"I wonder what it was like for Spider Man. When he first discovered what he could do.... I mean, everybody has to start somewhere. I wonder how he dealt with it, how he hides it... I mean, I want to do what he does, and help people with my abilities. Be a hero." she spoke, smiling back at him when she also noticed something going on. She was quiet, but secretly was shocked at seeing it was that one jock from earlier apologizing to that kid from earlier. She had a feeling something was wrong. She beat the shit out of that jock. He should be black and blue, but he was all healthy looking... Could he be like her?... Special? But she was still impressed, he was humble enough to apologize for his misdeeds to the kid. She was smiling, but she leaned away, and sat back down. He definitely earned some points in her book for humility... And she also wanted to keep an eye out on him, for curiosity sake. How could he have healed so quickly?... Another memory. She had a glassy stare, a blank face on her, a look Peter would recognize that she had slipped into a memory.
"You see, children, not everybody has born abilities like we do. Some people are thrust into our world by accidents, abilities given to them artificially. Some are mundanes who were sadly experimented on. Mundanes are given as much discrimination as we are, if you look in the right places, and experimented on. Bad people for a long time have looked to artificially create mutants from mundanes. The results are often tragic, and the loss of life, mutant or mundane, is never good." Professor X spoke. Clary looked older in this memory, and she raised a hand. She spoke,"More spectacular abilities have been appearing recently in our kind. I have a theory that a great danger to mutants and mundanes is coming, and we're evolving so we are better prepared to face this threat. What do you think?" The good Professor had an odd look on his face, but it was also mixed with thoughtfulness, and he spoke,"That is a very interesting theory, Clary."
The memory went away, and she realized to her horror, to her surprise, that on the blank pages in her notebook, she had illustrated her memories again, and drew them out perfectly.