A Bit of Whimsy (randomname/Madam Mim)

Madam Mim

One Big Modern Mess
May 30, 2013
"Hey! Does Reid seem...off today?" Garcia pulled JJ aside, looking concerned. JJ's face was hard to read: a weird mixture of sympathy and pity.

"Yeah...it's the fifteenth." The women spoke in hushed tones in the hallway outside of Garcia's office. Garcia's mouth formed a small 'o' and she took on a similar expression.

"Oh my god, Maeve..."

"Yeah." JJ pushed her hair out of her face, shifting her weight. "He says he's grieved, but it's obvious he still blames himself. I just wish there were something I could to to help."

"He blames--? But why? It wasn't his fault at all!" Garcia looked horrified at the idea of anybody blaming Reid for his girlfriend's death, even Reid himself, especially not after three years. At the idea of JJ being able to help, however, a lightbulb was almost visible. "We should take him out!"

"What?" She laughed nervously. She and Brennan had been married for nearly seven years, but it was still sometimes difficult to forget the period of time that Spencer had had a crush on her.

"Yeah just the three of us or something. I mean Brennan can come if he wants." The techy had a way of speaking very quickly whenever she had an idea. "But I mean, take him out to a bar or a club or something to get his mind off of her. Maybe he could meet someone new!"

"Garcia, I dunno if Spence would really go for that..."

"Well we could try!"

JJ couldn't say no to the hopeful look on Garcia's face. With a sigh, she relented. "Alright, I'll ask. But the minute he says he wants to go home we let him! Deal?" She was ever-mindful of Spencer's comfort levels in social situations.



"Hey Spence!" JJ passed his desk in the bullpen on the way to her office and casually stopped by. She waited until he looked up, not wanting to break his concentration. "So Garcia and I and maybe a few other people are going out tonight. Wanna come?"
Dr. Spencer Reid dreadfully sat in his chair, alone at his desk. Just as everyone on the team noticed, he was feeling rather down today. Well... feeling down was an understatement. His head slowly lifted upwards and the lights seemed all to bright, blinding him and forcing his head back down in sadness. Three years today, three years and it still hurt as much as yesterday. So many things could have been done differently on his part. Something should have been done... he doesn't know what or how or why... but it should have happened. Spencer thought he should have been able to rescue Maeve before Diane killed her. No matter how much he tried to move on, he was stuck in a never ending cycle of depression and sadness.

SSA Morgan and Reynolds have tried so hard the entire day to cheer him up from this slump. Derek and Brennan were really the closest to him on the team and they usually never failed to make him laugh. Usually, that is. On this date every year was when they failed, no matter how hard they tried.

Maeve was really his first true lover. Spencer always struggled in his life with the opposite sex. He didn't have the confidence and swagger that Morgan carried. He didn't have the good looks and social skills that Brennan had. Both men tried to give him pointers and help him out but nothing ever stuck, other than what he had with Maeve. It was a constant battle that was being fought. On one hand, he knew he had to move on from her but on the other, he just couldn't.

Right now, he pretended to stare at something because he heard footsteps. Honestly, he just wanted to avoid all social interaction if possible. When JJ spoke up, Spencer sighed and looked up to her. Why would they invite him? They should know he didn't want to go on a day like this. The lines in his forehead curled and his lips were showing a frown as well. His eyes looked sad and droopy as he stood to his feet. "No, I'll be fine." He murmured sadly, taking the files in his hand.

Garcia was with JJ because she really wanted to push the issue. "Come on Spencer, it will be fun. Everyone is going to be there. Music and food will be great. It'll be better than going home. Spend some time with the team, come on!" She beamed with a hopeful expression on her face.

As much as the socially awkward doctor wanted to stop this, he finally just gave in to make them quiet. "Sure, sure... I'll go. I'll meet everyone in the parking lot... I have something to do." He really didn't have something to do, he just needed a moment alone before regathering himself to just make it through the night.
"Okay Spence, take your time." JJ watched Garcia trot off happily before putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey...this is gonna be good for you, you know. It'll take your mind off things." She didn't want to bring up Maeve specifically, but they both knew she knew why he was down. There was no use in pretending. "Take your time and we'll wait for you, okay?"


The music--a weird mix of jazz, ska, and big band--was loud and the room was dark. The food was...decent, but most people seemed to be here for the liquor. The band had made themselves up as flamboyantly-painted sugar skulls, just to make themselves more memorable. There were people dancing, laughing, having a good time...the rest of the team just hoped that wouldn't make Spencer feel that much worse.

"How did you even find out about this place?" JJ asked, crinkling her nose a little.

"Oh I'm friends with the singer," Garcia shouted over the music, pointing to the woman on stage. "Cool band, right?"

"Uh...yeah." Morgan didn't look convinced.
When JJ tried to comfort him, Spencer just nodded and murmured a little "Thank you." before walking away. He found a little bathroom at the end of a lonely, cold corridor that was a nice place to rest and just have time to himself. While he just stood in front of the sink, he ruffled his growing hair just a bit to make it look better. The man tucked a piece behind his ear and after a few minutes had finally gathered himself and walked back outside to in his team.


Once at the bar, Spencer let out an audible sigh. The music was loud and that was good because it would cloud his thoughts and he couldn't think straight. So far, he hadn't touched any food and simply sat at the bar, only taking occasional sips of the light colored drink. So far, no one really stood out to him and he made no attempt to speak with anyone.

Beside of JJ, her husband Brennan stood with a drink in his hand. Whenever the team went out like this, they could always be found together holding hands, dancing, and drinking.

After the answer from Garcia, Morgan just shook his head and laughed. He had a few drinks already and was clearly the most buzzed of everyone so far. "You know what baby girl..." he began and stood up from the bar, looking down at the tech analyst. "What do you say we dance together? Let's have a little fun. We can't drink the entire time... just most of the time!" He chuckled, offering his hand out for Garcia to take.

While this was going on, Brennan glanced down to his wife again, taking her hand in his. "I think we should get on the dance floor too... I should probably take your dance before some other man walks in here and beats me to it." Brennan teased, setting his glass down and standing to his feet. The music blasted in his ears louder as they approached the dance floor, awfully close to the band. All eh could think about though was JJ as each hand went to her waist, keeping her close to him as they began to dance. They weren't able to do this often, but he made sure to keep their fire of love burning each chance he had.

In the mean time, Reid was still sitting to himself. About half the glass of his first drink was finished but he was starting to take notice of a particular member of the band. The mystery about her behind the sugar skulls and all the make up intoxicated him, wanting to make him see who she really was. For a brief moment, he almost forgot but then slumped right back to himself. He was a nerd, a loser. She was in a band that was playing so well and were much more interesting than him. Besides, she would only be hurt with being near him. That was shown with Maeve... but he couldn't help himself though. Second, third, and fourth glances were taken at her... he couldn't help it.
"I think having fun with my Chocolate Thunder would be the highlight of my night!" Garcia had already had a few drinks as well, though not as many as Derek, and took his hand. She had to quickly set her drink down before he led her out to the dance floor. "Man you make my knees weak when you touch me like that," she teased as he put his hands on her waist. If only he knew how often she told the truth. She grinned as she put her hands on his shoulders and danced with him by the stage, where during the bridge the singer grinned down at her and gave her a thumbs up.

The music changed after a brief dedication to the singer's friend, obviously meant to egg on Garcia and Morgan. JJ danced close to Brennan, grinning. There were times when she was just so overwhelmed with love it was difficult to express how much. Leaning up she kissed her husband deeply, smiling against his lips. His hands felt so perfect on his waist, like they were made just for holding her.

"You know no one could ever take me from you," she murmured, looking up into his eyes. Those eyes she could lose herself in for hours... "I love you so much."

The band played one more song, during which the singer kept glancing over to the bar. She'd seen Penelope over there with her friends earlier but they'd left one behind. And that one kept glancing up at her, as though trying not to get caught at it. It was cute. He was kinda cute. After the song they set up some music to play while they took a break between sets. Most of the band went back to the greenroom, but Daliah went to the bar instead, taking a seat one stool down from the man who'd been looking at her. After ordering her drink she looked over at him.

"Haven't seen you here before," she remarked casually.
"Oh, I'd like to make your knees weak in more ways than one, my best blessing in my life." Although he was obviously a bit drunk, Derek didn't stutter on his words and he was rather coherent as his tolerance level was high from all his years of partying. As they danced along, he held her close looking into her eyes the whole time, barely even recognizing her looking at the singer.

When the music changed, Brennan was happy that it allowed him and his wife such close contact. It wasn't as noisy as the first song but they still had to speak quite loud to be heard. Kissing her back, Brennan closed his eyes and just relaxed with the feeling of her soft lips against his. He could never get tired of those lips nor those eyes. "Yes, I know that no one could ever take you from me... but those men don't know that." he chuckled and moved his hands from her waist so he could simply wrap his arms around her body and hug her while they danced. "But I love you more." He cooed into her ear, pulling back to rest his hands on her waist once again.

After the next song was over, Spencer was still sitting at the bar. He turned towards the drink since the woman was no longer on the stage, giving him no reason to look that way. He continued to loathe himself as he finished up the glass and set it to the side, denying the offer of another drink from the bartender. Suddenly, someone was speaking to him and his breath hitched in his throat. A cold chill ran along his spine and he had goosebumps. There she was. "Uh... hi... yeah, I don't get out much." He mumbled and shook his head. It was clear that he struggled socially. The war he was fighting in his mind made it even worse.

"You uh... played... really well.. it was good, I liked it... it was nice." Clearing his throat, he glanced back down quickly. God, this happened all the time! He tried to talk to her but he said the same exact thing like three times. He felt so embarrassed and wouldn't be surprised if she laughed in his face. He was used to it though so it didn't matter, he supposed.

Now the music was done and Brennan stood with JJ. "Ah, look Spencer is talking to someone now..." he spoke and nodded to the man. "Let's give him his privacy. Don't want to interrupt it." Morgan chimed in when he saw it. "Let's just take our women to the side and let Spencer have his fun." The tall, older agent spoke as he looked to Garcia with a little wink.

Brennan chuckled at that, taking JJ's hand again, leading her towards one of the empty seats on the bar. When he took his seat though, he didn't let her choose her seat. He decided for her and pulled her into his lap.
Garcia giggled as Derek called her the best blessing in his life, though it may have been hard to tell that that was from nerves. She winked back up at Daliah as she was given a thumbs up but otherwise didn't show any sort of acknowledgement: she was focused entirely on Derek Morgan. The song ended and music was queued up over the speakers to play while the band took a break, but the others decided to take one as well. Garcia smiled slyly when Morgan suggested they take them to the side.

"Does that mean I'm your side woman?" she teased, bumping him a little with her hip. She then looked over, however, and saw who it was Spencer was talking with. "Oh. Em. Gee. That's Daliah! Ugh! They would be great together! She'd really bring him out of his shell and I'm doing it again aren't I? I'm pairing people up before they even know it themselves."

"Yeah, you're doing it," JJ chuckled, a little tipsy. "Not that it would be a bad idea, mind you. I mean, he needs to get back on the horse." She looked up at Brennan and kissed him deeply. "Or he'll never find someone as wonderful to him as you are to me." She grinned and whooped a little as her husband pulled her into his lap. "Best seat in the house!" she declared before ordering another drink. She wrapped her arm around Brennan's neck to keep from sliding and wiggled a little in his lap in an attempt to subtly tease him.

The singer laughed, though not at him. "You can tell me if you think it's crap, you know," she said honestly. "Or is it the face paint? It's the face paint, isn't it?" It was a little difficult to tell, but she was smiling good-naturedly under the visage of a skull. "I'm Daliah." She leaned against the bar as she took a sip of her drink. The guy was adorable in his awkwardness! "I saw you come in with Penny. You FBI too?"
When Morgan had Garcia to the side, his hands were back onto her hips. "Mmm... not many people know what kind of a hot mama we have in that little room." Derek cooed to her with a suave wink. With what position they were standing in, not too many voices could be heard. The corner of this bar was more private. Undoubtedly, that was a very good thing. "You make my world light up whenever I get a call from you, ya know?" He asked, taking another drink and sipping it down again, shifting closer to Garcia while a warm feeling started buzzing in his chest.

Brennan noticed that JJ was a little tipsy now, and so was he. Things got quite fun when they were tipsy to be honest so he ordered them another drink and then another. A few drinks later, he was holding her in his lap and his breath was a mix of the liquor that they were drinking and the food that they ordered earlier. On his lips, a bit of JJ's lipstick was smudged but it was a stain he'd gladly wear. "I don't know... I think my seat is better. I mean, a sexy woman on my crotch... a sexy woman that's wiggling against my crotch... I think that's a pretty nice seat." He laughed and kissed her again, even letting one hand slip down to her butt and give it a nice squeeze. Ass grabbing was one of his favorite things to do actually. It could be done anywhere at any time. It was a nice little gesture and her butt really felt nice in his hands.

"Oh no, it's not crap and I like the face paint... it's really original and cool... that must take a long time to finish, right?" This answer didn't come from Spencer until he regathered himself before speaking. When she spoke of her name, he quivered in anticipation. Do something, Spencer He basically yelled in his mind before clearing his throat. "Yes, I am agent Dr. Spencer Reid... uh I'm not a real doctor. I just have couple doctorate degrees... just call me Spencer though, you don't have to call me Doctor if you don't want. Spencer is fine." Again, he cut himself off. He was rambling again. How miserable?! When the bartender walked by, Spencer got a sudden spark of courage. "Uh, I'd like to give this woman another drink. On me." He said with a smile.

Oh god, he was so worried. Did he seem pushy to order her another drink? Did she think he was trying to get her drunk. Better than just sitting there like a rock, he supposed. "So uh... how often do you guys play?" He asked, hoping she wouldn't have some negative reaction.
Garcia giggled again, but her heart started pounding a bit faster. She needed way more alcohol for this! Sometimes it was hard for her to know where their workplace flirting stopped and her own personal feelings and hopes began. This was most definitely one of those times.

"Well Sugar Shack, I like to light up every part of your world," she crooned back, unsure of what else to say. He always got a little touchy when he drank, but this was...really something else. Morgan's breath was warm on her ear and neck and she scooted back a little to lean back against his chest. Garcia sipped her drink in a studiedly casual way, trying not to let onto her excitement.

JJ grinned when Brennan started getting handsy. She loved it when her husband touched her, especially her breasts and her ass. "Well I can wiggle a little more if you want..." she offered in a seductive tone. He grabbed her ass and she took that as an acceptance to her invitation, bracing her feet on one of the rungs of the bar stool to give her better stability as she began to grind against Brennan's crotch. She looked over her shoulder at him and winked in that sexy, come-hither sort of way, waiting for him to make another move.

"Yeah takes a couple hours. Mostly it's the design that's the problem; the white and the nose and teeth don't take too long usually." Daliah could tell he was struggling a little and gave him time to gather himself. In the meantime she started idly sketching something on a napkin with a borrowed pen. When he introduced himself she wasn't terribly surprised: he was exactly the way Penelope had described him, which was to say absolutely adorable. Then, much to her surprise, he ordered a drink for her.

"Well thank you very much, Agent Doctor Spencer Reid," she returned with a smile, sipping the drink he'd bought her after folding up the napkin. "We're here every Friday night. So it's that much not-crap, huh?" She winked behind the paint. A whistle caught her attention and she looked around to see one of her band mates gesturing to her from a doorway. Delilah sighed theatrically before downing the rest of her drink. "I gotta go do my second set. It was very nice meeting you, Spencer." She reached out to shake his hand, and when she drew her own away the folded-up napkin was in his palm. On it was written her name and phone number.
"Oh, you always light up my world no matter what. Let me light yours up too." Morgan whispered into her ear and with a sudden movement forward, he pressed a kiss to her lips. Sure, he kissed her before but those were on her cheeks and forehead and no where special. But this was different. Right onto her lips. It was a brief moment before he let go and looked down at her. A drunken kiss together. All great stories begin like this.

When JJ began to grind harder against his crotch, Brennan couldn't help himself. His member was growing rock hard against her and she undoubtedly should be able to feel it. That wink spoke many words to him and he boldly moved his other hand that was not on her ass, to grab her breasts. He took her right breast in his hand while starting to fondle the skin through her clothes. That was his next move. "How about we play a little game?" He whispered, feeling their bodies grow closer together. "We'll buy a few more drinks... we kiss before we take a drink. Whoever pulls back first for air has to down the glass." He told her with a wide smirk on his face. Just the thought made feelings of love and arousal fill his body. Many people said that once a couple got married and had kids, their love lie wasn't spicy or fun. Well, those people don't know JJ and Brennan.

Every Friday night? Spencer could get used to this... it was so--- oh.. she's leaving. He cursed silently and thought that was the end of it. Take the drink and leave Delilah, that's what's... hold up... He got her name and number? Did this really happen. So many emotions ran through Spencer. He was happy and overcome with joy. Getting a woman's number was a huge accomplishment for Spencer, especially if he didn't even ask for it in the first place. But then again, it felt wrong. It felt so wrong. This was the anniversary of Maeve's death. It seemed so disrespectful. Part of him thought he should just toss it in the trash but this was a once in a lifetime chance.

His eyes scanned the bar. He saw Morgan with Garcia while JJ was on Brennan's lap- that wasn't unusual. Hm, everyone seemed occupied, so he just sat there and waited, putting the napkin in his pocket. He would think about it, but maybe she would have a chance to talk after the second set. He could stay here a while. Like Garcia said it was better than sitting at home.
Fireworks exploded in Garcia's brain. She had been waiting for this...wanting this...for years. She'd even dated other people to get her mind off of Derek Morgan, but of course it never worked. And now here he was finally kissing her! It was a second or two before she could kiss back, but even if they were both drunk she wasn't going to miss this opportunity. Live in the now and tomorrow will take care of itself. It seemed like forever but she knew it was quicker than that when he finally pulled back. They looked at each other for several very long, very quiet moments.

"Wow..." It was the only thing running through her head. It was the only thing she could say, was just wow.

As she moved against her husband, JJ felt Brennan growing harder against her and grinned at the sensation. Eventually he just grabbed her breasts, right there in public. But public displays were only that much more exciting, and she wasn't wearing a bra. She leaned her forehead against his cheek as he suggested a game, then grinned as she let her hand drift into his lap.

"I love games," JJ purred back, nibbling at his lip. "Let's go!" Without any more warning than that she crushed a kiss against his lips, sliding her hand to his cheek and trying to outlast him.

The second set went just as well as the first, though toward the end the band slowed it down to let people wind down and bring the night to a close. Daliah thanked the club-goers as people began to leave and the club started looking like it was closing up. She came out of the green room laughing with the rest of the band, but stopped by Spencer on her way out, still covered in makeup. After her eyes flicked up and down the bar, taking in the scene, she looked at him.

"Listen, I have to get home pretty quickly...but do you want a ride?" she asked. "Looks like the people you came with kinda have their own thing going on and are definitely too loaded to drive. It'd probably be a pretty awkward taxi ride."
"Yeah, that felt good didn't it baby girl?" Let's just head on out now... get us a taxi and head on over to my place. You shouldn't stay alone tonight... there are mean people out in the world..." Morgan whispered into her ear, eagerly dragging her out of the bar and fetching a taxi to take them home.

Brennan was excited to hear that JJ wanted to play the game so he ordered four drinks, all heavy as usual and he was kissing JJ. It was so fun to get drunk with her, it always led for fun nights. He kept his lips locked on hers, head tilting and he didn't just keep his lips closed, no, he wanted to make out with her and be that couple that everyone hates because he didn't care what anyone else thought. His tongue was shoved into her mouth, pinning down her tongue and showing his dominance with his mouth. A little moan left as his hands didn't even move from either parts of her body. If one thing was clear tonight, this man and woman were both happily taken and Brennan did not want to be outlasted. His lungs burned from the lack of air but he kept kissing her, he was going to win and get her as drunk as he can.

Spencer would be the only one from the team to still be paying attention to the band. This time, he didn't hide his glanced at Delilah unless she looked at him, in which case he'd hurriedly looked down to try and cover it up but it wasn't of much use. When she offered a ride, he couldn't help the dorky smile that took over his face and he nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I'll go with you, thanks." He chuckled and walked with her outside. "So, every Friday, right? I'll make sure to stop by when I can... and I'll definitely give you a call. Maybe next Friday, we can hang out after your performance?" He couldn't beleive it, he just asked her out after she was done performing next Friday. "That is, if you don't have plans.. I don't want to make you miss anything. Just if you aren't busy, I thought maybe it would be fun if you thought it could be fun too... It hink it could be fun..." There he goes again, mixing up words and just screwing up any social interaction he tries. Maybe hed get better with practice so this was a step in the right direction.
Garcia willingly and eagerly followed Derek out to the curb to wait for a taxi. "Oh I know how mean people can be," she murmured back. "I think I need my muscle man to keep me safe tonight." She grinned as she trailed kisses up his chest until a cab pulled out in front of the bar. Giddy she slid inside and pulled Derek with her before giving his address to the driver.

The problem with playing games with Brennan is he was always convinced he would win. JJ happened to be just as competitive and groaned against his mouth, pulling him against her by the lapels of his shirt. She took slow, deep breaths through her nose though that didn't help much. Still, she was determined that she should win at least the first round. Her hand gently cupped the bulge in her husband's pants as she deepened the kiss further, trying to break his concentration.

Daliah had smiled each time she looked over and caught Spencer looking at her. Outside she took his arm to guide him down the block where she was parked. It was a beat-up old station wagon, but she ran just fine most of the time. She unlocked the passenger's side for Spencer before carefully stepping out to her own side. Next Friday...may have been an issue. She smiled though, happily encouraging him.

"I actually have to get home after my Friday performances," she answered a bit sheepishly, shifting nervously. It was the first time she'd seemed nervous around him. "But Saturday I should be free. What did you have in mind?" The engine turned over a few times before finally starting and Daliah carefully pulled out into traffic. They had gone a few blocks before she realized she didn't know where she was going. "Oh yeah...where do you live?"
To say that JJ touching his bulge distracted Brennan would be a massive understatement. Of course, his favorite thing in the world was JJ with no clothes on. The second favorite thing would be having her touching him, anywhere. Her touch was so seductive and it made him melt. Sometimes, she could get him hotter with just her hands than any words. It was a good, long fight but Brennan pulled back finally while he was just heaving and huffing. "Damn, I see how it's going to be." He chuckled, grabbing the glass and quickly downing the drink. Wanting to catch her off guard, he slammed their lips together after a quick whisper of "Round Two." While he kissed her, he melted in hearing their lips moving in sync along with smelling that perfume that she used. His fingers even slipped inside of her pants as he pressed delicate touches against her underwear, trying to rub her clit through the material, wanting to throw her off track as well.

When Daliah linked their arms together, the awkward and adorable smile spread back on Spencer's face. It had been so long since such a comforting touch had been received from a woman. He finally felt at peace and he could just forget for a brief second about what keeps him up every night, tossing and turning with restlessness. When she said that Friday was no good, he frowned and feared he did something wrong. She kept talking though and he listened.

"Well, maybe we could you know.. go out to eat? On a date? We can go to Roman's Italian Restaurant on Church Street. Are you familiar with it? Maybe we can get to know each other... I want to know more about you than your name, that you sing, and that you're really... pretty..." He felt so awkward giving her a compliment, afraid it sounded so dumb and pathetic.

"I live on Kings Road. That little apartment complex beside the grocery store." Spencer added with a smile when she asked where she lived. "Thank you for the ride... I really appreciate it. I will definitely call you though... maybe I can check on you this week and see if you'd still be free on Saturday?" He asked softly and looked at her.
JJ laughed. "Of course that's how it's gonna be! That's how it always is, you just get too drunk to forget." She grinned as he downed the first drink, but made a noise as he attacked her, catching her off-guard. Then his fingers slipped inside her pants and she moaned, enjoying the feel of his touch in such intimate places. She could never get tired of the way he touched her! And that was the problem. This round was much shorter as she pulled away to catch her breath.

"Alright, alright...no more attacking like that," she laid down the ground rule before taking her required drink. "Or else this game won't last very long. Alright round 3." JJ leaned in and attached herself to her husband once more, sliding her tongue between his lips and caressing the inside of his mouth with it.

Daliah smiled when he paid her the compliment. "Well, being pretty with a shit-load of makeup on isn't always a vote of confidence, but I'll take it anyway. Thank you." She turned around the block, heading towards Kings Road. "I'd really like that. A date, I mean. I've been to a few of the Italian restaurants around here, but I don't think I've ever been to Roman's. I'm looking forward to it." Daliah glanced at him out of the corner of her eye before reaching out to toussel his hair. Quickly she drew her hand back, as though she'd been shocked.

"I'm sorry!" she apologized quickly. "I'm so sorry, I know that's a personal space thing, I should've asked. Your hair it just...it looks so touchable." She giggled nervously as they turned down Kings Road and she slowed to find Spencer's complex. "I uh...I'd still love for you to call. And that date. You know, if I haven't weirded you out with the hair thing."
It seemed that Brennan was victorious for this round. She pulled back and downed her drink while laying down the ground rule. "Heh, alright, alright. I'll play fair now if you do." He teased and titled his head to look into her eyes. At this point, Brennan was paying absolutely no attention to anyone else at this bar. He hadn't even realized their fellow team members seemed to be gone already. When round three began, Brennan tilted his head the opposite way of his wife's and began kissing her again. The kiss was still just as fiery and passionate as every kiss before. His hands caressed her cheeks in his so he could deepen the kiss, letting her tongue into his mouth.

He still showed his dominance though, pinning her tongue down with his even when her tongue entered into his own mouth. Both hands now moved back to her ass, pressing his body hard against hers which in turned pinned her body between his body and the bar. He had JJ dipped over slightly so he could make the kiss even more passionate because he forgot about the game. All he was doing or could care about during this moment was kissing her and he just concentrated on her mouth and her lips because that's what the most important thing in the world was to him at the moment.

Suddenly, Daliah reached her hand to touch his hair and it even surprised Spencer. If she was going to give him any touch at all, he expected a smack or a slap. What did he do to deserve a gentle touch like this? When she apologized, he raised his brow and shook his head. Her giggle was the most adorable thing he ever heard, though and his mind was racing with thoughts about going on a date wit her. "No, no don't apologize... I liked you touching my hair... I hope that doesn't sound weird but... you can touch my hair whenever you would like." Spencer commented with a small smile on his lips.

"It's just here on the left." He pointed and once she arrived, stepped out of the car. Walking to the driver's side of the car, he peered in the window and smiled. "Thank you so much, Deliah. I will definitely call you later this week. Have a good night, drive safe, okay?" He whispered and gave her a little smile before stepping back and moving his hand to his pocket, just touching the napkin she had given him with her name and number. For the first time in a long time, Spencer smiled a wide smile, just like the Spencer a few years ago would do.
JJ groaned against her husband's kiss. She loved being dominated by him, even in the small ways. He seemed to forget all about the game and she mostly did too, until their kiss reached its natural closing. Pulling back a little, she looked into his eyes through a haze of lust and love before brushing a lock of hair out of his face. She smiled, overwhelmed with love.

"Why don't you say you and me call it a draw and get out of here?" she suggested, her voice husky as her eyes roamed his face. There was something lascivious in her expression. If they could have torn one another's clothes off here and now without getting arrested, she would have.

Daliah grinned when Spencer said she could touch his hair. "It's not weird," she promised. "I'd say you could touch mine too, but right now it's got a bunch of gel and hairspray and crap in it, so it probably wouldn't be very nice to touch." Indeed, keeping long, heavy hair such as hers in victory rolls took a lot of product and styling time. Reaching over, she tousseled his hair again, smiling as she ran it through her fingers.

Eventually the time came for him to get out, though. She pulled up close to the curb and rolled down her window when it became apparent he was coming over to her side. Daliah couldn't remember smiling this much in one night for a long time. She was excited for him to call, and even more excited about their date. Blowing him a kiss out the window as she drove away, she smiled cheekily before making her way home. Now all she had to do was make arrangements for Saturday night.
***Next Saturday***

The next week at work was an easier one for Spencer Reid. His mood was generally better because the date that Maeve was killed had passed along with the fact he got Daliah's number. He called her on Thursday to double check if all things were a go, and it was. Garcia was excited about the news, telling the entire team about it though told them to keep it a secret.

After Brennan and JJ left the bar on Friday, they definitely had some wild fun back home, all while keeping quite from Henry of course. This entire week, it just ook one look between the married couple and they would know what the other was thinking, all about their fun night at the bar. He couldn't wait to do it again.


It was seven o'clock in the evening and Spencer showed up to Daliah's house. He was not a minute late and just a few minutes early. The doctor was dressed in a nice polo and vest with khaki dress pants and black dress shoes. He spent such a long time deciding on what cologne to wear, wanting this date to be perfect. After a few moments of convincing himself to not run away, he knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

Brennan and JJ were spending the Saturday night at home with their seven year old boy Henry. At the current moment, Brennan was working out in the little area of their house he expanded onto years ago to make a weight room. He'd make sure his son was happy and healthy and strong. Already Henry was excelling in flag football and school, looking like he would be a perfect student and athlete as he grew older. Brennan wasn't sure what JJ was up to. Right now, he was shirtless, just wearing his workout shorts and boxers underneath as he took some repititions on his own bench, then guided Henry on a kids bench press to help build up strength. They were truly such a nice, happy family as the atmosphere was cheery and perfect all the time it seemed.
Daliah was nervous. It was her first date in a few months and though Spencer had come by the bar the night before, he'd still never seen her without the skull makeup. Confidence was easy when she didn't look like her; it was like hiding behind a mask. Now that they were actually going to have as much time as they wanted to talk face-to-face...well, it was a little more nervewracking. After all, she took her piercings out for each gig; what if he was one of those traditional types? Her bedroom floor was littered with all of the clothes she'd been trying on for the past few hours and she had finally settled on a simple dress which was form-fitting and showed plenty of leg without being slutty, pairing it with shoes to give herself at least four more inches. He was pretty tall, after all. She had to hurry to dab on perfume in a rush as there was a knock at the door.

"Hey!" Daliah smiled, before stepping out. At the edges of the fabric of her outfit bits of tattoos could occasionally be seen poking out as she walked down the porch steps with him. "Glad you found it alright. I know it's a bit of the drive, being outside the city." Her heart pounded. God she was nervous! "So ah...you said we were going to Roman's?"

JJ leaned against the door, watching Brennan help Henry. This really was the life. "There's my two handsome men," she said from the doorframe with a smile. "Hey kiddo, how's pizza sound for dinner?"

"Yeah!!" Henry responded enthusiastically by jumping up from the bench and jumping up and down. JJ chuckled.

"Alright, well go get washed up while I call it in." She nudged him off toward the bathroom before stepping into the weight room. "And don't you look particularly sexy," she purred, lowering her voice so Henry wouldn't hear.
Saying that Spencer was nervous had to be a massive understatement. While Daliah may not have had a date in months, Spencer hasn't had a date for years. Ever since the death of his former girlfriend, Maeve, he just couldn't bring himself to talk to another girl. Part of it was his natural shyness and feeling like he would be a failure, while the other half was him unable to move on from her. Not a day went by when he didn't think about her or think about that moment when he found her lying dead on the ground without a chance to say goodbye. His heart still hurt but he refused to seek counseling about it. To be honest, no kind of counseling could help him overcome such a tragedy. He was such a fragile soul sometimes, he didn't want to relive it over and over again.

When the door opened, he sucked in a quick breath of anxiety. For the first time, he saw Daliah without her makeup. She was so gorgeous . Gorgeous enough to take that breath he sucked in right back out in a shaky exhale and to make him feel weak in his knees. The scent of her perfume met his nose and she smelled like perfection, though perhaps he was a little biased with her. "Oh yeah... I missed the street to begin with." He blushed, wondering if he should have even said so. "Yeah... Roman's. Let's go. I'mm really excited." He admitted, getting the courage to link their arms together again just as they did last Friday and last night when leaving the bar she played. He knew his manners and held the door for her to get into his car. The walk to the driver's side felt like it took forever somehow, but that was just his nerves bothering him.

It made Brennan smile when JJ walked into the weight room. Hearing her talk and seeing his son's reaction made his world turn. After Henry was gone to the bathroom, Brennan stepped towards JJ and smirked at her. "Hmm, thank you." he whispered and let his arms link around her body while he kissed her ear. "I would say the same about you, but you're always particularly sexy. Even in the mornings when you have your cute little bedhead and your morning breath... you're sexy." he winked after speaking in a whisper, pulling her into his chest again. He pecked her lips a couple times before pulling away. "I'm going to wash up in the bathroom upstairs. Be back in a second." After saying this, he started to walk away but suddenly turned. He grabbed her and laughed, pulling her in for one more kiss and setting her back down before finally getting on his way towards the stairs.
Daliah linked her arm with his as they walked down the drive to his car. Gracefully she slid into the passenger's seat and waited for him to get in. The car ride there was all nervous small talk as she plucked anxiously at the split in her skirt. Her stomach was still twisted into knots when they arrived; the butterflies just wouldn't seem to settle! Once they were in their seats at a secluded table for two, she leaned in a little.

"So, Spencer," she started, looking him over. He really did look great. "Tell me about you. What do you do when you're not out catching bad guys?"

She ordered a glass of wine--nice but not too expensive--along with her water when the waiter came by. The menu all looked too tempting.

JJ flushed and looked aside when Brennan mentioned her morning breath. But he pulled her into his chest and pecked her lips, causing her to grin again. "Alright, but hurry ba--oh!" JJ made a noise of surprise as he suddenly turned back and picked her up. Once he set her back down she sat on the bench, looking after him. It was only when he was out of sight that she picked up the phone to call for pizza. After all, she couldn't disappoint her son now that he had his hopes up.
Spencer was truly just as nervous as his partner, if not more nervous. As much as he wanted to try and relax and just be himself he couldn't do it. It was just so worrisome and caused him so much preoccupation. He did alright with the small talk though and things were going well so far, he thought. After they got to the restaurant, he walked her inside happily and took their seat. He ordered a similar glass of wine, figuring he shouldn't just stick to water this time. For the food, he ordered a plate of spaghetti with garlic bread while thinking of how to respond. "Well, there's not too much to me I guess. I like to play chest and read books. I don't watch too much television or anything. I like to just sit outside sometimes... I want to try and be less boring though. Oh, I have an eidetic memory so that's really fun. What about you? What do you do when you are not singing?"

While Brennan was upstairs, he washed his hands, washed his face and dried off the sweat. He pulled on a white t-shirt and put on some cologne. When he was done, he returned downstairs to Henry. Quickly, he scooped down and picked him up, carrying him around the house and laughing. It had no point and it was aimless, but it made their son smile so he didn't care. After JJ had called in the pizza, he sat him down in the living room where his school work was. "Okay Henry, go ahead and start on your homework buddy." He told him and nodded. He wasn't going to let him be a procrastinator. He always said that it would be good to get the work done before Sunday night so he'd have more time. While leaving him to do his work, he walked back to find JJ hanging up with the phone. Again, he pulled her into his chest and smiled. "Do I smell better?" He chuckled, starting to stroke her hair, making sure she got a good smell as he was wearing her favorite type of cologne he buys.
"I don't think you're boring," Daliah insisted as he told her what he did for fun. She ordered the chicken parmigiana when the waiter came back by. "And an eidetic memory must really be fascinating. I wish I had one sometimes!" She shook her head when he asked what she did when she wasn't singing. "Singing is for fun, it's just really nice to get paid for it. Not much, mind you, but some. This will probably sound silly to someone like you, but...I'm actually an herbalist." Daliah looked down briefly at him before looking up again with an embarrassed sort of smile. "I sell bulk herbs, spices, and teas. I'm pretty well-versed in herblore so I can help people get what they need."

She fidgeted a little as she weighed her options. "On top of that I like to read also. I also dance and am a full-time mom to a beautiful six-year-old little girl." Daliah watched him, waiting for it. She waited for the accusations that she'd mislead or tricked him, or that she'd been hiding that, waited for him to get up and leave. A lot of men, she found, didn't like seriously dating single moms. They didn't want the responsibility that came with having a kid, just the sex with her.

JJ cuddled up into Brennan's chest and grinned. "Mmm much better." She tilted her face against his chest and took a deep breath. "I can't wait to get you alone tonight..." She always wanted her husband, of course, but was reluctant for quickies around the house now that Henry was old enough. She preferred to wait until he was asleep, which was never terribly late anyway. Bedtime was nearing, and she couldn't wait.
"Well, I think that's really cool." he told her about the herbs and when she spoke about her daughter, he simply smiled at her and didn't make a negative expression about her being a mother. "Then your daughter is lucky to have such an amazing mother. I don't have children though I do like kids. Maybe... Maybe some time when we've known each other longer and when you're comfortable with it, I could come over to your house and meet with her and in turn, spend more time with you?" Spencer was speaking before he even knew the words were coming out of his mouth. It's so unlike him to find the courage to speak up with something this big, but from the time she began talking about herself until now, he decided to go all in with this. If it fails, then fuck it. But he'd rather know that he gave it his all than live with regret. He hoped that by saying that, she could see he would be up for meeting her daughter and if it meant they became a couple and started to date officially, then he wouldn't mind taking on the role of helping her raise the child. "Can you tell me her name?" he asked softly, hoping it didn't seem like he was encroaching on her life. That's the least thing he wanted to do.

When JJ cuddled up to him, Brennan just laughed. "Oh, I think we both feel that way." He whispered into her ear. "I'll make sure we have even more fun than last Friday." He added with a little wink, kissing her on the lips again. While it was true they couldn't have quickies like they used to but they still made time for one another. "And I have plans for you, my sexy woman. Very fun plans." He whispered and pulled back slowly A few minutes later and the pizza arrived so he answered the door, paid the money and took the pizza into the dining room and got Henry. "It's time to eat buddy. We got you some pepperoni pizza!" Henry beamed excitedly, heading to the table towards his seat while Brennan helped gather all the plates and napkins they need.
She was, in a word, shocked. She shifted in her seat a little as he suggested he could meet her once they knew each other a little better. Daliah smiled. "I'd really like that," she admitted. "I'm just glad you didn't, you know...turn tail, or accuse me of deception or anything. If things don't work out I want it to be because of me, not because of her, y'know? That's not fair to put on a kid."

In all honesty it was a little sexy. A man who was a man, not a boy, who was willing to help raise another man's child...well, as she'd gotten older Daliah had found responsibility very attractive in a man. Then he actually took an interest in her instead of changing the topic. Maybe Agent Doctor Spencer Reid would be a keeper after all...

"Her name is Nora," she answered. "She's in first grade and her favorite things are glitter and nerf guns. It's usually a small miracle the house is ever clean." Daliah laughed a little. "Her ah...her dad died before she had even turned a year. Murdered. They never caught the bastard." She lowered her eyes for a moment before raising them again, not wanting to bring down the mood. "But once we know each other better I'm sure you two would get along just fine. She likes meeting new people, so don't be surprised if she just runs up and hugs you." A smile brightened her features again as they talked about her daughter. It felt good to get that out right up front and not have him turn the other way.

"Mmm...more fun than that?" JJ raised an eyebrow. They'd gotten into some kinky stuff last Friday. She kissed her husband back before trailing more kisses down his neck to his shoulder. Unfortunately, that was when the pizza chose to arrive.

With her family seated at the table and plates being passed around, JJ couldn't help but look at them. It really was the perfect life. Well, minus the real-life monsters she dealt with in her work. But that's what home and family were for. So many people didn't make it, and she understood why...but she thanked her lucky stars every day for the family she had and the way they had all handled hers and Brennan's job.
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