The sergeant's love prerogative. (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Steve watched as Bucky walked off and then looked back to Krystal He sighed trying to figure out a way to say this "Well uhm okay... think of it like dancing when dancing it'll be with only one person hardly ever with more then one unless it's a line" He said knowing it sounded confusing. "In any case dancing should be with the one you love and the only one you love, more or less the right partner" he had never been good with girls and didn't really expect her to understand but he tried though he wasn't sure how well he said it.
Krystal made a face. "I suppose that makes sense, but where i come from, dancing is a bit different. You shouldn't resign yourself to taking the back seat just because you thin I like Bucky. truth be told, i like you both. I'm not much for choosing though." she admitted, trying to explain her side of things. For her, they were both the right partner. She wished he could make make him understand. Then she smirked, planting a kiss square on his lips though she had to bend to accomplish it. "far as i'm concerned, you're both the right partners. Now, come on. Bucky's waiting."
Steve nodded not sure how to take it he understood how love works for her now, he wasn't quite comfortable with it but for now he'll just have to do the best he could. He followed her to the elevator seeing a worker bow to her "Someone is waiting for you miss Kobayashi" he said hitting walking with her to the elevator. This man wasn't an average bell hop he dressed in a suit and tie and stayed by her side the entire time. Steve walked behind them seeing all the workers looking at him because he was with her, it wasn't very comforting seeing all eyes on him but he tried to let it go.

The man walked next to her hitting the elevator button and staying quiet the elevator opened and he stood by the door. "Call if you need anything miss" he said bowing as the elevator doors closed behind Steve and Krystal.
Krystal nodded smiling at him and lead him to the elavator in the hotel. She smiled at the concierge. "Thank you Max. I am aware." she said with a politeness only found in those very royal, walking to the elevator with steve. She smiled and nodded at Max again before pulling Steve gently into the elevator, giving him a light kiss once the door had closed. "They treat me much to well. I'm a princess, yes, but I wish to be able to do some things for myself." she said with a sigh, happy when the elevator doors opened to her floor. She smiled at both of them. "Come on in, my friends." She said, opening the door by magic.
The doors opened and Steve's face was bright red from the kiss she had given him in the elevator, He looked up seeing Bucky turn around and smile to them. Jeez I hope he really is as open to this idea of loving both of us as he looks Steve thought walking behind Krystal. Bucky turned to them smiling seeing Steve's red face Boy, I hope he get's use to it He thought to himself turning from the red faced Steve to the beautiful blue haired Fae princess "You'd think he'd jump at the thought of having such a wonderful lady love him, even if she did love me at the same time" he whispered to himself as she came closer "I thought you had left me to wait here for hours" He said chuckling a little as he wait by the door. "So what did you want to show us" He asked now interested in just getting Steve to let go of his fear.
Krystal smiled, bringing a few photo albums to herself telekinetic-ally. She handed one to Bucky. "This is what I wanted to show you, Buckeye. Its an album from back in the days of prince Onyx. Fae technology is much more advanced than humans." she said opening the album on the first page where he would see a full color picture of someone who looked like himself, yet wore dragon clad armor. She was trying to prove a point. She wanted him to see why she thought he might be Onyx's reincarnation. Her mother had always told her that a promise made with pure love would always be fulfilled, and Onyx had promised to return to her. She theorized that he was Onyx, he just didn't remember yet. She would make him remember.
Bucky looked at the floating photo albums she had wished to show him "Krys I know you have you're heart set on this but I'm not Onyx." He said not wanting to look at the pictures that she now held. Steve looked up at bucky who seemed extremely set on this before he looked up to krystal. He took a few steps forward getting a look at one of the pictures of Onyx and Krystal on the day they had been set to marry each other and steve saw just what she saw "bucky I think you should see this" he said noticing the resemblance immediately. Bucky looked to steve whos eyes were full of wonder as he stared at the pic "Not you too" he said taking a step to grab the book "This is the last time I'll say It I'm not..." he said voice getting louder as his frustration grew until he grabbed the book getting a glance at the picture.

Steve watched as bucky became frustrated knowing how bad he could be when he got pissed though it took very little to do so. Bucky's face turned pale as he looked at te image of the two of them. Krystal looking like she hadn't even aged a day and a man who looked almost exactly like Bucky. He wore royal robes I blue as the sky having wore it because it was Krystals birthday that day. Bucky looked at the picture with no words and only the expression on his face to show his shock.
Krystal sighed. "Just look at the pictures." she said simply, flipping through the book to the pages that held the engagement photos. She smiked slightly as steve. "He looks alot like him, doesn't he, stevie?" She asked, cowering as bucky started to yell. Krystal didn't like yelling. It made her twitchy.

Krystal cowered behind steve, her big blue eyes showingbhow scared she really was. She could never explain it, but yelling had always made her feel inferior. She poked her head out from behind steve, voice now small and meek. "See? Told you."
Steve took krystals hand patting it before pulling on it so she could go closer to him "It's alright he doesn't bite, well not woman atleast" he's just got huge bark" he said chuckling and swinging her lightly to bucky. "No steve shut up" he said in absolute disbelief of the picture he saw, he looked to Krystal his eyes scared of what of what was happening. It was as if something in his head was trying to open locked doors, doors in his head that have never been opened before. He was scared almost as scared as she was thouh he didn't show it that much most of his emotions were usually seen through his eyes but that's the only big clue anyone has had.
Krystal squeezed his hand back before meekly walking to bucky. She looked up at him, eyes showing fear and remorse. "I'm sorry Bucky. Its just i've been alone for so long, and you just look so much like him, i guess i thought maybe my prayesbhad been answered." She said softly, tone meek. Something told her she wasn't wrong, but if he didn't want to be onyx, she wouldn't force him. She would love him just the way he is for as long as she lived. He was hers, no matter what. She loved him.
He was unresponsive he stood looking in fear as the door in his mind was shoved open and a flash of memories flooded his head with memories of onyx. His grip loosened and the book fell with a thud as he fell unconscious his body almost stiff as a bored to steve who immediately dropped to check him. "What's going on? Nothing ever makes bucky fall, I don't even think he fears death" steve said trying to make bucky awaken.

It was usless the flood of memories circled his mind before seeing a flash of light. He walked towards it, seeing two white doors but nothing else around him "Krystal?" He called out scared of what has happened. He looked around before opening the doors into a dark room "Krystal?" He called out once more only to be called upon by a loud rouring voice. "Onyx by odin what has gotten into you" the man asked walking from the dark room into where the light could hit him. The man stood very tall with long blonde hair and the armor of a viking. "Why do people keep calling me onyx" Bucky yelled closing the door yelled as the door closed behind him all light leacing the room "what are you talking about?" He asked bucky before hearing steps behind him "thor stop he doesn't know who he is yet" a voice sounded from behind him as he walked towards a table in the middle of the room turning on a projector to light the room and show memories of who he was deep inside.

"Onyx what befalls of krystal you need to tell me"thor said looking at bucky again. The light from the projector lit the room dimly as the man began to spoke again "Okay let me rephrase that, thor stop he doesn't know who I am yet" Onyx said walking into the dim light of the projector. He walked up to bucky placing a hand on his chest as a light blue aura began to glow allowing the memories to die down a little so he wasn't fixated on them "My friend I am Onyx betrothed to krystal however our marriage was cut by the tides of war and I was killed in battle, You were birthed almost 200 years later but you are what is called a rebirth. Yes you are Bucky Barnes but you are also me" he said the light growing brighter. "Onyx please tell me I can not reach her from asgard" the other man said before being stopped by onyx "Do not fear thor" he said looking over his shoulder and then back to bucky "She is in good hands" he said snapping his fingers and making the room and thor disappear

"We do not have much time so we must be left alone" Onyx said dropping his hand from bucky's chest. "A rebirth is very rare especially for a human however it has been done before many times in fact." Onyx said smiling "My friend krystal has her heart set on being with me again but she is very caring and always has been, I've unlocked the sealed doors that had my memories behind them now they are yours. You can continue you life a James Buchanan Barnes, but I am within that name aswell. Our minds, our hearts... our souls are linked are very being is one" he said smiling that he got a proper way to introduce our "If you ever want to see me again all you must do is dig deep inside yourself and I will be there." He said before his body dissapeared into thin air and bucky woke with Steve and Krystal hanging over him.
Krystal ran to him, kneeling by his side as did Steve. She new the other would be worried she was too, until she sensed onyx's presence again. "He's fainted. But don't worry Stevie. Onyx is likely just telling Bucky about himself. Their souls are linked. He is Bucky, but he is also Onyx. does that make sense?" She asked, picking the large man up from the floor and setting him on her bed. She would prefer he be comfortable when he woke up. Krystal had no real idea what Onyx could possibly be telling the handsome would be soldier, but she knew not to worry. Onyx was a good man. He wouldn't hurt Bucky.

Krystal looked relieved when Bucky woke from the short coma, and she squeezed his hand gently. "Are you alright, buckeye? You fell quite hard." she said her blue eyes showing much concern. She wouldn't pry into what onyx had told him, a least not yet. If he wanted to tell, she was sure he would. Bucky, she could tell, was a very honest and blunt man, just as Onyx had been.
Steve nodded in concern kind of understanding the situation though it was still kind of confusing. He watched as she picked him up and put him Bucky up on the bed and watched with worry. Steve sat in the corner looking at her and how much worry was in her eyes and he didn't know what to do. It was obvious that she loved them both but somehow he felt she loved Bucky more. It hurt but he understood especially if Bucky really was onyx, He looked up hearing her question Bucky and he saw Bucky sit up holding his head in pain. "yea I'm alright but my head hurts." he said looking over to her. He remembered everything that had happened so vividly but he did not want to say anything yet, not until he figured out what happened.
Krystal nodded. "Yeah, that will happen. I'll make some tea." She said with a soft smile, kissing each of their cheeks before going to the kitchen. She could sense hiw Steve was feeling, and it made her heart break. She needed to figurenout a way to make him see just how much she cared for him. Then she got an idea, making note of it in her head for later. Howard would not be able to resist her charms. She knew just what she wanted too. An opprotunity for steve in project insight. Not because she didn't love him being small, she knew if he were big, he'd do great things for this world.
Bucky watched as she walked to the kitchen after giving steve a kiss aswell and then turned to steve taking the chance to say what he was thinking. "Steve what are you doing? Can't you see that she likes you too get your head over your saddness and let her like you." He said to steve who stood up walking over to her. "Bucky I don't know those pictures man you are her betrothed I can't just come in and stop something that was meant to happen" steve said looking over to the kitchen only to see her making tea. Bucky smacked him on the head though it was lightly "Steve are you blind? You aren't stopping anything she likes you just as much as she does me. She is an extremely beautiful lady who loves you man. Return it to her I know you love her as well." He said looking back to her smiling lightly.
Krystal sang softly as she made the special imported japanese tea, oblivious to their conversation. She could easily eaves drop if she liked, but she didn't want to in case they were talking about something private. Krystal was a curious fae to be sure, but she wasn't one for snooping. If it was their business, she wouldn't pry. She came back quickly with the tea, again kissing both thier cheeks. "So, how do you boys like your tea?" she asked, setting the silver platter and delicate china set down on the nearby desk.
Bucky looked over to her sliding off the bed and standing up "What ever way you make it will be fine miss" He said trying to keep standing with his head in pain. He looked over to Steve who stood wanting to make sure he was alright, He looked at Steve motioning his head towards her "Go talk to her" he said quietly trying to help Steve get over his fear of it. Bucky sat back down knowing his head was to much to keep his balance which would give Steve the ability to help her out.

Steve sighed walking towards the kitchen to help her shaking his head at what Bucky was trying to get him to do. He walked and stood by her side as she was making the tea "Anything I can help with Krystal?" he asked seeing that Bucky was shaking his head in disbelief. There is no way he is this bad with women he thought to himself although he did know Steve's past with women.
Krystal smiled, going to make the tea. "Just be warned, I like it really sweet." She said, giving them each kisses. She just loved them both so much. She sang softly as she madebthe tea, nodding at steve as he came in. "Oh yes, stevie, the cookies in the pantry over there" she said, pointing. They were in a place he could easily reach, and she had several kinds, each she had baked fresh yesterday.

Quicker than any of them anticipated, bucky, and krystal were dating, and he was shipping out, yet she didn't know. He hid his uniform over at steve's so she wouldn't see. He'd made a mistake though. He'd left his orders on her kitchen table. "James Buchanan Barnes! You have Alot of explainibg to do!" she fumed unaware of whatbhe had planned.
Bucky walked in eyes wide open in fear "what, did I do?" He asked confused as to why she was screaming. He looked over her shoulder seeing the paper on the table now understanding as to why she was pissed. "Krystal I told you when we met I was joining so why is it a problem now" he asked knowing the answer. At some point while they were dating he went rummaging through his memories trying to learn moee about Onyx. For some reason he kept remembering the dream that she had saw and he wanted to know why it seemed so familiar. With the help of Onyx who's form roamed James mind still alive as part of james they found the memory and once again James watched it though he was watching from a distance this time. Onyx death was caused by a swarm of enemies surrounding him during a mission that had gone wrong and she obviously didn't want it to happen again.

He grabbed her hands pulling her close though she didn't want to be close to him at the moment he held his grip firmly. "Krys when we met I was already in the process of joining, it's been a few months and they hadn't shipped me yet, it was bound to happen" he said. He gave her a kiss on the cheek as he pulled back. "Steve and I have been out all day and we were planning to go to the expo again.Howard stark is supposed to be there tonight, and I was thinking it would be a good time to give you this but..." he let go of her grabbing a small box out of his back pocket. "But if it will make you happy I'll give it to you now." He said dropping down to one knee. "Krystal Kobayashi in hopes of always being with you and hopes of making you less pissed off about not telling you" he felt her smack his head though she was happy at the same time, he chuckled slightly taking a large breath from it "Krystal Kobayashi I ask you with all the love in my heart, Will you marry me?"
Krystal knocked her fists on his chest in anger a few crystalizing blue tears falling from her glacial blue eyes, onto both his shirt and the tile floor. She looked up at him, her eyes showing so much fear. "Not again. No. You're not allowed to go. I'll make Howard make them throw you out. You're a Prince Onyx, not a fucking soldier!" she said, looking up at mascara running from all the sparkling blue water coming from her eyes. She just knew something terrible would happen to him if she let him go, just like last time.

Krystal looked at him curiously, tilting her head. She wasn't sure just what he was gonna do until he got down on one knew. Her eyes widened, but she nodded quickly, a different kjnd of tears coming this time. "Yes James I will." She whispered just loud enough for him to hear before she pulled him in for a passionate kiss. She was still mad, sure, but not so much at him. She was more mad at the war otself, and wanted iy stopped. She just wished she could protect her lover from what she knew would likely cause his death yet again. "You better come back James. 200 years is a long to be alone." She admitted, knowing he'd understand.
He gave her a kiss as he got up from his knee glad she was actually smiling this time "Krystal Onyx is a prince but I'm not, I have his memories, his looks and his love for you but I am not him." He gave her another kiss moving his hands to her back so he could pull her body closer to his. He broke the kiss again to continue what he was saying even though the crystallized tears fell from her eyes. "Nobody can replace another even if they are identical in Ideals, beliefs and feelings. I am no longer onyx though I speak with him often" he said wiping the tears from her eyes. "I don't ship out till the end of the week you'll still have steve even though he isn't as notable as me, He still loves you krys" he said smiling lightly. "I will come back and when I do nothing will get in the way, the germans will have gone home and so will we." He said giving her another kiss
Krystal sighed. "Same difference, Buckeye." She said simply, snuggling into him. She never wanted the week to endy. She breathed in his slightly licorice like scent, calming a bit. She may not like the idea, but Steve had told her just how important this was to him. While she didn't want to smash his dreams, she feared for his life. She had been having the same dreams she'd had before Onyx's death. This time though, a train took his life, instead ofban enemy general. Each night they got more and more vivid, and she hoped she could at least make him half fae before he shipped off. Then he had a better chance of surviving if her nightmare cane true again. "I know. I feel the same. He won't let me show it though." She said, sighing before she nodded. That would certainly be anninteresting meeting. Howard was gonna flip shot when he found out she has a fiancee. He was very protective ofbher, like the big brother she once had. Howard was much like him, even his looks. Sometimes she wondered.
He laughed knowing exactly what she meant "Yea I know, so when I leave you should spend as much time with him as possible maybe jump up his spirits" He chuckled knowing letting her flirt with him was not something a normal man would do. "I hate to be the one to say it but no matter how many times he tries he isn't getting into the army. He's also a much better man then me Krystal and if it wasn't for his asthma among other things he'd make soldier, be here to help him up when he fails" he said closing his eye "God knows if our places were switched he'd have you do the same for me" he continued before letting out a large breath. "So Steve is supposed to be here in about 2 hours anything you want to do before we leave?" he asked hoping she had calmed down
Krystal nodded. "I will Buckeye." she said simply, nodding her head a few more times. It was all to true that steve was the most deserving man to become a soldier, but because he was so sickly, he would never be taken. She prayed that tonight would be the night he would get his chance in the army, because even though she hated being alone, she knew Steve had to go into the army. Here Krystal smirked. She had calmed down. "I know exactly what I want to do. She said, smirking more as she started stripping her clothes, beckoning Bucky to follow herbto her bedroom. She had wanted to do this for awhile now, and it seemed like the right time finally. Little did she know that Bucky would give her a son that night
He chuckled a little following her to the room this would be there first time at least it would be there first time together and it would be the perfect night. He walked in closing the door behind them "Have I mentioned before how beautiful you are" he said putting his hands on her sides which were now bare skin. Her skin was soft and warm and he loved her more then anything in the world he had no clue that this would be one of a handful of nights he would see her again.
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