A Bit of Whimsy (randomname/Madam Mim)

Daliah seemed to be opening up to Spencer and that brought a smile to his face. It quickly faltered when she said that the father was murdered and the murderer was never caught. It made him want to go on a personal vigilante mission. Well, not vigilante in murdering terms but he wanted to find the killer. He wouldn't be surprised if he called Garcia at some point to get files on one of these cases. He just had to find the name and see what happened.

"I'm so sorry to hear that about her father... I know how it is to lose someone you love. The reason I don't date much... well the reason I don't date at all until you convinced me was because my last girlfriend. Her name was Maeve and she was murdered. I tried to save her but I couldn't. It was three year ago and it still hurts because I got there too late. I thought that I would never enjoy myself again but then I met you. So full of life and happiness with a daughter that you love very much. I really do like you Daliah and all of this means more to me than you can imagine. I want to make you happy. That's all I want now." he told her with a little smile.

"Speaking of nerf guns..." Spencer spoke as he was helping the mood to happy. "I used to collect them all the time I was a kid. I still have them actually. Maybe next Friday when I come by the bar, I will bring my collection for you to give to Nora. I'm sure she would love them. They're classic." He chuckled softly, takinga sip of his drink. It was a long time since he spoke about Maeve but he felt like he could open up to her and that made him so comfortable.

As Brennan and his family ate dinner, they made sure to keep the talk going, chatting about their week ahead, Henry's school, and anything else. Their bedtime for the boy was nine on the weekday and nine-thirty on the weekend. Of course, it would be bumped up as he got older but they wanted to make sure he got good sleep. It also gave them time for alone time which Brennan had to admit, he was very much looking forward to.

When the meal was over, Henry went to finish up the last part of his homework before heading to his room to watch TV. While that was going on, Brennan helped his wife clean up. He was always quite the helpful husband, putting in equal work with JJ to keep the house clean and happy. Of course since they were alone, he'd give her a few sensual touches every now and then when he walked behind her to dry a plate.
Daliah frowned a little as Spencer opened up to her about Maeve. She sighed and nodded, looking into her wineglass briefly. "Yeah when Ryan--my husband--died...I didn't feel like I was ever going to be happy again," she admitted. "It's been almost six years and sometimes I'll still roll over in bed expecting him to be laying there. It took a few years for me to get back out there, too." She looked up though and smiled. "But I'm glad you did decide to put yourself out there. And I'm really glad it was with me."

She was grateful for the topic change though. She laughed and shook her head. "Bring them by, but if anything breaks you're paying for it," she teased. "I hardly have anything breakable left in the house anyway. It all got broken or put away. I'll be glad for the weapons though. Kinda hard to win against a quick little first grader when you've got a gun this big." Daliah held her hands about four inches apart. "It'll be nice to get back at her for once. I don't think Santa's gonna be bringing her any more ammo this year." She laughed and shook her head, grateful when the food arrived. "I'm starving! Nora had to go to a birthday party earlier and we had to get a present last minute, so all I've eaten today is cheap, dry pizza and even cheaper cake." She was grateful as she cut her chicken, savoring it. "Mmm...It's a sleepover, though, so I'll at least have the house to myself."

Oh God did that...did it sound like she was inviting him to stay the night?? Not that she would complain if he did but on the first date? She didn't want Spencer to think she was a slut! But she didn't see any way to backpedal out of this.

JJ had always been thankful that Brennan had been her equal partner in all things, including the household chores. As he touched her while they did dishes she couldn't help but squirm a little. He always knew just where to get her. Once the dishes were done, she dragged him into the living room onto the couch.

"You are very mean," she purred as she pulled him down with her, cuddling into him and kissing his neck. "Henry isn't even asleep yet...getting me all worked up like that."
Spencer happily listened to her stories about her daughter and about how things would be broken. It was so nice to relax, to truly relax. Finally, his mind wasn't clouded with negative, sad thoughts. He didn't feel an overwhelming depression or sadness, he didn't feel like he was doing a dishonor to Maeve. He knew she would want him to move on and be happy rather than spending his life alone just because she was gone. Of course, he knew that he could never replace Ryan for Daliah but he could try to make her happy and that's all that really mattered, right? When she spoke about a sleep over, he smiled and started eating the spaghetti. "Well, at least you get a break then." He chuckled to himself. She never said anything about him coming over and he wasn't very good about hints if she was dropping one.

He wasn't going to ask her because he did understand a bit about social norms in that sense. Though, unknowingly, he played into the concept even more. "Yeah, I spend all my nights alone so it's always fun for me when I'm with someone. Maybe after dinner, I can keep you company for a few minutes if you wouldn't mind? I know you probably don't want me staying the night but I'd like to spend some more time with you... just this dinner won't do justice." He explained with a geeky smile again before looking back down to his food, fearing he said too much or too little. He was so afraid to ask about spending the night because she might think all he wanted was to have her body but he also feared if he didn't ask to stay, that he would lose her to someone else and he didn't want that, so he got a nice medium, to just keep her company for a bit and see what happens from there.

Once JJ and Brennan were on the couch, he chuckled as he held the blonde woman in his arms. "Oh, I'm sorry dear. Don't fret, you only have about an hour and half before we can get started. I've got so many kinky plans for you, Agent Jareau. You can expect to be all tied up for me tonight." He winked at her playfully. Brennan really did love his bondage to be honest. Nothing got him hotter than seeing her cuffed to the bed and watching her squrim while he toys with her body. They both seemed to enjoy it though and it kept a nice fire in their love life and never let it get boring. "That is of course unless that doesn't appeal to you... and you don't want to be dominated by your husband." He chuckled, kissing under her ear slowly and playfully.
Daliah smiled. Spencer seemed to have taken things in stride. At first it felt a little awkward when he invited himself over, but he put in the condition that it would only be for a while. Her smile widened. She hadn't smiled this much in a long, long time.

"Yeah, I'd like that," she agreed. "Maybe a movie or a game or something," she suggested. "I uh...don't think sitting in silence with each other would be too much fun yet. I mean that is a thing I like to do, but I think I'd rather talk with you and stuff." Daliah had to laugh at herself. "'Talk and stuff.' Wasn't that eloquent. I'm sorry it's just...been a while, you know?" She concentrated on her food again, trying to dig herself out of the hole from embarrassment.

JJ squirmed in his arms as he winked and teased her. "Only an hour and a half? Ugh...that's forever!" she complained. Still she enjoyed the teasing and forepleay. "And why wouldn't it appeal to me?" she demanded. "Has getting pinned down and tied up ever not appealed to me?" She pulled Brennan in for a deep, slow kiss. She couldn't wait until Henry got to bed; already she was slick. "I love you," she murmured. "And I love everything you do to my body."
Spencer felt just as embarrassed as Daliah. It didn't even cross his mind that he invited himself over until he already spoke. That was weird, wasn't it? Or maybe it was a show of confidence even if he didn't mean it to be. Women liked that, right? He didn't know, hell he didn't know what they liked but she was still there and accepted the offer so he must be doing something decent at least. "It's okay... talking and stuff is fine... maybe a movie would be nice." He added, making sure to add the 'talk and stuff' part in to show he didn't find it stupid or dumb and she didn't need to be embarrassed. He had done so many embarrassing things tonight already, she had no reason to be ashamed. "You don't have to be eloquent around me... I'm not a real doctor, you know?" He teased, thinking that was a good little play on words and his title to use with her. "So, when did you first start singing? And how did you meet up with your band, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked and looked at her, wanting to know all about her that he could.

Brennan loved when JJ got like this, and she wasn't even drunk like she was last week! Maybe he was just that good, that thought made him smirk against her lips. "Hmm, I love you more. And I really, really love doing those things to your body. I promise you, you're the hottest mom of them all. "He laughed, kissing her again, flipping her over onto the couch playfully, kissing her on the lips again, hands massaging her waist with his hands. He couldn't wait either. This would be so fun and he hoped Henry's bed time would come quickly. He couldn't wait to see how or what he would do to JJ. He didn't even know yet, but he had a few plans like he said. The TV played but they ignored it, just making out with one another.
Daliah tucked a bit of hair behind her ear, recovering somewhat from her embarrassment. "Not a real doctor, huh? Just play one on TV?" she teased. "You may not be a medical doctor, but you are a real doctor, Spencer. You've got a doctorate; makes you a doctor and that's all that matters. I just like to be more articulate than, you know, 'stuff and things.'" She chuckled to herself and shook her head.

"I've always sung," she answered with a shrug. "Ever since I can remember I've been in choruses, choirs, musicals, bands...a lot of my family is musically inclined and the rest are all mechanics. Nora looks like she might be going the same way with music; she's picking up the guitar really quickly. If she ever stops liking it, though, I'm not pushing her into it. As for the band?" Daliah shrugged. "In high school some of my friends and I started getting really into swing and the rockabilly style. It went from just dicking around in Chuck's garage to...well, you saw. We wanted to be a New Orleans-themed sort of band, but we ended up with the sugar skulls instead. I think it's fun though." Her lips curled back up into a smile before she leaned forward. "So what about you? What sort of books do you like to read?"

JJ grinned as Brennan swore she was the hottest mom. Sometimes she worried about her appearance, about her body since having Henry, but Brennan was always there to make her feel secure again. She made a small noise as he flipped her onto the couch and pinned her with his body. Grinning, she groaned and ran his hands through her hair as she returned his kiss. She was always more than happy to just make out on the couch until Henry had to go to bed.
"I uh, I read a lot of philosophy books. Sociology and the such. Psychology. I learned everything I could from them when I was a kid. And that continues. I don't really read literature for fictional characters and events. I guess I just like to learn from them. So it's what most people consider boring and nothing else." He murmured with a shrug, a bit embarrassed with how nerdy that he sounded. "Well, I believe in you. I believe your band can be the best in the world. Do big concerts all around the country. I can see it." He offered with a smile on his face. A little bit longer and Spencer was trying so hard to slow down his eating. He wanted the dinner to drag on because he didn't want to leave her. "Uh, do you want any dessert? I might try some of the chocolate cake." He told her with a little smile. He actually wasn't that hungry to be honest, but he just wanted to stay with her a little bit longer. "You said that you liked to read. What about you? Do you like nerdy books too?" he asked and chuckled softly, doing his best to relax in the chair.

It truly felt like an eternity before it was Henry's bed time but he suddenly pulled back from a kiss and winked. "Hey, it's nine-thirty. I'm going to put our baby boy to bed... and then I expect to see you in the bedroom. You better not be in all this clothing though." He whispered into her ear with a sly smirk before pressing a kiss to her lips. After that, he walked up to Henry's room. They boy was dozing off anyways, so he turned off the TV and pulled up the covers for him, kissing his head and bidding him good night. He slowly slipped out the room and closed the door behind him, heading down the hall to their bedroom.
Daliah couldn't help but laugh when Spencer declared that he believed in her and her band. "Well that's a very sweet sentiment, but we're realistic," she said. "It's hard for nobodies to break into music, even harder to make it into the rockabilly and electroswing scene. It's super niche. We've all got dayjobs and we're all coming at it with the same attitude: If we get discovered, great! Nora's college is all set and maybe we can get a house with a bigger yard. If not, we at least have fun. Fame does funny things to people, anyway." She shrugged.

She took a moment to consider how full she was. "Yeah I think I'd like some," she said after a moment. "I'm on this quest, you see, for the perfect cannoli. I don't think that'll be too much dessert for me. Ever been to Boston? There's this place there, Mike's...incredible. I've yet to meet a pastry better than Mike's." Daliah sat back in her chair, waiting for the waiter to come by to take their plates and get their dessert orders.

"I like fiction mostly," she admitted. "I've been known to pick up a history book or two, some theology, and I've got a few astronomy books I've been getting back into, but it's mostly fiction. Nothing like Twilight or that crap." She waved a dismissive hand. "Classics, by and large, though I've been known to keep some Dean Koontz or Stephen King on my bookshelf. And it's the good classics, none of this Tess of the D'Urbervilles stuff. Gatsby was the last great American novel, you know." Suddenly Daliah's expression changed and she pushed away her wine glass. "I'm sorry. Wine tends to make me...chatty." Her face was a little flushed as well. "I realize that it isn't conventionally attractive for a woman to get passionate about things that aren't shopping-related, but I think you've probably noticed that I'm not a conventional woman." She began to reach for her water glass. "I like getting passionate about a lot of things: novels, food, sex, homemade soaps..." Daliah had nearly choked on her own water at the realization of what she'd said, but let the casual mention of sex slip by as though it were nothing. Oh god, now he would think she was a slut! "What are you passionate about, Spencer? Not just, you know, a hobby...something you really love. Something you can lose yourself in and feel alive?"

"Aww you're not gonna take them off for me?" JJ pouted playfully before following her husband upstairs. She peeked over his shoulder at Henry and smiled before continuing on to their bedroom. In no time she was stripped and laying on the bed, clad in only her panties and spread eagle for her husband. Already she'd tugged the under-bed restraints out of the mattress for use at his will, and a host of toys and paraphernalia were lined up on the nightstand, ready to be used on her one by one.
"Yes, I have been to Boston on a few cases that the team worked. However, I don't think we have ever eaten there. If we ever go back, I'll be sure to tell them we need to try because the best musician ever said so." With a smile, he handed the empty plates over to the waiter and got a refill on his wine. "Well, I have read a few Stephen King books. I prefer the books of the horror genre when I do read something like that. And don't worry, I like chatting with you... and you look cute when you blush." he commented, which in turn caused him to blush, not used to giving these compliments, afraid he would sound stupid.

"Well, I think it's good that you feel so passionate about all those things. I'm not conventional either. I am really passionate about chess, I have to admit. And poker. I grew up in Vegas so it's natural that I play." he paused with a soft chuckle. "But I also am passionate about my job. You know, so many times we lose. We see the bad guy win and kill someone or a child is never returned. I am passioante because I want to save all those victims. I want to help them and help these families we come in contact with because sometimes, the good guys win. And that's what make the dark days worth the good days. So what I really love is helping people I guess. There's something so perfect about making someone else smile because of what you did, not just as an FBI agent, but as a human. Just like you... I love seeing you smile, I have to admit." With a smile, he sighed softly as the dessert was brought out and he started to eat.

"That reminds me, I've tried to take up painting, taking a few lessons here and there but it's not going anywhere really. I do like listening to music, more classical music and music like you play. I really enjoyed all of your songs. I want you to know that I'm not saying that just to say it but i really did enjoy it. I want you to know you guys do a great job and you need to keep up the good work. That's coming from a doctor so it must be accurate, right?" He asked with a grin.

When Brennan walked inside the bedroom, he looked at the sight and smiled. He closed the door behind him and looked down into her eyes. "Well, this is quite the sexy sight to walk in on." he whispered and walked to the foot of the bed. Quickly, his shirt and pants were stripped away and he crawled on top of the bed, just clad in his boxers now. "I love you baby." He whispered into her ear, starting to kiss her on the neck again, right in that sweet spot. Now, he had the leather cuffs that were used for restraints with pink ropes to attach to the bed post when he needs her. "It's been such a long week babe... we haven't been able to do anything since last weekend." he whispered. "We both have some... pent up emotions, I assume." He chuckled, now kissing her on the lips again, cupping her cheeks in his hands.
Spencer's compliment only caused her to blush deeper and look down to avoid his gaze for a little bit. It was hard for her to accept genuine compliments, but it made her grin uncontrollably. Her cheeks hurt from as much as she'd been smiling. When the topic turned to passion she looked up again, glad to have the focus off of her for a little bit. For such a flamboyant performer, Daliah was rather shy when it came to personal interactions. When he mentioned poker her interest looked piqued.

"I'll bet you're a whiz at counting cards," she speculated. "Statistics and odds, too. I bet you get banned from all the casinos." Daliah listened silently as Spencer started talking about his job. She could see it in his eyes that he really meant it, that he was really passionate about helping and saving people, about making sure the bad guys win. When he admitted he liked seeing her smile, a grin bloomed across her face again. "Well it's easy to smile around you," she confessed. "And I love how much you care about your job and the people you work with. It's really hard to find someone who works like you do and isn't jaded or doesn't hate their job. It's a refreshing change of pace, and you're passionate for a very good reason."

Dessert was brought and Daliah carefully broke into her cannoli. It was good...but not the perfect cannoli she was looking for. "Mm...really good...but not as good as Mikes," she judged at last. "Want to try some?" She pushed her plate towards Spencer in offering, laughing as he insisted that his opinion as a doctor about her band meant that it was true. She was enjoying this little in-joke that seemed to be developing between them. "Absolutely! Your professional opinion as a doctor is above dispute. My band is the best in the world."

JJ stretched out like a cat when Brennan walked in, showing off all she had to offer. Between their play earlier and the sight of Brennan now she was ready for him to take her...but she knew that wasn't how the game was played. Instead she squirmed beneath him as he crawled up her body.

"Mm...I love you more," she whispered back, breathing in sharply as he kissed her neck. "Ooh I've got so much pent up everything, baby," she groaned, writhing underneath him. "Why don't you help me release some of this energy?"
"Yeah, I'd love to try it." Spencer answered and took his spoon, taking a bite of the cannoli. "Hm, it's really good actually. Though I never had a dessert like this before." He answered with a chuckle and returned to his slice of cake. Spencer was never big on eating out just because he never had anyone to go with. That was before he joined the BAU. They usually went out to eat once a week in the cities they go to investigate the cases. But now he had a reason to go out and eat. He could get used to this with Daliah.

"So, for your music and your band, Daliah..." he began after swallowing a piece of cake and taking a sip of the wine. "Is the bar that's here the only place you guys play at? Or do you play anywhere else?" he asked curiously, tilting his head at her before wiping his hands on the napkin. "Because, if you're looking for another gig. One of my friend run that restaurant near the court house. They would be looking for new bands to play. It wouldn't be every week though, but you're passionate about your music. Your music makes people happy and it could give you an opportunity to play more often for the audience. If you're interested, I could help with that."

"Oh, I will help you with it baby... just take your time though and get all nice and relaxed." Pulling away from the kiss, he took one of the cuffs, locked it onto her left wrist and tied the rope to the headboard and then did the same thing with her other wrist, tying it to the proper post on the side of her wrist. After she was secure, he started to kiss her again, taking her lower lip in between his teeth and beginning to suck on her lip. "Now you're all cuffed to the bed, JJ. No one can save you now..." he told her with a wink, hands moving to grip her breasts.
"Really? You've never had a cannoli?" Daliah shook her head, smiling. "We gotta get you out more, dude. There's an entire world of food out there, waiting for you to eat it!"

When asked about her band, she shook her head. "Nah. I mean we'll play a few gigs here and there but mostly we just play at that bar. It's consistent and pays enough for some pocket money." She straightened as he offered her a gig, grinning. "Yeah sure! I mean, we'll audition just like everybody else, obviously, and if he doesn't like us he doesn't like us. But it would be amazing if you could put in a good word for us! Thank you, Spencer!" Under the table her foot accidentally bumped into his leg. Instead of showing her embarrassment and tried to play it off, instead running her foot gently down the length of his shin.

JJ squirmed when Brennan tied her up to the bed posts. She loved being controlled by him and tying her up was the quickest way to get her wet. A groan slipped from her as he sucked on her lip and she slid her leg over his hip then down his thigh, enjoying the foreplay. "Who says I need saving?" she murmured, pressing her lips hard against his.
When Spencer felt her foot brush against his leg, he felt the breath in his throat start to hitch. Expecting her to play it off, he got a big surprise when she ran it down the length of his shin. To show that he didn't mind the affection and to show that he enjoyed it, in return, he ran his foot down her shin as well. A small smile was exchanged with her as the genius started to finish up his piece of cake. Soon enough, his plate was empty and he felt sick- in a good way of course. That had to be the best meal he had eaten in the longest time.

"That was an amazing meal and I'm so glad you agreed for this date. I'll go run up to the counter and pay the bill for us then we can get headed on the road." After declaring this, he smiled at Daliah and walked towards the cashier, paying the money before returning to the table. Whenever she was finished with her meal, he was standing up and ready to walk her out to his car and to drive her home.

When Brennan finished binding JJ to the bed, he smirked as he grabbed the other two leather cuffs and tied her ankles to the adjacent post at the foot of the bed. Now, she was tied in a spread eagle tie, all spread out and ready for him to do as he pleased. Just as tying her up was the quickest way to get JJ wet, doing the tying was the quickest way to get Brennan hard. His lips went right back to hers, each hand going down one of her arms to give her those gentle little touches as he made out with her. "Good point." He laughed, taking her tongue into his mouth.
Daliah smiled back, surprised Spencer had returned the small gesture of affection under the table. They finished their desserts in silence and Daliah went for her purse, but Spencer beat her to it. By the time he'd come back she'd stood up and went out with him to the car. She leaned the seat back a little, completely full and almost regretting having eaten so much. Still it was a good kind of sickening fullness and she certainly didn't mind the company. At the doorstep she hesitated a moment, uncertain of the state the house had been left in when she'd left. Still, they'd made plans so she was going to keep them.

The living room was mostly clean, but Barbies and Hot Wheels were scattered across the floor. The lid of the toybox in the corner was still propped open and Daliah shook her head, bending to pick everything up before one of them broke their necks. Smiling, she stepped across the living room into the kitchen to put some popcorn in the microwave. The house wasn't as clean as she'd have liked, but she wouldn't have traded this life for anything. Instead of sitting on the couch when she came back in, she continued toward the stairs.

"I hope you don't mind, but I've got to get out of this dress," Daliah mentioned as she passed Spencer. "I'm going to go put on something a bit more comfortable."

When she said comfortable, Daliah didn't mean the sexy kind of comfortable. She returned a few minutes later in yoga pants and an over-sized t-shirt, makeup wiped off and hair taken down and brushed out. After retrieving the popcorn from the kitchen, she sat on the couch with Spencer and smiled sheepishly.

"I know it's not sexy...but home is home, you know? I like to be comfy."

JJ didn't struggle as he cuffed her feet as well. The less she could move the more she loved it. A shiver ran up her body as her husband crawled back up and she felt his hard shaft through the thin fabric of is boxers press against the inside of her thigh. He ran his hands down her arms, raising goosebumps across her skin, and groaned as he claimed her mouth again. God but she loved it when he dominated her!
On the walk to the car, Spencer linked arms with Daliah again. Just one week ago from yesterday, it was a gesture that felt so foreign and nerve wracking to him. Such affection wasn't given to him that often and he had no idea how to reciprocate it. But by now, with all this time spent with the woman that was painted in a sugar skull paint when he first met her, showed him how gentle and relaxing these little gestures were. Every time they touched, no matter how little it was or even if it was by accident, he took happiness in the moment, took pride in being able to feel such things. Maybe he was finally moving on, he just needed this woman in his life to help him. Of course, they weren't involved with anything serious yet and maybe that since it's only the first date, he shouldn't think this way, but he felt like a serious relationship with her would be perfect and it made him wanting to try even harder to make this perfect for her.

After following her into her home, he took a curious look around. He wasn't profiling her or the way her home looked, but he knew that a person's house said a lot about the resident. He wanted to take a good look at everything, hoping to find out what she really enjoyed and what he could do, helping to make her happy. It was obvious that the way to her heart was through her daughter. That wasn't a bad thing though. Spencer always truly did want a family but for so long, he had feared dying alone, spending his dying days with no one by his side. Maybe this was all perfect. This daughter of hers needed a man that was constant and would commit to her and her mother. Spencer wanted to be that man, he wanted it so bad.

"It's okay, take all the time you need." He told her before taking a seat on the couch and waiting. "Well... I think it's sexy if I'm being honest..." he admitted with a timid smile. He learned that compliments never hurt, no matter what and no matter how scared it made him, fearing he would say something stupid, it would do well to say it.

"Now, it's time for the best part." Brennan whispered against her mouth before sitting back. reaching over, he grabbed a clean cloth and shoved it between JJ's teeth, then taking the cloth and wrapping it around her head twice and tying it when he was done. As always, he kept her hair out of the way so it didn't get caught and tangled. She was nicely bound and gagged, just the way he wanted her to be. Gags were always his most favorite part because of just how sexy her moans sounded when she was helpless, like a classic damsel in distress, and that really got him hard. "Let's see what you've got hidden under this underwear." he purred into her ear, reaching under her back to unstrap her bra.
The living room Spencer was left in was small and tidy, though scuffs in the wood and a few stains on the rug were a testament to the child who lived here. When Daliah came back to sit on the couch with him, she grinned at his admission. Without thinking too much about it she leaned in and kissed his cheek. Perhaps actual kissing wasn't appropriate just yet but she wanted some way to show her affection. Being told she was sexy even without being made up and pinned and tucked into more formal clothes than pj's was nice.

"You're a very sweet man, Spencer," she said softly as she drew back. "So I know you said you don't watch a whole lot of TV but what about movies? We've got quite a few, both animated and not," she gestured to a shelf with a good number of movies organized neatly. "Or there's always Netflix, I'm sure. So long as it's not Barbie Swan Lake again, I'm up for anything."

The cloth caught her off-guard but wasn't entirely unexpected. JJ moaned, her voice muffled by the cloth. She knew he liked to see her helpless underneath him. As he reached up to unstrap her bra she pushed her hips up, trying to grind against him. The torment was exquisite...but anguish was still anguish.
The living room was much more well maintained than his own. It was funny how Daliah said that she had a messy house that was hardly ever clean because of her daughter. Spencer lived alone and it wasn't nearly as clean at his own living room! When she kissed his cheek, a huge blush took him over. Much bigger than any blush that he had that night. A dorky smile took over his face and he couldn't help himself. "Thank you so much. I don't care what movie we watch... I just want to be with you... how about you put in your favorite movie ever. You can recommend me some good movies and then I can finally get into modern day entertainment." He chuckled to himself, figuring it was time to join the golden age of the world. He was book smart but that was about it. He wasn't technically sound nor did he know too much about the modern culture, but he wanted to learn. Plus, if he knew what her favorite movie was, he could find out what else she liked.

When JJ moaned, it made Brennan smile. He was fully hard now, ready to fuck her and now, it was time. He removed his boxers and then removed her panties while rubbing his hard length against her. Leaning down, he pursed his lips to kiss her over the gag and smiled. "I love you babe. Get ready for my cock." He told her as he picked up his hips and slammed inside of her violently, both hands now molesting her breasts, squeezing and pinching them as he started ravaging her again, penetrating deep to her core.
"My favorite movie ever, huh?" Daliah raised an eyebrow. "That's an awful lot of trust. What if I liked some sappy romance or stupid romcom?" She grinned, however, and slid off the couch. "Don't worry, it's neither of those things. Well, there's romance...but there's always romance, isn't there? But if you haven't seen The Princess Bride now you will. It's a cult classic, you know."

Holding up the cover so he could see it, she smiled as she popped it in then sat back down next to him. Throwing caution to the wind, she curled up and leaned against him, putting the popcorn bowl between them. It was nice, being able to actually be comfortable on the first date. It felt like they'd known each other for so much longer, and that was nice. It was strange but exciting to think that maybe she'd finally found a steady, stable, nice guy.

JJ's scream was muffled behind the gag. Her back arched as he slammed into her, penetrating her deep and suddenly. But she loved feeling him so deep inside of her, fucking her senseless. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and the noises she made were always muffled by the cloth, but it was clear she was enjoying it. At one point she even wrapped a leg around his hip, pulling him even deeper with each thrust.
"Maybe it is a lot of trust but did you know that trust has been studied to be a direct correlation with the neurons of the brain that control attraction and happiness when they release the epinephrine and...." Spencer paused shyly and looked down, noticing that he was rambling on and on with some useless information that no one needs to hear. So he took a deep breath and laughed nervously. "What I am really trying to say is that I like you... a lot and you should know. If you ever are feeling down, just remember that you make me happy and making someone happy is our true purpose in this world."

After saying this, he decided to be bold and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She was curled up in his arms with the popcorn and he didn't care. By now, he was forgetting all the social norms of dating because he just wanted to hold her and that he did. He held her like his life depended on it and he was so comfortable with her. He didn't feel like he even had to act like he was the modern version of an interesting man that women would love. Daliah liked him, for him. That was incredible.

When JJ screamed, it brought a smirk to Brennan's face. Oh, that wonderful, sexy noise! Sometimes he wondered if he could just jerk off to JJ while she sat naked with a gag and made those whimpering noises. It was so hot and it was not able to be explained. He didn't know why he got so aroused by her muffled moans but he did, and he always had. When her leg wrapped around his waist, he reached down to grip onto her thigh and smiled to himself. "I'm going to fill you up with my cum baby. You're mine forever and you're going to feel owned tonight." He murmured, smiling as he kissed her over the gag again, his other hand reaching to grip her ass while he thrusts.
Daliah smiled. Spencer was geeky and awkward and she liked that. Running her fingers through his hair, she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I like you a lot too," she confessed. "And I like little factoids like that. I think they're interesting. Now watch the movie." She chuckled as she hit play, glowing with the feel of his kiss still on her cheek. His arms were so comfortable.

Too comfortable. By the end of the movie, Daliah had shifted to where her top half was laying across Spencer's lap and her legs were stretched out on the couch. The popcorn was long gone, but through the last ten minutes of the movie she didn't move much. As the credits rolled she didn't move to stop them, but her breathing was slow and heavy. Daliah had fallen asleep in Spencer's lap during the movie. It was, after all, late and had been quite a busy day for her.

She grinned behind the gag as he gripped her thigh and his fingers dug into her ass. JJ's breathing grew heavier as he promised to fill her up with his cum and she couldn't help but beg for it, though she knew he couldn't understand her. She loved feeling owned and taken by her husband.
"Yes ma'am." Spencer nodded when she instructed him to watch the movie. While the movie played on longer, his arms never left her body. When it was over, he was consciously aware of Daliah being across his lap. All he did now was stroke her hair until he turned off the television since the credits were rolling. He kissed her gently one more time on the cheek before closing his eyes and going right to sleep as well, still holding her tightly to his body.

Just as he promised that he would cum inside of her, Brennan kept his promise. With a moan of her name, he kissed her one final time and slammed his massive cock inside of her, filling her up with his sticky seed. Once he finished, he just lay on top of her, arms tightly wrapped around her as he took time, kissing on her neck all affectionately, just enjoying how great her body was and how great it was while she was tied up.
There was a buzzing in the far distance. There it was again. Daliah lifted her head, groggily recognizing that she was still laid over Spencer. The buzzing...it was her phone. Nora! Lunging toward the coffee table and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she knew she still sounded sleepy.

"Mrs. White? Daliah did I wake you up?"

"Susan, hi! I..no, I'm just a little groggy. What's up?" Frowning, Daliah looked at the clock. It was only 8:30, were the girls even up yet?

"Oh I'm sorry it's just, well...Nora had a bad dream last night. She wants to come home early." Susan sounded a little annoyed, but mostly sympathetic.

Daliah sat up, hair stuck to the side of her face as she rubbed her eyes. "Yeah okay. Just let me do my hair real quick and I'll be there. Okay thanks Susan." She looked over at Spencer and gently shook him. "Hey Spencer? I ah...I have to go pick up Nora from that sleepover. She wanted to come home early."

JJ arched her back as Brennan came inside her, moaning her name. Feeling his cock slamming deep inside her was always so satisfying. Once he finished they were both breathing heavily, tangled up in each other as he kissed her. Unable to move, she simply leaned her forehead against his shoulder, grateful for such a wonderful husband.
It wasn't that long ago when Spencer couldn't sleep a wink. But last night, he slept like a rock. It wasn't until he felt the body of the lovely Daliah shift from his lap before he woke from his slumber. Slowly opening his eyes, he groaned quietly and rubbed them, letting out a yawn. His body was adjusting now to sit up more straight against the couch while he started to become coherent from his sleep. Hearing that Nora wanted to come home early, he nodded.

"I'm sorry about falling asleep on the couch last night. You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you... I hope you aren't upset that I stayed." Finally, he rambled off his concerns that were bothering him all of last night. What if she was upset with him? He promised to just stay a few minutes and on top of that, he invited himself to do it. Oh god, he thought he ruined it.

After their rough session of sex, Brennan untied JJ and removed the gag. The couple spent the rest of the night cuddling and kissing while adding in one more love-making scene before bed. The next morning arrived quickly and Brennan was the first to wake up as usual. As of now, he was dressed in his boxers since he didn't want himself and his wife to be sleeping nude in case Henry needed something. After waking, Brennan kissed JJ's cheek and looked at his sleeping wife before standing, pulling on his robe and starting to make breakfast downstairs. He wanted to treat his wife and son on this Sunday Morning.
"No, it's okay," Daliah protested as Spencer apologized. "It was actually kinda nice. Besides, it was my fault anyway; I sort-of trapped you, didn't I?" She chuckled and stood, retrieving a brush from the half bath downstairs and pulling it through her hair. "I had a lot of fun last night, Spencer. I hope we can do it again some time." Daliah wanted to invite him to go pick up Nora with her, to stay for breakfast, but thought that might be moving too quickly. Instead she ran upstairs to grab a bra before coming back down and pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"I ah...I don't think it's a good idea just yet, meeting Nora and everything," she admitted with a rueful look. "But after a few more dates I don't think it'll be out of the question." Daliah grabbed her keys and held the door open for him, following close behind and locking it. Standing on the porch with Spencer, she pushed herself up onto her toes and kissed him sweetly on the lips. "Call me, alright?" With that she left to pick up her daughter.

JJ woke up an hour or so after Brennan. Last night had taken a lot out of her. Rolling out of bed, she grabbed a robe and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, she sat at the table and smiled contentedly. "Mmm...smells good babe."
Spencer felt a major wave of relief wash over him when she said he didn't apologize. "Well, don't worry about it. I'm really glad that we spent this night together and I'm so glad that we had our dinner. I will definitely call you. I promise. So have fun with your daughter and I'll talk to you later." He told her with a smile as they stood on the porch. He returned the kiss to her lips and got into his car, starting to ride home. It was the best day he had in a long time and the decision to go out with the team just last week started this. He couldn't wait to see what the future held for him and Daliah. Once he was home, he stepped inside and sat down on the couch, just relaxing, looking at a couple pictures they took together the night before. It was such a nice reminder.

"Thank you, love." Brennan answered as he glanced to his wife in the robe. Walking towards her, he pulled her in for a quick hug and kiss. "The foods ready. I'll go get Henry." He whispered and kissed her on the lips once more before releasing her. He walked into his son's room, knocked on the door and woke up his son to let him know that the breakfast was ready. Returning to the kitchen, he got everyone some juice to drink, taking his seat when JJ and Henry were all settled in.
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