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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

Carlos himself had showered and was in scents from his homeland of Argentina. He dried off and dressed in a tailored tuxed with a tie. He adjsuted himself. Despite the youngish age, he presented the atmosphere of a man of wealth, power and taste.

He exited his room and he went to pick up Clary; admiring her beauty in the dress. "You look quite lovey," Carlos said as he wrapped his arms around her. He then held his arm for her to take to go and escort her for dinner. "Did you find the shower and the dress to your liking?" he asked her with his infaous roguish smile on his face.
She smiled when she saw Carlos again. The suit, what he was wearing, just complimented his body perfectly. She spoke,"Of course I look lovely. And the shower and dress are perfect," Damn that smile, and the accent. So damn sexy! Of course she was starving. She loved food, appreciating it more so since she worked in a grocery store.
Carlos took her to the dining room. It was classically decorated with red and gold all around. On the table there, it was wonderfully decorated. He held the seat for her to sit on before he took a seat. The waiter appeared, nicely dressed as well.

"What sort of food do you like, Clary?" Carlos asked her as he sat up stragith. WHile they chefs prepared their food, they can talk and get to know about each other. He was looking forward to ruling the criminal udnerworld with her by her side. She will carry strong heirs and she was worthy of being with him for all-time.
She thought it was amusing that while her family crest was a picture of a lit torch, her abilities were of cold and ice. She was thinking about this as Carlos lead her to a most magnificent looking dining room, she sat down in the seat he lead her to, and she spoke,"Vegetarian... Can't quite go vegan since I enjoy milk too much." There was nothing wrong with soy milk and almond milk, she thought, but she just enjoyed real milk.
"Very well. A healthy and delicious vegetarian surprise for her and I am feeling like something from home, my good man," Carlos told the butler before he wrote it all down and headed off for the time being. "I couldn't be a vegetarian. Growing up in Argentina, we took raising cows as an art form. Well taken care of and feeding on grass, we eat more beef than even the Americans," Carlos noted, unable to deny his love for the red meat.

"So, I imagine you are not close to your parents if you are okay with moving in with me. I am curious why you accepted my offer despite knowing the potential risks. Was it my magnetic personality?" he teased, flashing his smile once more
"I am not close with them. Serial workaholics if you ask me. While I admire the dedication to their jobs, it wouldn't hurt to say hello to me every now and then or take me to a damn movie. Not that it matters, since I'm essentially self sufficient. I'm more than ready and willing to move on from them." she spoke, the last word spoken with such venom it could poison a cow.
"I admittingly wasn't close to my folks. Black Tarantula tradition mandates the Black Tarantula must sire a son with a woman before taking him away from her for a life of intense training. Of course, it was a dangerous time so my father was not always around," Carlos began as he was in thought.

"This was a blessing. I was able to communicate with the other children of the nearby villages and towns and get them into the group. Add some diversity to the organization. I was even able to track the whereabouts of my mother and see her from time to time. Unforuntately, soon after my father disappeared after his latest mission, she ended up dying. I don't think he killed her since there was no proof, but I was still abloe to say good-bye and move to America. I haven't seen my father since then," Carlos explained to her.

"I since then promised that whoever I chose to bear my son, they will also be part of the family," he confirmed to her as the butler came to put water in their fancy glasses. "But we shall conquer our pasts and head to better future. Cheers!" Carlos says to her as he lifts his glass with a smile.
"Children, I think, are our saving graces. We must make the world better for them to live in, just as our parents made the world better for us." she replied with a wise voice as she raised her fancy water filled glass with a 'Cheers'.
"Indeed," Carlos said to her before the waiter arrived with some appetizers. They were a basic but still exquistie assortment. While he took some to enjoy (well, after Clary did), he was thinking of more to ask her. "It appears the only person you are close to is Peter Parker. I don't know much about hi, but I hear he is very talented," Carlos brought out.

The name Parker was familair... namely in the Agents Richard and Mary Parker.
Clary was quite delighted with the appetizers. Healthy eats and good exercise kept her figure nice and slim. When he mentioned Peter, she spoke,"I like his Aunt. And he's my neighbor. But I ask you to keep this to solely to yourself. He also knows about what I am."
"Don't worry. I will keep that secret as well," Carlos told Clary. He did have to admire her nice figure. SHe would be able to bare alot of good children while also having plenty of fun. "I would also advise you not to tell him of this little arrangement we have. Granted, there is not much to do since you will be just training in martial arts though matters will become more interesting once you move in," Carlos stated to her.

"Once more, I am very happy you accepted my offer. You won't regret it," Carlos said, flashing her a seductive smile.
"I won't say a word to him. He also swore he won't say anything about what I can do. And I know I won't regret it." She replied with a smile, then she spoke,"Know a good bank where I can move my money to?"
Carlos smiled back. "Yes and I can help you transfer your funds when the entire affair is settled," Carlos said. Eventually, the time passed and their entry arrived. Clary got a delicious veggie lasanga while Carlos got himself a traditional mdeium rare Argentinian steak with Chimichurri. Also, Clary got some milk served for her while Carlos got himself some club soda for himself.

Carlos awaited for Clary to try the lasagna. He savored his own steak as they ate. He was currently thinking about what to teach her when it came to fighting. As they ate, they talked about alot of things. "I am curious as you think what my organization does," he asks, wondering her opinion.
She was pleased at the thought of her money being moved. It was a very nice sum. Since she had worked there for a very long time, she got raises, and the bosses in general liked her take charge attitude. She was happy to eat the veggie lasagna. She happily drank her milk, and she replied,"Y'know, I don't know what you lot do. I can freely assume it's nothing legal, but who am I to judge. We all do what we need to do to survive."
Carlos pasued from drinking his soda water to hear her response. He raised his eyebrow in surprise in hearing her answer. She certainly had a mildly pragmatic view. This would make it alot easier to corrupt her. He smirked a bit before he kept eating his steak. "I like that answer. Looks like you'll be a perfect fit," Carlos said with a smile.

When dinner was finished, he held her by the hand as he presented her clean normal clothes. "Don't worry, my dear. Once we get your memories fixed up, you won't have to see your parents again. On the meanwhile, training begins in the park. We'll go over the basics over there and it's a short walk from the library," Carlos told her as he was stroking her face affectionately.

He then leaned to kiss her forehead before they entered the limo and his driver drove them to her house. Once he saw her enter, he drove off, awaiting the upcoming week.
She smiled when he said she'd be a perfect fit. She got dressed in the normal clothes, and she spoke,"Sounds absolutely perfect to me!" Gosh, his hand on her face was soft... She smiled as he kissed her forehead as they got into the limo. She scowled since her parents weren't home, but she did her things, and got ready for bed, and went to bed.
The following week was pretty busy. Peter spent his day with dealing a fair bit of drama, both in his superheroics and in his normal life. Arthyr Donovan has no memory of being the Hobgoblin and after being sent to the hospital. Mark Allen a.k.a. Molten Man found himself collasping in the middle of stopping of robbing. Apparently, the nanobots that gave him his powers went haywire. This left Peter without someone to help him.

As such, he needed to be for emergancy care and to be monitored. It was an interesting end to the end of his and Mary Jane's relationship. The spark was somewhat fizzling out and Mary Jane was dealing with problems at home apaprently. She wouldn't share it with Mark so they decided to seperate on affable terms. As such, Peter spent his time comforting MJ while Harry was comforting his girlfriend. Peter would also talk with Clary and check on her during their study sessions.

Meanwhile, Carlos was training Clary in martial arts. He would help her with stance and moves and such. She was a quick learner and Carlos liked having his hands on the mutant girl. It was Friday and he got news from his servants that the brew. He texted this to Clary after class.

"The brew is ready. Ready for your memories to return?"
The following week, like Peter's week, was incredibly busy. Work, school, combat practice, homework/studying, and getting tutored by Peter. It was insane, but she did it, and still got decent sleep. Thank god Peter and Carlos didn't object to her weird hours for studying and combat. Still, Clary absolutely could not shake the sense that something was about to go terribly, terribly wrong. During mid week, she had her money transferred over to a new bank of dear Carlos's choosing. Damn, that accent was so fricking sexy! He was just sexy period, it was a major surprise to her that there were no other girls hanging around him. After all the direct deposit and transfer paperwork was done, she was happy. Least that was out of the way. And she got a new cell phone from a different carrier than the one her parents were on. She only put in a few numbers. Carlos, Peter, work, and school. She told all parties of the new number.

On top of her stupid busy week already, she'd been quietly boxing her crap up and shipping it to Carlos's place. It was tricky, her parents never had the same hours. Much as she didn't like her folks, she really didn't like their bosses since the hours were never steady, despite the stability of the job. Odd, inconsistent hours were never good for a person. At least she was such a little angel in the eyes of her bosses she always got the hours she wanted. Hell, there was even talk of another raise and a promotion. She must have been a harder worker than she thought.

She smiled at the text she finally got from Carlos on her new phone, and she replied,"Yes. I'll be over after work. I have to ship the last box of my stuff over to your place." Carlos had asked her during one of their training sessions, during which he had been teaching her parkour. Which she was pretty great at already, but he helped her refine it. He had asked her why she would work when he'd take care of her, and she had replied that she liked doing what she did and it felt good to get a paycheck that got increasingly higher. He liked that answer. She smiled as she left the school after putting all of her stuff in her backpack. She put on her favorite black leather jacket, and headed out the door after taking a healthy slug of water from the water fountain. They had just opened the school back up not long ago, having finally defrosted the pipes. She'd been practicing as well with her powers, and getting much better at it.

She was walking home, enjoying her day, and the sense of foreboding she had all week only grew stronger as she drew closer to her soon to be old home. She had recently changed her address and stuff at the DMV. Gosh, they only charged more and more for replacing the ID and driver's license, but the state had to make their money somewhere. She got an idea. Since her room was on the second floor, and there was plenty of crap in the area that separated her parents house and Peter's house, she parkoured her way up to the window ledge of her room, and peered in. Oh shit, her parents were in her room. And the bastards found her memory journal. Double oh shit.

She dropped down before they could see her, landing lightly on her feet, like a cat, and she summoned up her courage, and went in through the front door of her house. Oh, this was going to suck, and she was ready to run very very fast in the opposite direction. She went up to her room, and sure enough they were still in there. They told her they had known since birth what she was, why they acted the way she did, and that they were going to take her to the Academy to seal her memories again. The last part snapped her, and she froze them. Solid. There bodies as they stood had that shine ice gave them. But she didn't know how to cure it. Oh well, Carlos's mystics would know how to fix this. She grabbed her memory journal from her mother's hand, and her last box, and texted Carlos,"My parents know what I am. I freaked. I froze them by accident and I don't know how to reverse it. Too many questions will arise if they don't go to work because of their state. I need your mystics to fix this. I don't like them, but they're still my folks. Cure it, and rub their memories of the event... The front door will be open, but I won't be here. I can't miss work."

She then left the house. The rest of her day went by in a daze. Thank god nobody noticed anything unusual. After work, she requested her boss transfer her to the newest Whole Foods. The one closest to where her new address was. Her boss happily obliged, and she left work with her things, and ran right to Carlos's place.
Carlos has been preparing for Clary moving in, which including modifying his room for two. It would appropriate for his Queen to be with him after all. All the while, he has been keeping track of potential employees in school. He tended to keep to himself and while some of the ladies were drawn to him, he didn't pay much attention. He simply dismissed their advances politely or if he was feeling particularly insightful, set them up with someone else.

Beyond that, he has been keeping his eye out on Peter Parker. The guy fascinated him and not just because he may be related to Richard and Mary Parker, but because of his connection to Spider-Man. Overall, he suspected that it could be him, but he didn't know enough about him to be sure. He didn't really talk to him much, on ocassion when Peter asked where she went after tutoring and when Carlos asked a few details on advanced chemistry.

Yes, Peter Parker was someone to keep an out for, indeed.

Carlos got the text and went into all-out business. This would not be easy to do, especially if the neighbors noticed. "Retrive her parents, defrost them, inspect them for damage and prepare to induce short-term memory loss," he commanded. While he could do it himself, he likes having an alibi. The two ninjas nodded and went into the house to bring them back to base to defrost them. It would take a while.

When Clary arrived with her things, Carlos was there and he greeted her with an embrace. "It will be okay. They are currently being de-frosted. Are you ready for your memories to return?" he asked her/
Clary happily hugged Carlos back, the past hours had been extremely stressful. It was all she could do was to keep a straight face at work. At the very least, it proved she was a great actress. She sighed a sigh of relief, put down her box of stuff, and spoke,"I'm ready more than ever now!" So the Academy erased her memories... But whY?
Carlos took her stuff in before leading her up to the bedroom where a hooded servant stood waiting with a small vial of a strange greenish liiquid that was mildly fizzling and sparkling. Carlos took it before he dismissed his mystic before facing Clary.

"This brew will undo whatever magical or psychic block has been placed on your memories. You will also probably be recieving an influx of emotions," Carlos said. He gave her the brew before holding one of her hands .
She felt strangely elated as she went up to the bedroom, and saw the servant with the vial of green liquid. She nodded, and spoke,"I understand." She uncorked it, and drank it to the last drop. The effect was immediate, whatever the side effects were. She felt intensely hot, then intensely cold, then she felt normal. Then everything went black. She could see everything. From being driven to the Academy when she was a baby to the moment of...

"Erase her memories, Professor. We heard about the invasion, and we know what Clary did! We can't have her murdering people with her powers every time she goes into a rage!" her worried Mother spoke, and then Professor X spoke,"At the same time, Mrs. Lightwood, if she had done nothing, a great deal more students would have died last week. I've made far too many condolence calls to mutant and mundane parents in my lifetime telling them that their children have been killed by anti mutant terrorists and people who want to take advantage of their children." Clary's very angry Father replied,"We don't care, we cannot have her being a murderer!" Professor X rubbed his temples and spoke,"I cannot suppress her powers and memories forever. To do so would be impossible, as well as highly unfair to Clarissa. What I can do is suppress them temporarily. But all will come back when she does things that are truly and honestly brave. That in of itself proves that she is ready for them again." Little Clary began to protest and spoke,"Mommy, Daddy, I don't want to do this!" Professor X continued,"I'll erase the memories of her powers, of this place, but what she will remember is her education and her basic self defense training, for I cannot and will not erase every little detail just to appease you." She began to cry as he placed his finger tips on her temples, it hurt...

The blackness went away, and Clary was surprised to see she was still standing. She could feel so much. The anger, the rage, the love, the joy, the delight...
Carlos held Clary's hand and felt it squeeze a few times. He wasn't sure what she was seeing, but her expressions went through so much, he knew it was so much for her to deal. Her poupils also dilated and they remained so until she began to move a bit. Her eyes were normal and Carlos saw that Clary must have regained everything.

Carlos went and embraced her, letting her spill all of his emotions. No one would hurt. She was his Queen and no one hurt his servantas, his organization, his Queen...
She was feeling so damned much it hurt. She felt so much relief when good Carlos hugged her. It was like the excess emotions just drained away, the hurt went away. She expressed so much of her gratitude by giving him a deep, passionate kiss.
Carlos was mildly surprised by the kiss, but he quickly got ahold and began returning the kiss back. He was very happy on how things were proceeding. His strong tan arms held her as his hands were caressing her body. Carlos, like most Hispanics, was a deeply passionate person and he overwhelmed Clary with his passion and his charm.

His hand smoothly found its way onto her buttox and the other worked its way under her shirt. The hand on her butt began massasing it as he made his way onto their bed. He retreated from the kiss to begin kissing the nape of her neck, leaving a gentle love bite every so often.
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