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We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

That was all it took. As soon as Aly started to guide him down toward her clit, he began to finger her nub and rub his fingers slowly against the sensitive skin, hoping to bring her over the edge. He did not stop with the thrusting, continuing to attack her in the most sensual ways that he could. "Come on, baby. I know you want to cum for me. Don't hold back."
Alyissa couldn't take it anymore. She came complete undone as Aly endured wave after wave of her climax making herself gush all over his length until there was more then enough of her juices spilled better her thighs aswell as Aiden's groin. It was a glorious high she was being given and was pretty positive that this would be the night that their first child would be conceived. If not there was plenty of time to try again until it happened. Aly's mind started to wonder how successful the group would be with now Maggie expecting and Aly to be the next. Though with her husband at her side they'd make it work. Now resting on his chest heaving with being out of breath. "Holy fuck I love you." She whispered.
The moment was utterly perfect. As soon as Aly reached her own orgasm, Aiden came undone seconds later. It started with a loud groan escaping past his lips as he bucked against her one final time, sending himself as deep inside the woman as possible. Then, at the deepest point inside his wife, Aiden moaned out her name rather loudly and released his seed, the hot, sticky liquid spurting from the tip and coating the insides of her walls, filling her to the brim. Aiden was confident as well that this could have been the conception of their first child, and it made him smile just thinking about it, pulling Aly down so he could kiss her more directly than before.
Alyissa returned the soft sensual kiss. Every gory memory of that had happened before was now gone. Swept away with the waves of her and Aiden's climax, now all they had to do was wait and soon in a week's time she would test if she would be expecting. For now she enjoyed the quiet embrace as she cuddled closer to him and rested her head on his chest. "I love you so much. I can't wait to experience every step of this pregnancy with you" she murmured while absentmindedly stroking up and down his chest. "I would have never thought it'd be so soon that we start a family or under the circumstance of trying to just survive in general but I know with you at my side. Thing's will turn out just fine" Aly added before giving Aiden one more kiss feeling sleep starting to tug at the back of her mind.
“I love you, too. I can’t wait to see where this takes us. I know this sounds crazy, but I believe this is the best thing we have ever done.” Aiden whispered quietly, peppering soft kisses along her neck. Honestly, Aiden knew that the zombie apocalypse was not an ideal place for children. However, there was no reason they could not live their life to the fullest, even with all of this happening around them. He was smiling, thinking about his wife being pregnant, about bringing another life into the world. It was something he could get used to feeling. “Maybe we should get some rest now, though. You have me all spent out.” Aiden did not tire easily, but all of the excitement of the day was getting to him. He would get the chance to go to sleep quite satiated and happy after having made love with Aly, perhaps even impregnated her to start their family.
The Irish lass only smirked in response to Aiden being well satisfied with making love to. Though she felt just as tired as he did and nodded groggily in agreement to getting a good night's rest. Alexandria was a perfect place to start a family and Aly had always envisioned herself setting down in such a community as it though certainly she didn't picture it being under the circumstance of the end of the world but beggars couldn't be choosers. With fluttering eyelids she let her mind wandered to what their child would look like.

The next morning she awoke with a groan feeling the stiffness in her legs and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She saw Aiden's still sleeping form and with a slight smile she nuzzled closer to him and gently began kissing his neck tenderly.
On rare occasions, Aiden had happy dreams. Usually, they were nightmares, or he did not recall his dreams at all. Tonight? Well, he finally had a dream that would allow him to wake up with a smile on his face. He pictured himself, his wife, and their child, living together happily, fighting the world, surviving against all odds. When he woke, that was the first thing he thought of when he looked down to see Aly nuzzling against his neck. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he looked down at the female, leaning down to press a kiss to her neck.

Last night was still in the front of his mind, being reminded of how much fun it was, how much they accomplished. “Good morning, Alyissa. You’re up early.” He murmured, noticing how the morning still seemed young.
Alyissa now took notice at how intertwined with one another. It made her heart ache at how much she was in love with him and that the possibility of being pregnant would only add to it. "I'm just as surprised as you are. You know how much I'm not a morning person. Yet here we are." Alyissa whispered to him while her amber orbs flickered over his features in pure admiration. "I didn't mean to wake you up so early but I just wanted to spend some quiet time with you while we can before having to get up." She drawled softly but then her expression turned one one of fright and worry as memories of how last night's meeting had went. There had been so much blood and usually gore never bothered her mostly of how desensitized she had become to seeing it. Though this time it had been different seeing Deanna in so much anguish at her husband's death that it hit too close to home. If things were different it could have been Aiden's throat slit instead of Reg. That was it, the death of her husband was what frightened her the most. In fact it would kill her to have anything ever happen to Alyissa's husband. The thought made the Irish female push herself even more impossibly close to him and squeeze her eyes shut as Aly's breath quickened.
“I’m fine with that. Quiet time. I don’t think there’s a better way to begin our day.” Neither Aiden nor Aly were morning people. Yet, Aiden’s pre-apocalypse job as a police officer often required him to wake up early. One would think he would have grown used to it by now, but that was never the case. It did not help when his wife was in his arms, pressed against his body. It only made the bed feel more appealing. Now, during the apocalypse, that sensation was enhanced tenfold. Nobody could ever know when today will be their last. It made spending time with important people, even more imperative. So, any chance Aiden had to steal Aly away, to keep her in his arms while they lay in bed as if there was nothing catastrophic happening around them was a chance he would take.

Last night felt like a distant memory, knowing they would be forced to pick up the pieces, carry on. However, Aiden knew his wife well enough to know that something was wrong. He had been involved with her for so many years that it was next to impossible for the Irish female to hide anything she felt form him. He felt like he might know her better than he knew himself, sometimes. “What’s the matter? I’ve seen that look before. You’re thinking about something… something that bothered you.”
Alyissa's tongue felt like it was made of lead for a moment. Maybe part of her didn't want to Tell Aiden of her paranoia. They had gone through worse and the night prior was never as near as terrible as surviving Terminus or the sickness at the Prison. "I just keep thinking about what happened last night." Aly murmured with a dismissive shake of her head. "I know I shouldn't be dwelling on it but I keep going back to when you said that if it'd make me feel better if you talked to Rick about it could have been dead instead of Reg." Alyissa admitted with tears starting to form but the Irish female blinked them back to save herself the embarrassment. "It's dumb and I never should have brought it up, I'm sorry" she mumbled into his chest once again while hugging him tight.
“Oh, come on now.” Aiden cooed softly, his embrace warm and welcoming. He never wanted Aly to feel like she couldn’t talk to him, like anything was off-limits. He loved her and never wanted to let her go. “Stop. You don’t have to be sorry about bringing it up. That’s why we work so well, isn’t it? We talk to each other when there’s something wrong or when something’s bothering us. You can talk to me, Aly. I’m okay. I’m not dead and I’m not going to be leaving you anytime soon. Whatever it is you want me to talk to Rick about, I’ll do it. Just tell me what’s bothering you and I’ll bring it up to Rick to see what the community can do about it.” Aiden whispered softly, kissing her cheek gently.
Alyissa clung onto Aiden's body like a baby koala. The comfort of his warmth and scent was enough to ease her anxiety which often felt like a caged bird in her chest. Fluttering about until it'd finally break out of her chest cavity. For now there was only comfortable silence between the two. Then Alyissa spoke after she regained the courage to do so. "Pete is dead and Jesse is safe with Rick. There is nothing to worry about...just stay with me for a little while longer" she murmured while absentmindedly wrapping her legs around his waist to feel even more connected to him. "You know with a baby around we won't get to do this that often. It'll be dirty diapers and sleepless nights. I doubt Pregnant me will be much fun too. I do want to experience every step of it with you." Aly smiled happily thinking about it. "Are you still interested in making love to me even with a swollen belly in the way?"
It was unlike Alyissa to cling to Aiden in such a manner. It was easy for the male to sense the fear and anxiety within his wife because of these actions. Aiden naturally wanted to attack whatever was bringing her these negative thoughts and feelings, destroy it, and replace it with happier thoughts and feelings. It was simply his inclination as her husband. “Of course, Aly. We can stay here as long as you want. You’re probably right about the sleepless nights one. I’m sure pregnant you will be just as adorable as you are now. Don’t you even worry about that, you know for a fact that I will gladly make love to you each and every night that you’re pregnant. I’ll want to make love with you even when we’re old and gray and soggy.” He chuckled at the thought, running a hand absently through her hair. “Of course I will, Aly. I want to experience all of it with you, every step.”
Alyissa playfully hit his arm with a grin spreading across her lips. "I don't want to think about old people sex. Jesus Aidan what a image that I didn't need to picture, I appreciate the sentiment behind it though." She chuckled before pressing a soft kiss against his jaw. "I wish we could stay here forever, I miss our quiet moments in bed. It's almost Therapeutic. Alot cheaper too" Aly had always been playful with her husband. He was one for the few she felt comfortable showing this side. After all this day and age proved it be hard to be lighthearted let alone have a sense of humor involved. Though it certainly never been a problem for the couple.
The male laughed quietly as well, simply shaking his head at the male. Aiden stole another glance from his wife and ran his hand through her hair. “Hey, I don’t like thinking about old people sex either, but one day we’re going to have to do it. Just be prepared.” Teasingly, Aiden winked at her before rolling over onto his side, trying to pull her closer. “Let’s do it. Let’s stay here forever. Screw everything else. I’m enjoying this too much for this to end.” The male commented, tilting his head at her curiously. Aiden could not get enough of Aly, could not get enough of having her in his arms.
Alyissa snuggled in close with her husband. Aiden was her safe space, the only person who could always make her feel protected from anything even remotely dangerous. Giving them a piece of joy that they both created was the least Aly could do for him. Though as much as the Irish lass wanted to spend all day in bed just enjoying each other's company. She knew that they'd have to continue on pulling their weight to help their people. Alyissa moved one of his hands off of her side then let it rest on her abdomen. "Just think, in a week's time we are going to find out if we are going to be parents." She murmured giving a small smile while locking her fingers into his.
Seeing Aly smile made Aiden feel like the happiest man in the world. He would do anything that was required of him if it meant bringing his wife even a little bit of happiness. The male was going to do anything he could to ensure that she was safe, that their child was safe as well whenever they did conceive. He listened to her and smiled, rubbing her abdomen gently. "I really hope it did work. I am glad you agree with me, that we can't just focus only surviving, that we have to think about the future and living as well. I always knew that we would get to this point. As soon as I met you, I just had a feeling that you were the one for me. I wouldn't want anyone else to be the mother of my children. Whatever happens, I am right here with you and we will get through this together.
Alyissa couldn't help but laugh at his comment as she now rolled onto his chest so she was now laying on him. "You don't think that the way we met was boring? You were my neighbor and my high school sweetheart. Total boy next store tale. Though I think my favorite memory I have was when you were on duty and I was on my way home. You pulled me over, put me in Hand cuffs, flipped me over on the hood of the car then kissed me. All while your partner was still in the car. And that was how I met your partner" Aly proceeded to laugh while burying her face into the pillow to muffle the sounds. Knowing it was still early in the morning.
Aiden fondly smiled at the memory of the way they met. Oh yes, it was something that he loved for sure. "Oh, there's nothing boring about us, sweetheart. And yes, tht was one of my favorite memories of us as well. I have no regrets about that. Not a single one, except that I didn't do it sooner." He laughed happily and ran his hand down her back. I could do that here, too, you know? I could wait until next time I'm on patrol here, find you, cuff you, and have a little fun. Don't tempt me with a good time, baby. You know I will do it again." Aiden teased, never caring about what other people would have thought about him and how sweet and playful he was.
Aiden's taunt made Aly shiver in thought but felt a blush rise to her cheeks. "It wouldn't be the first time we've fucked in public. Maybe make sure we have a little bit of privacy before hand though." Alyissa drawled as she guided his hand between her legs so he could feel the heat growing in her lower regions. No one would have guessed that the muscular Male had such a kind heart when he tended to show a much stoic side to everyone else. It was a reason why she submitted to his dominance so willingly. It was obvious no one else would be able to handle her attitude. Aly pushed her hips suggestively towards his while now peppering kisses to her Husband's neck.
Aiden always thought Alyissa looked so cute when she blushed. “I know it wouldn’t be the first time we fucked in public. If all goes well, it wouldn’t be the last time we did it, either. Don’t worry. I will pick and choose my spots carefully before we do this.” Aiden commented with a smile growing on his face. Once she guided his hand down, he could feel the wetness and the heat, making Aiden feel quite prideful about it. A soft moan left his lips when she pushed her hips against his, tilting his head to the side to allow for her to kiss him as she pleased. “Oh, it sure feels like someone is a little hot and bothered right now. This has gotten you turned on, hasn’t it, baby?”
A coy grin spread across her lips in response at him asking her if she was turned on. "It's not just me. The ovulation medication I've been taking is driving me crazy. I just want to be fucked all the time. I was going to tell you but I thought it wouldn't matter anyway since we already fuck like a pair of Jack rabbits on moonshine anyway." Alyissa explained between whimpers of Aiden's hand just barely touching her lace panties clad sex. Aly was usually never this needy for Aiden's touch but his presence pressed so close to her body made her think of the night before.
Aiden smiled when he saw the coy grin on Aly’s lips. “Oh yeah? I bet it is driving you crazy. It makes me happy to hear that you want to be fucked all the time. And yeah, that doesn’t seem like it is a huge change for us anyways. I definitely won’t be resisting that idea.” He winked at her, knowing the way she was acting so needy was special. Keeping their eyes locked together, he pressed a kiss down her neck, then, down to her collarbone. He was focusing on everything that was happening, doing whatever he could to kiss her neck on the sensitive areas she has. “So… it is up to you. Do we have a little fun before we get out of bed or do we start on our day?” Aiden asked, still rubbing his hand against her clad sex.
She pretended to think about Aiden's offer for morning sex. Honestly Alyissa couldn't think of a better way to start the morning. Despite her humming as if making a decision. The wiggling against Aiden's hand was a dead giveaway of what she had chosen. Aly tried hard to contain the small moans from passing between her lips but failed in hiding it. Moisture kept building until Aly's undergarments were more than soaking now. Though how could she not show her pleasure when the Male teased her so deliciously.
"Ah, she couldn't resist, could she? I don't blame you. I probably couldn't resist you, either." Aiden whispered before peppering his lips down her neck, sliding a couple fingers inside of her from this position. "But... I guess you knew that. You knew as soon as you talked about having sex with me, that I wouldn't be able to stop myself. You sly girl. You always know how to get me going. If I didn't know better, I'd say you like having me fuck you all day long." he whispered breathily with a sultry tone in his voice while giving her the most passionate kiss he could manage.
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