Kill, Bang or Marry

I personally would prefer to keep my distance since i don't like my odds of killing that guy but i go with KILL :D

.....By the way,NO ONE beats me in a game of basketball!
We meet again indeed,mysterious sexy thing that i should probably recall but i don't.....

ANYWAYS.....Bang! because it's against my politics to leave a lady without her banging.Also i like the way she handles my ball :D
Mmmmm. Bang of course. I'd climb atop you and ride without hesitation, but only in your human form my sweet dragon. You know I love you Sirix.
Bang, because it is what she wants, but doesnt need right now ;) also trying to jump start this back up.
She's too cute to kill and too young to marry, so it looks like I'm going to have to bang her, over and over again.
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