Choose (1x1 between celebstars and randomname98766789)

Kissing him back, the shack filling with the noise of their lips parting, both laid on top of the bed naked, snuggling each other, which helped keep them warm. As he planted kisses all over her, her hand was running up and down his leg, just caressing him. Her breasts were against his chest, her nose now against his. "I think we will just drift asleep" she smiled, her forehead touching his, the couple much in love. It wasn't long before Beatrice did close her eyes and fall in to a slumber in the arms of Bryce.

Yawning the next morning, the woman fluttered her eyes, smiling as she felt the hands of her boyfriend still around her, they must not of moved an inch from their position. Opening her eye lids, she saw the sleeping boy and stuck her tongue out, flicking it against his nose. "Wakey wakey" she said, her arms by her breasts, snuggled up tightly in his grasp, faces still pointing to one another.

"I don't want you to be late for the Choosing Ceremony" It did happen all day, so there wasn't to much of a rush. At this point, Beatrice didn't think about her family, who must have been worried.
Bryce woke up to the feeling of a tongue flicking his nose and then the heavenly voice of his girlfriend following it. With a little smile on his face, he looked into her eyes. "Morning." He whispered sleepily and turned his head to yawn before rubbing the sleep from his eyes and turning his gaze back to his Beatrice.

Last night was by far the best night of sleep he ever had gotten. Falling asleep with the love of his life in his arms was perfect and waking up next to her brought an immediate relaxed, happy feeling to him. He loved her so much and wanted to show her. "Yeah, I know. I really want us to walk together, hold hands. We broke the rules last night, might as well keep going today." He grinned at her, kissing her again.

He just simply didn't want to let go of her for any reason. She was the best thing to ever happen to him and at this point, he didn't care what the factions said or what anyone else said. All he cared about was her and that's all that was important to him. "I love you." He murmured and pecked her lips before standing to his feet and starting to gather his dull clothing.
"I love you to" she replied, standing up to, grabbing her panties, sliding them up her legs before grabbing her bra and hooking it behind her. The dull clothing was something she was used to apart from today. Looking at it differently as she pulled it over he head, she could see why the other factions laughed at them for it.

Leaving the shack, walking with him, holding his hand, she stopped, pulling him to a halt. "This is probably the last time we will ever see this place." Leaving his hand, Beatrice walked towards the wooden hut like building and grabbed a stone off the floor. Around the back, near some bushes, she carved her initials in to it, 'BP' before the bush hid it. "You want to carve something?" She asked, "I just think it is nice." The girl added, holding out the stone towards him.

"It may be our last time here. For me? Pleeease" she smiled.
When they were leaving, Bryce felt his girlfriend tug his hand to stop. He saw what she did and smiled to himself. He took the stone from her hand and carved his initials 'B.A.' before drawing a heart in between so it read 'B.A. loves B.P.'. He thought it was a nice little thing to do as he sat the stone down and turned to her with a smile.

"Maybe we can come back here one day. This is our little special place. It always will be." He whispered, recalling the countless hours they spent kissing and cuddling and talking, always losing track of when they were supposed to leave.

He kissed her on the forehead before pulling away and taking her hand in his. "Now, let's head on into town." he said softly as they made their way down through the woods. Their families would be worried but they would catch up with them in the crowd. When they were approaching the building where it was held, Bryce didn't let go of her hand since they decided to do this. "I love you so much, Tris." he grinned, using her nickname once more. He really liked it.
Taking his hand, she walked with him, both in their dull clothing, first walking past the homes of their faction before heading in to the town and city where all the factions would mix. Looking around, no one really cared about the couple, that was until they reached the building where everyone was lined up, ready to choose which faction they would be in.

Seeing her parents, they immediately came up to her, rushing with a frantic pace. Her mother held her cheeks, kissing her tenderly whilst her father saw her holding hands with Bryce. "Where were you?" He asked, not looking best pleased, he nudged Beatrice's mother, pointing to the hand holding.

"I was with Bryce, we wanted to spend the night together before we chose our factions" she said honestly, hoping they wouldn't be mad. Her father seemed so, but her mother wasn't. She almost understood, knowing nothing could stop love. "You frightened us, we thought something terrible had happened."

Beatrice looked around, "Where is Caleb?" He is already inside, we would have gone in with him but you weren't here. He has probably already chosen. He hasn't returned, which means...." she cut off, sobbing, thinking she would never see her son again. This started to make Beatrice wonder if she should stay or not.
Honestly Bryce could tell that her father was displeased and he probably hadn't done the best job of earning his trust or love in the slightest. As much as he wanted it, he knew that it would be impossible because of the norms of their city but if only he knew just how well Bryce treated her and how much love he felt for her, then he'd understand like her mother.

It saddened him to see the look on Tris' and Tris' mother's face when speaking about her brother. There wasn't any time to dwell on it because they were rushed in and they had to go to their seats. Before he went to his mother, father, and sister, he turned to look at Tris and whispered something in her ear. "Just remember that no matter what you choose, I will go with you. I sear on everything I will. I love you." After saying that, he kissed her cheek and let go of her hand.

Once returning to his family, he got a quiet scolding and just shrugged it off. A few more names were called and he knew he'd be one of the last to choose since it went in ascending order of last names. Beatrice was called up almost as soon as he sat down and he watched her intently. If she looked at him, she would see him looking at her and giving a smile. He meant what he said.
The hall was ready for the next batch of young people to walk in. The place was packed as families walked their children in to their designated factions. Upon arriving at her seat, Beatrice overheard the others laughing at the clothes she and her people were wearing, as well as their values.

Ignoring it like she always did, she sat down between her mother and father, holding each of their hands, letting them comfort her and maybe comfort them to, as this could have been the last time they saw their daughter.

"Beatrice Prior!" Said the man on the stage below, calling her name and awaiting her arrival. Standing up, the girl felt all eyes were on her, watching each step she took down to the choosing area. There were five white bowls situated in a round circle, with an entrance to them at the front. Each was filled with various objects, the sign of each faction which represented them. Looking over every single one, Beatrice hadn't given much thought about this and had to choose her life in any given second.

Taking the knife in a bid to stall time, she slowly cut the side of her palm just to draw some blood. Hissing in a little pain, she watched the drop fall until it was on the edge, waiting to fall. Hovering over every bowl, she finally turned towards the black stones of Dauntless, allowing the blood to fall and sizzle on the hot rocks.

"DAUNTLESS!" Said the announcer, to a loud cheer from the faction who collected her, taking her in their arms and welcoming Beatrice as though she was apart of their family already. Looking over her shoulder, she could see the dismay on her parent's face, how upset they were, then she tried looking for Bryce before she was swarmed with people until she was crowded.
Bryce intently watched his lovely Beatrice as she stood up. Unable to help himself, he just admired her beautiful facial features and thought about what sexiness lay underneath those clothes of hers. Curiosity was burning deep within Bryce as he was trying to think of what faction she might choose. He truly had no idea other than the three factions she told him that she had an aptitude for according to her test. He watched her take the knife and make the small incision and watched the blood dangle from her palm. Then, he saw it fall onto the hot, burning rocks of the Dauntless faction.

The announcer confirmed it and the faction of Dauntless, rowdy as always, erupted into a huge cheer from hearing about their new faction member. He couldn't help but smile at seeing how welcome Beatrice was looking already but then he saw her parent's face too and then thought about his own parents' face. How upset would they be? Their son, they pride and joy going to another faction? Well, Bryce already had it decided. He told Beatrice that he was going to be with her and here he was basically making a choice between her or his parents. In fact, he loved her more and couldn't bare the thought of leaving her.

Beatrice's last name began with the letter "P" while Bryce's last name began with the latter "A". It would be a very, very long wait now before he had his chance to choose. In fact, he was one of the last five children that were going to choose today. An hour and a half later after Beatrice had made her decision, it was now Bryce's turn.

"Bryce Adams!" The announcer beamed as the very tall, handsome man stood from between his parents. He gave them both a quick smile and ruffled his older's sister hair playfully before heading down the aisle.

Truly, he was a man on a mission. Stepping up the few steps to the stage, he took the knife, made the incision and walked right over to the burning rocks of Dauntless and made the drop of blood splatter on the sizzling rocks.

"DAUNTLESS!" More cheers erupted and he was now over his way to his new faction. It was easily the quickest choice that someone transferring factions had made so far. With the rules and laws of the world they live in, this should speak loud words to Beatrice as he chose the rest of his life to spend with her, basically. He wasn't going to stay away from her and he loved her more than anything.
If the wait until her turn was long, it was nothing, nothing compared to that for Bryce, sitting in her new faction, she wanted to know what he would choose, because the way she felt now, about abandoning her parents made her feel upset. As much as she liked the idea of being in Dauntless, it was a new territory, she hadn't even done research in to it. Beatrice knew nothing about it.

Finally, when her boyfriend was called, the girl sat up in her seat, arms resting on her lap, the long sleeves covering her hands. Seeing him up on the stage she smiled to herself, she felt so lucky being with him, he was so handsome. Beatrice had thought about hers, well she took her time, but for him, it was straight forward, it was the quickest one of the day.

Jumping with shock, the whole Dauntless section rose up to their feet and swarmed him, welcoming him like they did Tris.

Someone moved to the back, allowing Bryce to sit next to Beatrice, she took his hand when he did. Smiling with him, she then got up, the ceremony was over, and things were about to change in her life.
Honestly, Bryce truly loved the warm welcoming he received by the fellow Dauntless members. However, there was only one of them he truly wanted to see now but she was all lost in the massive amount of people. Finally, his piercing and rushing eyes searched over a now empty seat beside a particular blonde girl. Taking the seat with pride and joy, he squeezed her hand in return. Once the ceremony was over, he stood up with her as everyone applauded one another.

Suddenly, Bryce turned to Tris and placed his hands on the back of her thighs, lifting her up in the air so she was on eye level with him before pressing a deep and passionate kiss to her lips. No longer did they have to deal with this nonsense of no public affection or hiding their love. They could freely touch and kiss as they pleased because they were Dauntless now.

Pulling back a huge smile was on the boy's face. His breath was hot and heavy but the love never shone brighter in his blue eyes. "We did it... I told you I would choose to go with you. I love you." He whispered and finally sat her back down on the ground. Truly, he hoped Beatrice never doubted that he would come with her to Dauntless but seeing how fast he made the decision, no hesitation was ever in his mind.

"I'm so happy right now with you... this is a new chapter to our life. More love and more happiness and we can be together forever." Bryce spoke with a cheeky grin, raking his fingers through her hair.
She smiled, kissing him back, his fingers running through her hair causing it to fall down her shoulders and down her back, just like all the other Dauntless women. Heading out of the ceremony, her hand holding on to Bryce's, Beatrice looked on to the other members of her new faction who seemed really pumped up and excited. They started to run, they were going to be left behind which made the girl start to jog before going in to a full burst run.

Her head tilted, looking upwards towards the sky because they were now climbing the structure which held the tracks of the train above the city. Each of her hands got some grip and moved upwards, her feet finding places to climb and so she got higher up, following each of the Dauntless members. Looking down, she was urging Bryce on. "Come on!" She smiled, nearing the top.

Pushing herself up, she looked across to see everyone running along the track. "Hurry!" Beatrice said, taking her boyfriend's hand, helping him up. "Where are they going?" Running after them once more, a noise could be heard from behind, looking around, the train was heading straight for them, everyone stood still, waiting for it to come by.
Bryce walked out of the ceremony just as happy as he could possibly be. Their hands were tightly in each other's and once all his fellow faction members began to run, Bryce and his girlfriend followed suite. They arrived to a structure that held the railroad tracks and Bryce couldn't help but chuckle softly at what they were doing. Scurrying up the side, he felt his heart pumping and a rush of adrenaline shoot through his body. It seemed their decision was a very good decision indeed. "I don't know... I think we have to jump in the train, though!" Bryce yelled out over the wind as it howled and made it difficult to hear.

Suddenly, a horn was heard as the train was closing in towards them. They were now running again and his eyes stayed on the Dauntless-born members that seemed to understand what they are doing. When a certain car was passing them, he watched the boys and girls dressed in all black jump into the train car one by one and it was clear what they had to do. Bryce wasn't nervous though, he was very excited. Taking Beatrice by the hand, he kept running with her until the car got to them and he counted to three out loud and jumped with her into the car.

They landed and he did a quick little barrel roll to the back of the car and laughed when it was over. Now, he crawled over beside Beatrice and took a seat against the side of the train as they enjoyed the ride down the tracks. "Wasn't that fun?" He beamed and took her soft hand in his larger hand. All the initiates were beginning to hop on board the train and the car was quickly filling up.
Running with her boyfriend she felt him pull on her hand as he jumped up, pushing her up with him until they both landed on the train. Beatrice was huffing and puffing, catching her breath, she had never run so fast or for so long, but she enjoyed it. Taking a seat against the wall, she couldn't believe the sight of people jumping in to the compartment they were in. The new recruits bundled in one after the other, the Dauntless born members laughing as some struggled although they helped them up.

"This is probably the most fun I have had in one moment than all my time with our faction" Beatrice told Bryce, squeezing his hand, holding it tightly. She looked around, always wondering what the insides of these trains looked like when they passed over the many factions. They weren't very clean or well maintained. Half ripped posters and scratches filled the walls along with a massive D symbol painted in a circle.

The noise was loud, which was why someone was shouting to the new members. "Everyone up! Get ready!" The whole cart stood up, Beatrice followed their lead and did the same, standing against the opposite wall. Then out of nowhere, the man ran out with a jump, some of the people inside screamed, others thought it was cool.

"If you don't make this jump you are going to be factionless" said another, running and making the jump. This prompted the girl to do her boyfriend the same favour he did her, by running out and dragging him with her. Nearing the entrance, she saw the gap was larger than she thought, then she flew through the air, the wind hitting against her, brushing through her hair, forcing the tie out and letting her locks run free.
"You are not kidding, Beatrice." Bryce mused loudly as the wind violently whipped and howled into the train car. The intense adrenaline rush felt by Bryce was uncanny when compared to any previous experience in the Abnegation faction. That feeling was definitely something the boy could get used to being exposed to each and every day. Not much was known about initiation for Dauntless, nor any faction in fact, but everyone should have understood it wouldn't be easy in the slightest. Climbing the train tracks and then jumping into a moving train. What was next? Jumping out of the train? This thought made Bryce chuckle, only for a brief moment though as his comical thought was proven to be true. Two of the boys had already jumped onto a nearby building and landed on the roof.

"I'd rather be factionless than dead." Another candidate mused before slumping down against the back of the train car and just sitting against the cold, metal wall of the train. Bryce hardly had time to process things before feeling a tug on his hand as he watched blonde locks flail wildly in front of him. Landing with a thud, he groaned and did a similar roll as when he landed in the train. Landing on the gravel really dug into any exposed skin he had and while it didn't feel to great, at least he was alive and so was Beatrice. The dark-haired boy couldn't help but feel a bit antsy when worrying about his fellow initiates when they jumped. Himself and his girlfriend were a couple of the first five candidates to make the jump. Not everyone was so lucky though as a total of three initiates: two boys and one girl, had fallen to their presumable death. If it was survived, they had to be superhuman.

A boy from Candor named Peter made a negatively impressionable mark with Bryce once everyone was settled. Crude comments towards a few individuals and hearing him murmur something about the "stiffs" caused an instant dislike for the boy. Not every Candor transfer seemed to be as much of a jerk as Peter though. A girl from Candor named Christina was speaking briefly to Bryce and his girlfriend and seemed friendly enough. Up next was the third initiation challenge. Conceivably, this challenge was the most daunting task the newcomers would be forced to take on so far. All they had to do was jump from the roof into a colossal hole in the ground. Simple sounding, but very dangerous and risky. What if there was nothing to catch them at the bottom except for the hard, unforgivable earth?

Bryce's mind was calculating these things at a mile a minute. On one hand, at the end of the jump could be death. However, on the other hand, being Dauntless meant being brave and being a chance taker. This is something that needed to be done. While all the others stared in shock and fear, Bryce kept his hand firmly tangled with Beatrice's hand prior to stepping up on the ledge, pulling her with him. So far, they did everything together and this would be no different. They would be Dauntless together: both literally and figuratively. Taking a deep breath, he jumped and pulled Beatrice down with him. The longer they fell, the darker it became until a few dim lights were brightening the underground compound. An audible chuckle left his lips as the pair fell at what he saw. This comical sight happened to be a net. They were safe.

Standing by the net to help them down was a very important man in Dauntless named Four. A look of shock was plastered on his face at seeing two jumpers at one time. It also didn't help the fact they were from Abnegation. Regardless, he didn't question it and asked their names. "My name is Bryce." The dark-haired boy spoke before turning to his blonde girlfriend and waiting for her to speak her name.
Hearing screams, Beatrice turned around, her sight couldn't register the sound she was hearing. People were hitting the roof but none of them were screaming. Instead, she figured it must of been someone falling. The noise continued for one or two more seconds before it stopped suddenly. A dark feeling fell over the girl now, did she make the right choice? How could a faction simply lose someone before they had even technically joined?

"Stiffs" said a boy, before a girl came up to her and Bryce, telling her to ignore him. "That's Peter, I'm Christina, don't worry about him, his bark is worse than his bite" she went on, before someone at Dauntless then spoke.

"Listen up! Stop the talking!" He commanded. "You jump from the ledge, you are in. You don't? You might as well jump from the other side where some of the others didn't make it, rather that than be factionless." It was pretty blunt and simple. Everyone looked over to see what they would be jumping in to, it seemed like a hole in the ground.

Whilst people took a step back to consider it, Beatrice found herself on the ledge with Bryce. "Awww we have a couple here folks. Let me just say you will get each other killed. That is what love does to you."

"Aggggghh!" She screamed, her stomach turning midair as she was pulled, her hair flying once more until the net saved her. Laughing and cheering, that could only serve to help the remainder of the members up on the roof still.

Getting off the net, the girlfriend saw Bryce with a man, who asked his name. When he asked her for her name, Beatrice was about to give her birth name, before stopping. "Tris..I'm called Tris" Turning to Bryce, she smiled, she hoped he liked that she wanted her name to be the one he called her by.

There little moment was ruined though by the sound of a man screaming in utter fear. Peter looked sick as he landed on the net, his face pale and eyes watering. That brought a chuckle from the girl, but not Four.
Simply, Bryce just ignored the comment about love getting people killed. That had to be the most absurd thing he ever heard in his life and as far as he was concerned, that person was probably just jealous they didn't have anyone to love. When he heard Tris say her name, it brought a smile to his face as he took her hand again and stepped to the side. Even he laughed queitly at Peter's jump. It fit him well after what a jerk he had been. As everyone else were jumping down, he leaned to press a soft kiss to Tris' cheek. "I love you." He whispered into her ear, squeezing her hand gently again because he was just so happy to share this with her.

The Dauntless headquarters was underground and there were ten new transfers. Four led the transfers to their room. There were bunkbeds that they would sleep in so Bryce made sure he and Tris got one together, obviously. There was no privacy allowed it seemed as everything was in the open, even the showers and bathroom. He chose the bunk all the way against the wall and sat down with her on the bottom bunk. When Bryce counted, he saw five candor transfers, three Erudite transfers and then two from Abengation.

Next, Four led them to what was called the Pit. It was massive and had a chasm with running water that looked very deadly if someone had crazy thoughts. After they explored around for a bit, they were to return to their bunking rooms and get changed into the proper Dauntless attire: all black clothing, and then head to the cafeteria.

It felt so nice to openly hold Tris' hand. Sure, there were some looks they got but he didn't mind and he hoped Tris didn't mind. Once back in the room, he grabbed the clothes from the top bunk and started to change. It was black pants, black t-shirt, and black boots. He quickly made the change and saw Tris in the exact same clothing. That was all Dauntless wore. They still had a few minutes so Bryce kissed her lips softly, raking ihs fingers through her hair.

"What do you think so far, Tris?" He whispered softly, not breaking eye contact with the love of his life.
"I love you to" she said, holding his hand, walking with him on the tour. It was around half an hour before it was over and Tris couldn't believe how different it was to Abnegation. She thought about the other factions, wondering what they were like. Once they had finished the tour, they arrived back at the room, specially made for the new members.

"By the way, I got the top bunk" she bit her bottom lip, putting her clothes on it as she cheekily claimed the better bed. Being female, her clothes could have been different, a dress or maybe tights, but she opted for the black tank top and black pants, which were considerably tighter than what she was used to because she grew up in baggy clothing. It made her ass stick out, not that she ever noticed she had one. It was round and firm and it certainly would have made Bryce like it. The same was with the tank top, tight, showing off a flat stomach and her breasts. Tying her hair back, she was going to but it in to a bun like before, but instead changed her mind, making a long ponytail and tied a hairband in it.

"I like it here" her voice seeming happy, kissing him, letting his shoulders rest against the top bunk as she stood in front of him, making out, loving his fingers running through he hair.

" two aren't going to be fucking with us all asleep around here are you?" Said a new recruit, making Tris laugh, but also relax, there was no judgement, although she did wonder where they were going to have sex or how.

Everyone moved towards the canteen, they lined up in a queue along with the current Dauntless and waited to be served. The food seemed different, more...luxurious instead of the simple things like bread she was used to living on. This slab of meat ended up on her tray making her seem rather shocked. "Never seen meat before?" Christine asked, staring at Tris.

Taking a seat at a table, it was at the center of the room, it allowed everyone to check out the new group, eyeing them up, seeing what it was about. Some even took bets and wagers on who would last the longest. Saving a seat for Bryce she smiled when he joined her although they were briefly interrupted by a man.

He was skinny, wore the same colours as them and had tattoos all over his body. "Agh the love birds, don't look shocked, gossip spreads" his hands waved apart. "Come down to my workshop, get some ink on that canvas of yours, maybe something matching for the pair of you?"
"Yeah, I like it here, too." Bryce answered cheerily as he eagerly returned the kiss to her lips. When he heard the comment about fucking all the time, he winked down at Tris. "I don't know... I'm thinking we are." he whispered and gently pressed a kiss down to her neck softly. Of course, he took quick notice of how perfect her ass looked against the pants and he couldn't help but take a quick grab of it while admiring those nice breasts of hers.

He followed her into the cafeteria and the food was very different. The thing they ate was called a hamburger. It was amazing in Bryce's opinion and he definitely wanted to eat another one. He was sitting down beside of Tris when the man spoke to them about getting some tattoos. Bryce loved that idea, getting some matching ink for himself and for Tris. "Alright, let's do it babe. We don't have anything else to do today rather than explore so why not?" He chuckled, taking her hand and leading her down with him towards the man workshop.

"Now, let me give you guys a little secret. If you need to sneak away for fun time, this is the best place." He told them with a smirk, loking into a door on the way. "It used to be a special bedding area for some instructors but that was moved up a floor. There's still a bed and some chairs in there to use." He told them with a chuckled and led them on down. Bryce made sure to take note of the location because he had the feeling that their sexual activity would increase now they didn't have to hold back. As of now, they were in his workshop and Bryce was looking around in the shop.

"What are you thinking about getting, Tris? I am thinking maybe we get something on our collarbones? Or maybe on our backs? I don't know. I never really thought of getting one before." he admitted and chuckled, flipping through some designs that were set up for any customers in the shop.
Walking behind the man who gave them some tips and tricks about the place, Tris even caught site of the door which was now some place to have fun, seeing a couple go inside and hearing the lock twist behind it. She didn't really like it, if they used it, it wouldn't be 'theirs' like the shack in the woods was.

Entering his shop, music played in the background. It was quite annoying, but she blocked it out looking at the tattoos she could get in the book with designs.

Seeing the ravens, she liked what they could represent. "Can I have these? Kinda be like everyone of my family I left behind" she mentioned. It was tough for her not to see them again, yet it must have been equally as bad for Bryce to. "What about you? You can get something for your family, then we can get something for each other?"

A woman passed them by, Tris recognized her immediately, she was the one who told her she was Divergent. For now though, she left it alone, she was always going to be there.
Bryce simply nodded at Tris' suggestion about getting something for their family then getting one for each other. Bryce chose a simple tattoo that would show the initials of his parents and sister. Once that was chosen, the man took Bryce back for the tattoo and then the woman that introduced herself as Tori came to get Tris. Bryce didn't know it at the time, but Tori was the woman that did Tris' aptitude test.

Bryce's tattoo went easily on his skin. It hurt a bit but he had a high pain threshold anyways so a tattoo really wouldn't hurt him. After it was over, he walked back out to check the mirror to see how it looked. Then he walked to the front to meet up with Tris so they could look through the book or just think about what kind of tattoo they should get together.

As the couple stood on the floor, Bryce slipped an arm around her waist to hold her close. "What do you think we should get for each other?" He asked softly and tilted his head at the girl, slowly moving his hand up and down the side of her body.

He thought about it for a moment then finally spoke up. "What about something like an infinity sign with our initials inside." Bryce finally suggested, wanting to see what she thought about it or what kind of idea she might have had. He was so excited to do this. He wanted Tris to look at his body and see something about her there becuase he truly loved her with all his heart.
Tori took Tris, although she seemed hesitant to do so, but the young girl never made mention of her test, in fact she never spoke at all. The only thing that came out of her mouth was small gasps as the tattoo was placed on her upper chest on the left hand side. A flock of ravens, one each for her parents and brother. She really did miss them.

Once it was done and it was wrapped by the tattoo artist, Tris left her work station and stood up, meeting up with Bryce as they decided on an other tattoo. "I like that idea" she spoke, regarding his idea.

It wasn't long before Tris was back on the bench. She kept her placement of the tattoo private, wanting it to be a surprise for her boyfriend. After another session of gasps, it was finally done, and it was complete. Stepping out in her tights pants and top, there was no sign of it, meaning it was somewhere under her clothes.

"You will have to find it won't you" Tris saw his eyes scanning her body for it.
Bryce decided to get the tattoo on his upper arm where Tris could see it, even when they weren't nude. As the man inked up the tattoo on his arm, he asked questions about Bryce and Tris, how they met, how long they were together, and just getting to know them. Bryce spoke about how they had to hide their love for so long. The man was happy to hear such a nice story and he was sure they'd fit in well with Dauntless.

Bryce was finished quickly with little pain from the inking. His pain threshold was high and the arm was not a real tender spot for tattoos. When Tris appeared and told him that he would have to find it, a grin spread on his lips and he had a few ideas on where to look. He thanked the tattoo artists for their work and their time, then took Tris' hand in his. "Okay, let's head back." He whispered to her, leading her away from the workshop.

He thought about earlier, when she didn't want to use that spot the tattoo artist showed them. It wasn't theirs like the cabin was, they needed some place like that. So he leaned down into her hair and ear, kissing her and speaking. "Let's take a look around... we might not have our cabin here, but we need some place for us." Plus, they should celebrate even making it this far through all the action packed jumps. Bryce was more than eager to let Tris know how much he loved her and he was very, very curious about learning the location of her tattoo.
Leaving the tattoo place, the pair walked out having the day to explore and get used to their surroundings. Training wouldn't begin until tomorrow so they had plenty of time as it was afternoon.

Feeling his whisper and kiss on her ear made her smile, his hot breath blowing on her made it feel a little ticklish. Holding his hand, she soon walked with him through corridors and different areas of the faction. Some of the walls were made of stone it seemed carved out in to caves whilst others were made from steel works and looked like any other room she had been in.

"I heard there was a place outside now that I think about it. It was an old bunker that people would go in when bombs were raining down on them. Do you want to check it out?" Tris asked. "I know you really want to know where my tattoo is" she teased. "Maybe I didn't even get it in the first place" sticking her tongue out she pulled on his hand playing with him.
Bryce just kept quiet and let Tris start talking to him. When she was done, he couldn't help but laugh and give her a shake of his head. "Oh, I bet you did get the tattoo, my love. And I'm going to find it. Maybe I'll have to punish you too for being such a bad girl and making me wait and search for the tattoo myself." He teased her playfully, leading her further down the corridors.

On the wall, he found some directions that led to said bunker. When they arrived, they opened the door and slipped inside. The room was rather dark but it allowed some sunlight in through a few cracks in the roof. Once they arrived, he didn't waste any time. Within moment, he had gripped her shirt and worked it off of her head. Subsequently, he pressed a kiss to her lips, making out with her while removing her pants.

After she was only in her underwear, he stepped back to examine her sexy body, searching for the location of the tattoo that he had gotten for him.
When the bunker was opened, it was pretty dirty, years of dust forming which must have seeped in through the fine cracks of light from above. Old antiques were everywhere, Tris wasn't sure if they had any value, but she didn't care much. The place was packed with paintings and pottery, some were spread all over the half broken bunk meaning the bed was broke and a pipe which would have let the owner breath in non toxic air was rotting away near the cracks above.

Before she could take in anymore of the dimly lit room Tris was pressed up against a wall, her top pulled over her head, exposing her bra before a kiss was planted on her lips. Her arm held the back of his neck as she made out with her boyfriend. Feeling his fingers in her pants, they were pulled down her slim thighs before she was just in her panties and bra.

When he stepped back, he would have seen the tattoo on the inside of her thigh. "Do you like it there?" She asked, the pause almost frightening her like it was a mistake and he didn't like it.
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