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do whatever you want to the avatar above you!

B-but I'm bound to you, master! *a collar appears around my neck and a leash in your hand* I don't have the desire to steal your soul nor do I want to trick or betray you in any way! All I need is sexual energy, but I can eat normal food too. Please let me proof to you my loyality, master!

>.> <.<

░░░░░░███████]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃ ▃ ▃
I'm sorry for making you jealous will always be my favorite idol, wiki! *gets into the dogeza position* Please forgive me!
As Lurker walks along, minding his own business, he comes across Revnath kowtowing with her posterior high in the air...

"Nice ass."

*light slap*
"Now, let's not get hasty..."

Frantically look for a way to escape from the crazy red-eyed girl with the cannon, find out that all the doors are locked and try to hide behind Revnarh's ass.
- tank automatically starts to track him until I get both of them in my sight-

2 for 1... >.>

-sits ther thinking if I should back up a bit and fire or just scare them with the gun-
You know, you shouldn't really go around smacking other people's (or demons') asses when your own is on display...
Grope those breasts, oh wait, grope them again, aaaand grope them again... Hmmmm, waaaaait a minute. Grabs ahold of that penis and pulls, waiting for it to shrink. "Thats... interesting, in a fucked up kind of way" :p
Casually drops down below where the camera can see... Reaching to pull the woman's panties down.
Oh, are they? *grins evily while teasing Lurker's nipples by rubbing, tweaking and twisting them*

Hello, gorgeous... *gently gropes Etinye's breasts*

That picture is so sexy that I can't resist! *spanks littl3 playfully*
"Sounds like someone has a handful."

I chuckle at Rev, sliding my throbbing cock between her ass cheeks. My hands are kneading her breasts like dough.
Ohhhh, that feels so good...

My demonic moves between Coldchaos' legs and starts to rub his balls in order to courage him to fuck me hard and roughly. I press myself against his masculine body and let him tease me to his hearts content untill I can't take it any longer andcstart to beg him to fuck me.
"Your wish is my command"

I whisper in her ear, as my arm moves to her shoulder. I force her torso forward, bending her against a table. My hands slap onto her ass cheeks, thumbs parting the anus. The tip of my cock pokes into her cavity, teasing the asshole.
This face looks like it belongs on a doll, and the round open mouth reminds of a special kind of doll...

What a fortunate coincidence that I have recently summoned a powerful demoness who has to grant my wishes.

Time to play...

Sorry wiki, I got summoned by Lurker and formed a contract with him so now I have to follow his orders or get punished by my own powers... *uses magic to turn wiki into a sexdoll*
(looks like Rev got a post in while I was writing mine, sorry for the confusion it may have caused)

Pet Rev "good demon!"
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