Criminal Minds: Dead Like Them (randomname/Madam Mim)

"I'll do it." Spencer was the first one to speak up from the team. It just made sense. Perhaps it would make things less hostile for her. If anyone else drove her home, it would probably be full of accusations and insults and anger through the whole ride on part of the BAU member. After stepping up, he lead Evangeline out quickly. While he was on the way out, he passed Rossi and Morgan was soon behind. The latter just shook his head at Spencer as he knew that he was giving the woman a ride.

As she was gone, Rossi and Morgan entered the room. "She's right. The chief wanted her in with us... we have nothing to do except let her tag along." Rossi sighed and sat down in his seat.

"So where does that leave us now?" He asked with a shrug, sitting down in his chair as they wait. It was getting quite late at night and they didn't know where they should go next. They have about all the information they can collect from the evidence they have but they are no closer to finding this woman until Evangeline would read her journal and get to them.
Evangeline smiled and stood. "Thanks." She walked out with him, ignoring the dirty looks from Rossi and Morgan. She knew what they thought and she didn't care.

"So your team..." Evangeline said after a few minutes in the car. "They're ah...a lot more hostile than I thought they would be. What makes you believe me?" She looked at him sideways. He had a gentle soul. What had made him want to get into such a violent line of work?

"Well for one Evangeline was right about the women on our list," Hotch informed the other two once they'd sat down. "None of them are our unsub. She's going--and I can't believe I'm saying this--she's going to get her dream journal to see if she can remember any details from what she's seen so far." He shook his head, not even able to look Rossi in the eye. He knew how ridiculous it sounded.

"While she's doing that, maybe we can widen our search," JJ suggested. "If we still think we're looking at medical professionals, we could try veterinarians and morticians?"
Once in the car, Spencer waited for Evangeline to give instructions on her home. Before pulling out of the parking lot, he turned the heat on low since it was rather chilly. The warm air felt nice on his face and it was very relaxing. "Well, I believe you because I know how it feels to have everyone against you. Growing up, I wasn't always given the warmest welcome and I wasn't given a fair chance around anyone. I just feel like I need to believe you. I don't know why... but I just do. Don't disappoint me, okay?" He asked with a small little grin on his face before turning his focus back to the road. He did realize how stupid he would look if Evangeline turned out to be a fraud, but Dr. Reid was going out on a limb here.

Rossi just sighed to himself and was to the point that no words could fit here. "I think that's a good idea, JJ. Have Garcia run the same credentials through the system with these new occupations." Morgan immediately made the call to his baby girl and told her what to do. "Wherever she is taking the body parts, it has to be secluded, right? I mean dead bodies start to smell and I imagine it would be even worse when the bodies are cut up and mutilated. Maybe this is a long shot, but if there are any complaints of an awful smell, we could look into it. I doubt it would be easy to cover it up." Brennan mused, unsure if it would help anything but at this point, it was better than just keeping quiet.
Evangeline smiled. "I haven't disappointed you yet, have I?" she asked. "I know you're risking your neck here, so thank you. I really do appreciate it." Once they arrived at her house she started to slide out of the car then stopped. "Wanna come in?" she offered.

Her house was...uniquely decorated, to say the least. The rooms were oddly shaped and all of the windows were thrown open despite the drizzle. None of the furniture matched and there was no discernible color scheme, apart from "every color." Still it was very clean and quite comfortable. She gestured toward the back of the house, kicking off her shoes before stepping over the wood floors.

"My room's back here," Evangeline informed him, not waiting to see whether he would follow though he was more than welcome to.

"Good idea," Hotch conceded to Brennan. "Garcia can you also please search for any smell or noise complaints? Any women who recently purchased a large freezer might be a good idea as well."
"Of course not. Don't thank me, just make sure we get this case solved." He smiled at her and followed her into the house. Indeed, Spencer followed her into her room and he was really gawking at the decorations and colors. "Wow... this house is really awesome... I have never seen anything like it... not that it's bad but it's really interesting and cool. Much better than my apartment." He chuckled to himself and leaned up against the doorway. "So, can we take the journal back to the station? Or at least the pages about this case. I know it's your personal journal but any information that may pertain to this case can be helpful." He told her with a nod, waiting for her answer. His eyes continued to scan the room and it was obvious she was a very colorful person, and it was nice to be around this kind of woman when he did such a dark job.

"Okay, Garcia out. I'll work my magic and get back soon." The phone clicked and Garcia was off to work. "Now, do we just wait and see what answers we get? We can't really go out and look because we don't know what to look for... so I guess this is all we can do at this moment.
"Let's call it a night," Hotch offered. "We're all tired and we've been spinning our wheels all day. Now that we've got a little traction, let's get some sleep and get a fresh look tomorrow. Evangeline will have her journal, we'll have a new perspective, I think it's best all around." He pulled out his phone to look through his contacts. "I'll text Reid to let him know."

Evangeline smiled when he complimented her home. "Thank you. I try my best not to match the decor," she quipped as she dug through her nightstand drawer. "I just find that the conventional ideas of taste and fashion don't suit me," she admitted, "so I separate myself from them. It's always nice to know your home is unique in the world."

Spencer's phone buzzed with a new text.

"Tell them I have it," she said, grabbing it out of her nightstand and leaning back on the bed, "and we'll be back soon. They need to learn patience."
Spencer listened to Evangeline when she spoke. "Well, you do a good job. It really is unique... maybe I should take some of your ideas if you don't mind." He laughed and checked his text when he felt it buzzing in his pocket. "Uh, actually my team leader just texted me. We are calling it a night. If you don't mind, I would like to look at it now. I don't want to rest on this case. I don't want another mutilated body showing up tomorrow." He told her with a smile and looking at her. "So if you don't mind, is there somewhere we can both sit? I want to take notes and spread out my papers, so something like a table?" He asked curiously, tilting his head at her and waiting for an answer.

After Hotch said that they were calling it a night, Brennan stood up and packed away his files. "Let's just head over to the hotel and get some sleep." Hotchner added and walked outside. Everyone was leaving and Brennan of course stayed behind to help JJ. Once all the files were away, he laced their fingers together and walked outside to the car. Everyone always got a separate room when staying somewhere, except for the married couple of course. It was nice to snuggle and cuddle up under a blanket in the middle of a gruesome investigation, much like this one now really. They wouldn't have to lie alone after a day of seeing nothing but death. They could be together and comfort one another. They were also able to get so well rested after their sleep each night. And now, he held her hand while they drove to the hotel for the night.
Evangeline raised her eyebrows a little. "No, Doctor Reid. I don't have a table." Smiling and shaking her head, she lead the way out through the living room and back into the dining room. The room at first seemed partially exposed to the elements, but on second look glass kept the rain and snow from getting in. Instead the drizzle splatted lazily against it. "One of my favorite rooms," she said with a smile. "I just feel so connected to nature in this part of the house. All that glass is actually two enormous sliding doors so I can open it up when it's nice out."

After directing him to the table, Evangeline moved into the cleanly-kept kitchen, which appeared to be a converted greenhouse. Without asking how long or even whether he was staying she began pulling out vegetables and some stewed tomatoes that appeared to have been home-canned. Looking over at him as she chopped up a pepper, she shook her head and tisked.

"You need to take a break, Dr. Reid," she advised. "Obsession doesn't do anybody any good. Even if you figured out who she was, you wouldn't be able to find her tonight. Besides, I always feel her presence before she kills...tonight isn't the night."
"Wow, this really is an awesome house..." Spencer mused and chuckled to himself. The dining room played tricks with him as he fell under the impression that it was indeed exposed to the elements. Once they reached the table, he spread out his field and folders and started looking again. Of course, he read the files hundreds of times probably and he had an eidetic memory but taking another look would never hurt. When she was speaking about needing to take a break, he took a deep breath. Maybe she was right. Maybe she really could feel the presence and maybe she wouldn't kill. He would take that chance he supposed. "Alright then... alright. Let's meet up at the station tomorrow morning. I want to get a quick start on this tomorrow. Have your journal and if you think of anything, call me." He told her before handing her his card.

After bidding her goodbye, he left the house in his car and was on his way to check in on the hotel. In all honestly, his head was hurting from all this information and he was just wanting to sleep and rest.
It was then Evangeline realize she'd cocked it up. "Well I--" But Spencer didn't seem to realize she'd meant for him to stay. Before she could protest the only thing in her house that remained of Dr. Reid was his card and his energy. With a sigh she shook her head and finished cooking a meal for one. Rube wasn't going to be happy with anything that had happened today.

In the morning Evangeline was at the station bright and early. She'd taken her bicycle, which remained chained up outside the station as she helped work over the case. Sitting down at the table, she flipped her journal open about three-quarters of the way through the little notebook. Holding the pages down, she slid it across the table for the others to see. JJ leaned over to get a better look and though her writing was a loopy, tidy cursive it was difficult to read from this distance.

"Here, May fifteenth," Evangeline said, pointing at the date. "This was my first vision about her. Nothing was too clear, I couldn't open my eyes all the way...but she was upset. Very upset. Lonely, hurt, angry...empty. Whatever it was that triggered her break, I would think this was it."
"So upset, lonely, hurt, angry.. empty. Maybe it was a death of someone close to her. Those emotions all point to it. Maybe a love interest or a close sibling? I could see that. Maybe if she was young when it happened, it could be a parent. She would feel lonely because the people who raise her wouldn't be there anymore. Can you tell us how old she seemed and can you tell us the next vision and flip to it?" Spencer asked quietly while jotting down a few notes. Just as yesterday, he was the only team member that seemed to care what she had to say. Morgan would tease him about it later if this case ended up going well. If someone died because they were busy talking with a medium on a wild goose chase. The writing on her journal wasn't readable to him though it must be to her, somehow.

After saying this, the rest of the team were thinking trying to give her more of a shot. Brennan was beside JJ as usual and this had him scratching his head. There was no connection between the victims still nor was there any certain pattern or schedule the woman was staying with for her killing. It seemed random but it wasn't because she was trying to build the perfect protector. No way that could be random so they just had to hope they got something from her visions and dreams.
Evangeline shook her head. "I don't know how old she is. I just know she's an adult female, probably early-to-mid forties based on the people I see around her at that birthday party with the creepy clown. Looked like maybe the 70s or early 80s." It hadn't escaped her notice that nobody else was talking to her, but she didn't particularly care. One of them was and that was what was important. "I think it was a close friend or sibling," she put in as she flipped through the pages of her journal, "but that's my own speculation. The Universe hasn't deemed it appropriate to tell me yet who she lost. Only when." It took a moment but she found the next entry.

"Here. I think this was her second victim, chronologically, but it was the first I saw. This was back in June." Evangeline pointed to a page. "Here. She had seen him earlier with his grandson. The older black man, I don't know his name. He was a war vet, a father...she saw him as protective and caring. She thought about maybe just ripping out his heart, but for whatever reason she doesn't feel she can Frankenstein it up here. She needs a whole torso with a true heart." She looked up at Spencer meaningfully. "She took his leg for stability and strength."
The team listened to Evangeline talk and nodded along. "So that means the woman would be a young child then like we expected. I really feel like this would be a sibling. Perhaps an older brother, it makes sense. Who always protects the little girl? The older brother... it wouldn't be that much of an age gap, I don't think. Maybe if she was young enough to have clowns, he was early teen years, maybe not that. We could search for murders that were brutal in the 70s and 80s that involved a young male that had a younger sister. That might be too much to ask though and not specific enough but I think we are getting closer now. Let's keep looking, what's your next vision?" Spencer asked, waiting for her to continue.

Morgan and Rossi still had looks of disbelief in their face. They really didn't believe this at all. They were looking at a dream journal. A dream journal... wow, this would definitely hold up in court...regardless, it was kind of getting them somewhere they supposed. She hadn't done anything to give them a reason to doubt her yet so they really couldn't complain.
Evangeline shook her head. "No, whoever she lost it was recent. It's what triggered this madness...she lost her protector so she's building a new one. You'd have to look earlier, I'd start with the beginning of the year." Still, she was glad at least someone believed her. It was clear that the rest of the team was still skeptical, and Morgan and Rossi would likely refuse to believe anything she said, ever. Until this killer was caught she knew they wouldn't open their minds enough to believe. Ignoring their incredulous looks, she turned to the next entry. "This man, her fourth...he was strong, domineering. She...she saw him at the gym." Evangeline frowned at the page, trying to remember what the gym had looked like. "I can't remember...all I'm seeing is purple. I can't remember anything else about him." She looked up at him, wishing she could help more. She was sure if they could pinpoint her gym where she'd seen her fourth victim they'd be able to find this unsub.
Spencer made a mental note about Evangeline saying that the death was recent. The team was very skeptical, obviously. "So we know she will be athletic and strong most likely. Maybe she could even work there or instruct part-time? I think that she could do that along with her job as some medical worker. I'm not sure though. How does purple correlate with anything? Maybe the gym was purple?" Spencer murmured to himself, stroking his hair slowly as he was thinking. "Okay, what about this latest victim? I think that's the most important victim at the moment. And do you have any visions about possible future victims? Or anything about the unsub in specific?" It was clear that the only man to ask questions was Spencer because he was the only one that seemed to even believe her but if it helped them find out anyting, then he'd press for it. Now, waiting on the answer, he started to jot some notes down, trying to figure out what connections could be made. Rossi and Morgan were easily the least working team members at the moment, all unable to believe this was doing good.
Evangeline shrugged. "Or maybe she's trying to get healthier? I dunno. I don't know what the purple is, but that's all I Saw. It's possible it was purple." She shook her head as he asked more questions. "I'm sorry, I haven't Seen anything else about future victims." That was a lie...but how was Evangeline supposed to tell him he was going to die? "The last victim though...she took her head. I don't know what made her think that woman was particularly smart or clever, but that's why she wanted it. I'm afraid that's all I know about her and her past right now."

She wanted to help more, to be able to tell them with no question who this unsub was and where she was...but the Universe didn't work like that. It generally only gave her enough to get a vague idea of what was going on. She'd been clearing her mind more often the past few days, trying to See more into this person, but she was coming up empty. Rube had been drawn to her when he'd gotten his last name, but it really wasn't much to go on.
"Well, thanks for your help but if that's all your dream journal has now, then let Dr. Reid take you home. We have some work to do here and maybe you would work better at your house with any other information you have." Rossi felt so dumb for doing this but he couldn't be around her for that much longer, listening to her ramble on about dream journals and seeing into the future and seeing into the past. He had enough of it but for some reason, their boy genius was taking a like to her and seemed to believe her. Honestly, he just wanted to get her out of there. Reid had his phone if they needed him and he could bring his laptop to do research.

So after Rossi said this, Spencer sighed and looked to Evangeline. "Let's go. You can put your bicycle in the back of my car." Spencer offered with a shy smile. He was looking forward to visiting her house again honestly. It was hard to think straight when all of his colleagues were being stubborn and skeptical. Plus, it was a nice house, she was a nice girl, and he was happy to be around her. He gathered his files and waited by the door of the conference room, waiting for her to get ready and leave with him to see what else they can put together while the rest of the team did their work.
Evangeline sighed. "Think I'm a fraud all you want, Agent Rossi, but please don't speak to me like I'm an exceedingly slow child. Different strokes and all that."

In a dignified manner she gathered up her things, including her dream journal, and tucked them into her bag before following Spencer outside. As she lifted her bike into the back of the SUV, she smiled ruefully at him. After all, she hadn't meant to earn him the ire of his team, and really it was unfair of them to ostracize him like that. Even if he didn't believe her, he was respecting her beliefs and at least giving her a chance.

"Sorry you got stuck babysitting the crazy lady," she said once they were in the car. "You seem like a pretty logical, rational guy, very Spock, so I know you probably don't believe me. But I appreciate that you're treating me like an adult human being with brains in my head. Means a lot in such a hostile environment." Evangeline smiled again, genuinely this time. She was pleasant and a little chatty on the way home, but let Spencer in just as she had the day before. "You ran off yesterday before I could invite you to stay for dinner," she mentioned. "Maybe I could convince you to stay for lunch instead?"
"I would love to stay for lunch... in fact, I'd love to stay as long as you will allow me. You're right that I am logical. I rely on science and hard evidence for all my answers. I always have. But I'm not ignorant to the fact that this is a worldwide phenomenon. People from everywhere make your kind of claims. Actually, I do believe you. I will be honest. I don't know why I believe you but I do and I want to make up for what my team has done to you. Plus, I always like being able to make a friend.I don't get invited to stay for lunch a lot. And I'm sorry I ran off last night, it was just a lot to process with this case. I thought I was onto something but the lead went to no where." He admitted with a small smile. Once they walked inside, he set his bags down right where he did the night before and took out his files again.

"So..." Spencer began. "Is there any other information you may have about this case? Maybe not in dreams but visions or any kind of communication?" he asked, keeping his tone genuine as he truly believed in her.
Evangeline returned his small smile. It was surprising that he believed her, but nice at the same time. Not many people like him did. "Making friends is always nice," she admitted. "Oh and I hope you don't mind but I've got a reading in about half an hour. We'll be in the other room, though, so I don't imagine we'll bother you. I've had to shift around my readings to fit around this case, but I feel that it's important enough, you know?" She set to shuffling about the kitchen, making a chickpea salad for lunch. "I..." She didn't know whether to tell him when he asked about any information she might have. "Ru--er, Gideon is just concerned, that's all. Worried. So, you know...yeah." That was all she could say. How do you tell someone they're going to die?

After lunch Evangeline's scheduled reading arrived on time. It took about an hour before she showed the person out and appeared in the kitchen again. Glancing at the clock, she shrugged and pulled out a bottle of wine.

"Five o'clock somewhere, right?" she joked lightly, pouring a small glass. "It's two hours til on a Friday, I don't think that's a problem. So...maybe you could stay for dinner as well?" Evangeline slid into the chair next to Spencer's, looking over his work. "And drinks?" There was a light flush to her cheeks, but she hadn't yet even sipped her wine.
"Oh, it's your home and you won't be a bother to me at all, don't worry." Spencer toldl her with a little smile. Raising his brow, he could tell she was hiding something. He was a profiler for a living. He studied human behavior for over eight years now professionally and even more in college. A few things were strange, especially when she sounded like speaking of Gideon's name... wasn't Gideon's name. Ru? Ruben? Rudy? He didn't know how that was mixed up with Gideon, but what did he know? He ate lunch with her and kept the small chat going. It was a really nice day to be honest. Being around this blonde girl was so comforting, a feeling he hadn't had since the incident with Maeve.

When her appointment arrived, he stayed in the room to review case files, do research, and make calls. He made no progress at all and meanwhile at the station, the team started to gain more information about the unsub and it started to look more and more like Evangeline. She was the only person that they had in mind. They weren't buying the medium stunt so either she read this before or she committed the crimes, but they didn't move yet.

"Yeah, I don't think it's a problem at all and I would love to stay." He grinned, taking one of the glasses and sipping on it. Her cheeks looked so adorable when they blushed and after sudden rush of courage, he started to speak. "How is a beautiful woman like yourself all alone out here?" He finally asked with a smile. The case was giving him a headache... it wouldn't hurt to take a little break...
Evangeline turned an even brighter shade of pink and grinned into her glass. She wasn't used to men talking to her like that. And if she were honest with herself, Spencer was just outright adorable. She liked him, she admitted; he was cute, smart, and he believed her. Or at least believed that she believed it. Sliding her finger around the rim of her glass, she finally got the courage to look back up at him.

"Well, you may find this hard to believe, but a lot of people think I'm crazy." She had a good-natured smile. She knew it wasn't difficult to believe, which was why she cherished the people in her life who didn't thing she was. "Oh, or a liar. Or both; both is a common one too. It's been a while since I've let it bother me, though. So ah...what about you?" Evangeline reached forward and pushed his bangs out of his eyes. "How does a cute genius like you wind up in the FBI?" As she let her hand fall from his face she let it rest gently over his hand. If he moved it she wouldn't stop him...but she sincerely hoped he didn't.
Shaking his head, Spencer let a small laugh pass his lips. Her hand felt so nice on his head and his hand. Instead of moving his hand away form her, he flipped his hand over to take hers in his and lace their fingers together. "C-cute?" He murmured and laughed nervously, blushing just like her. "Well, I just really want to help people. There's not much else I can do with my genius that would help people more than being with the FBI. Whenever some family is reunited, that is what makes me smile and what makes things worth it."

After taking a deep, quick breath, he didn't realize how ironic his next statements would be. "And so many people tell me how dangerous it is and how being a teacher or something would be easier, but... I always say that if I die on this job, it's going to be doing something helpful. I just hope that if it ever comes to that, that someone will be saved in the process. It scares me each time we go onto the field but I trust that this is the best work I can do, helping people and saviing lives because we don't have enough kind people in the world, willing to give an ultimate sacrifice to help a stranger. I want to be one of those people who freely protect with everything I have.
Evangeline smiled at Spencer's reasons for joining the FBI. It was admirable: when he could have done so much with his genius, he decided to help people the best way he knew how. He started talking about dying on the job, though, and her smile slowly faded. She wondered whether he'd think the same way once he was actually dead. She didn't want him to die now. Well, she didn't want anyone to die of course, but especially not him. Not now. And certainly not the way he was likely to, as more and more she feared the Universe had brought him to her because the unsub was going to make him her next victim.


Before she could think about it, before she could stop herself, Evangeline leaned in and kissed the boy genius. His lips were soft and gentle. This was...nice. It had been a while since she'd dated and kissing someone again was very nice. There were no fireworks, of course, but affection and understanding.
"Yes? What is i-- mmm...." He murmured against her lips while freely kissing her back. It did feel nice for the boy genius as well. It had been a long time since he shared a kiss with a woman. He felt so at peace, so nice and relaxed. He missed that feeling and even though this kiss was unexpected, he made sure to savor every second of it. After they pulled back, he licked his lips slowly while smiling at her. "That was... nice..." He spoke softly, blushing slightly as he tried to regather himself.

Now, he couldn't take his eyes off her for a second. With a gentle little sigh and a shiver running up his spine again, he wondered where this could lead. Something about this woman made him so attracted to her from the beginning, plus, that kiss sent him over the edge. It was getting later on in the day now and he finally took a bite into his sandwich. As they moved on and tried talking about other things, he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and suddenly, in the middle of a conversation, he leaned over to kiss her again. He needed that feeling again, it sparked something within him and he needed to feel those lips at least one more time.
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