A Lust for Power [RoleplayMaster & Abiliciousxxx]

Tommen gave a small nod as she asked if he had been working, wiping his wet mouth on his sleeve and turning his chair to face her. "I'm used to it. Had to be.. before.. so I could prove I am smart. Have to be used to it 'after', because of my upcoming kingship." He explained. The mentions of before and after referring to his brother's death. He didn't mention it directly as he didn't want to bring up bad memories.

"So what brings you by?" The boy asked with a small smile. Last time he saw her, Margaery had tried to get 'close' to him, but said she couldn't due to the death of his brother. She said she couldn't get close to him 'tonight', last night, which seemed to imply that she might be able to get close to him now... not that he was looking for such a thing, he was just trying to figure out her intentions.
"Well I wanted to spend more time with you, of course," she smiled. Safe in the knowledge that Loras was guarding the door, Margaery knew that that time was quite luxurious; she could spend two or three hours with Tommen and still have time to spare before one of the other members of the Kingsguard would relieve her brother of his duties for the night, and so she set to conversing with her betrothed. She inquired as to what he had been working on, and by candlelight they spoke of wildfire, and the conversation spread to the Battle of the Blackwater, and how curious it was that such a terrible event—victorious though it was—began with the passage of time to shift from being troubling to being somewhat fascinating. To have been in King's Landing during the battle was to have experienced great anxiety and uncertainty, but—as Margaery remarked—in years to come it would become a matter of great interest to those with a taste for history, or tales of triumph and tragedy.

"Your Grace, I am sorry for asking, but do you really think he is guilty?" she asked solemnly, after Tyrion's name came up in conversation. She was curious as to what opinion the boy held, if any, and more curious still to glean whether or not his mother's thoughts had influenced his own, though this she kept to herself. She did not suppose to linger on the topic, though, saying that she herself did not know what to think, and that she would need more time to digest everything that had happened in the wake of Joffrey's death. She had gleaned what she could, and that was enough. As the candles continued to shrink and their flames cast slowly dancing shadows across their faces, she returned to the spark of the conversation.

"And what about King Tommen?" she asked with a playful smile, and a glint in her eye. "Does King Tommen use wildfire to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, or does he deem it a hazard to his people, and keep it safely locked away?"​
Margaery's reply to why she was here brought a smile to the young King's face. Before too long, conversation began of Wildfire, and Tommen talked of what he learned. Things like the battles it was used for, and the original purposes for it, such as using a very small amount on wounds. Of course, the conversation soon moved onto the Battle of Blackwater. Tommen had been with all the women and kids when the battle had gone on, so he did not see much of the events outside those doors. Originally that was a good thing, but now he wouldn't be a part of history.

Conversation moved onto the trial and he was asked if he truly thought his uncle was guilty. "I.. I don't know, that's what the trial's for. He doesn't seem the type to use poison" He said with a weak smile, and thankfully they moved on. Eventually the conversation moved back to Wildfire, and her playful smile brought his own smile back.

"King Tommen hopefully doesn't have enemies to use Wildfire on" He replied with a small laugh. "If he did though, he would use whatever was at his disposal to ensure his people's survival." He added, talking in third person.
"Oh, King Tommen sounds like a strong, passionate king," replied Margaery, bringing a hand to her breast in a faux-dramatic manner. A humoured smile lingered on her lips, and her bright blue eyes—less bright in the dim light, but glinted whenever the reflected flames danced upon their surfaces—held his gaze with confident ease.

"And what if he did have enemies, and one of those enemies captured his loyal queen?"​
He blushed lightly, unsure if she was making fun of him, but she didn't seem to be the type to be that rude. She seemed to be having fun, which was good to see. Especially after the events of Joffrey.

"Firstly he would have ensured she never left his sight to begin with. But if they managed to grab her, he would use all his resources to get her back, and then make them pay for hurting her." He answered. He was very protective of those he liked.
His answer brought a smile to Margaery's lips, or rather kept there the smile that she already bore. For a moment she simply regarded the boy to whom she would be wed, and whom she hoped would meet a fate similar to that of his brother or father—his supposed father, anyway. He was too sweet to deserve such a fate, though she could see that the responsibilities of his impending kingship were weighing on him, and felt a twang of sorrow that someone in the prime of their youth should have to take life so seriously.

"King Tommen sounds like a good husband, as well as a good king," she replied. "I hope I am not keeping you up, your Grace. I do so enjoy your company, and would stay and talk with you half the night if I could, but please, if I am delaying you from sleeping, do say so."​
Tommen blushed lightly at the compliment, smiling widely and giving her a soft "Thank you." The boy shook his head as she asked if she was keeping him up, inviting him to go to sleep if he needed to. "No no. I'm having fun talking with you. I don't want to head to bed yet" He grinned at her. "So what sort of Queen will Lady Tyrell be?" he asked her, going for the third person aspect again.
"Well... she'll be loyal, loving, and very supportive," Margaery replied, her tone light and playful. "Whatever King Tommen needs, Queen Margaery will provide. If he needs advice, she will speak truthfully; if he needs comfort, she will offer her breast; and... if he needs excitement..." Here Margaery giggled, and her azure eyes glinted in the candlelight.

"Well, I don't know if I should say before the wedding," she quipped, smiling and letting a light peal of laughter pass her lips. With a grown man she could broach such topics with considerable ease, but Tommen was proving a more difficult case; he was young, presumably nervous in his inexperience, and a little too serious for his own good. She also didn't want to seem too eager, lest she stir any seeds of doubt that Cersei had planted in his head. Margaery did not have malicious intentions, of course, but she was wary of the Queen Regent, and with good reason.​
Tommen listened with interest to her answer, blushing deeply but laughing a little with her. "It's exciting enough just talking with you, but I'm assuming you're talking about a different type of excitement?" He asked with a grin. "I've uh.. never done anything like that before, so hopefully you'll be a good teacher" He said, his cheeks heating up even more.

"Has a date been set for the wedding yet?" He asked curiously, figuring she would know more than him.
One of the candles met its death as Tommen spoke, running out of wick and quietly fizzling away to nothingness in a plume of dark smoke. To the question, Margaery shook her head. No date was set yet, she confirmed, and probably wouldn't be until the troublesome trial was arranged. She doubted very much that Cersei would allow anything to be arranged without her involvement, and now she was going to have a lot on her hands. It must be soon, though. Tommen was not the only pretender to the throne, and Westeros could not go long without a ruler.

"Why do you ask?" Margaery questioned him with a smile, shifting a little uncomfortably on her chair.​
"I was just curious" He replied. Truthfully he was excited to have Margaery as his wife, especially so he could see what she meant by helping him if he wanted excitement. She would be his and he would be hers, and he wanted to explore her body with his hands and lips, finding what parts of her were the most sensitive. He wanted to hold her and be held, kiss her and be kissed.. love her and be loved. But none of that could happen until he was king and she was his queen. A yawn left his mouth, which he quickly covered. "Might be time for me to head to bed." He said, slowly standing up. "Would you mind if you uh.. um.. joined me?" He asked shyly. "You don't have to go on the bed or anything, just sit beside me and wait 'til I fall asleep" he added hastily.
Her eyes widened just a fraction at his question; he came across as so shy and timid most of the time that she didn't expect him to be the one to suggest that they move to the bed, though she had been angling for a way to move them to a more comfortable position. The fact that the direct question came from him was a pleasant surprise, and for a moment she wondered if she hadn't underestimated him.

"I'd love to," she smiled back. "I guess we will have to get used to each other's presence, seeing as we'll be sharing a bed."

Her smile grew warmer, and she stood and offered him her hand. Her skin was as soft and unworked as a queen's hand should be; smooth and supple, and warm to the touch.​
Tommen breathed a small sigh of relief when she agreed, not seeming upset or angry at him for trying to move her to the bed. He wasn't trying to do anything sexual or forward, he just wanted to lay down and have Margaery nearby.

Accepting her hand, Tommen stood and walked to his bed. Reluctantly letting go, the boy kicked his shoes off and slipped under the covers. Being a bit shy and modest, he undressed under the sheets, throwing out all his clothes onto the floor except for his underwear, which he still wore.

"So uh.. Make yourself comfortable on a chair or the bed" He suggested with a small smile. The sheets covered his body, but his bare arms rested on top. They were slightly muscular, and held promise that they could grow much larger as he grew.
Slipping her feet out of her shoes and leaving them on the floor, Margaery climbed onto the bed with a coy smile to take a place by Tommen's side. She half sat, half lay upon the duvet, one arm resting upon the plump pillows, her wavy tresses cascading over her shoulders and bare arms.

"So you've never had a girl in your bed before?" she asked, teasingly. She knew the answer—or at least knew that he had never been with a woman before—but it was fun to ask, and to know that doing so would only bring more of Tommen's focus onto the fact that now there was a woman lying by his side, and one who was engaged to be his wife.​
Tommen was pleasantly surprised to see Margaery moving onto the bed with him, her body rather close to his own but not close enough to be uncomfortable or awkward. "No, never" He admitted with a half-smile. His body began to relax into the bed as the boy looked up at her. "There will be a lot of 'firsts' to deal with over the next few weeks" He said quietly, though he didn't smile too much at that. So much important things he had to do with the role he would be assuming soon. So when he mentioned firsts, he was not just referring things between him and her.
"That is true, your Grace... but some will be more enjoyable than others," she replied, flashing him a comforting smile in an attempt to stave off the seriousness that sneaked into his eyes, and laid a hand gently upon his arm. She giggled a little, and slowly began to draw her finger up and down his forearm, glancing down at her finger and then back into his eyes. For a moment she recalled her conversation with her grandmother, and the lush green leaves that surrounded them in the Olive Gardens, but then she was back with Tommen again, alone together in the quiet comfort of his bedroom.

"Can I tell you something, your Grace?"​
He nodded, a light blush coming to his cheeks as he thought of the things she insinuated. Her finger was just as smooth as the rest of her skin, and was quite distracting from his thoughts. "Of course you can tell me something. If we are to uh.. to wed, you are free to tell me whatever is on your mind" He said, pausing briefly when he mentioned the wedding. It felt really odd to know he was getting married, and to a woman that was almost twice his age. He didn't mind though, as his soon-to-be wife was very hot!
"Well," Margaery began, still delicately trailing a finger along his arm. "Ever since you told me that you haven't... you know... been with a woman, I've been thinking about all the wonderful things you'll get to experience with me. I've been thinking how I will get to please you in ways that no-one else can. I'll be the only one who gets to do those things with you, and I think that's... sexy. Don't you?"

She smiled warmly, even excitedly, and her eyes were full of life and mischief as she gazed upon her betrothed. The previous night she had thought of what being married to Tommen might bring her, but now thoughts of what she might miss out perturbed her mind, but she pushed them away. He would be good to her, she knew that, but now she had an altogether different duty to fulfil.​
As she spoke, his cheeks filled up with another blush, thinking of the things she was referring to. He had been surprised to hear her say the word 'sexy', but it made him a little more aroused and excited for when the day that they would finally wed. She seemed to be having fun talking to him, especially with this particular topic. "Y-Yeah. Um.. I do think it is uh.. s-sexy" He stuttered, never having used that word before, at least not out loud.

Tommen felt himself grow harder beneath his blankets and he blushed deeply. He was thankful that the sheets on top of him were quite thick, and therefore hide his erection quite easily. The last thing he wanted was an embarrassing situation where she realised she made him hard.
"Good," she smiled back, looking glad. Tommen, on the other hand, looked either uncomfortable or excited, probably both. Margaery remembered what it was like to be his age, and to be so uncertain, though she was more confident than he when she was his age. She had been groomed from an early age to fill a social role, though, and was gregarious by nature.

"Do I make you nervous?" she asked, still smiling, and still trailing the tips of her fingers along his forearm, her touch featherlight, at times barely touching his skin at all, just the hairs along the back of his arm.​
"N-Nervous?" The boy repeated. "No!" he protested "..Well, yeah. But not in a bad way" he explained, his eyes watching her fingers along his forearm. It felt as if she was teasing the skin, yet it was not as sensitive as other areas where such a move could be made. "Why are you doing this?" he asked her, raising his arm slightly to gesture that he was talking about her fingers along his arm. His tone suggested that he didn't mind it at all, it was just genuine curiosity.
"Don't you like it?" Margaery asked. Her question was posed rather matter-of-factly, and with the presumption that he did like it. "I can stop if you like."

She didn't stop, though. Still she continued to gently caress that area of flesh, awaiting Tommen's answer before she dared to move her hand to any other area of his body. She did not want to rush anything with him; she needed him to feel comfortable around her, and he would only learn that through repetition, and patience on her part. Slowly her fingertips trailed down his arm again, and with a delicate turn of the wrist she drew the backs of her fingernails lightly upwards along his flesh, and repeated the motion.​
"I do like it. I was just wondering why you were doing it" He explained. "Don't stop" He added soon after. His eyes ran along his arm, following her hand. "It feels nice" he added soon after, relaxing even more.
"Well you feel nice too, you know." Tommen answered her next question before she could ask it, and, though expected, his response pleased her. Her smile broadened, and her hand began to venture a little further up his arm, trailing its fingers against the supple flesh of his upper arm, almost as high as his shoulder.

"You have such soft skin," she mused aloud, allowing her eyes to drop to his shoulders, protruding along with his arms and head from the duvet. Here she fell quiet, watching her own hand slowly trace his lean bicep, stroking gently up and down, and finally circling over the top of his shoulder. Beyond the room the castle was as quiet as death, and the world beyond Tommen's chambers may as well not have existed.

He smiled widely at her, enjoying her fingers and sighing softly. "The higher you go up, the nicer it feels." He told her. Tommen didn't realise yet that he'd be saying the opposite soon enough. His eyes closed slowly, enjoying when she traced his bicep and then his shoulder. "You're very skilled with your hands" He murmured softly, leaning into her hand a little more as she touched his skin.
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