The venom in the relationship (Scarlet and Uminator)

Mary Jane couldn't hear Quinn or anything else. It was like she was trapped within her own mind. But she wasn't alone there. There was a presence of something else. The thing that had tried to control her earlier. As Mary Jane tried to calm herself within her own mind she slowly got a feeling for the presence. It didn't seem hostile or dangerous, rather it seemed confused and .... scared? It was like it was afraid for it's own survival, it feared that rejection from Mary Jane - it's host - would cause it to die.

When she finally realized this she reached out for it. She tried to reassure it that it would be welcome. She wouldn't try to kill it or reject it. As long as it let her have the control of her own body she would allow it to live within her. As the presence finally accepted this there was a flash of emotions as their minds touched and became irrevocably merged.

Flashes of memory from the alien symbiote ran through Mary Jane's memory. Memories of an alien world where it was discovered by Spiderman, memories of it trying to take over it's host and of rejection. Memories of Venom and Carnage, how insane minds were broken and used it for evil. How it was finally cast into a portal by the same Spiderman and how it came to Mary Jane. She understood that this had happened in another world, another time, not that she would ever understand how that could possibly happen. But she also understood that she could lead this symbiote along a different path than it had gone before, but doing so she would have to sacrifice a bit of herself.

On the outside the struggle that Mary Jane was facing were evident. Her form and body was shifting and transforming before Quinn's eyes. At moments her face was covered in the red and black and white symbiote and her mouth became a horrible collection of sharp teeth and long tongue - at other times her hands formed into sharp and deadly claws. Mary Jane had no way of telling how long this was going on. But she began to hear Quinn's voice though her dreamlike state. And finally she opened her eyes and threw her arms around Quinn and passed out. The symbiote retreated into her body leaving her naked against Quinn. She had however been transformed, from her body a new, male, body part were now protruding. It wasn't big - yet - but it was there unmistakably.
Quinn gasped, both in fear and concern, as he watched the strange flesh surrounding Mary Jane twist and contort, shifting into different shapes and forms, some of them nothing more than a second skin, but others almost like she was being enveloped by some kind of monster. No matter how much he might want to, Quinn couldn't get close, not without potentially risking not only himself but Mary Jane aswell. Whatever was going on, she didn't seem to need a distraction right now, and deep down he just got the feeling that there was nothing he could do to help right now, though that feeling tore him up inside. He so desperately wanted to help, to take all this pain away from MJ, but right now he could do nothing....he hadn't felt this helpless since before they had ever met.

Finally though, it seemed to be over. Almost as suddenly as it had begun, the flesh surrounding MJs body seemed to rather suddenly begin receding back into her, and at the same time the girl opened her eyes, threw her arms around him, the motion so sudden it sent him toppling to the floor with her, before she seemed to pass out. "Gyah!" Quinn yelped as he fell, the taller woman now pinning him down. Sure, he could reach up and move her but....well...she was very very naked right now too. Her laying ontop of him was the only thing keeping him from getting an eyeful, including seeing her new body part which he was currently blissfully unaware of. Still, he could feel her soft chest pressing against his...oh god that sent shivers through his body, his breathing becoming deeper, every exhale of hot breath now directly against Mary Jane's neck as she lay ontop of him. Quinn didn't try to move out from beneath her, partly to try and save MJs dignity....but also partly because, whether he would admit it or not...Quinn was loving every second of this.
Mary Jane didn't know how long she had been out. But as she came to she knew she had changed. She wasn't just Mary Jane Watson any longer. She was something more, something better. She opened her eyes to look right into Quinn's face. She smiled and tried to speak. At first no sound came out. But as she tried again her hoarse voice said, "Hello tiger."

She realized that she was naked, but somehow it didn't bother her at all. Something far more important had just happened to her for her to care about simple modesty. Slowly she got up from the floor and looked at Quinn. "How long was I out?" She asked as she looked around for some clothing. She saw her dress and underwear on the floor and then saw the male body part that she had been given. Somehow it didn't surprise her at all. It felt natural and she didn't even try to cover it up.

The dress and all of her other clothing had been shredded. But Mary Jane realized that she could create new clothing from the symbiote in her body. It was like a memory from a distant past that she were given from the symbiote. In the blink of an eye, a red robe formed on her body and she sat down in the couch. "Now that was an interesting evening." She said looking at Quinn.
When Mary Jane finally awoke Quinn wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed. Relieved that she was awake and ok, but disappointed that she would get off of him and most likely freak out over being naked. Much to his surprise though....she seemed to act rather....well....normal. She slowly stood up and seemed to realise she was naked, yet made absolutely no attempts to cover herself up.
Despite his best efforts to be a gentleman, Quinn was only human and couldn't stop himself from looking at her naked form....though when he saw the very male part hanging from her crotch he couldn't help but stop and stare. He didn't even seem to register her question about how long she had been out, he just kept staring, mouth hanging slightly open. He had gotten a glimpse of her naked before when her clothes were being shredded, he was 99% certain that hadn't been there before...and yet there it was now, clear as day....and Mary Jane didn't seem the slightest bit concerned by it! She didn't even try to cover or hide it from him! How could she be so calm about all this? Just what had happened to her? Sure Quinn had come to known MJ, know that she kept her cool, that she was a very level headed and down to earth woman....but this....

Quinn was only finally snapped out of it when clothes began to form on her body, covering her up and allowing her to sit down on the couch. "H-huh...?" He slowly looked up, still sitting on the floor, then gasped as he realised she was talking to him. "O-oh! I....y-yeah...very...interesting" Yes, interesting was certainly one very good word to describe how their evening had gone. Slowly Quinn stood from the floor, moving over to the couch, sitting down beside Mary Jane. He wasn't scared, not at all, he was simply worried, concerned, but only that she was alright. "Mary Jane...are you alright...?" He had seen the pain she was in before, it had pierced his heart to see her like that, the feeling of helplessness that accompanied it almost tearing him apart. His hand reached out to gently rub her shoulder. "Is the pain gone?" Clearly his first concern was for her well being, nothing else mattered to him right now. "As long as you're ok, that's all that matters. I was just so worried about you...I felt so helpless and....I'm sorry I couldn't do anything..."
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