sabrina Dalca had that delicate beauty and strength that spoke of hours in the gym, and a careless beauty, with barely a touch of makeup to her soft features. while she wasn't classically beautiful, there was a delicate beauty there that just made Tony want to cuddle her, and protect her. Her white blond hair was dyed neon blue in the front, fading back to a deep dark blue at the back, and every movement made the locks shimmer, looking like water as it framed her face. Standing next to Steve, she was nearly his height, tall enough she could kiss his cheek without having to lean up or wear heels to do it, in the two inch stilletos she was wearing, she was actually taller then steve. "Hello."She smiled, tilting her head as she studied the three in the room, the soft words coming out slightly accented, but oddly, a romanian accent by the way of england, the woman having spent years in England prior to moving to the states. "Sabrina, I hope you remember Johnny and Sue?" "of course. Hello. I hear you need help?"She asked looking at johnny with wide set, bambi big brilliant blue eyes.
Johnny was bored, he couldn't believe he had let Sue talk him into this. what a load of shit, honestly it wasn't as if the truth about why he was such a man whore was going to change anyone's opinions of him. in fact it was likely to make people hate him even more. "tell me about it. this woman would have to be God himself to make my image any better. i don't see why it matters anyway, i was like this before i was a superhero why should i change just because i can spit fire out my nose?" which did happen sometimes when he sneezed before he realized he was sneezing. "Relax, Tony." Johnny scoffed, rolling his eyes. "you know me better than that." Tony did. Johnny didn't 'just' sleep with people. all those 'one night stands' where not, one night stands. in fact most of them lasted weeks, or even months. granted, those weren't actually dates, or fucking, or anything like that. more often than not, it was him teaching someone how to have safe, sane, consensual sex in a BDSM lifestyle. beginners called him and he went to them and showed them the ropes, literally in most cases. he couldn't believe it had taken Sue this long to find out actually. granted, it wasn't like he was in the yellow pages, most Professionals weren't. he was contacted through one of the five BDSM clubs, if one of his trusted contacts thought a person really needed help, then Johnny was recommended to them and had to sign a confidentiality contract and such. Johnny was one of the best. he showed a Dom how to Dominate and Sub how good it really felt to submit and he did it without causing panic attacks as newbies tended to have.

"she's probably helping Steve figure something out." Johnny informed Sue, leaning back in his chair so that he hovered on two legs. "you know how he gets. he probably broke his phone or something." he mused, dropping back down to all fours because he didn't want Steve to glare at him. Johnny was a dominant, but Steve was what Johnny called a 'Super Dom'. he was one of those people that even Dom's submitted to him. Johnny was one of those people who did whatever Steve said no matter what and it wasn't from intimidation. the Alpha in Johnny just knew Steve was a bigger Alpha, and he trusted Steve. he just hated that Steve could make him feel so naughty with just a single glance. ugh. "Good morning Sue, Johnny." Steve said as he stepped in, offering Tony a smile and pausing to give him a kiss. "everything is fine." he promised Tony before examining Johnny, who looked bored, and Sue, who looked as high strung as always.

"i can't say that i do." Johnny admitted. "Sue seams to think i do so help i'm getting whether i want it or not. don't worry i won't make your life or job too difficult. just figure i better warn you that i'm not going to stop sleeping around just because strangers whose opinions i don't care about think it's wrong." Johnny admitted, being blunt because he knew if he pussy footed and gave her the wrong impression Steve would crush him like a bug. "as for the rest of the stuff, i guess i can't say i'm entirely unwilling to alter my image a little bit." he admitted. "don't care much if it doesn't work but it would be nice if it does work so i'll cooperate with you for most everything else." he promised her, unable to look her in those gorgeous baby blue eyes or he might actually decide it was worth it to stop being a whore.
“It matters because it always did. Just because you didn’t care about it, ever, doesn’t mean it doesn’t.” “She’s right. Sorta. Things sorta get easier to do, less people hassle me these days now that Sab’s gotten them to back off. Besides, at worst, she’ll make you do modeling or charity things, and I’m usually required to attend those, so it wont be so bad.”Tony said smiling a little before rolling his eyes. “I do. But I also know her, and she either makes every dom who meets her want to fuck her over the nearest desk, or cuddle her she’s so innocent she makes my head hurt”Tony snickered happily submissive and quite content to be so. And even if he new Sabrina had never done anything, even remotely....less then bed and missionary, she knew simply being near johnny would be a learning experience.

“Hmm, he is adorably a tech idiot.”Tony smirked thinking about his fiancee, they were mostly waiting for the law to be passed about marriage to do anything, because well, with captain america lobbying for it, why wouldn’t it pass? But carefully not answering what they were doing either. “It is quite amusing how he breaks everything, and johnny, chair down.”Sue scolded lightly, shaking her head, before smiling at Steve. “Morning Steve.”She said smiling a little, looking curious at the other two, but not questioning, not when she knew just how violently defensive tony coudl be about his private life.

“It’s fine, really.”Sabrina promised when tony looked at her for confirmation, before looking at Johnny. Tilting her head a little as she considered that, “I wouldn’t ask you to. Stark only did so, because he found his ‘star spangled hunk’ worth not chasing everything with a pulse.”Sabrina smiled a little. “I promise, we’ll figure out how to work around things.”She shrugged, because she knew he was being blunt, because the two men would crush him if he wasn’t. “We’ll talk, figure things out.”She said glancing at her watch, “I was just about to head out for lunch, care to join me?” “Sab...” “No. I did your stuff this morning, and took the blond bodyguard with me. I’m going out on my own-or with Storm, for lunch.”Sabrina said making a face at Tony.
he rolled his eyes. "it never mattered, not really." he scoffed. "people just throw a fit because i'm on TV sometimes now." he complained before blinking at Tony. "what, seriously?" he asked, rethinking his opinion on this a little bit now. if even Tony got good results... well it was worth a shot right? he was feeling better about this already! "...." he had to pause, a little startled at Tony. "she's that submissive?" he asked, shocked. it was rare to find someone who set off every instinct a Dom had. it was even rarer to find one that was actually into BDSM. he doubted that Sabrina was actually a Sub, but a person didn't have to have the mindset of a Sub to be submissive in personality. "i'll be careful with her." he promised Tony, knowing he wouldn't bring it up again like that unless he was really worried about it. "i have enough self control to not bend her over a desk... can't promise i won't cuddle and protect her." he admitted with a sheepish grin and a shrug. Johnny got very attached to people, he still talked to most of the people he had helped get into the BDSM lifestyle.

"you said it, not me." Johnny teased with a grin before rolling his eyes at Sue, leaving two legs up just to piss her off, dropping it only because Steve was coming in. Steve chuckled a little at Tony being so overprotective. even Submissives wanted to smother Sabrina in love and affection. Johnny already wanted to scoop her up, tie her down and show her just how good a Dom he really was and make her moan in ways she'd never moaned before. shit! think of something else. Sue naked. Sue naked with Reed. Sue having sex... there we go, arousal dead. "uh. yeah." Johnny agreed, shooting Tony a wide eyed look that Tony knew all too well. it was the look Johnny got when he wasn't sure how to handle someone and was terrified he was going to do something wrong. "it's okay, i won't let anything happen to her." Johnny promised. the silent 'not even me' went unsaid but Tony would catch it in the tone. Johnny's way of promising to behave himself, as much as he was able to. "i'll pay." Johnny assured her with a smile, delighted that she was so tall. she was just th right height for standing sex.... dammit! there he went again! fuck! Sue having sex... REED having sex! arousal dead... this was going to be a challenge.
“They throw a even bigger fit when we’re both on tv, it just people being people. And yes really. She’s been helping Steve with his equal-rights campaign to, and between them, they’re doing okay.”Tony smiled that soft sweet smile, that said there was more, but nothing he was about to say in front of sue. “She is. And totally untrained. It’s both adorable and frightening.”Tony said smirking a little, “She drives steve up the walls sometimes.”he snorted a little, having added it in, simply to watch Sue stare at them a little wide eyed. “Well, as long as you try.”Tony snickered amused though.

“I do. And often to him. Sex is quite enjoyable when he’s annoyed with me.”Tony said smirking at steve as he came in. “Don’t worry to much. She’s been hanging out with me, and the others. And occasionally loki when he’s on-world. You’ll be fine.”Tony smirked a little, fidgeting a little. “Good.”He muttered relaxing. “I can take care of myself you know. And I do have a cell phone, and a bracelet hooked to Jarvis, and a few years at self defense.” “And you’re a former model, who weighs all of 120 pounds, soaking wet and holding bricks. You need taken care of.”Tony said staring at her. “....if you’re going to be like this for the next months, I’m going on vacation.” “No you wont. You already told Sue you’d work for her.” “...”turning to look at Johnny, that blue hair making her eyes even bluer she nodded. “Okay. In that case, you can choose where we eat.” she said heading for the door

When they left, and sue saw herself out, Tony grinned burying his face against steve's shoulder and laughing. "I would pay money to watch them together. oh gods, johnny is going to die of a heart attack."
he shrugged. "honestly i never cared about what other people thought so..." he shrugged before grinning a little. "she aims big." he admitted before looking at him, head tilted curiously. untrained could mean one of two things. she wasn't Submissive in the sexual sense, or she was and had never dipped into it. either way, it was going to be very hard to resist the urge to show her the world, as it where. "frightening, yeah i can believe that." Johnny agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before shrugging. "i'll try my best. i'd swear on the boy scout pledge but i was never a boy scout." he admitted with a chuckle. "i bet. hell i wouldn't mind subbing for him." he admitted. "but your possessive and i don't want to die." he admitted with a chuckle. "....Loki's still coming around then...?" he asked, he was never sure how to feel about Loki. sure the rat bastard had saved Jane Foster's life and nearly died protecting Thor... DID die if the rumors where correct but he still attacked earth and had never given any explanation or apology for it so Johnny was always a bit wary when it came to the godling.

"what kind of self defense?" Johnny asked curiously. "if it's the right kind then your smaller stature won't mean much." he admitted. "not that your all that small." he admitted with a chuckle before blinking, wondering what had Tony all worked up, giving him a signal that they where going to have to talk later. "i'll go on vacation with her, then technically she's still working." he admitted with a grin before chuckling at her. "your hair is going to drive me to distraction." he admitted, tugging on a blue lock gently. "well. what kind of food do you like? i was thinking Sushi, or maybe a good steak. or maybe both! have you ever been to a teppanyaki?" he asked with a grin. "well, i suppose you'd know it as a Habachi." he admitted. "either way, lots of fun and i know the best one to go to if your interested?" he offered with a smile.

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "this is entirely cruel of us. it really is. still he's controlling himself quite well, it might be good for them. the both of them." he admitted, grinning at Tony. "did we find out why Sue chose now of all times to start working on Johnny's image?"
Tony grinned back at the curious look he was getting, he’d let Johnny figure out what untrained meant. It’d be good for him. And so, so amusing. “We both would make horrible boyscouts.”Tony snorted amused before smirking. “Hm, I am. I like him to much to share.”Tony smiled a little, nodding slightly. “Sometimes, when he’s to bored.”Tony shrugged a little, because he found it just as weird when the godling visited, but he was willing to tolerate it, because well...loki told him about magic. It was interesting.

“Krav Maga. Street fighting, and it definitely doesn’t mean alot. But I try. And it keeps me in shape.”Sabrina shrugged a little, blushing slightly. Being nearly 6’3” barefoot, she was self concious about it. “Definitely not that small. I’m taller then tony.” “Are not.”Tony huffed. “She is.”Sue said looking amused.”No vacations.” “...Fine.Whatever. For now, tony.” Sabrina sighed softly as her hair was tugged, eyes closing for a moment before regaining her self, turning to look at him, “It’s not that awesome. It was pink a few months ago.”She said before looking thoughtful, shaking her head. “No, I haven’t. But it sounds fun.”She said looking at him, already waving down a taxi.

“It is. But he totally deserves it. Did I tell you he sent me plowing into a billboard the other day to win a race?”he sulked before nodding. “He is. I was fairly amazed he made it out of the office without hitting on her.”He sighed, knowing he was being overprotective, and she was going to kick his ass, but he was trying to not be over protective. Smirking a little. “Oh yea. She finally figured out what he’s doing in his spare time. Apparently, being a professional dom, is not a good thing in her books.”
"we really would." Johnny agreed with a chuckle. "not that we qualified as children either to be honest." he admitted with a chuckle before smirking. "oh i see how it is! you'll share with the sexy woman but not with your oldest, bestest friend!.... not counting Rhodey." he amended because he knew Rhodey was older and closer. not that Johnny minded at all. "ah... yes. when he's bored..." Johnny muttered, shaking his head. "better you than me..." he admitted with another shake of his head.

"i have no idea what that means." Johnny admitted. "but i could teach you some of the stuff i know." Johnny's parents had been paranoid after Johnny had been kidnapped a few times and signed him up for some sort of hand to hand self defense that employed the use of turning your opponent against themselves using their own motion, body weight and force against them. it involved a lot of throws, more than punches. "it's a very nice shape." Johnny admitted before he could stop himself and threw Tony a sheepish smile. oops. "pink. eew." he admitted. "better keep it Blue. it's my favorite color you know." he admitted with a grin. "it is fun! they cook all your food right there in front of you on this massive flat stove and do all kinds of tricks!" he admitted with a grin. "you'll love it. we can get all kinds of real Sushi and some top of the line Steak." he admitted, giving the driver the address and paying him once they got there, offering her his arm. "shall we?" he offered her. once inside he spoke actual Japanese to the people inside who recognized him instantly and offered him friendly claps to the back and showed them to a table which was washed before they sat down and fresh place-mats set out with a new basket of condiments. they really liked Johnny. the table was really more like a Bar which surrounded a very hot stove in the middle where a chef would stand and cook for them right then and there. they where alone though, which was good.

"yes you did. you've complained about it for eight days straight now." Steve teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "me too." Steve admitted. "you do realize we're going to be in pain right? probably often." he admitted. "...seriously? that's what has her dander up?" he asked, looking rather annoyed. "Johnny's the best Professional i've ever met." Johnny had even helped him and Tony, though in a more hands off approach. "he helps a lot of people, and stops a lot of accidental abuse, she shouldn't be trying to stop that." he complained shaking his head.
“Hmm, I don’t share with her. Though she’s walked in a few times. It was quite amusing. If I shared with anyone, you know it’d be you. Stop being a pain.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little.

“It’s a middle east version of karate. She grew up Romania, she has weird habits and stuff.”Tony supplied smirking when Sabrina just rolled her eyes.”You two would probably do well practicing, well matched and all.”Tony added snorting as johnny gave him a sheepish smile. He was dying inside, he was going to laugh himself silly watching johnny and sabrina.”I didn’t know that. Tony calls it cookie monster blue.”Sabrina said laughing a little, blushing slightly at the praise of him liking her hair. “Truly?That’s really cool.”Sabrina said looking interested, smiling as she took his harm.”Let’s.”She said looking interested as he led them inside, tilting her head a little as she sat down. “How many languages do you know?”She said looking over the menu, trying to decide what she wanted. “What do you suggest to get?”She asked looking up at him.

“it has not been that long.”Tony sulked. Be said before nodding. “Not nearly as much as johnny will be. Why do you think I pawned her off on him?he’ll keep her busy enough she wont hurt us for being annoying.”Tony said logically before snorting, looking amused. “Dander up?Really?”He teased his fiancee, reaching out, tugging the other into his lap before nodding. “I know that, you know that, Sue’s sex life is to much like Sabrina’s-by her choice- to ever consider that johnny’s job of helping, is actually fairly normal and not to weird.”
he nodded. "i noticed the accent." he admitted with a smile. "can't be any worse than Natasha's weird habits. or Steve's weird habits. god, he still reads an actual newspaper!" he pointed out, looking amused. "i wouldn't mind practicing. she'll have to learn how to fall correctly first. i wouldn't want to actually hurt her." he admitted before looking at her. "does Krav Maga do throws and falls?" he asked, his head tilted. "most people don't. you might not realize it, but Johnny is actually a very private person. he's always happy to talk about the other three or the Avengers and he's glad to talk about his saving the world but he never shares any personal information. people don't typically notice because he never stops talking." "love you too Captain." Johnny teased with a lopsided grin. "it is cool!" he admitted with a grin. "oh! uhm...." he paused, tilting his head. "English, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and Korean through my father and Spanish, Mexican, Italian, Swedish and Finnish through my mother." he admitted with a smile. "i learned French and German on my own." he admitted before smiling at her. "well..." he mused, examining the menu. "would you rather have Chicken, steak, pork, fish, crab, scallops, or lobster?" he asked with a smile. "i'll order the sampler for Sushi, it comes with two of every available here." he admitted. "so you can try whatever you want and i can eat everything you don't like." he admitted with a grin. "i'll also order the Yakisoba. it's a noodle dish. our orders will come with soup, vegetables and rice too." he admitted with a smile. "i'm going to get a steak myself." he admitted, waiting for her to decide because he had all the time in the world and she was adorable, looking so focused. "would you like to try some Sake?" he offered with a smile. "or some traditional tea?" he offered, looking over the menu again to see if there was anything new.

"your cruel Tony, i love it." Steve admitted with a laugh. "she will keep him very busy." he admitted with a grin. "i just hope she remembers that she's not supposed to have sex with anyone for at least a week." he admitted. because if Johnny's sperm was faster, she'd have Johnny's child instead of Steve and Tony's. "yes. dander. you know. the white flakes that fall off your head when you don't shower for a week?" he asked, smirking a little at him before settling on Tony's lap, careful not to put all of his weight on his lover. "i know. i don't know how Reed stands it." he admitted. Reed wasn't all that interested in BDSM lifestyles though he was a bit curious about some of the stuff Johnny had talked about. "honestly, that woman." he grumbled, shaking his head. "how can someone be so judgmental?" he wondered.
"Compared to them, sabrina very normal."tony said before looking around to make sure natasha wasn't hiding out and waiting to pounce. "Some. Not alot, I'd be happy to learn though."sabrina said smiling at him,always a eager student even if she knew tony wanted to forbid it he wouldnt. At least not for awhile."you know, people not knowing personal stuff just makes my job easier, so I thank you johnny."sabrina said looking amused and interested at the other."huh. Maybe I'll find you someone to tutor in those languages or something...."be he said looking thoughtful and it was easy to see why people liked using her as a publicist. She usually didn't make them do anything they already wouldn't do."hmm...I think I'll have the lobster."she said smiling wincing a little. She'd love having sake, but she wouldnt."teas fine."

"I know you do...and she will. You know brina, she researched and planned and knows everything about what to do. She won't have sex with him."Tony smiled a little already thinking about the conversation he'd have with johnny."just to be on the safe side though, I'll talk to johnny."he smiled "I know what it is. It just makes me smile to hear your description of things."he teased before shuddering."I have no idea how reed deals. But I think johnny got all the fun loving genes and left sue with nothing."
Johnny nodded, looking amused when Steve scowled at Tony a little bit. "i'd be happy to teach you, a woman should always be able to defend herself." he admitted with a smile. "oh.. well... your welcome?" Johnny blinked at her before blinking again. "oh... actually that might be kind of fun." he admitted. "Mathematics and languages are a bit of a passion of mine." he admitted with a smile. "Lobster it is." he agreed with a smile, looking up when the chef appeared with another couple. the grill tables where usually shared amidst different groups of people because seating was limited and there was only one cook. Johnny took great delight in ordering in Japanese, the Chef nodding in delight before taking the two other couples orders as well and headed off to gather everything they'd need. soon enough the chef was back and was tossing knives in the air, doing tricks and making the best food in New York. well, in Johnny's opinion. the Sushi was set in front of them and Johnny took the time to show her the proper way to eat it. gently dipping it in the soy sauce but not soaking it, dabbing just a touch of wasabi if she wanted the heat and explaining the different kinds of fish and sushi while the chef made their steaks and smiled as he poured himself some tea. he rarely drank in public no matter what people said about him being a drunk. "is it good?" he asked with a smile, wondering if she liked the Sushi.

"that's true." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "i think he knows something up anyway." he admitted. "he'll be here looking for answers pretty quickly anyway." he admitted with a smile before rolling his eyes. "i wonder, sometimes, why i ever do anything but fuck you witht eh way you constantly talk." he admitted with a chuckle, kissing the other. "i should just keep you tied up in the bedroom lost to pleasure." he teased, kissing Tony's neck before shaking his head. "if it really bothered him, he'd say something to her." he admitted. "reeds a shy guy but he's no pushover." he admitted before smirking. "i am going to bend you over this desk Stark." he whispered in Tony's ear. "and i am going to make you beg for it." he growled playfully.
“”That would be nice.”Sabrina smiled. “It’s easier to deal with no one knowing anything really about you, instead of the mess tony made. It was horrible.”She explained looking amused at his confusion before nodding. “I’ll see what I can do about the tutor then.”She smiled looking utterly delighted as she watched the man cook, nibbling on things before adding some wasabi sauce, smiling quietly as she nodded. “It is. I’m glad I let you choose what to eat. I rarely do, I usually regret it when I leave it up to tony.”She said looking amused.

“Probably. No matter what Sue thinks, he’s not a idiot.”tony shrugged a little, smirking. “I don’t know. You should always be fucking me. Though you should do it in the lab sometimes. Lab sex is awesome.”tony squirmed a little, groaning as he was teased, tilting his head back to look at the other. “Reed is a idiot. Who is not better then me!”Tony whined, because it was a long standing argument between the geniuses. Shivering at Steve’s words he looked up at him, “really?”He said breathlessly, worried and amusement forgotten in face of desperate need.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "Tony wanted people to hate him." he pointed out. "and people wanted to hate him so they did." he admitted. "people don't want to hate me because i openly did good things before i started bursting into flames." he admitted. "i was a drunk, a womanizer, a sleezebag and a rouge but i donated so much money i lost my billionaire status and people think i'm cute, so they want to think the best of me. plus, i didn't have a rich famous bastard of a daddy like Tony did. they just assumed Tony would be just like Howard so that's how they treated him and that's how he ended up behaving." he admitted with a smile. "Tony likes freaking people out." he admitted with a shrug. "i'm not going to trick you into eating octopus, even if Calamari is one of my favorite foods." he admitted with a smile. "i want you to like me, so i can't play nasty tricks on you." he teased with a smile. "i'll play tricks on you when i'm sure you won't stop helping me if i do it." he admitted with a chuckle, delighted when his half of the noodles, his steak, his vegetables and rice appeared in front of him. "Arigato." she was presented with the same thing, only with lobster.

"she doesn't think he's an idiot, she just doesn't think that he's capable of making his own decisions and leading his own life. she's treating him like he's a child. it doesn't help that he acts like one when she's around." he admitted with a smile, well aware that Johnny only did that because it annoyed Sue. "you always get annoyed when i try to have sex in the lab." he teased with a grin. "Reeds not an idiot, and no he's not better than you." he agreed with a smile. "really." he growled, grinning as he pressed Tony over the desk with one hand, the other hand slipped Tony's slacks down, bearing his ass and the smooth firm globes, a finger, already wet, and settled a finger deep inside of Tony just to drive him wild. "how long until you beg today Tony? you won't cum, until you do." he warned, smirking.
“Hm, that’s true. They treated him badly, so he simply filled their prophecies and behaved badly. Makes sense, even if it took both me and steve, and obscene amounts of both iron man work, and charity, and some modeling things, to get it sorted out. And he gave some talks to the local tech college, I’m proud of him for doing better.”Sabrina smiled before snorting. “He did that once. I was not happy at being tricked into eating squid and octopus.”She smiled a little, looking amused. “I wouldn’t stop helping you just cause of tricks. Tony asked for a favor, and I wasn’t doing anything.”She shrugged smiling at the cook. “Arigato.”she said quietly as she started to eat.

“True. Sabrina will be good for him, might get him to act more mature.”Tony mutered smiling a little, before sulking. “Cause you only do it when I’m exhausted and manic, you try to bribe me with sex to stop working.”Tony whined groaning as he was pinned to the desk, squirming a little. Moaning as the other slid a finger into him.”You came prepared for sex?Just what were you doing in that clinic?Should I be worried?”He teased growling, because he always resisted begging.
Johnny nodded. "people do it all the time." Johnny admitted. "we conform to the way people expect us to act. conform to society." he admitted. "i even do it. Sue expects certain behavior from me, so that's how i act for her. when i put that suit on, i'm expected to act a certain way, so i do." he admitted. "you do it. the chef does it, the grocery clerk does it. we all do it. sometimes, we do it for all the wrong reasons." he admitted, taking a drink of his tea before chuckling. "maybe i'll order some Calamari next time and let you try some really good stuff." he offered. "it's like Caviar i guess. some people like it, some people don't." he admitted with a smile. "there's no in-between. you like it, or you don't." he admitted with a grin before smiling at her. "yes well... i was hoping for a bit more than just help. friendship at a minimum though i wouldn't say no to a date." he admitted with a smile.

"he's plenty mature. he just puts on an act." he admitted with a chuckle before snorting. "the only time you go down there is when your manic and tired." he huffed with a chuckle. "i did come prepared for sex. they made me cum into a cup you know. i had to watch dirty pornos of ugly people. i finally just turned off all the TV's and tossed the mag's in a corner and thought about what i was gonna do to you when i got home." he admitted with a smirk, wiggling his finger. "i eve got to keep the lube." he admitted with a smirk, slipping in a second finger. "come on Tony, why fight it? you want to beg. you want to break so i'l slip my thick, heavy dick up your ass and make you cum so hard you see spots."
“True. Humans do more judging and following the crowd then anyone would ever want to admit.”Sabrina smiled thoughtfully, beforemaking a face at his words. “no, thanks. I’ll let you eat all the calamari. I don’t want any.”She smiled before frowning, tilting her head as she considered that, “....No?I mean, to the the friendship. I...I don’t date.”She said looking a little lost, a little submissive, like she wanted to give in, simply because he expressed a desire, but setting her heels down because she was still not over her ex-husband just yet.

“Do not. I go downstairs all the time.”tony huffed a little. Groaning at the other, smirking slightly. “They did. That’s amusing. Really. Was it really awkward going in a cup?”he said sounding interested before smirking. “If you’d let us film ourselves, we’d totally have a good porno.”He hummed, squirming, whining a little. “I do totally want your dick in me, now, but I’m not going to beg for it.”He whimpered, squirming.
he nodded. "no one wants to admit that we've been trained." he admitted. "but we have." he admitted with a smile. "not that it's a bad thing, being trained to obey the law and obey your parents and not pick your nose in public and such." he admitted with a grin before chuckling at her. "alright, i don' mind. more for me that way." he admitted with a grin before looking startled at her, his had tilted. "that's alright." he assured her. "it's not like i'd expect us to date in the next week. i mean really, we don't even know each other yet." he admitted with a chuckle. "but maybe in a month or two?" he mused with a smile.

"not nearly as much as you used to." Steve admitted. "now the only time you lock yourself in the lab is when your upset." he admitted before snorting. "it was awkward. you had to do it too though you know." he scoffed. "i know you did, my naughty little imp. i bet you watched the pornos." he teased, wiggling his fingers inside of Tony. "well. you'll have to beg for it, because you won't have my cock, or an orgasm now until you beg, just for being snotty." he teased, smirking at Tony. "i wonder if you've any rope in here?" he mused. "i bet you do. you love getting tied up. i'll tie you to your desk and do all kinds of filthy things to you where anyone could walk in on us."
“Indeed. As long as you don’t pick your nose in public, I think I can fix about anything else.”She teased looking amused before relaxing a little. “Ah. Maybe.”She said fidgeting a little, because she knew what she’d done that morning. He totally wouldn’t want a date after he found out. Sighing softly, she waved her fork at him a little in a ‘come on, talk’ sorta gesture. “Okay. Since we’re going to be working together, tell me why your sister thought this was needed. The more I know about you, the easier it’ll be to work. Which is horrible, cause I already knew Tony before working for him, I don’t know you well. I feel a little lost.”She said shrugging a little, because it was true. She’d known tony before she’d given up modeling, or gotten married. So figuring out how to help him had been easy. And she knew he’d been leery about it....well. Pepper had been leery about hiring her, but tony did what he always did, fixed things when a friend was in trouble. Even the thought made those wide blue eyes sad she considered what kind of project she’d taken on. She so didn’t want to disappoint tony and steve, or Johnny. And she was scared of failing.

“maybe. Sometimes.”Tony muttered before snickering, “I know. But I do alot of awkward sex things sometimes.”He pointed out before squirming, trying to get closer to the other, wondering if he could get steve to forget the begging part, groaning as steve wiggled his fingers. “Nope, I totally watched the video of you jacking off I had Jarvis put on my phone.”He corrected smirking. Whimpering, whining at the other’s order. “I have my tie. This is my office, I’ve been told not to keep sex stuff in here.”He whined a little, “Steeevee, come on. Please. This isn’t nice, steve!”
he snorted a little. "never." he assured her with a smile before looking worried when she fidgeted. "oh..." he looked startled and then smiled, thinking he'd figured out why she was uncomfortable. either she was A: a virgin, B: a lesbian or C: already in a relationship that she didn't want to broadcast. either way, he wasn't about to try and force her to date him. he wasn't any sort of rapist. "....that's not a conversation suitable for public really." he admitted. "lets just say that Susan is a prude." he decided. "instead of being happy that i am not, in fact, sleeping with half of new york she decided it was the worst thing ever." he admitted. "i'll explain in more detail later, but you have to understand, i do have a level of privacy i do have to keep, not for myself, but for others so i can't give you any names, addresses or phone numbers." he warned, watching her. "discretion is a key part of my... 'work' for lack of a better word, and i'm not going to ruin anyone's confidences in me." he admitted. "Sue has been threatening me for years with a Publicist but it's not until now that she finally carried through with it." he admitted.

"that's true enough." he admitted with a smirk, pressing down on Tony a little more firmly, a silent warning that he was to remain still or Steve was going to stop until Tony behaved. Steve was mean that way, he wouldn't give Tony a spanking, or verbally chastise him, which where things Tony enjoyed. instead he would remove his fingers, or cock, or toys and sit there until Tony apologized, he would not continue, or let Tony up until he did. Tony hated it, Steve loved it. "....damn, why didn't i think of that?" Steve wondered, looking amused before smirking at Tony. "this is Your office. i'm sure you keep sex things in here anyway." he admitted, undoing Tony's tie and slipping his fingers out of Tony so he could tie his lovers hands behind his back. "there. much better." he teased. "since when have i ever been nice anyway?" he wondered. "stay." he ordered, kneeling behind Tony and running his tongue along Tony's balls, just barely tickling.he knew it drove Tony nuts. "you want to be a good boy for me, don't you Tony?" he asked, smirking. "you want to beg, beg to Cum, beg to have my cock up your ass, fucking you as hard as you love it. right?" he asked with a wicked little grin, stroking fingers over the hole, a ghost of a touch while his breath puffed against Tony's balls.
“Ah. Okay.”Sabrina tilted her head though she looked thoughtful as she considered what kind of conversation it could be, before laughing a little. “So tony tells me. Says you’re the wild child to her prude.”She teased a little looking amused, “...Fine. I don’t care for specifics, I mean, I totally understand why some things need to be kept confidential.”She said studying him, not about to push into something, not when she needed him to trust her to choose things for him, and she trusted him to not be nosy about things she wanted to keep to herself. “Well, at least she trusted Tony’s opinion and went with someone he trusted. So you’re not simply getting a complete stranger.”She said looking thoughtful as she ate, sighing happily as she finished, looking utterly content and pleased with the food. “That was sooo good.”

Tony whined softly as he was forced to hold still, but not happy about it. Sighing quietly as held still, he smiled slightly. “Cause you’re the good captain, and not a depraved pervert, who sometimes gets caught masturbating in his office.”Ahhh, so pepper had gotten on his case again. Before snorting. “I do, but no ropes.”He muttered before whining. “You’re always nice....and kay...”He muttered groaning as the other ordered him to stay, swallowing thickly not wanting to be punished, nodding.”I do. I want to be good.”because there was nothing better for him, then to be told he was okay, that he was doing good. “...Please!Steve!I love you. Please. More, more please. Steve!”He whimpered trying so hard not to squirm under the attention.
he smiled a little. "i'm more than wild. i'm practically Feral." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i'll give you all the specifics you want. your Tony's friend, he doesn't trust people very much so if he trusts you, i know i can too." he admitted, offering her a small smile. "i won't give away anyone else, but i can tell you my role at the very least." he admitted with a smile and a shrug. "this is my favorite restaurant." he admitted with a smile, looking quite happy. "i'm glad you liked it." he admitted, finishing off the last of his Sushi and his tea before sliding off of his chair and scooting hers out for her and headed for the register, sliding over his card and speaking in Japanese with the owner who laughed and clapped Johnny on the back again, making Johnny laugh and lead her for the door, staggering when a bright flash went off. "...damn..." Johnny muttered, realizing that the press was there. he threw on a big happy smile while gently waving his hand behind im, urging Sabrina to not come outside while he handled the press. the last thing he needed was rumors that he was dating his publicist. Sue was going to kill him! dammit.

Steve smirked, delighted by the whining. he loved listening to Tony whine. "i've been caught masturbating before. you do it all the time." he teased with a grin. "besides, with libidos as immense as ours are, we have eery right to masturbate, especially if we have a 'do not disturb' sign." he admitted, smirking. "well. we'll have to get some ropes in here because i have every intention of doing this again." he admitted before snorting. "i am evil." he growled playfully, smirking when Tony finally cracked. "there's my good boy." he purred. "such a good boy for me, begging so good." he teased, kissing the globe of Tony's as, slipping his fingers inside of the other again. "such a good boy. my good boy." he purred, leaning up and gripping Tony's hair, forcing his head back and kissing him, tongue thrusting into Tony's mouth with the same speed and pattern as he was using his fingers into Tony's ass. "do you want my cock Tony? do you want me to fuck you?" he wondered, looking eagerly wicked as he unzipped his pants. "you'll have to get me nice and wet Tony. make me soaked." he growled, sliding Tony off the table and onto his knees so that he was at just the right height for a nice throat fucking. "go on, swallow it all, you know you love it."
"So is'll be fun."she looked amused before shrugging."whatever you feel comfortable telling me, will be fine."she said willing to simply let him be open when he wanted to be."it was very good. Definitely going to have to come back, and try everything else."she said smiling slightly. Following him out she looked amused as he talked and paid before looking startled as he staggered."johnny?"she muttered looking worried about him, before wincing as she realized what was wrong.looking annoyed at being forced to stay behind, even if she knew it was for the best. Fidgeting and waiting.

"I know. We have to but apparently it's not work appropriate."tony whined a little smiling slightly.groaning at the promise."gonna have to. Fun being tied up here."tony muttered smiling. Groaning at the promise he was good he squirmed a little, relaxing. Groaning as his head was pulled back, whimpering and whining as he kissed the other.making desperate little whimpers at the question."yes!I do please steve please."Groaning as groaning as he took the other in his mouth rolling his eyes up to look at him, spreading his mouth wide, as eager to get his throat fuck ed as he was to have steve plow him
he chuckled a little and nodded. "i don't have many things i'm ashamed of or actually want to hide. you might learn more than your comfortable with." he warned before getting distracted by the reporters. "please. ma'am, this way." the manager of the restaurant urged her. "John has a car out back." he explained. "he is often ambushed here. he likes for the people who come with him to have a way out." the manager admitted. "vultures, all of them, even if they have increased our business." he admitted with a huff, leading her through the kitchen and into an alleyway. she could see Johnny's car from there so she would be perfectly safe, even then, the manager walked her to the car, unlocked it and handed her the keys. Johnny joined her in the car twenty minutes later, looking very aggravated and tired. "damn parasites." he growled. "as if i want to tell them who i'm fucking." he growled, starting the car up. "they have no human decency! asking about shit like that! i nearly fire roasted the lot of them! how DARE they!" he snarled, texting Tony that he needed to get a few people fired. "asking me if i'm in an incestuous relationship! i'll have them RUINED for this! those fuckers!!!!" he paused for a moment to slam the palm of his hand into the steering wheel for a moment, just to get the rage out before he jumped, startled when he realized she was there. "oh... sorry. i forgot you where here...." he admitted, blushing quite brightly. he tried not to get angry around other people. he tended to set things on fire and then there was fear and screaming and the cops where called it it became a huge mess.

he sniggered a little and shook his head. "it is fun having you all tied up." he agreed, kissing Tony again just because he loved hearing the other whimper. "of course you do. such a good boy. suck my cock and then i'll fuck my good boy." Steve promised, ignoring the text message alert that Tony's phone gave off. if it was an emergency, they would have called Steve, not Tony. so he wasn't too bothered about it. "fuck! Tony. god i love the way you suck me." he groaned, gathering a fist full of hair to hold Tony's head still, thrusting, slowly, in and out of the others mouth with eager growls and groans, pinning Tony's face all the way, shuddering as he buried himself in as deep as he could go before pulling away once he had felt Tony swallow around him a few times. "such a good boy. up. over the desk. i'll fuck my good boy now."
"I work for tony. I'm used to finding out things I'm uncomfortable with."she pointed out. Looking at the manager when he spoke swallowing hard as she nodded."thank you."she said as she got into the car. Sighing quietly as she leaned back, before looking startled as johnny got in. Tremvling ever so slightly as he yelled, submissive enough to be responding to a dominates anger. "...incest?what?"she started at him, looking upset as she realized just how much she was going to have to work, if the idiots were thinking stuff about him like that. "It's okay...head back to the tower. I'm staying with them."she said looking worried about him." okay?"

"I will. I will."shewhimpered squirming a little as he looked at the other, moaning at the praise. Trying to pull back as he heard the phone go off. Groaning as he got up to the desk, whimpering quietly as he squirmed."please steve, please."he begged
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