Choose (1x1 between celebstars and randomname98766789)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Bryce Adams

Simplicity, Selflessness, and charity are a few qualities that Bryce had been told to live in his entire sixteen years in existence. Being from the Abnegation faction, born to an Abnegation-born mother and and Erudite-born father, he seemed to get traits from both factions. He was one of the smartest kids in the school, save for the Erudite children. Along with that, he was always a helpful guy, willing to go out of his way to lend a helping hand. It wasn't all because of the faction though, he liked to think he was a good guy in general. However, he didn't always enjoy being this simplistic and dull as he loved to watch the Dauntless jump from trains and buildings and all other kinds of things that made most other Abnegation member cringe. Stiffs, is what they were called and that wasn't a nickname he liked very much but it seemed to be who he was. His parents were members higher up on the totem pole in the council. Abnegation were trusted public servants and Bryce was being trained to grow up in the ranks as well in the same manner as his parents. He didn't like following footsteps, though. While he loved his parents, he wanted to do what his own heart desired.

Most of his free time was invested in picking up trash, helping out at the hospital, and even feeding the factionless. He did find time to keep his grades up and even maintain a rather nice physique in one of the lone gyms that they had. Because Abnegation were supposed completely forget themselves and help others, he had to sneak around in the gym to work out. He shouldn't be focused on himself so much but he loved to lift and he argued that it would just help him be in better shape to live a longer life which would in turn allow him to be helpful for a longer time. It all worked out in his mind. He was rather easy to find as well. With only being sixteen, he was a couple inches over six feet tall as he seemed to get the 'tall gene' from his parents. He has an older sister that chose to stay in Abnegation and she is quite tall herself.

Today was another dull day at school. He was dressed in his dull, unnoticeable gray robe and pants and attire that Abnegation always wore. It was the same every day... gray, gray, boring, dull, gray, boring. It lacked livelihood and it lacked excitement. He wasn't that content with how they were living to be quite honest. He felt that he was restrained in what he wanted to do with life. Abnegation cut their hair every three months and every six months they pick up a stack of new clothing that is identical to what they were wearing for the past six months. The only adornment that they are allowed is a simple gray watch. It was a never ending and continuous cycle. Abnegation people greet each other by formally bowing their heads, as physical contact is discouraged and therefore, feared. Physical displays of affection are forbidden and kissing in public is seen as a disgusting act. All of this, of course, didn't sit too well with Bryce either.

School had just released and he was leaving his last class of the day, which was English. One routine that he didn't mind at all was meeting his girlfriend of two years, Beatrice Prior, outside of her locker at the end of the day. The rules and regulations on public affection really seemed to irk him as they couldn't greet and kiss like he wanted. Sometimes he would steal a touch here and there to let her know that he is there and wants to feel her and kiss her. In private though, there is no need for restraint. He walked up beside of the blonde that was grabbing books out of her locker and had a smile lingering on his face at just the sight of her. Even in the most modest clothing, she still looked so attractive.

"Hey there..."

He commented softly, leaning up slightly against the adjacent locker from her.
"Hey" she smiled at him, taking the books from her locker and then closing it.

Beatrice was a clever student, some would say top of her class, it was strange really, she didn't know why, she always felt rather stupid, but her way of solving problems was different to others, thankfully no one ever looked in to it. She had just finished History, learning about the world before her and the reasons why they lived the way they did now. In factions.

She pondered as to why they lived like it, but it seemed to be working, some people hated it, but others just didn't care. It was life now, and people got on with it.

You were born in to a faction, brought up in to adulthood and by the time you were sixteen you could either stay or choose another, but after that it was final. The ceremony was fast approaching, something which had played on Beatrice's mind. "Have you thought much about who you are going to choose? I know we haven't even had the test yet but what if we are separated?" She wanted to lean on to his shoulder, but knew people would stare and think.

"I have to go and feed the factionless now, I promised my parents, but after, we can meet up in the old shack out by the woods. What do you say?" Clutching her books tightly in to her chest, she had her blondish brown hair in her bun like usual and the grey clothes did her no favours, appearing baggy and worn.

"I'm going to have to meet up with my brother Caleb, I will see you soon." Smiling, she left Bryce and soon caught up with her brother who was walking in the corridor. The pair left the school together to make their way home. They spoke about school, the classes, and Caleb even asked about Bryce. "What about him?" She acted surprised. "You spend a lot of time with him I'm just saying."

"Why would you say something like that. Self enjoyment is discouraged among us. Do you think I would risk something like that?"

Caleb apologized to his sister, which she quickly forgave.
Bryce just simply shook his head at her first question. They would deal with that later when they had time alone. "Alright, I'll be there at six." He chimed in with a bright smile on his face. Six o'clock was the time they always met in that old shack. He still wasn't sure who built it or whom it belonged to beforehand, but it certainly made a nice getaway spot. As much as he hated hiding their relationship in public, it just made things that much more exciting when they saw each other. He was still thankful for what they did have though. It could be much worse. He loved her with his entire heart and knew she did the same. He didn't worry about getting separated from her because he knew he had a plan in tact for the Choosing Ceremony.

After departing from school, he walked home and did his daily chores. He still had a couple hours to go, so he worked on some homework as his parents were getting in from their job on one of the councils. His sister was always in later since she was in training to do the same thing, job shadowing another lower position, secretary-like, really. He greeted them with a smile and a few words of greeting before continuing on with his work.

When it was about time for him to leave to go meet Beatrice, he told his parents that he was going out to a study group and then they would be going to hand out food to the factionless. It wasn't a total lie... he did it last week.. but regardless, they agreed and off he went, still dressed in the same grey clothes since he had to travel thorough a bigger part of town to get to the shack.

Finally, he got to the outskirts of their section and into the woods. No one really lived there and it was secluded and the perfect spot for any secret, rebellious meetings. He trudged up the woods and went into the shack, plopping down on the medium-sized, worn bed that was set up. Other than the bed, there was an armchair (that wasn't too comfortable) and a few nightstands and desks here and there, but that was about it. He was ten minutes early, so he just removed his jacket and robe, leaving him in a long-sleeved grey t-shirt that was baggy around his arms but rather snug on his back, showing off his muscles a bit along with the baggy gray pants as he sat there and waited for his girlfriend.
After school, the girl did as she said, carrying baskets of food around the borders of each faction where the factionless stayed. What ever faction you were thrown out of, whether it be for weakness or rule breaking, everyone would stay around just in case they were accepted back in, even though no one ever had been. It was just blind hope.

Carrying two wicker baskets, one on each arms, Beatrice approached some people who looked even worse off than she did in her grey uniform. Their faces were dirty, eyes almost colourless, skin as pale as a ghost and their feet badly cut due to no footwear. Dipping her hand in to the basket, she pulled out some pieces of bread wrapped in tissue, handing it to the three people sitting under a bridge.

"Thank you child" one of them said. Another took her hand, shaking it. With her father watching, he smiled looking at his daughter and put his arm around her when she caught up with him. "I am proud of you Beatrice, you are everything we had hoped for." Her thoughts couldn't help but think about Bryce, the meetings with him in that shack and what her dad would think if he ever saw.

"I just want to make you proud" she replied, hugging him. For the next hour or so, Beatrice helped her father, along with her mother and brother up ahead feed the people who were crying with hunger. Sometimes they would give them the little medication they had, even if it meant someone from their faction had to go without. Being selfless wasn't all good.

Purposely leaving some bread behind, she had a plan she wanted to put in to action.

"Time for us to go home" her father stated to all of them. "I still have some left, I would rather give these out still rather than it go to waste." Kissing her forehead, he gave her his blessing to continue on her own. "Come back home afterwards."

Now left alone, her personality wasn't so bad that she didn't actually use the bread, she still looked for people, it was in her nature. However, her course had changed, heading towards the shack in the woods of her faction. Giving her last two pieces of bread out, she carried the empty baskets and headed in to the woods, where the shack was nicely hidden by the bushes and below and the trees above.

Allowing Bryce to know it was her, she knocked on the door in a pattern, knocking quickly twice with her knuckles then three times followed by once. Opening the door, which they wished had a lock, she saw him and smiled. Shutting the door behind her, Beatrice smiled and lit a lantern which filled the small shack with a warm orange glow.

Lifting her hands up to the hair, she unfastened her bun, letting her hair fall down to her back. Something which only Bryce ever saw. "Hi" she said.
Bryce continued to sit on the mattress, passing the time with just resting his eyes. The mattress was old and worn but it wasn't even that uncomfortable to be honest. He twirled around some old pieces of wood that had fallen off the shack, making a game of throwing them into a certain spot he designated across the room. The last piece he threw missed rather terribly and he scoffed. A few seconds later, he heard that pattern that brought a smile to his face whenever he heard it. When the blonde beauty entered, a wide smile just engulfed his face completely. "Hi." He said in return, now standing up and walking over to Beatrice. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug. It had been so long since they could do this and he missed it dearly. Soon, they wouldn't have to hide it. Well, maybe not soon but it wouldn't be as long. After the age of sixteen, it was more acceptable to be with someone to of course get married and have children. It was far off in the future, that part was, but the Choosing Ceremony was a coming of age for them both.

"I missed you." He whispered into her hair, breathing in that scent she had. Since they were selfless and taught to not worry about themselves, Abnegation didn't do much grooming to their body so the smell she had was mostly natural and it smelled like heaven. After a few moments he slowly released her and walked her over to their spot on the mattress where they always like to lay and spend their time together. His strong arms wrapped around her smaller body and he pulled her against his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"How are you?" He questioned softly, raking his fingers through her hair. He honestly loved when her hair was done so he could play with it. it was a rare thing to be able to do so he was taking full advantage of it. After her answer, he thought long and hard about what they would be doing the next few days. "The Aptitude tests are tomorrow..." He reminded her softly, gazing into her eyes. "And the Choosing Ceremony in soon after." He added and told her with a nod. "I thought about what you said earlier and well... I won't let us get separated. You know that I love you more than anything in this world, right? I want to be with you, wherever that may be. We will have our tests done then we can talk about it. I'll tell you what I get. You don't have to tell me what you get if you don't want to do it though."

With a small pause, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before continuing on. "I am choosing after you anyways, so, choose whatever you want and I am going to follow you." He decided with a nod. The one thing that an Aptitude test couldn't show is that the only result he cared about was being with Beatrice.
Despite relationships before sixteen being frowned upon, it wasn't unknown for girls to sometimes be hit on by the other boys, but she knew they wanted one thing, her body. Of course not from her own faction, but from that of others. People seemed to think that being selfless meant offering a free handjob, that was what someone said to her before and it forever stuck in her mind that she could only ever be with someone from Abnegation. Only ever be with Bryce.

Hugging him back, she liked holding him like this, it almost felt like another world. Walking to the mattress, it squeaked a little, one of the springs rusty through the years.

"I'm tired, I have helped a lot of people today, me and my family." She answered, her hand on his chest, her head on his shoulder as they laid together. She liked his hands running through her hair, it made her feel special, no one had ever done it before because it was always tied back.

"What about you?" After he replied, she heard him go on about the test and the ceremony. "I don't know what to think about it. My parents wont tell me much. The rest is just rumours, no one really knows. Just that you get a guide to know what to choose."

The kiss on her cheek made her smile, he was very loving. "I want you to be happy, if that means being in another faction then so be it." She really cared for him, kissing his cheek back.
"Yeah, you're right." Bryce nodded in affirmation of her statement. All the upcoming children that were at the age of sixteen only knew that the tests were supposed to tell the which faction is best suitable for them. Of course, that didn't mean they absolutely had to choose that specific faction, but it would just fit them best. Bryce wasn't a fan of having a test decide who he was. He wanted to be himself and he wanted to be with Beatrice.

Bryce glanced at her when she spoke about being in another faction if it would make him happy. All he did was shake his head. "I know that we are raised to believe faction before blood and all this other nonsense. And I know that they say relationships don't matter when it comes to the faction because the faction comes first, but I don't live that way, Beatrice." He stopped and just smiled own at her. "My philosophy is Beatrice Prior before anything. We always choose in ascending alphabetical order, so that means that you are choosing first. I want you to choose the best faction for you, no matter which one it is, okay? Then when it comes to my turn, I will choose the same as you. That's what I have planned and nothing can make me ever want to be in away from you." It was a law that the choosing ceremony went in the order that Bryce spoke of, so he knew they wouldn't change it. He felt comfort in knowing that no matter what happened, he and his girlfriend would still be together through it all. He wouldn't let this change anything.

"The only way I can be happy is if I have you, Beatrice. Nothing else can make me happy."
If she had ever felt love before apart for her family, she certainly had now, she felt safe with him and very comfortable. He would know that just by the simple gesture of her hair untied and down. "I still do not know what faction I want to be in, but when I make the choice, I know I will have you." Her hand caressed his far cheek as she rested on his shoulder. Rubbing her thumb near his nose Beatrice felt like she could stay in this moment forever.

"I could lay like this and never leave. But my parents will wonder where I am. I have an hour maximum, need to be back before sundown." Sitting up, the bed squeaked, that spring letting them know it was still in the room. Looking at the orange glow of the lantern inside the shack, she gazed up at the walls and saw how badly beaten this place was, despite their best attempts to fix it up and make it more lovable.

"Do you want to do anything? Or shall we just lay here, or go early?" Looking back over her shoulder at the man Beatrice wouldn't mind doing either, although leaving early was her last choice. "Do you want a blowjob?" Biting her bottom lip she smiled. "After all, you was very selfless last time, a very good member of the Abnegation faction when you were going down on me."

She grinned, not believing she was talking dirty. It always felt weird, making her mouth sour, but in a nice way.

"Do you want me to be selfless towards you?"
Of course, Bryce yearned for more than just an hour alone with his Beatrice. The restrictions that Abnegation had on relationships before sixteen years old were absurd. He wished to hold her hand at school and as they walk around the city. He wanted to be able to freely kiss her goodbye before and after each class and do the same whenever they had to leave after feeding the factionless. With them having such limited time, though, he valued it even more. Obviously, he wouldn't want to leave now as he wanted to take full advantage of the hour they had. At her next question, he smirked slightly and glanced into her eyes. "I would love for you to be selfless to me, Beatrice." He murmured softly, still playing with her hair. He thought about last time, going down on her and making her feel amazing. He saw her at school the next day and she seemed so happy. They were just starting to explore sexual things. Of course, that would be something that Abnegation frowned upon too but they were in love and then there was the natural sex drive and the need to make each other theirs forever.

"Actually... I think there is something else we can do." He offered with a little smirk. "I want to try something with you, my love. I would like to think we can do more than just the usual things... I want to spice things up a bit." He told her and grinned. "I've had these fantasies about you... I might not go too in detail yet... but..." He paused, reaching over for some rope that was near the mattress. "I think something selfless you could do is let me tie your hands behind your back while you give me head." He offered with a little smile. "Like we said last time, we want to explore, right? I want to explore this with you."
Being selfless had it's benefits for each other certainly, so when he decided to ask her about exploring something new, she agreed. After all, it was what he wanted so Beatrice happily obliged. "Sure, anything" she smiled. "Let me take your pants off first otherwise I won't be able to get them down otherwise" a chuckle left her lips, as her delicate hands pulled his clothing down to his ankles, leaving him naked from the waist down.

His cock was limp at the moment, not that it bothered her to much. It would get hard soon enough. Turning her back to him, she put her hands behind her back just above her ass, which was hidden in the baggy grey clothing. The old rope which had been laying in the shack for a long time, even before they found it, was tightly fixed around her wrists meaning she could no longer use her hands to get him up.

Turning around and falling to her knees as Bryce sat on the edge of the bed, Beatrice laughed as she soon figured this would be harder than she thought. "How am I meant to get you up" she smiled, leaning her face down to his cock, sticking her tongue out to try and get his head in to her mouth. Failed attempts caused her face to rub against him, stroking him with her cheeks and nose which ultimately did give him an erection.

Beatrice then began to suck on his semi hard cock, her hair falling over her face, hiding what she was doing to him. She would have pulled it back but her hands were tied.
After her hands were tied behind her back, Bryce was biting his lip. He didn't know why but just having her hands tied behind of her back made him feel aroused. When she asked about getting him up, Bryce just smiled down at her. "I believe in you, my love." He told her and leaned down to kiss her on the lips while taking his arms and wrapping it around her body, taking her bound hands into his hands and giving her a reassuring squeeze before pulling back from the kiss and then leaning back so she could try to give him an erection.

He grinned when he felt her tongue touch his cock. His Beatrice was so innocent and he loved it. She looked so adorable trying to use nothing but her mouth and face to get him hard. When she used her cheeks and nosed to get him hard, he thought it was cute and sexy at the same time, and that's why he started to finally get hard now.

When she was finally able to start sucking, he let out a soft, happy little moan as he reached his hand to stroke down through her hair, giving her affectionate little touches as she sucked him. "Ah... that feels so good... you're so selfless to me baby." He whispered in pleasure, even rocking his hips back and forth against her mouth to continue to stimulate himself. Soon, his huge ten inch cock was fully erect inside of her mouth and he moaned again, feeling his member throbbing and pulsating as she was selfless to him. Just knowing her hands were bound behind of her back made this situation sexier and more arousing for Bryce.

At this rate, it wouldn't take that much longer for him to reach his climax so he just sat back and enjoyed the feeling, still stroking one of his hands through her blonde hair, a smile on his face the whole time.
Normally a hand would be at the base of his erection holding him up, but this was different and a challenge. Beatrice took it in her stride though, she walked with her knees as close as she could to the bed to get as close as she could to his cock, keeping it upright with her mouth. Moving her head back and forth, up and down his shaft she proceeded to try and get him off so he could cum.

The daughter liked giving him pleasure, she liked hearing the moans from his mouth due to her own actions and hoped he was getting turned on with this new experiment they were trying with her hands tied.

"Ooops" she said, losing his cock, it sprung out of her mouth after she came to far up and aimed her open mouth back down on to it like a predator would it's prey. Taking him in, she went balls deep, gagging on him, choking on him, making her eyes water and her body cough.

Beatrice felt the love from her boyfriend as he ran his fingers through her long hair, it kept her face clear, that beautiful site of her taking him in her mouth would last long for any male who would be so lucky.
Being able to see her take him just added to the effect. She was so sexy and innocent and it made him melt. When she went balls deep sucking on him, he moaned loudly as he felt her tongue moving all over his member. Plus, she was special since she took all ten inches and it was even better knowing that he wasn't through developing yet, so Beatrice would have even more cock to take later on in life.

Finally, he moaned out his lovers name and released his cum into her mouth and throat. He laid there and allowed her to lick all of his cum off before he slowly pulled back and smiled down at her. They still had a few more minutes to spend with each other before having to leave, so he reached his hands under her and lifted her to the bed with a chuckle.

He leaned down and started to kiss on her neck and then trailed kisses to her cheek. "God... I love you so much Beatrice. You're perfect, you know? That felt so amazing and I loved having your hands tied... maybe we can do that again next time or we can experiment a little bit more." he grinned, moving his hand through her hair once last time before kissing her nose and then her chin.

Sadly, he looked down and frowned. "But I guess we have to get back home now." he sighed, untying her hands. Once they stood , he pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you." He said again. "Good luck with your Aptitude test... can we meet here again tomorrow so we can talk about what happened?" He asked and looked into her eyes, still hugging her.
When he came the girl felt her mouth become more wet, soaking up his seed down her throat as well as between her teeth as she pulled away from him. Swallowing what he offered her, Beatrice then cleaned up his cock with her tongue, not leaving any trace of his sperm. Licking her lips, she laughed when he picked her up, putting her on the bed and feeling his kisses on her face. "I love you to" she gazed in to his eyes. "I'd like to try other stuff to."

Her long hair was combed through by his hand and fingers one last time as night was soon approaching. "We will meet back here, after the tests. We can talk about what we are going to do." Hugging him back, they stayed like that before they really had to leave. Beatrice tied her hair back and then picked up the basket she used to hand food out.

"See you" she waved, closing the door, heading back to her home. Her parents were none the wiser, they wouldn't of thought she was sneaking off to suck someone, but handing food out instead.

That night, Beatrice was nervous about the test, she didn't fall asleep until late.
Bryce returned home to finish up a few more chores. When nightfall fell over the city of Chicago, Bryce bid his parents and sister good night before crawling into his bed. His night was no easier. Tossing and turning all night, nervous to see what the test would say. Everyone was at least a little antsy in some form, though. After a long while of just sleepless restlessness, he finally found his way into a slumber.

The next morning, the sun rose over Lake Michigan, which was mostly dried up by this point. There are many people out and about early this morning, all wearing identical colors and clothes to match their factions. It was so difficult to tell the difference between anyone, honestly. Bryce rouses up to his mother after she gently shook him awake. It was a huge day for everyone, especially the sixteen year olds. Today, they will take the test that will determine which faction bests suits them.

For his entire life, he was raised to be primed for taking a head position in the government. However, he knew where he belonged. He belonged with Beatrice. Thankful for what they had, he would refuse to let anything come between them and that was a promise.

He bathed himself then shaved his face so it was smooth and clean. His father treated him to a quick trim. Bryce could barely see what it looked like, though. To avoid vanity, they weren't allowed to look into a mirror- just glance at it. His parents and sister wish him good luck and hug him goodbye before he is off to the station to take the aptitude test. Upon arriving, Bryce doesn't see Beatrice yet, but that was normal. He was always very punctual and early to anything that went on.
"It is just a test, nothing more, it isn't written in stone. They just tell you what suits you. Even if it is another faction, you can still choose this one, where you belong." The mother smiled at Beatrice, rubbing her arm to comfort her. They were all seated around the table, eating breakfast, just enough to stop them going hungry of course. The rest would be given away to people who really needed it, the factionless.

Leaving her home, she and her parents, along with her brother, who was also doing the test walked towards the building it was taking place. The queues were long, it was clearly an event which would take all day. Stepping on to her toes for a height advantage, Beatrice looked around for any sign of Bryce, but she couldn't see him.

Thinking about the night before, she smiled to herself, it was something she enjoyed, not just giving him head, but the time together, it was more precious than anything. When they would meet tonight, she thought about just laying with him, just staring at the dirty ceiling of the shack and imaging the stars above it.

Other factions moaned, however Beatrice's didn't, she stayed calm, along with her fellow members. They were of course taunted, some seeing them as weak, others asking why food was given away when it could have been given to the other factions. But none of them got angry, instead staying focused on the Aptitude test.

Finally, it was her turn, she stepped in to the room, nothing but a chair and a computer inside along with a woman. "Take a seat" she said, strapping her inside, locking her arms and wrists down along with her legs. Hooking up some wires to her head, she gave the girl a drug and let the process begin.

Beatrice opened her eyes and saw the room she was in was empty until she looked to her left and saw her reflection. There wasn't even a mirror insight when she entered. Unstrapping herself she got up from the chair and then looked back, only to see hundreds of forms of herself reflecting back and forth. A quick touch of her shoulder made her spin around, seeing herself before a wild dog appeared threatening her. Seeing it chase after another girl, she wanted to help before she found herself back in the chair and woken up by the woman performing the test.

"Go out the back, tell them I sent you home, the drug made you ill." Beatrice looked confused at the woman. "No, what was my results? It is supposed to help me choose what faction?"

Closing her eyes, she opened them with the realization that Beatrice wasn't going to go without an explanation. "The test didn't work on you, your Divergent, your every faction. It's very rare, but you can't tell anyone, not even your parents." A shove in the back pushed her out of the room, leaving the girl shaken up and feeling scared. She wanted to see Bryce desperately.

Late afternoon, with her parents believing she was ill, Beatrice told them she needed some air, that it might make her feel better. Letting her go out, she immediately went to the shack and waited for Bryce.
To be honest, Bryce was rather nervous about the entire thing. Although he knew that the result on the test didn't actually set anything in stone, his nerves were still jumbled. To calm himself, he thought about last night with Beatrice. Spending time with her, kissing her, and of course the kinky little blow job that he received. Thinking ahead, he imagined them just laying together tonight, cuddling and kissing until they have to go home. Little did he know what the test would actually reveal about him, though.

The tests were run privately with one proctor in the room to inject the person with the serum. Bryce patiently waited his turn and finally, he was called into one of the rooms with brown walls. His proctor was a man from Dauntless with longer hair, tattoos all up and down his arm. He introduced himself as Joe and explained the process of what would happen.

Bryce's virtual reality was different than Tris' though similar in some aspects. After a few challenges pass, he woke up and asked what his results were. Joe said the results are confusing and there is no clear answer which made Bryce panic. He was told that he showed an aptididue for all factions except for Amity and Candor.

Joe looked worried as he explained this but used the word Divergent to describe it. Even though Bryce didn't have the slighest clue of what all of this meant, he was just told to keep this a secret from everyone and he was allowed to leave early due to 'being sick from the serum'.

Bryce didn't go straight home. instead, he went right for the shack. It was the one place where he felt calm and at ease. It was his and Beatrice's getaway from the world, where they could be themsevles and show their love for one another. He had already been there an hour, maybe even more when he heard the door creak open. He was just sitting in the old broken down chair in the corner.

When Beatrice entered and the door was closed, he stood to his feet and sighed. He knew what they would be talking about was the tests, so he started to speak. "Something went wrong with my tests..." He murmured and shook his head. "My proctor said that the results were confusing and they didn't give a real answer... he said something about Divergence and told me to leave early and say that I got sick." He rambled on and took a deep breath before stopping to watch her.

Of course, Bryce knew that he was supposed to keep this a secret but he never could keep something away from his love, his world. She would be the only person he would tell, however. He didn't trust anyone else enough to tell her such sensitive information. He never kept anything from her and was not about to start doing that now.

To none of his knowledge, she had gotten the same results too but he didn't expect it at all. "I don't know what that means." he frowned and took a seat on the chair, rubbing his head. "I just want to get the Choosing Ceremony over with tomorrow and get on with our lives." he said after glancing back up into her eyes.

"How did your tests go?"
When she opened the door to the shack, she saw Bryce already there, which surprised her a little bit. There wasn't much of a greeting from him and she couldn't give one herself as he spoke of the test straight away. Beatrice had been feeling pretty low given her own test, she had pondered whether she would tell Bryce or not seeing as the woman told her not to tell anyone, not even her parents.

So when he mentioned something was wrong, a sly smile came over her. She quickly disguised it the best she could, covering her mouth with her sleeve covered hand.

The face he told her he was a Divergent to made her feel more safe than anything else. "My test?" She said, looking at him in his seat. "Umm..I got the same, results were inconclusive. They told me to go home sick as well." Beatrice wasn't sure if he would believe her, he may have thought she was only saying it to be helpful to him.

"They also said not to tell anyone, not even my parents can know. I was so scared then I was pushed out of the back door like I was some freak."

Walking over to him, she knelt down in front of the chair and took his hands. "Whatever it is, it is our secret, we can deal with it together. We are both Divergents. I don't know what it means either, but it's ours."

Beatrice was unhappy not long ago and now she was feeling much better. So much so that she stood up and too her hairband out, which only meant one thing. They were going to have fun.

"I want you to be my first" she smiled. Leaning down and and kissing his lips, inserting her tongue. Pulling away, she took off her gray robes, leaving herself completely naked after her underwear was taken off. Beatrice's breasts were medium in size, perfectly round and below was a light brown bush of hair covering her pussy. Although it was trimmed given her boyfriend would sometimes eat her out.

"Tris wants you" she said, using the nickname he would call her by.
Bryce believed Beatrice wholeheartedly when she said her tests were the same. He trusted her and never would think of her lying to him. "I know. They told me not to tell anyone too but I could never keep something from you." When she sat in front of him, he held her hands and nodded. "Right. Our secret. " He repeated with a smile.

When he saw the hair come down he knew what that meant. It wasn't long and he had seen her strip nude down in front of him. He liked the nickname for her and nodded. "Tris." He added and leaned up to kiss her abdomen. His girlfriend was so incredibly sexy and he was glad they could share their first time together.

Standing up, he pulled off his own gray clothing and was soon nude. He stood tall above her and gently pushed her down to lay on the mattress. He lay on top of her and smiled, looking into her eyes. Since this was their first time, he didn't worry about adding any bondage at the moment. That would come later and he was excited, but for their first time, he just lay on top of her.

His lips found her neck, kissing all around her skin. He was wearing her favorite cologne so he figured it would be a nice smell for her. A moan left his lips as he felt an electric pulse shoot up his body. It was unlike anything he ever felt before. She felt so smooth and perfect under his hands as they rested down on her firm ass. He squeezed it and let go before allowing his hands to roam all over her back and then finally to grab her breasts. "Your body is mine, Tris. I'm about to make you feel owned." He cooed into her ear with a smile, connecting their lips again against each other.

Slowly, Bryce slipped his large cock inside of Tris' virgin pussy. He was already much bigger than average and still had some growing to do. He started to roll his hips against Tris', hands now playing with her big tits again deepening the kiss as he tilted his head and released another moan into her mouth. It felt awesome to be taking her virginity. They loved each other and now they had each other in very way possible.
In this world they had to grow up so quickly. At only sixteen they had to choose their lives, which faction they wanted to be in and possibly never see their parents again. It was a tough reality, which always made Beatrice wonder what life was like beforehand. But with with Bryce, she felt like a typical teenager who wanted to explore and learn, which included sex.

When he laid her down on the bed, she smiled at him, kissing his mouth, making out with him. Feeling his skin touch hers, she loved the warmth pressed against her due to his body heat. Another thing was his hands which roamed her, feeling her bare ass cheeks, forcing his hands underneath her between the sheets to cup her cheeks.

Finally, when he pushed his cock in to her vagina, she moaned, a yelp trailing off her bottom lip when he hit her hymen. Once it was broken, she closed her eyes, before opening them to gaze at Bryce. Kissing him, the girl moaned in to the make out session, a little in pain, but more in pleasure as they slowly fucked on the bed in the shack. One of her hands found his ass, repaying the compliment he gave her by squeezing it, molding it with her fingers, even digging her nails in to his flesh to inflict a little pain herself.

"Ugh..." she gasped, her mouth open side, feeling her pussy have an orgasm, her juices flowing down her chamber on to his cock. She seemed out of breath, even though she was laying there and he was doing all the work. "I love you" she whispered, her breath hitting his face.
Bryce kissed Tris deeply once again after he had broken her hymen. If it weren't official already, it was official now. He had her in every way possible. No other guy had been in this position with her and no other guy ever will. He didn't care if they were just sixteen but he truly wanted forever with Beatrice.

Her hands on his ass caused him to moan back into her mouth and his hips were starting to thrust a little bit faster. "I love you too." He murmured and gently tugged on her lower lip with his teeth when he felt her orgasm soak his cock. Knowing that she came first before him and the fact that it was so quickly made Bryce smile.

Since he wasn't done yet, after Beatrice's first climax, he kept thrusting down inside of her and slowly giving her each inch of his huge, thick cock. When it finally did wash over him, he pressed his lips to her once more to give her a sloppy, wet kiss on the lips. He was starting to breath heavily too so he just laid down beside of her once they were done.

Now they were both a panting mess and he moved to take one of her hands in his. "I love you." He repeated again and looked at her. "That felt so amazing... we have to do that again sometime." He told her with a playful wink. Hoping that after initiation and Choosing was over, they would be allowed to touch and be with each other more freely, giving them more free time to do sexy things with each other.

After he calmed down, he just wrapped his arms around her and curled up, nuzzling their cheeks together.
Their kisses were more intense, they almost felt more loving after she had cum. With her legs spread wide, Beatrice felt him pick up the pace more, thrusting faster in to her pussy, before giving her a more sloppy type kiss. It was nice for him to say he loved her to, even though she knew it.

Feeling his heavy breath on her skin as he was fucking her, she assumed he had cum before rolling off to the side by her. Holding his hand which he grabbed, she moved on to her side, resting on her hip, looking at him. "We can do it again, maybe we will be able to be a proper couple one day. Out in the open." She smiled, although more so through hope that their dream would come true. As they laid naked in bed, she glimpsed down at his cock which was limp. "I guess I wore him out" she bit her bottom lip, kissing her boyfriends lips once more before rolling on to her back and looking at the roof.

"Lets stay here, the entire night. Lets break one rule. We won't be here much longer, we may be in another faction." Beatrice said, still looking up at the ceiling. "I want to be with you, just in case, just in case we don't end up together. I know you said you would follow me anywhere, but if there is even a 1% chance you do go to another faction, I want to make sure we have a full night together."
"Yeah, I would love that." Bryce answered with a tired, happy smile on his face. Nothing seemed more romantic than the idea of holding her hand in public or giving her sweet little kisses whenever he wanted. "Yeah, I think you did." He laughed and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand as he relaxed beside of her. At her next words, a little frowned tugged to his face. "Another faction?" He asked and shook his head quickly and then found himself laying on top of her body again, straddling her as he sat upright.

"Tris, look at me." He started, gazing deeply into those brown eyes of hers. "I love you. I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone else or anything else. My love is never dying for you and it will always exist strongly. Truthfully, I would choose death over not being with you. I never want to have another girl in my life because you are all I need and you are perfect."

Pausing, he took the hand he was holding and placed it over his heart. "That heart right there... that heart that is beating. The only reason it beats..." He paused and then moved their conjoined hands to her chest next. "Is because this one beats too. I wouldn't want to live without you, my love. There is a zero percent chance we will be in different faction. If you want to be brave, I will go with you. If you want to be peaceful, then so will I. If you want to be honest, then I'll follow you. if you want to be intelligent, then we will do it together. Or if you want to stay selfless then I'm not going anywhere."

After his little speech, he pressed a big kiss to her lips, trying to make all the love from his heart flow to his lips and connect her to the feeling of his love. After the deep kiss was over, he -pulled back with a smile, one finger going to tangle in her long hair. "But I still want to stay with you the whole night. There's nothing more I could want than falling asleep with you by my side."
As he rolled on top of her once more, straddling her, Beatrice felt him look deep in to her eyes, almost as though he gazed in to her soul. Still holding hands, she felt his chest, his heart beating, his speech was really well said, their connection couldn't of grown more she thought, but it did in them brief moments. When her chest was felt she smiled, kissing him back as he leaned down to kiss her.

Laying together once more, side by side, agreeing to spend the night out together, no matter the consequences, Beatrice offered her love to him. "I love you as well, more than my parents. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I want to experience everything with you, I want my body to be yours, your body to be mine. I want us to think about the same things, know what we are thinking without saying it. I think we have that."

Kissing his chest, she rested her head on it as he played with her long hair.
"I want the same, Beatrice Prior. I want to have you forever in my arms and never let you go no matter where our life takes us and whatever we have to do. If I can't have you with me then I don't want anyone else because you're my soul mate and my world." He spoke softly and gently, pressing a kiss to her lips when he finished. Now, he snuggled up their nude bodies, arms tightly wrapped around her body while his legs even wrapped around her too.

It was incredibly comfortable and relaxing after such a stressful day and he longed to have this feeling at the end of every single day. "Do you want to go to sleep now so we'll be ready for tomorrow or do you just want to lay here and talk for a while?" Bryce asked and tilted his head at his lover.

It was getting late and they had to be up early for the Choosing Ceremony tomorrow and they needed rest but Bryce didn't want to sleep yet since that meant he wouldn't be able to experience anything with her so he just lay there and snuggled close, placing affectionate kisses all up and down her neck.
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