A Bit of Whimsy (randomname/Madam Mim)

Two weeks later, Daliah and Spencer had gone on three more dates. The activity varied and of course he didn't fall asleep on her couch anymore, but she was happier than she had been in a long time. She was even beginning to contemplate changing her Facebook status and wonder how soon would be too soon for Nora to meet him; both things that didn't happen unless she was starting to get serious. Several days ago while on their weekly phone call her mother had demanded to know who the man in the photos she kept posting was, and how serious they were. Delilah's mother had been quite protective of her daughter's feelings since Ryan had died, and of her granddaughter and any new father figures that might come into her life.

At the BAU, however, things were a bit less happy. Garcia put up images on screen of several victims with the marks of stigmata on their hands and feet...and a bullet in the brain. It wasn't as graphic as some of the cases they'd worked, but still it was clearly a signature. The victims were of different genders and races but all had one thing in common: service. Of the four victims there were a paramedic, two cops, and a veteran. Both fortunately and unfortunately, the killer was right here in D.C. They didn't have to travel for this particular case...but having another serial killer in their own back yard was of course disturbing.
Over the next couple of weeks, Spencer thoroughly enjoyed the dates he and Daliah went on. The calls became more frequent and the conversations lasted longer. He was also struggling with the fear of things being too soon. Questions like asking her about making things official between them lingered and he didn't know what to do. He feared of waiting too long or not being quick enough to the draw. Simply, he didn't want to lose her. He didn't know how he could recover if he did. Besides, he struggled so much with her in the beginning that he feared he'd never be capable of such confidence again. He was happy with her and it was obvious she was happy with him.

It was a Monday morning and the team was called in. Everyone was extra weary about this case because a serial killer was loose right in their backyard. In fact, the last victim was found less than twenty minutes from Morgan's home. It was a street he passed just about every day. They haven't left yet to visit the crime scene. They wouldn't have to fly but they needed to set up with the local authorities anyways. "Alright, let's load up to the cars and head to the D.C. police station." Hotch spoke as they were briefing one another here in Quantico since they wouldn't all be in the same vehicle, going to the police.
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