The venom in the relationship (Scarlet and Uminator)

Wait, woman that was injured this afternoon and ran? A look of worry immediately came over Quinn's face as he looked to Mary Jane. But...she didn't look injured, not in the slightest. And in a dress like well as her figure being shown off, and boy was it ever being shown off, any injuries would be incredibly obvious. Bank robbery?! There had been a bank robbery that afternoon? This was the first Quinn had heard of it, it must've been after he had gotten home and was busy getting ready. Though the when didn't matter, he was just worried about MJ now. She seemed perfectly fine though, both physically and mentally.
So this man was the Police Captain...that made sense, someone in such a high profile job would be at an event like this. Both to show support from the city and to monitor such an important event without intimidating people by having uniformed officers everywhere.

"Well....if you're sure you're ok MJ.." Quinn smiled softly, giving her arm a gentle squeeze. "I'm just glad you weren't hurt, that's the most important thing" He looked over to Gwen. "And thank you for checking up on Mary Jane and making sure she was ok"
Mary Jane smiled at the gentle squeeze from Quinn. "Like I said. I'm all right. Nothing really happened to me." She didn't want Quinn or anyone fussing over her and she didn't want the police to investigate what had really happened to her. It still freaked her out and she just wanted to forget it all. And she was in luck because right then the small stage that been set up was lit and Tony Stark stepped out on the stage followed by a woman that looked like she was his secretary or something.

Tony Stark began to speak. He introduced the latest product from Stark Industries, something that he said would revolutionize the energy output of the whole planet. It was still just in a prototype state, but he seemed to have great faith in the product. That was about as much as Mary Jane got out of what he said. She wasn't much for all those technical terms. But the animated presentations that was made on the large screen behind him did seem rather awesome but was so full of techie stuff that she just stopped trying to understand it. However she hoped that Quinn was having a good time. It wasn't everyday that one got invited to such a presentation.
"Well, if you're sure" Quinn gave MJ a gentle smile as she insisted she was alright. If she said she was fine, that was good enough for him. Still, he couldn't help but worry, it was the kind of guy he was after all. Besides, she'd only recently gotten over being ill and bed ridden. Even if she did seem to be full of energy he was worried that she could push herself a little too much without even realising it.

When the stage lit up and the presentation began, Quinn looked over excitedly, having to restrain himself from jumping for joy. He listened intently to every word of the presentation, the look on his face making it clear he seemed to understand what was being said, or at least most of it, though it was also clear he was enjoying himself immensely from the giant grin on his face. He could still hardly believe he was here, normally he had to just read about events like this a few days later. Even then, the technical magazines and websites always missed out the details, either because the reporters they sent didn't understand what was being said or because they weren't allowed to give out the full information. "Oh wow...that's incredible!" Quinn eagerly joined with the applause once it started. "I mean with that....he could...and then it'd be possible to...and...and...." Quinn was like a kid in a candy store, not knowing where to begin or what to be most excited about. He just looked to Mary Jane, flinging his arms around her to hug her tightly. "Oh thank you for bringing me here MJ!"
It was really good to see how Quinn enjoyed himself. Mary Jane could have sworn that he looked like a kid in a candy store. And it actually seemed like he understood what was happening. That more than anything impressed Mary Jane. He really was smarter than she had ever given him credit for or that he had ever led her to believe.

Mary Jane hugged Quinn back. "You are welcome Q! I'm happy that you would join me here." She looked him in the eyes and her hands started to hold him closer. She could feel his body against hers, her breasts pressing against him. He felt good, just like a partner should, like a boyfriend should. ****LIKE A MATE SHOULD****

It was almost like a voice or a feeling inside Mary Jane. She had no idea where it came from but it scared her a lot. She shivered in his arms but said nothing. Instead she tired to push it away and get lost in his eyes and arms again. It was like the sound of the surrounding people dimmed and there only was Quinn and Mary Jane. She opened her mouth slightly and licked her lips. And her face moved closer to his. And then their lips met!
Quinn blushed as Mary Jane held him closer, he could feel the warmth of her body, he could feel the softness of her breasts squashing against him, which only made his face an even intenser shade of red, though he didn't try to pull away. If anything he might've pressed up against her a little more. Ok, maybe not exactly the gentlemanly thing to do just felt like the right thing to do in this situation for some reason. Normally he wouldn't be quite so bold was like something in him was giving him that last little confidence boost he needed. Maybe it was the champagne. He had no idea that there was something else in his body, subtly influencing him. Unnoticeably, but just enough of a prod in his subconscious to nudge him past the mental barriers he had put in place.

When MJ shivered Quinn blinked, then slowly moved his arms to rub her own bare arms gently, figuring that perhaps she was a little chilly, so he was trying to warm her up. He smiled as their eyes met, though he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breath deepening and slowing as she started to lean closer. Suddenly he was completely unaware of the people around them, it was as if they no longer existed, like Mary Jane was the only person in the world that even existed, let alone mattered. And then....then their lips met! Her mouth was open...could she....did that mean....? Once again Quinn was unsure, but something in him gave him that last push. After a moments more hesitation, he parted his own lips, then suddenly darted his tongue out in Mary Jane's mouth in a much more intimate kiss.
The feeling of his tongue entering her mouth was so erotic. Had Mary Jane been asked a few weeks ago if she thought Quinn was a good kisser she'd most likely because of their friendship have guessed him average at best. But this kiss was soft yet firm, strong yet sensitive and most of all it held a hint of the lust that was building between them.

Mary Jane almost felt dizzy as she kissed Quinn back. Her tongue touching and caressing his and his arms around her and her hands touching him. Nobody else mattered at that moment, it was far more than the first kiss between lovers. This was the confirmation of intimacy on an all different level. Deep down something stirred in Mary Jane. Something that wanted Quinn and wanted her, something that needed the two of them together. Something not of this world.... alien.

But neither Mary Jane nor Quinn knew anything about that. The red haired woman had no idea how long the kiss continued before they pulled back. She looked at Quinn with a bright smile, "Wow. Tiger. That was..... wow!" Was all she managed to say.
Quinn was lost in the kiss, melting into it, nothing else in the world mattered at that moment. The taste of Mary Jane, the taste of her lust and passion, his tongue thrusting against hers in the first true kiss of Quinn's life. The sensations were mostly going to Quinn's head, though some were heading to a more southern location as well, waking something within him that had been dormant until now. It was a rather unusual sensation, not like one Quinn had experienced before. But then perhaps this was natural? He had no idea of knowing that, for humans at least, it certainly wasn't, but since he had no frame of reference, who was he to argue?

When the kiss finally broke Quinn took a sharp gasp of air, the world around them suddenly seeming to simply come back into existence. A few people had been staring at them, some in disbelief, some perhaps a little in disgust, others with just grins on their faces. But however they had been looking, they soon turned their attention back to the party, the young couples display soon forgotten. "W-wow....yeah....w-wow is definitely right....." He reached up slowly to touch his lips, unable to help licking them. He could still taste her there. "I um...d-did I do that right...?"
Mary Jane was almost speechless. She had kissed plenty of guys before but never in her life had she experienced anything like this. It was like her entire body was on fire, like something was moving under her skin. But it didn't feel bad at all. It was like a pleasant feeling that increased the erotic feelings from the kiss. She gasped for air, "Oh... my.. god." She looked at Quinn. He seemed to be affected like she was. But he didn't seem alarmed and neither did she feel alarmed herself.

But Mary Jane felt a shiver run through her body and a dizziness was spreading to her head. She gave Quinn a wry smile, "Wow. You are making my head spin..." All of a sudden it was like the sound volume was turned up, like everyone was speaking much louder and like all her senses were assaulted at once. "I... I think I need to go to the bathroom to freshen up." She was about to take a step when she felt her legs being unsteady under her, "Will you please walk me there?" She didn't want to let go of Quinn's arm.
It seemed Mary Jane had felt the same way Quinn had about the kiss...he was glad she seemed to have enjoyed it. He had been terrified that he would've done something wrong, that he might've messed it up, made her laugh at him or think less of him somehow. So when she seemed to have loved it as much as he had....well, relief was certainly one thing he was feeling. Beneath all of the borderline lust of course.

When Mary Jane suddenly started to get a little unsteady Quinn quickly moved to support her, one of his arms going around her waist. "Ah, you ok...?" He saw her face flushed, her legs almost shaking. Could it be the champagne? But they'd only had one glass. Maybe it was all the excitement. "Of course I'll walk you MJ" He gave her a bright smile, giving her a moment to steady herself before starting to slowly walk her in the direction of the bathrooms, one arm around her waist, the other gently holding onto her arm. "You sure you're feeling ok?"
The feeling of his hand against the bare skin of her arm seemed to bring some stability to Mary Jane. It was like his touch was soothing her. So when they reached the bathrooms she felt a lot better even if the strange feeling was still there. She smiled at Quinn, "Thank you. You really are a darling." And then she stood on her own. "I just need to go to the bathroom." She smiled at him, "Wait for me tiger!" It was as much a request as a command.

Once in the bathroom she frantically locked the door behind her. There was something in her body that didn't feel right and she needed to find out what it was. It was like something was under her skin. Quickly she stripped off her dress and stood just in her panties and looked in the mirror. Damn she was hot.... Why was she thinking that to herself? She really didn't know. But there was nothing to see on her body.... until she noticed her thong panties. It was like there was something in them. Dreading what she'd find she pulled them down to examine whatever caused the strange bulge. She was very surprised by what she saw. It seemed like her clit had grown.... it was almost like it was protruding from it's normal hidden place. It was just like the tip of a finger poking it's head out of her shaven slit but it was there and not looking anything like it used to. The discovery should have made Mary Jane freak out, seek out a doctor or something equally rational. However she smiled at how nice it looked and caressed it a little before pulling her panties back on. Somehow it seemed natural that her clit had grown to several times it's original size in just a few hours. And somehow it also seemed to give her an explanation to her strange feelings. It was like something in her mind was blocking out the fact that strange things was happening.

Mary Jane put on her dress again and checked herself in the mirror before she exited the bathroom. She expected her man to be waiting for her and she smiled at him as she came out. She felt a whole lot better now than when she entered the bathroom just minutes ago.
Quinn had every intention of waiting right where he was, he was still worried about Mary Jane after all, so he most certainly wasn't going to go abandoning her. He shivered slightly as she called him Tiger once more, after the kiss that seemed to have taken on a slightly new meaning. Tony Stark himself couldn't have tempted Quinn away from that spot once MJ had gone into the bathroom.

By the time MJ came out, Quinn had been getting more worried. Yet in the back of his mind, something kept telling her she was fine, even though he couldn't possibly know that for sure. It was rather unusual, his worry conflicting with an odd certainty that there was nothing to worry about. Fortunately though, before the feeling could drive him crazy, MJ emerged from the bathroom, looking much better than she had when she went in. Maybe she really had just needed to get away from the crowd for a few moments. He knew she was popular at college, but that was certainly a different kind of crowd to an event like this. Not to mention she was almost certainly under a lot of pressure to look her best at an event like this, she was essentially the face of this whole thing after all.
"Hey MJ, are you feeling better? You certainly look like it" Quinn smiled brightly, moving forward to gently take her arm. As he touched her, his certainty that she felt better only increased, like touching her told him something on some new level he had never felt before, though he dismissed it as simply an after effect of the kiss, and a psychological effect of knowing that they really were a couple now. "Shall we head back to enjoy the rest of the party? This event can hardly go on without its beautiful face now can it?"
Mary Jane smiled at Quinn as she came out. As she felt his hand on her arm she instantly felt even more calm. But at the same time she felt a tingling sensation in her enlarged clitoris. His words were making her smile even more. "Thank you. Let's return. But I guess nobody have missed us thus far."

It was strange how good this man made her feel. Maybe she had finally discovered love. At least it was something she had never felt before but it felt so right that Mary Jane couldn't dismiss it.

The couple returned to the rest of the crowd. There was some small talk as they moved through the crowd.


Meanwhile elsewhere Anton Vanko was preparing for his revenge. He had been plotting to attack and kill Tony Stark for months. And with his equipment finally running at optimal capacity he was sure that he could fry every circuit in Stark's bodyguard's Ironman armor. And tonight Stark was hosting a very public event that would only serve to further Vanko's goals of making him famous. He had unpacked his gear in the truck he had rented and was slowly donning it. From his truck he could reach the Stark HQ in thirty seconds and would be at Tony Stark's throat in less than a minute. He would finally have his revenge.


Mary Jane and Quinn stopped as her name was called out. "Mary Jane Watson!" The man of the night - Tony Stark himself stood before them. He took Mary Jane's hand and kissed it. "It's so good to have you here tonight Mary Jane. I was very happy that you accepted the generous offer we made you. I think you'll be just perfect to present this product line."

Mary Jane smiled and was taken aback a little by the fact that the most sought after bachelor in New York knew who she was. "Thank you Mr. Stark. It's an honor to work for your company." Even if the paycheck wasn't too bad either. "I'm glad to finally meet you sir." She looked at Quinn, "This is my boyfriend Quinn. He actually helped me understand the science mumbo-jumbo that you were speaking just before." Mary Jane realized that she had just dissed her new boss but couldn't care less. Either he thought it was all right or he was an ass. Luckily his smile didn't seem to falter.
Quinn blinked as he heard a voice calling out Mary Jane's name. He knew that voice....why did he know that voice? As they turned around Quinn squeaked slightly, but quickly shut his mouth as he looked up at the much taller man. The boy was utterly speechless, he hadn't been this nervous since first meeting MJ. And now here he was, face to face, well.....face to chest anyway, with Mary Jane introducing him to quite possibly the most brilliant mind on the planet! "H-h-hello sir!" Quinn's voice was still slightly high pitched, silently cursing himself for making an idiot of himself infront of one of the men he most admired.

Still, when Tony took MJ's hand and kissed the back of it, he couldn't help but slightly tighten his grip on Mary Jane's arm, almost as if to say that this was his woman, that no other man may touch her. Wait, where had that thought come from? MJ didn't belong to him or anyone else? Quinn had never taken himself for the jealous type....then again he'd never been in the position to be like this before. He just quickly pushed the thoughts aside and smiled softly. "I enjoyed your presentation sir, it was very fascinating"
Tony Stark smiled at Quinn and shook his hand, "I'm glad you liked it. I hope we'll transform the marked with this small device." He didn't seem to be challenging Quinn in any way with Mary Jane. And it looked almost like his assistant at his side was looking at Mary Jane as if she was challenging her. But Mary Jane had no interest in Stark. She had Quinn. However strange it was, the man at her side seemed much more important to her than anyone else.

Stark's assistant said, "Mr. Stark. We have to get on to the second part of the presentation." And Stark smiled at her, "Of cause Pepper. Let's get it rolling." He bid Quinn and Mary Jane good bye and left.


Anton Vanko was wearing his armor and his whips were glowing with white hot energy. He was going to kill Tony Stark tonight. It would be his greatest triumph. With fast strides he approached the Stark Headquarters and instead of going through the door he used his whips.........


Suddenly the facade of the building exploded in a cascade of glass and steel. The glowing whips of Whiplash were carving a path for the man through the mayhem as steel and glass splinters were flying everywhere. "TONY STARK! Tonight you die!" He shouted in his hoarse voice.
"Ah, I'm sure it will Mr Stark" Quinn eagerly agreed with the assessment that the device would be revolutionary, how could it not be? Quinn seemed to relax a little as he became more convinced that, for now at least, Stark wasn't trying to swoop MJ away from him, but given Stark's reputation...well...only could hardy blame Quinn for being just a little worried that he might at least try.

"Wow MJ...." Quinn seemed to let out a breath he had been holding once Stark and his assistant had moved away. "I can't believe I actually spoke to him...I even shook his hand....oh my..." He had a slightly nerdy grin on his face, just a hint of inner fanboy coming out for a moment, at least until the explosion.
"Wh-what?!" Quinn had instinctively moved to try and shield Mary Jane, coughing from the smoke and looking up. "Wh-who...? What in the world...?" He stared in disbelief at the odd individual. Clearly this was no ordinary terrorist. Who was this guy? And more importantly where was Stark's bodyguard Iron Man? Or the Fantastic Four? Or Shield? They were supposed to handle things like this! "M-Mary Jane....we better get away from this"
Mary Jane smiled at Quinn's joy. He really seemed happy. But it only lasted for a few seconds before reality kicked them in the face. The mayhem caused by Whiplash was unequal anything Mary Jane had ever seen. She felt happy as Quinn tried to shield her from the outfall of the attack. He wasn't a hero but he acted like it.

In the middle of the dust cloud Mary Jane and Quinn tried to avoid getting hit by stuff flying around. When suddenly Mary Jane saw one of Whiplash's glowing whips lash towards her and Quinn. It seemed like the world was slowing down to a crawl as her altered reflexes kicked in. She moved faster than she'd ever thought possible and in a blink of an eye she interposed her hand and grabbed the whip just before it hit Quinn.

And then she screamed. The power that was running though that whip was enough to short circuit Iron Man's armor and Mary Jane got it full on. Had she still been an ordinary human she would have died right them. But instead the alien inhabitant in her body started to react. To Mary Jane it felt like her blood was pushing through her skin and forming a protective layer around her body and increasing her strength considerably. Once it had done so she no longer felt any pain. She grabbed the whip, now being the one in control and pulled at it with her now increased strength. The pull was strong enough to yank Whiplash from his feet and throw him through the room.

Inside the dust cloud Mary Jane collapsed only seen by Quinn. Her arm was covered in red and black living tissue that moved and threatened to spread to the rest of her body. She could feel it wanted to take over control of her body but Mary Jane would not have it. She was her own mistress. No body else were going to control her. NO! FUCKING! BODY! She screamed again. This time she was not fighting the pain, she was fighting for her own body. To her it seemed like it took days or weeks while it only took a few seconds. Finally she managed to make the symbiote submit to her will. It was a part of her but she was in control - at least for the most parts.

She took Quinn's hand and the symbiotic flesh on her arm receded back into her body. She squeezed his hand and looked around. Nobody would have been able to see them she realized as she heard the sound of battle outside the cloud of dust.
Beyond shielding Mary Jane, Quinn really didn't know what to do. Just like everyone else he was panicking, but he was trying to do his best for MJ, staying with her, right by her side. In the corner of his eye he could see a bright light. "Huh....?" He slowly turned his head, gasping as he saw the whip hurtling towards them. There was no time to react, no time to do anything, not even time to scream. But then suddenly, before there was even time to blink, MJ was right infront of him...grabbing the whip with her bare hand. He heard her scream, it tore into him. And somewhere inside of him he was almost like her pain, or more he could feel that she was in pain, and that hurt him.
But what he saw next....he could never have expected. Some....thing...seemed to come from within Mary Jane, forming a black and red barrier around her a barrier, it was more like a second skin. It seemed to be reacting to the whip, reacting to danger like a reflex. It seemed to halt the pain, and then seemed to go further, allowing Mary Jane to launch their attacker clear across the room from within the cloud of smoke that was engulfing them.

But then a moment later she had collapsed, Quinn quickly kneeling beside her. "MJ! MJ can you hear me?!" He didn't know what to could he? What could he do? What could he possibly do? He reached out, gently touching Mary Jane's shoulder, the one not covered with the odd alien flesh at least, as if trying to lend her his strength, his mental prowess and control. Maybe it worked, or maybe it did nothing and MJ overcame it herself, either way, the strange red and black flesh seemed to recede back inside of her body.
"MJ....?" Quinn gasped as she took his hand, though he quickly squeezed it to show that he was there, that he was with her by her side. "I'm right here MJ....I'm right here...." The cloud was beginning to clear, though at least nobody had seen what happened. "Come on....let's....let's....let's get you home...I don't think a doctor is quite what we need in this situation..." He moved to try and help her up, hoping to try and get her home so she could at least relax.
Mary Jane got to her feet slowly as if testing her own ability to stand. She realized that she was surprisingly steady once she got up. It was like she hadn't just been electrocuted by the whip. She looked at her hand to see if there was any marks of the sudden strange appearance of the alien flesh. She looked at Quinn, his hand on hers was calming her in strange ways. "I'm all right... I think. What happened? Do you have any idea who that guy were?" She asked him.

She looked around. It seemed that Iron Man had actually arrived and so had parts of the Fantastic Four. At least Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman were there. And it seemed like the man with the glowing whips were on the ground, bound and secured. Mary Jane whispered to Quinn. "Did you see what I did? Was it real?" As the two of them started to make their way through the crowd to make their getaway from the Stark Headquarters.
"I....n-no..." Quinn shook his head slightly as she asked if he knew who that guy was, he had no idea at all. He hadn't particularly been focused on figuring that out, all his attention was on Mary Jane. Who anybody else was didn't matter to him. In the corner of his eye he could see that others had arrived on the scene to handle things, though no doubt they were rather confused on just how the attacker had become subdued in the first time. Fortunately none of them seemed to have noticed or figured things out.

"I...I saw MJ..." He squeezed her hand gently. "It was real....yeah...definitely real...but maybe this isn't where we should be talking about it..." Quinn didn't want anyone to overhear them, especially not anyone who perhaps thought they had seen something but dismissed it as imagination. He headed for the exit with his hand firmly clasped to MJ's, though they certainly weren't the only people doing so, most of the party had now evacuated. "L-let's get you home MJ...there you can relax..."
Mary Jane wasn't as shaken as Quinn seemed to be. Something in her kept her calm even if she should be freaking out. But she agreed with Quinn, "Yes let's get out of here." She held his hand as they walked from the Stark Headquarters. She felt stronger and more confident than she had ever done before. The two of them took a cab to her place and she led him inside.

She went straight to the living room and then she looked at Quinn. "That was really amazing. It was so cool! I thought I was going to die and then something inside me helped me not just survive but somehow overcome that guy with the whips." She looked at her hand where there was no trace of the whip that had hit her.
Quinn never took his eyes off MJ as they headed outside, somehow managing to get a cab in all the confusion and get back to her place. The radio in the taxi was already talking about what had happened, though it seemed that everyone was confused as to exactly who or how the criminal had been subdued.
When they did get back Quinn tried to get Mary Jane to sit down and rest, but it seemed she was getting to be full of energy once again. " was rather amazing...but we still don't know exactly what happened" Quinn looked to her hand with her, reaching out to gently touch her arm. The skin felt perfectly normal to him, there was no trace of....whatever it was that had been covering it. "But I'm sure I saw whatever that was go back inside you....I don't know how that's possible..." Though he wasn't going to suggest a doctor...who knew what they might find, or what they might do to MJ when they did. "How do you feel MJ? Do you feel alright?" He reached up to gently touch her forehead as if checking for a fever.
"How I feel? I feel amazing!" She almost giggled. "It's like some kind of hidden strength is welling up inside me. Like I could take on the whole world." She looked at Quinn, "I feel so full of energy, like I could just race a hundred miles." And then she looked at her hand again, "But I think you are right. It went inside me. It was like it wanted to control me, but I was too strong for it." She turned her hand and then, "Maybe I can call it forth again."

Mary Jane tried to concentrate and suddenly it seemed like her hand was bleeding. Red and black tendrils were slowly forming from her hand and began to form around her hand like a glove. She looked at Quinn with a huge grin, "See!"
Quinn was slightly concerned about her feeling could she feel that good after an experience like that? A hidden strength welling up inside of her? He knew he should be freaked out, knew he should be calling an ambulance or something....but there was something inside of him that kept him from doing so, kept him at least partially calm. "It wanted to control you? That sounds dangerous...." He blinked as she spoke of calling it forth again. "Hm? Wait, is that really a good ide-" He cut off as she went ahead with it anyway, looking at her arm nervously.

He watched carefully, then gasped loudly as the odd alien flesh came from her skin and wrapped around her, forming a glove on her. "Wh-whoa...." He stared for a moment, then nervously reached out to gently touch the flesh. "You're....sure about this...? it just your hand...?"
Mary Jane smiled at him. "Don't worry Quinn. I've got this under control. Remember I'm the one calling the shots here."

The red and black tendrils formed a glove around her hand and it slowly spread up her arm. This was what had saved her earlier so it had to be a good thing she reasoned. The feeling of the symbiote spreading up her arm was fantastic. But suddenly it started to move faster and tendrils shot out from different parts of her body, now too fast for her to control. It shredded her clothes and in seconds most of her body was covered in the black, white and red symbiotic creature that had taken up home in her body. She looked at Quinn with a bit of fear, "What? What's happening? I... I can't stop it... help me...." she pleaded.

((Sorry it took me a while, I've been sick for a little while x.x ))

"If you say so..." Quinn nodded gently, he had to trust Mary Jane knew what she was doing, she was the only one who possibly could with whatever the hell this was right? He certainly couldn't claim to know any better.
Unfortunately, it seemed his fears had been well founded. Whilst MJ seemed to be in control at first, she seemed to start losing it, the growth accelerating, before more tendrils began to erupt from other parts of her body, shredding her clothing in the process. For a brief moment, Quinn had a glorious view of MJ's naked form, but most of her was quickly covered by the continuing to grow tendrils. "M-MJ!" Quinn gasped, moving in close as she pleaded for his help. "I...wh-what do I do...?" He looked at her, then figured the only thing he could do was to help her stay calm, try and help her in regaining some element of control. "I'm here MJ, just stay calm" He quickly reached out to take hold of her cheeks gently, her head one of the few parts not now covered. "You're in control MJ, concentrate, focus, this is your body, you're the one in control. Don't fight against it, command it!"
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