Kill La...Valor? (Grave and Wiki)

True Grave

Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
Scott Young came to just as the plane had touched down. It had been a long trip from Nice, France to Tokyo, Japan, but he was finally here. The purpose of his visit was to do an investigation for the Shadowgreen Institute, a secret facility for superhumans located in Nice, France. He had graduated just a year ago and been inducted into their Special Investigations Unit, which handled major calamities and investigated superhuman anomalies. Scott was a shoe-in after saving New York from a savage alien race called the Grymwar last year, and he was usually the field agent in these situations. He had a special satellite phone that he carried with him to keep in touch with Shadowgreen, and it was possible that this would be vital to the success of his mission.

His job while in Japan was to investigate any activity that would be classified as superhuman. There was talk of a young woman in a sailor suit fighting crime, but nothing except eyewitness accounts had been collected. In her case, his job was to find her and gather intelligence on her. He was authorized to use force if necessary, but not to cause significant damage to any land on Japanese soil. The Shadowgreen Institute's involvement in the matter was a secret, and the Japanese government had given him permission to work under strict conditions. Scott grabbed his bags and headed off the plane as the airline said the farewell message in several languages, including Japanese and English.

It would ordinarily be customary for American agents to be shuttled to the American Embassy, but this would draw unwanted attention. He was to go to a nightclub called Tokyo Nights that evening and meet with some representatives of the Japanese government. They would give him classified information and a lead, and from there, he was on his own. For now, he was to go to his hotel and get ready. Scott was dressed in a black trenchcoat with black pants and dress shoes, so he would have to look less business-like tonight. All that people needed to know was that he was a foreigner on vacation.

Well, here we are, Valor. The land of the rising sun.
The land of Godzilla and anime, as well.
Yeah. I guess it figures that superhumans would be found here.
I hope we can resolve this without having to use force.

It would be anticlimatic if there was no action, though. My Fist of Valor was made for anime.
I know, I'm just kidding. We won't use force unless we have to.
We'd best get to the hotel, then.

It was pretty average for Scott and Valor to banter like this. They had first become friends over four years ago when Scott received him as a gift for saving a little girl from a drive-by shooting. The shell of Valor, who was an alien being known as a Voltari, formed armor and a weapon for Scott to use. The soul of Valor inhabited Scott's body, and the two had a mind-link that allowed them to communicate almost effortlessly. The two had grown very powerful over their four years at Shadowgreen, and they could take on just about anyone. It was because of the destructive power of the two that they had to be subtle.

They caught a cab to the hotel, which was in an affluent part of town called Minato Ward. Once they were inside, they were met by a friendly desk clerk.
"Are you Young-san?"
"Yes, sir, I am Scott Young."
"My boss asked me to have your hotel key ready. Please enjoy your stay."

The Japanese government had paid for his hotel stay up to two weeks, and he could put in a request for more time if it was needed. He took the elevator upstairs and found his room. He had brought enough to last him for a while, so he would not have to resupply too much unless it turned out to be a long-term assignment. After stowing his things, he turned on the television. It was the usual fare of a murder in downtown Tokyo, some stock news, and a few feel-good stories.
"I guess the news is boring here, too."

He switched off the TV and pulled out his sat phone to give a call to headquarters.
"Madam Shadow, I have made it safely to Japan."
"That is good news. Your orders are the same, but be careful. Our scanners have detected several anomalies all over Japan, so there's no telling what you might be dealing with."
"Thanks for the update, Madam. I will be careful."
He then hung up the phone and began waiting out the time until his appointment at the nightclub.
(I guess you won't introduce the kamui yet)

Aiko was the name of the girl who been living with a family of her friends for s long time. She had been best friends strangely ever since they went to school, though to be honest she was the weird one who already called her a best friend just even a few goes into the second day of school. She sighed as the young girl was finally alone outside for once without her lying that she had something personal going on, but just wanting to get some time alone.

Aiko wore what she usually wore (avatar) also bringing an umbrella because she didn't really like the sun and because it was a weapon. It was as sturdy as a steel sword, and it had the ability to shoot off the top off like a missile if someone got too close. She giggled with a smirk and she went out on the town again to do some shopping and relaxing. It was always so busy but she actually did like all the traffick of seeing so many people out, it was just like what tourists experienced it always made her exactly that too

As aiko walked more into the crowded streets the sun now started to go down into a sunset, it was a perfect time now to stay out. It was always full of surprises at night and it was also a time where she could change into someone she usually wasn't, sometimes she would also have people make the assumption she had multiple personality syndrome, but that was always wrong. By day she was always a nice calm girl. But at night she could be almost a bunch of different girls.
Scott waited until it was about seven in the evening before getting ready. He put on a pair of blue jeans and a black hoodie, trying to look like just an average joe. He was a young guy, so there would be nothing unusual about him going out to a nightclub. He left the hotel and began heading down the sidewalk, since he was told that the club was not far. A few blocks away, he found Tokyo nights, and approached the door. The bouncer or whatever checked his ID, which confirmed that he was 21, and then let him inside.

It appeared that Tokyo Nights was an upscale hostess club, a place men went to talk with beautiful women, and sometimes more. This club had pole dancing women, and they were dressed in two-piece but classy bikinis that differentiated them from a strip club that you might see in the States. He had been told to go to a back table, and he took a seat there. After a little while, two Asian men dressed in blue jeans and T-shirts approached him.
"Greetings, Young-san. I trust that you had a nice flight."

Scott nodded.
"You're the men that I'm supposed to meet here."
"Yes, sir. I am Hiroshi Kasai, chief of the Ministry Bureau of Investigation, or MBI. This is my secretary, Hideki Toma."
Scott shook hands with both of the men.

"Let's get down to business. Tell me everything you know about superhuman activity in Japan."
Toma produced some papers that looked like graphing charts.
"Spikes in superhuman activity have been registering across different parts of Japan, including Osaka and Kyoto. However, the largest readings have been right here in Tokyo. People have claimed to see all manner of strange things, and our MBI has been careful to keep the lid on these sightings."

"However," Kasai began while leaning forward, "There is one anomaly that seems to pop up more than others."
"Oh, yeah?"
He produced a grainy photo of what looked like a woman wearing a strange outfit, but not much could be made out.
"This strange female has popped up in different parts of Tokyo, and one witness even claims that she was in Nagasaki. Even with enhancement, this is the best we could get, so we cannot identify her."

Scott set down the picture.
"What happens when she shows up?"
"Destruction of property to a degree, but no loss of life. She seems to be benevolent, but we don't know. We would like for you to apprehend her, Young-san."
Scott motioned for a waiter to bring him a drink.

"I will do my best. Do you have any leads on a possible location?"
"There are some indicators that the woman may be a student at the high school here in Minato Ward. The picture points to a teenage girl, so that would be the best place to start."
The drink arrived, and Scott took a sip.
"Alright, I'll look into it."

Kasai slid a badge across the table to him.
"The Prime Minister has given me permission to deputize you as an agent of the MBI for the duration of your stay. This will open several doors to you, but use it wisely."
Scott pocketed the badge.
"Appreciate it."
He finished the drink and stood up.

"We're done here. I'll contact you when I find something out."
Scott walked out of the club and began heading down the street. It was too late to do any digging at the high school, so he opted instead to head for a local library. They might have records of any destruction or suspicious events, as the MBI could not cover it all up without looking suspicious themselves. He would also have to look into getting himself a rental car.
The girl sighed boredly spotting the club. She was rather bored all the time and she didn't really see much of these around so she would curiously walk in. She held her umbrella lower a bit to cover her face accept for her lips which almost had a creepy grin on it. She slowly walked past the agents though she was already interested in what they were saying. Strange things happening around...luckily it seemed they didn't notice her much. They seemed fun to play with and interesting, though now that they were on alert she shouldn't reveal herself yet.

She continued to walk away and sit down at a seat at the other end of the bar putting her elbow on the table and having her hand under her chin. "Hey you heard? What do you think of that?" She asked though it seemed she was talking to someone invisible or to herself when she was talking to the very thing that made her dangerous.
Though it might not have been readily apparent, the sailor suit that Aiko wore had a mind of its own. Its name was Kamui Gensekt, and it manifested itself when Aiko needed to transform in order to fight. He sustained himself on Aiko's blood, and the two had a mutually beneficial relationship. Her transformed outfit was rather...revealing...but there was a purpose behind that. If her opponent's were distracted by the skin, they would not fight as well. It was strategic and sometimes a crowd pleaser.

Aiko asked him if he had caught what the men were talking about.
Some of it. Those men are MBI, and the fact that they are on our trail is not good. However...
He seemed to be gathering himself.
The young man that was with them, with the blonde hair and the hoodie...He's much more dangerous.

I don't know what it is about him, but he's not normal. There's definitely something more than meets the eye with him. If we can avoid him, we should.
Gensekt then sighed.
I just can't believe that they got a picture of us, even if it is grainy. Either I'm slowing down after all this time...or you're getting fat.

Gensekt then chuckled.
Just kidding. We do need to be more careful, though. Now that Japan has called in this American specialist, we can't afford to take chances. Maybe we should just go home. Laying low right now would be a smart move.

Scott had managed to find a local public library, and went to the public records department. They were written in Japanese, of course, but there were English copies of some stories that he took a look at. The reports mostly repeated what the MBI had already told him, except that some eyewitnesses reported the armored young woman to be scantily-clad. There were reports of some strange creatures, but it was all just eyewitness testimony that could not be corroborated with hard evidence. Scott read all of the articles that he could find, and then leaned back in the chair.
Well, Valor, what do you think?

This young lady is curious. She seems to be a kind of hero within Japan. No civilian casualties and no excessive damage indicate that she is not a danger to the public at large. Nevertheless, we still need to track her down and get concrete information about her.
All right, then. We're on the same page.

Scott left the library and decided that he would go for a walk around Tokyo. Perhaps he would get lucky and catch this armored woman in action. She was something different from what he had fought before, and he had fought almost every power imaginable back at Shadowgreen. With the Forbidden Tenth Fist in his arsenal, there was not much that could stand against him now. The streets were humming with action, and he could sense a strange vibe in the air.
Something's not right here.
"You think so?" She asked looking down and knowing he had a worried look. She raised her eyebrow at him then smacked slapped her Chest, which was where his cheek would be, " don't be stupid...well I guess so..." Aiko sighed and stood up to walk out and outside, she continued walking down slowly as the sun started to go down into a sunset

But it would seem that he would run into him as she would turn a corner. The young girl slowly did and saw him with his back turned luckily..."shit...that must be him isn't it..." She backed up hiding against the other corner. " so how the hell are we gonna get through here without him watching.... She sighed as she moves her bangs back a bit.
Gensekt sighed as Aiko gave him a slap.
It's the best advice I can offer, but whether you take it is up to you.
He was relieved as she seemed to be taking his advice, though. They had left the club, but he could sense the man known as Young coming their way. They were able to successfully hide from him, but now they had to get past him.
Just act casual and he probably will not be suspicious.

Gensekt studied the young man closely, noting his energy.
His energy readings are odd. For the most part, he is completely human, but there are traces of dimensional ozone and alternate energy coming off of him. This means that he crossed dimensions at some point, and that something on him is not of this world. I have been around a long time, but I have never seen anything like this Scott Young person. Even more unsettling than all of that is that his energy is very forceful, meaning that he has seen a lot of combat but has no visible scars, which makes me think that he must be extremely powerful.

Gensekt shook his head.
This is not a person that we want to tangle with. Be very cautious, Aiko.
The Kamui was powerful, and he and Aiko had great teamwork, but something inside of him was warning him to avoid this guy, and he hoped that Aiko listened.

Scott could feel something not right very close to him. Valor's soul gave him the ability to sense other special beings and their feelings, but his readings were muddled. There were too many people around for him to hone in on the energy. He could put on his Armor of Valor and clear up the reading, but that would draw way too much attention. He looked around and noticed that the energy was strongest in a particular direction. He began heading back toward the library, wondering if there were any students there that he could question.
the young girl sighed and leaned back wondering what to do now as well. "hmm yeah i just have a weird feeling too about it myself..hes looking for someone or something im guessing....' she shrugged and leaned over to peek out so she could see him again, moving back behind the corner after a moment. She waited a bit and turned again to see that he was going back inside. "now our chance!' she told him running through the crowd past him as he entered the library to the other side of the street where they were free now. "what the hell makes him so dangerous anyway, what if hes planning something, wouldnt we need to stop it though??"
Gensekt pondered on her words.
It's obvious that he's searching for us. My concern is what he will do if he finds us. He may be working with the MBI, but we don't know in what capacity they hired him. We should perhaps keep an eye on him as much as we can.
Aiko wondered what made him so strong, and if he was planning something.

I don't know why I am getting such strange readings off of him. All indications are that he is an average young man. He almost seems like he has a Kamui, but if he did, I would know. Scott does not seem like a bad person, and it might be to our benefit to dig up what we can on him.
Gensekt wondered if Scott did have a similar power to theirs, and if he did, that would make him even more dangerous. Being completely in the dark about him was not to their advantage, so they would do well to gather information on him.

Scott went inside of the library and spotted a couple students doing some studying. Madam Shadow had given him a 'Rosetta Stone'-like lesson in Japanese, so that he could communicate with locals that did not speak good English or French. He took his badge out of his pocket and spoke to them.
"Hello, I am agent Scott Young with the MBI. May I ask you a few questions?"
The students nodded, looking a little nervous by the formality.

"At your school, do you know of any students, particularly young ladies, that engage in unusual activity?"
The young man shook his head, but the young lady seemed more thoughtful.
"Well, there is this one girl...But it might be nothing."
"Oh, yeah?"
"She lives with a friend of mine and frequently goes out in the evening rather than studying. Nevertheless, she has almost a perfect GPA."

Scott thought that this was useful information, but hardly conclusive proof of anything.
"Does this young lady have a name?"
"Well, I don't know her last name, but her first name is Aiko. She's got white hair and might be wearing a school uniform. She stands out a bit."
"Thank you, miss, you have been very helpful."

Scott left the library and stood in front of it.
I'm glad we have a name to work with now. I really did not like the idea of interviewing every young woman at Minato Ward High.
Yes, and the white hair will help us pick her out from the other Aikos that might be attending the school.
Scott began heading back to the hotel. He could investigate this lead in the morning.
"how do you know him?' she asked him kinda confused accept for the fact that she should really have to avoid him. She simply sighed and held her umbrella back against her shoulder continuing to walk through the crowd until they were a good distance away from the library now. Aiko went over and sat down on a nearby bench looking around and thinking. After a little while she stood up again and made her way back home, changing out of getsu and putting him on a hangar while she changed into a pair of sky blue pajamas. Aiko sighed and hung him on the top of the cabinet where he could see her, " night gets...' she told him turning to go over and sleep until the next day.
Aiko asked how he knew him.
I'm getting some good vibes off of him. I don't sense any evil or malicious intent.
They continued through town before heading home. Aiko took him off and hung him on a hanger, which was kind of uncomfortable and not his favorite part of the day.
Good night, Aiko.
A Kamui did not really have to sleep, so he pondered on their predicament as night turned to day.

Scott awoke the next morning and put on some jeans and a polo shirt. After making sure that he had his things, he headed for the local school. It was a nicely-sized high school, and he hoped that the main office was not difficult to find. He went in and stepped into the office, which was manned by a busy secretary.
"May I speak with the principle, please?"
"Who am I to tell him that you are?"

Scott showed her his badge.
"Scott Young, MBI. I'd like to ask the principle a few questions."
The secretary looked a little alarmed, but hustled into the back.
"Hashimoto-san, a man from the MBI is here to see you."
She told him that he could go in, so he went into the backroom. The principle was a balding man in his forties and glasses, kind of a stereotypical image.

"Greetings, I am Kisuke Hashimoto, the principle of Minato Ward High. How may I assist the MBI?"
Scott took a seat.
" I can't get into too many details, but I need to interview every young woman that attends this school. If you could gather them into the gym, that would be sufficient. Are all of your female students here today?"

Hashimoto seemed a little surprised.
"That's quite a tall order, Mr. Young. We have over a thousand students here that are female, some of whom are not here today because of the flu. I'm afraid that I need to know a bit more before I just agree to a request like that."
"Not a request, an order. In this matter, I speak for the Prime Minister."

"Well, yes, but..."
"Are you refusing to cooperate with the MBI, Mr. Hashimoto?"
"No, sir. I just want to know what this is concerning."
"All I can tell you is that property has been damaged and the government wants to look into it. There is probable cause that a female student at your school may be involved."

Hashimoto adjusted his tie.
"Well, than, I will do what I can to help."
"First, give me the home addresses of every female student that is not in attendance today."
He printed out a list for him and handed it over, which Scott folded and put into his pocket.
"Now, please ask all female students to go to the gymnasium. I want to interview them, and I want to do it today."

Hashimoto saw that Scott was dead serious about what he wanted, so he went to the secretary. She pressed a button for the PA system.
"All girls should immediately report to the gymnasium on the first floor."
Scott got up and turned back to them at the door.
"I understand your concerns, Mr. Hashimoto, but I promise that your students will be okay. I just want to ask them a few questions and that's all."

Scott left the office and began heading for the gymnasium down the hall, his badge clipped to his belt.
You were a bit hard on the principle, Scott.
He was being uncooperative and almost confrontational. My job is to track down this young lady, and I'm going to do it. I think I handled it well.
Well, you did get him to cooperate, so I guess that's what matters.

Scott had arrived at the gymnasium, and some of the women were taking seats on the bleachers. They looked confused and were talking among themselves. Some gave him a wave in greeting, and he waved back gently. He crossed his arms and waited for the rest of the girls to join them.
Aiko sighed and stretched sitting up on the bed, it was another day of school, the end of the weekend for her which always sucks... The young white haired girl scratched her head with a yawn and slowly got up, " dammit....' she was only pissed about having to go to school and now she had another porblem with that scott person. "you know you still didnt really explain how you know his name either....' Aiko took off her pajamas and put on her skirt then took getsu off the hangar and slipped her arms through his sleeves. "ready?' she asked turning to walk out with her bag and guitar case (has her weapon: scissor blade) and went to get some breakfast before she started to walk out to the school. She was a bit late for school seeing no one really there but she didnt really give a damn. Aiko slowly opened the door seeing a bunch of girls heading down the hallway out from their class. "what the hell is that?' she asked deciding to slowly follow at a distance but she did have an idea that maybe it was that MBI guy...waiting for her... " you think we should just ditch today?" aiko followed a bit more until she saw them head into the gym, pressing her back against the wall to hide in case someone would look through the window of the door. " typical......'
Gensekt felt himself being put on by Aiko.
I overheard the other MBI agents refer to him as 'Mr. Young'. The Scott part was just using my Kamui senses to find it out from the ether. When you've been around as long as I have, you can do some pretty cool things.
They made their way to the school, and he noticed that all of the girls were heading to the gym.
This does not bode well.

Aiko asked him if they should skip school.
I wouldn't recommend that, as that will just make us look suspicious. We should just go in there and answer his questions. With any luck, he won't be able to pin anything on us and we'll be off his list.
Gensekt could see the other girls staring at them with puzzled looks.
We can't stay here forever.

Scott watched as more and more girls filed in. There was no white-haired girl in there, and a check of the list so that Aiko was absent today.
Great. This might turn out to be a huge waste of time.
Maybe not, I can sense something strange nearby. It feels very similar to what we felt before, so the girl we are searching for is here somewhere.
" they are not idiotic to think that if we just answer questions that he wont know its us. I bet he has someone whos been watching us dont you think...' she sighed knowing that she didnt want to skip school either but of course she didnt want to bump into him again. Aiko looked over and noticed the girls as well looking at them weird after a moment. " I think i just have a little idea....' Aiko quickly went over to her locker which was down two hallways on the second floor. "i kept this here for when I forgot about getting a jacket on and when it would be too cold....mostly as another layer....' She slipped on the jacket but didnt zip it up just that he could see. It was a plain old black jacket with a hoodie, nothing special. Heading back she went down the stairs and finally back to where they were pulling the hoodie over her head so that no one would really recognize her without her white hair. Aiko took a deep breath and hoped that this would even work, opening the door and slowly walking into the gym. she put her head down to avoid eye contact with anyone and her hands in her hoodie pockets turning to walk up the stairs and sit at one of the end of the rows.
Gensekt thought about it.
I highly doubt it. If someone had been watching us, they could just go for us directly instead of doing this broad search.
Aiko then said that she had an idea.
I don't know if I'm going to like where this is going.
Aiko hustled up to her locker and pulled out a jacket.

Aiko, no, this is just going to draw more attention to us.
She wasn't listening to him, though, and put the jacket on. They were back in the gym, and Aiko had her hood pulled up. Gensekt knew that this was going to get them caught, but could not force her to listen to him. As more girls filed in, he noticed that they were giving them strange looks. Thankfully, Scott seemed too distracted to notice them yet.

Scott saw more girls filing in. He saw one with a hoodie up come in and sit at an end row.
"What's that all about?"
He approached the girl and saw some strands of white hair poking out from the hoodie.
"You must be Aiko. You're the only girl that I've seen with white hair at this school."

It's suspicious that she would come in here and try to hide her identity. I had my doubts that she was involved, but now I'm starting to think we might be onto something.
True, but let's not get tunnel vision. Let's question the others and see what they tell us.
Scott stepped back and waited for the rest of the girls to show up. There were only a few left to arrive now.

I told you that the hoodie would get us caught, Aiko.
He felt like a parent that knew their child would do something wrong even after they told them not to.
The only way that we can get out of this is to play it cool. One misstep here, and we could be in for a world of hurt.
she sighed and leaned back knowing the mistake from a mile away. she leaned back with a sigh and she turned away to avoid looking at him at all, but knwoing it was too late.. "what about it...' she told him pulling her hood off and crossing her arms ignoring him again and not seeming to care. "well whatever either way the result would be the same. someone would told him what i looked like to find me anyway with or without the hoodie...' she replied to gets, " well then i guess ill find out what the hell this guy wants from me anyway...' aiko rolled her eyes and waited
Scott saw that all of the girls were now in the gym.
"I have two questions that I want to ask of all of you."
He moved toward them so that he could be heard.
"Are any of you in the habit of staying out late? Have any of you seen anything strange, and by strange, I mean really outside of the norm."
The girls all looked a bit confused, but were in thought.

Do you remember the picture of the young lady, Valor?
Yes, and from my recollection, she did not have white hair. This Aiko might just be a red herring.
Maybe, but her strange behavior cannot be so easily explained. She acts as if she has something to hide.
Some of the girls raised their hands.

"I saw a strange creature here in town while I was walking home. It had scaly skin and four legs."
"Like a lizard?"
"Yeah, but much bigger!"
"I saw a strange shadow while I was on vacation in Osaka last summer."
Other girls had similar stories, but these were nothing he could verify.

After about thirty minutes of questioning, he checked his watch.
"You may return to class now. Thank you for your time."
As the girls began filing out of the gym, Scott stepped over to Aiko.
"Not you, though. I have more questions for you."

Gensekt did not like how this was proceeding.
I can't believe how many sightings there were of the strange creatures we've been fighting.
Scott was honing in on them, and this was not good. Everything would depend upon the next round of questioning.

All of the other girls were soon out of the gym, and Scott could sense the strange energy from before. It felt like it was very close by, so it was very strong.
The energy is coming from Aiko, Scott. I don't know if she's the one we're looking for, but she has some kind of power. Be careful.
Scott nodded.
"Well, Aiko, I guess I'll get right to the point."

"My name is Scott Young, and I'm an agent with the MBI. I'm from the United States, and I'm something of a specialist in the superhuman. The vibes coming off of you and your strange behavior tell me that you're not an ordinary schoolgirl."
He crossed his arms.
"So, I want to know the truth about who and what you are. I also want any information that you can give me on the strange creatures roaming Japan."
She sighed and contined to listen, hearing about all the supernatural things. It was funny that she was the only one of course to know that beside him but it was good for now that she didn't have to really pay attention and just ignore him completely. Aiko rolled her eyes at the stories though it didn't surprise her that most of them have seen anything like that. She stood up and put her hood back on standing up and turning to go down the stairs before she stopped at the door.

" you just assume I'm a weirdo?" She asked turning around and leaning back against the wall slightly annoyed. She didn't care who the hell he was. If he got to her bad side she would have cracked. " you think I'm just gonna tell you everything?!" She gave him a wicked grin, " it's my business, if you wanna know go find out for yourself mr detective...." She turned to walk out of the gym and finally out of the building. " hey you really think that those things are still out there?" She was pissed off that those monsters where there again.

She pulled the strap on her guitar case and looked around the darkness around them. Suddenly hearing some rustling in the distance. She turned quickly and stood her ground.
Scott shook his head.
"I never said that you were a weirdo, I just know that you're not an ordinary schoolgirl."
It was pretty clear that she was not interested in cooperating, and he guessed that he could not blame her.
"Well, it would make my job easier and your life easier."
She told him to figure it out for himself and walked away.
"Well, thanks for your time," he replied with a smirk.

Well, that could have gone better.
Indeed. We should do some surveillance on her and see what we can dig up.
Great idea, Valor. I have her home address and everything.
He left the gymnasium and left the school through the main doors.

Gensekt was nervous when Scott confronted them, but thankful that Aiko had handled it well. It seemed that Scott and the MBI were not going to take action against them just yet.
Well, those girls could have been lying or exaggerating. However, I'm inclined to believe that some of them were quite truthful, and that means that there are creatures on the loose. We will have to deal with them soon, but our work is more complicated with Mr. Young on our trail.
There was some rustling in the bushes, and Getsuga waited to see what it could be, knowing that Aiko could defend herself if she needed to.
She sighed as she looked around, with a pissed off look, " now I gotta deal with these damn things and this guy?! God why the hell is he following me anyway..." She took a step forward, opening up her case and kicking it open taking out her scissor blade and twirling it on her wrist before she held it in front of her. "It's probably nothing..." She said twirling her blade again and throwing it into the bush. It landed on the other side with nothing. " well let's just go..." She pulled on the string and grabbed her scissor, not bothering to put it in the case. Aiko closed the case and picked it up, starting to walk until she was down the street and into a crowd again.
Gensekt could tell that Aiko was under stress.
Yes, our job is not easy. With the amount of monsters roaming Japan right now, it might not be a bad idea to enlist Scott's help. He could have arrested us back there and chose not to. He might be a strong ally.
He saw Aiko launch her scissor blade into the grass and come up with nothing, so they were not under attack at the moment.

Scott had been watching her from a distance.
"That's an interesting weapon that she has there. I'll have to look out for it if she decides to attack me."
Now that he had her energy signature, he could sense her from anywhere close by, so he decided to hang back and see where she would go. Once he had gathered enough information, he would try and talk to her again. Perhaps a friendlier approach would reap better results.
The young girl sighed and went over to a corner putting it back inside the case then continuing to walk. She was just pissed off and tired with everything for now, u till she would have to find hose things later. Aiko put her hands in her pockets and started to walk down to the street until she would make it home.

She laid her things down going over to sit and watch some tv and relax for a little before she would sleep as it got darker now. She was quiet and didn't really have much to say for now.
Scott followed Aiko home from a safe distance. He saw that she was carrying a unique weapon in her instrument case, and made a note of it. It seemed that she was just going home, so he found a place to sit down and watch the house. After a couple of hours, it was getting dark, and it was clear that she was home for the night. He decided to head back to his hotel room and get some rest. He would pick up the stakeout again the next morning.
The next morning came as silos hair had covered her eyes and some of her face while she was sleeping. For a while she just slept more until she finally yawned and got up stretching and looking around the room for a moment before she would go and take a shower.
Scott slept peacefully through the night and woke up the next morning. After showering and shaving, he headed out to resume his stakeout at Aiko's place. There was something that she was hiding from him, but she had yet to be forthcoming. Surveillance was always the most boring job of any agent, but it was one that was sometimes necessary. Scott took up a post across the street, hidden from view. He hoped that today would be a more fruitful information gathering day.
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