The venom in the relationship (Scarlet and Uminator)


Mar 2, 2015
Mary Jane was waiting for her friend Quinn. Most would have called Quinn for her boyfriend but Mary Jane wasn't the kind of girl that would be caught in a relationship. But in the past few months she had been just that. Quinn had been a fantastic guy that had swept the legs away under her. He wasn't like the guys she normally had dated but there was something about him that made Mary Jane happy when she was with him.

He was really a great guy. He had even cared for her when she had come down with a terrible cold a few weeks back. Just her luck to get a cold in the middle of the summer and then one that kept her in bed for almost two weeks. But now she felt good again. She actually felt better than ever before. Maybe the summer was giving her extra energy.

Today Mary Jane wore a tight black top and a pair of tight jeans that showed off her hot figure. She didn't mind the heads she turned, in fact she loved it. Her red hair was hanging free but looked (as usual) like it had just been styled. She was sitting on a bench outside of campus at the university and was passing the time by studying people. She could see several people gathering at the entrance. They were there to hear a lecture from some Dr. Octavius. It was something about some science thingy that were so far outside Mary Jane's field of expertise as it could come. She looked at her phone to see what time it was. Maybe if Quinn for once were late she could tease him with that. She smiled to herself thinking of Quinn. He was a fine guy and one day she knew she'd slip up and actually call him her boyfriend.
Quinn was still finding it rather hard to believe that he was spending so much time with Mary Jane Watson, the Mary Jane Watson. They had met a few months ago and, somehow, they had begun talking. From there they had somehow begun to spend time together! More and more every week, and then when she had come down with a rather bad cold he had been more than happy to help take care of her. Sometimes he wondered....were they really a couple now? They seemed to act like it sometimes....some of their get togethers could even be possibly described as dates. But yet Quinn's own lack of self confidence kept him from truly admitting it. Or maybe it was a reluctance to admit it for both his own and her protection. If word got out that they were a wouldn't go down well with most people that one of the most sought after women in New York was dating some nerdy no name like him. Besides, if his parents ever found out....good lord, they would hound him to bring her to meet them....the embarassment would be far too much for him to handle.

The boy glanced at his watch as he made his way towards the meeting spot they had arranged, he was running slightly late. Well, to him he was anyway. Most would probably say they were right on time, but to Quinn if he wasn't there early then he was late in his mind. "Oh man...come on...if I'm late...." He shook his head and started walking a little faster. He could see the crowd gathering at the entrance to one of the science buildings, that's right, there was going to be a lecture today by Dr. Octavius. Normally it was the kind of thing Quinn would absolutely love to go to, where he would hang off of every word. But now...spending time with Mary Jane just seemed more important, not to mention much more enjoyable.
Finally he spotted the bench, and then the unmistakable firey red hair of Mary Jane Watson. As he got closer he couldn't help but notice the form fitting outfit she was wearing....a bit of red creeping onto his cheeks. "Oh my..." How? How was it that he got to spend time with this girl? How was it that they were virtually a couple? Just as he had done several times before Quinn had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The momentary sting confirmed he was indeed awake. He swallowed nervously, taking one more deep breath, then approached the bench with a smile, raising his hand to wave softly. "Hi MJ..." use such a almost felt so was still difficult for him to use it, but she had insisted, and he just couldn't say no to her. "Sorry if I'm a little late. I swear I'll make it up to you somehow"
Her phone said that Quinn still had time to run. So he'd most likely make it on time again. She smiled again. Of cause he'd make it. He was a good guy and between the classes she took at the college and her modelling job she really needed some guy that she could relax with. And Quinn gave her just that. As she sat there her eyes caught a spider making a web on the railing next to the bench. She looked at it with fascination. Most girls would be scared or at least a little disgusted by the animal but Mary Jane had some odd fascination towards spiders. She didn't know where it came from but she had always thought that spiders were cool.

She was lost in her own thoughts when she heard Quinn. She looked up and flashed him a smile, "Hello Tiger. You've just hit the jackpot." She almost sprang up making her breasts bounce a little. "You aren't late. I'm starting to think that it's just a universal constant. Quinn is always on time." she said with a grin. "But if you insists then you can buy me a really large bowl of chocolate ice cream. I'm really craving it right now. I've not been outside for several weeks so I just want to enjoy the good weather with you." Then she took his arm an started walking.

"So how have your day been? I saw that there was this lecture by Dr. Octavius. I'm sorry I'm keeping you from that one." Of cause she wouldn't offer him to see it. While she really liked him she also demanded rather much of him. If she for instance said she wanted to go out like today, there wasn't really any good excuses for Quinn save dire family matters or such. He had to attend. Of cause she knew that she also needed to let him have a say from time to time. But had she put something in her mind she wasn't about to change it. And today she wanted ice cream and a quiet walk with her boyf.... her friend Quinn.
Tiger....the way she called him that sent a shiver down his spine and gave him goosebumps all over. It made him feel so alive, so wanted, so....manly. As for hitting the jackpot, she wouldn't get any arguments from him. Even being friends with Mary Jane was hitting the jackpot, not just for Quinn but most guys, and more than a few girls, at college too. He couldn't help but notice her breasts bouncing slightly in her top, for a split second Quinn found himself wondering if she was even wearing a bra....but he quickly tried to push such thoughts away, worried they might make him blurt something out, or at least keep him in a state of embarassment even longer.
"Ice cream hm? Sounds good to me! It's really hot today so Ice cream sounds absolutely perfect" Quinn grinned brightly at the suggestion, certainly more than happy to buy her as many huge bowls of Ice Cream as she wanted. When she took his arm he had to resist the urge to jump and freeze up. She hadn't ever done that before....wasn't that the kind of thing couples did? Walk arm in arm like that? The boy just took a deep breath as he tried to relax, moving to walk with her, knowing full well that the two of them were getting more than a few strange looks, plenty of people almost certainly wondering what such radically different people were doing walking in such a way. It probably didn't help that some people might even recognise Mary Jane from her modelling jobs.

"The lecture? Oh that's alright, I don't mind missing it. I uh....kind of cheated and ended up staying awake late last night to read the research paper instead..." Quinn looked to her and grinned sheepishly. Whilst attending the lecture might have been nice, he genuinely didn't mind missing it if it meant spending more time with MJ. Besides, since he had read the papers anyway the only thing he would really miss was the Q&A session, where he was sure he'd either not be picked to ask a question or just make an idiot of himself anyway. "I'm really glad you're feeling up to going out again, I've been so worried about you these past few weeks. You just came down with that cold so suddenly, and it was so bad too. But now you seem completely fine. Just be careful you don't overdo it too quickly ok? Otherwise you'll have to put up with another two weeks of me fussing over you" He blushed slightly and chuckled, hoping he wasn't making an idiot of himself by trying to be funny.
Mary Jane didn't care whatever stares they drew. She had made her mind up. None of her previous boyfriends had ever cared for her like Quinn had during her illness. She was an independent woman and no one should ever try to tell her who she was seeing. So taking Quinn's arm was a way for her to demonstrate her independence. Of cause she knew that Quinn was a little tense but who wouldn't be walking arm in arm with her?

"I wouldn't mind having you fussing over me for another two weeks tiger. But I feel stronger than ever and other than a craving for food I feel like I could run 100 miles without getting tired." She squeezed his arm. "How about the small cafe across the street? They have the greatest chocolate ice cream." Mary Jane said with a smile. As usual her question was a veiled order, but she wrapped it in her charms and good looks that she was rarely questioned.

As they walked they heard several ambulances and fire engines heading towards campus. They would later learn that there had been an accident at the Atomic Research facility that was lead by Dr. Otto Octavius. The rumours of the doctor's accident would start to circulate shortly on the social media. But what had really happened to the doctor wouldn't be revealed for quite some time. However Mary Jane was oblivious to what this man would mean to her and Quinn's future. So she ignored the sirens and kept on walking arm in arm with Quinn.
Quinn blushed but smiled when she said she wouldn't mind him fussing over her again. In all honesty, he'd rather enjoyed taking care of her. Not only had it given him a sense of satisfaction to take care of someone, it had made him happy to be taking care of her in particular. "Well I'm glad you're feeling so good MJ, sounds like you're back to your old self, that makes me really happy" He almost shivered when she squeezed his arm, oh how he loved that sensation! It really did make them feel like a real couple....that thought made Quinn just blush once more. He was sure he was just presuming too much right? MJ was just being friendly to him...wasn't she? But did just friends walk arm in arm like that? Well he was more than happy with her choice of café, nodding happily as they head their way over towards it. "The greatest chocolate Ice cream hm? Well let's see about that shall we?"

He glanced up as he heard the sirens, though that was such a common occurrence in the city he didn't pay much attention and it was soon forgotten about. Besides, the girl sitting with him meant he certainly had other things on his mind and had no time to be worrying about sirens blazing around the city. "Ok then, it'd be cruel for me to sit and just watch you have Ice how about we order two large bowls hm?" He smiled happily as the waitress came over, making their order.
Mary Jane sat in the booth and chuckled. "Oh yes. We must avoid any ice cream cruelty. Please have some as well." She rather enjoyed being with Quinn. He made her smile and laugh and he accepted that Mary Jane wasn't just a pretty face on a hot body. He accepted her as a woman and a person. Quinn might not have known it but was a trait that she rather enjoyed.

"So how have your past few days been tiger?" She asked with a smile. "You told me that you would be a little busy but would make it up to me tonight." She reached across the table to touch his hand. The redhead felt very attracted to Quinn, more so than she had ever felt. It was like the two weeks he had spend nursing her back to health had strengthened their bond. But what neither Mary Jane nor Quinn knew was that the 'cold' she had caught had not been cured, it was slowly changing her body and a fraction of it had spread to Quinn and was causing changes in him as well.

As their ice cream arrived MJ clapped her hands, "Yes come to me." And attacked the excess calories with childish glee. "Hmmmmm! I really needed this." She said after the first few spoonfuls.
Quinn's blush persisted as she once again referred to him as 'Tiger' and then reached across the table to touch his hand. That wasn't the action of 'just a friend' was it? But he didn't exactly have the confidence to act on how he suspected she might feel....after all, what if he was wrong? He didn't want to risk losing her friendship completely simply because he had mis-read the situation. "Ah, well I've just been catching up on things really. Some reports I needed to finish for college, some studying I needed to get done. Nothing hugely exciting I'm afraid, but has to be done one way or another. During the two weeks he had spent nursing Mary Jane he had fallen behind on quite a bit of his college work, but in his mind it had been completely worth it. Besides, he had been able to catch up with little problem, he was a very smart guy after all, academically anyway. "I'll definitely make it up to you though, absolutely however you want. I made sure to clear out absolutely everything so you've got my full attention" Not that it was difficult for her to get his full attention. The combination of her looks with her would be impossible for someone to steal his attention away. The entire cafe behind him could be on fire and he would probably barely notice right now.

When the Ice Cream arrived and Mary Jane became so excited, Quinn couldn't help but grin softly. Seeing her momentarily slipping into acting so childishly because her favourite dessert had come, it was completely and utterly adorable! He didn't even start eating his own at first, instead letting her savour her first few spoonfulls, watching her with an incredibly content expression, as if he was in some kind of heaven simply by being able to watch her up close like this. It wasn't until she spoke again that he picked up his own spoon, taking a large mouthful himself. "Mmm! It really is good" He grinned brightly, taking another bight. "You were completely right MJ, not that there was ever any doubt of course" He licked his lips, hardly the tidiest eater of Ice Cream it seemed, before having another spoonful. "So is there anything in particular you'd like to do tonight? I feel like after the last few days I owe you big..." He didn't even take into account the two weeks he had spent looking after her. In Quinn's eyes, all that mattered were these few days that he had been busy and hadn't been able to see her, only chat via their phones, so in his eyes, he was the one who owed her.
Mary Jane loved seeing Quinn blush. He did it quite often but it was cute and she really liked cute. Cute and smart those were good words to put on Quinn. She studied him as they sat there. Could she live with having a boyfriend like him - sure she could. She'd be happy to have him as a boyfriend, he was really good boyfriend material. But the big question was if he would be happy with her. The way she saw it he often felt intimidated in her presence. It was like he didn't think himself at her level. But that wasn't a problem for Mary Jane. Quinn had many qualities she didn't, and his brain were one of them.

She ate some more ice cream and listened to his question. "What I'd like to do tonight. Well I.... or rather we have something we should do. My agent just landed me this big contract with Stark Industries modelling for some new prototype of energy thingy..." She smiled at him innocently, "Hey don't look like that. I'm sure they explained it. But I really didn't understand a word of it." She took a spoonful of ice. "But tonight there's this event at Stark Industries headquarter right here in NY. And I've been invited with a plus one." She looked him in the eyes. "And I've decided you are my plus one... hey you might even get to say hello to Mr. Stark." After all Tony Stark was one of the most famous men in the city if you excluded some of the superheroes like Captain America, Iron Man and the Fantastic Four. There were even rumors that Iron Man had worked for Tony Stark at one point.
Quinn raised an eyebrow as she spoke about 'some new prototype of energy thingy', though her innocent smile melted his mild annoyance. No way he could possibly stay mad at that face. Besides, it seemed he would find out what she was talking about tonight. He almost dropped his spoon when she said she was inviting him to a big event at Star Industries. Seriously? She was really inviting him there?! He'd heard of some big unveiling but.....he'd never for a second dared to imagine actually being there. Now not only would he be there but....with MJ? Wait....was that....was this going to be....a date? An actual real date? A night out like that had to be a date right?

"O-oh wow....I...oh wow MJ....that....of course I'll go! I'll absolutely go! Though this feels more like you doing something for me than making things up to now I owe you twice" He grinned sheepishly. "Normally I hate wearing fancy looking smart suits but....for this, and for you, then I'll have no problem" 'For you' took Quinn a moment to realise how that sounded, his blush quickly returning once more. "I...I'm sure we'll have an absolutely great time! I'll make sure of it"
Mary Jane grinned. "You and your thick head. You don't owe me twice. You are going with me tonight, that's what I want from you." She said. "I wouldn't want to go to that place alone. I'd just be like any other model that came there looking dumb and pretty. But with you by my side I'll actually have someone with me that understands what's going on." While Mary Jane knew she had strengths she also realized where her weakness lay and her biggest weakness was in the field of science. Maybe that was why she found Quinn so interesting and appealing. He understood things she never did.

"So that's a deal. Unless you have a suit you'll need to get one. I know a place where we can rent one. We can go there after the ice cream if you like. Then you can pick me up at five and we can be at Stark Industries at six-thirty." It seemed like Mary Jane already had planned everything ahead, expecting Quinn to accept the 'date'. She paused a few moments - was she really asking him on a date? Maybe she was but he was the kind of guy she'd want to be on a date with - cute and smart. She looked him in the eyes, "What do you say Tiger?"
"Well...if you're sure I don't owe you twice..." He smiled softly and gave her a small nod. Still, he'd have to think of something to do to thank her for this. Taking him to an event like this was was like a dream come true. There seemed to be a lot of those ever since he had met Mary Jane actually....everything to do with her just seemed to be a dream come true.. Quinn was well aware that Mary Jane had a weakness when it came to the scientific fields....but then perhaps that was part of why they worked so well together. They complimented one another, covered each others weak areas, like two parts of a single whole.

"Well, I do have a suit actually, I only wore it once to a graduation event. And since I haven't exacty gotten taller since then...." Quinn's voice carried an ever so slight tone of resentment at that. He'd never been the tallest of boys, and at just under 5 and a half feet he stood noticeably shorter than Mary Jane too. "It's clean and hanging and ready to go" He did wonder what MJ would think of him in a suit....though perhaps even more he wondered what she would be wearing. Parties like this....women usually wore rather fancy and form fitting dresses didn't they? Oh that was a sight he couldn't wait to see. "Pick you up at five. Got it. I wont be even a single second late, I promise"
Mary Jane smiled at Quinn. "Hey don't get upset at your height. I'm sure you'll look awesome in that suit." She said. And she didn't say it to cheer him, she really meant it. So what if she was taller than he, and with the heels she planned on wearing she'd become even higher. But it didn't really matter. She took his hand across the table. "I'm really looking forward to this Quinn. You are really the best friend I could have. Thank you for doing this with me." She almost slipped up and called him her boyfriend. She had a feeling that before this night was over they would indeed be more than just friends. The way she had come to realize that she felt for him she would want to act on it and soon.

She looked at her phone to check the time. "Well since we aren't going to find a suit for you. How about another round of ice cream?" She said looking at her empty bowl. She would normally have to watch her weight every day. But the past days she just felt like she could keep on eating and she had not gained an ounce. And she was really craving the ice cream right now as well as she loved just sitting here with Quinn.
"Well...alright, but sometimes I do wish I'd gotten just a few more inches...." He grinned softly, then blushed again as she took his hand. "Ah, me too, definitely looking forward to it" He smiled whilst blushing, though when she referred to him as the 'best friend she could have' he wasn't sure how to feel. Did she really see him as nothing more than a friend? Was that the only way she would ever see him? Well....even if that were the case, he was happy enough to at least be her friend. To be there for her, to spend time with her, making her happy made him happy, that's all he needed right? Even if he did wish for more.

"More Ice Cream?" He blinked, looking down at his own bowl still half full. "Well I don't think I can handle another bowl, but if you want another one then it sounds like a good idea to me" Quinn gave her a thumbs up along with a grin. "Though I've never seen you dig into it this much before" Come to think of it, he'd never seen her even eat a single large bowl before, just one, maybe two, scoops. Then again after being laid up in bed for 2 weeks with little to eat but soup it was no wonder her appetite would be reasserting itself with a vengeance.
Mary Jane smiled at him, "I really don't know what it is. But it's like my appetite is off the charts. Ever since I got better I've had what you'd call a healthy appetite." She grinned, "But it's all right. I'll just eat it alone. As long as you keep me company I'm happy." She got her second bowl and consumed almost all of it before she had to call it quits. Then she looked at Quinn, "Thanks for the ice cream. You are really a darling treating a lady to such pleasures." She said as she got up. "I've got an appointment at the hairdresser so I guess I'll see you at 5 o'clock."

Mary Jane looked at Quinn with her feelings in an uproar. The time she had spend with him here today had been the best they had ever had together. She really felt something for him. But would he ever allow her inside? She was not sure his nervousness would ever allow him to accept them having a deeper relationship. But Mary Jane realized right there that she wanted it. She really wanted to be with Quinn, so she accepted to herself that she would have to fight for it. So she leaned in over Quinn and kissed him quickly on the lips and whispered, "See you later tiger. I'm looking forward to it." and then she turned and left him still sitting in the cafe.
"Well you didn't eat much besides soup when you were sick, so I guess you need to catch up on everything you missed hm?" Quinn chuckled as she got her second bowl of ice cream, happily watching her devour it whilst he gradually finished his first bowl, though even that was a little too much for him. When she was done and stood up he smiled to her, nodding gently. He didn't know why she needed to go to the hairdresser, he thought her hair was perfect as it was, but he figured it was some model thing, she probably needed to have her hair in some specific style for the event since it was actually work for her rather than just a social outing.

He had been about to get up in order to go and pay, but then Mary Jane leaned down. Before he could react, he felt her gently press her lips to his, causing his eyes to go wide. He barely registered her whispering to him, or her leaving, he was just sitting there completely and utterly dumbfounded. Had....had he imagined that? But he could still feel the warmth of her lips, he could still taste her lipstick....she....she had really kissed him. It took the waiter several attempts to get Quinn's attention, the boy jumping slightly when he finally 'came to', looking up and paying in a fluster, grinning sheepishly as he left, more than noticeable by the bright red glow of his face. Still, this meant...maybe this meant she really did have feelings for him! Just a friend might have given him a kiss on the cheek, but not the lips!

It was impossible to dampen Quinn's mood when he got home, practically skipping up the stairs in order to get himself ready, taking a shower and brushing his teeth, being careful to brush his hair meticulously before moving to get his suit out of the closet. "Ok can do this..." The boy took a few deep breaths before pulling it on, spending some time straightening it out in the mirror. Finally though he could get it no more perfect and had to set off to pick up Mary Jane.
Just as promised he wasn't a second late, arriving to pick her up a few minutes before 5. He stood outside the house for a full minute first though, clearly nervous. Surely this was his first real date, not to mention he was still blushing from that kiss. But he could hold back no longer, reaching up to gently knock on the door.
Mary Jane was strolling happily along the street. She was thinking about the kiss she had just given Quinn. She was sure now, she wanted to do it again but this time longer and much more intimate. But suddenly she was torn from her thoughts as people down the street started screaming and yelling. She saw a car flying and as the road cleared she saw him. It was that super villain that called himself Rhino. He had become quite famous about a year ago when he claimed to have killed Spider-Man. Nobody knew if it was true and MJ hated it if it was. She had liked the blue and red vigilante. And since no one had seen him since that day there might be something to the claim.

However this time the Rhino seemed to have robbed something from a bank and had just gotten through the police blockade. He was now heading down the street in Mary Jane's direction like a freight train. She didn't want to stand in the way of this beast so she quickly moved into an alley. But sadly it was the same alley that Rhino had planned to use for his escape. So seconds after she had gotten into the alley, the large super powered man entered as well. He didn't pat much heed to the red haired woman but simply said "Out of my way woman" and with the back of his hand slapped Mary Jane away.

Mary Jane could feel the bones in her body snap as the man that could punch through metal slapped her. She lost consciousness but not before her body hit a brick wall and she had heard several more bones break.

...... "Lady? Wake up.... Are you all right?" Somebody was speaking to her. She realized as much and forced her eyes open. There was people all around her. A paramedic were standing over her, he said something, "She's awake!" Another paramedic, a woman came over and looked at Mary Jane. "You had us pretty worried there, how are you feeling?"

Mary Jane sat up. She couldn't feel anything wrong with her body. Nothing were broken and the blood on her clothes didn't seem to come from herself. "I'm pretty fine thank you." She smiled at the blonde woman, "what happened? My name is Mary Jane by the way."

The paramedics were surprised to see MJ sit without any problems. "I'm Gwen and this is my partner Paul. You were apparently hit when the Rhino made a getaway. But it seems like you were very lucky. There were only some minor cuts for us to take care of. But since you were unconscious we needed to look after you."

It dawned on Mary Jane that she had to get ready for her date. "For how long was I out? What time is it?" She took her phone from her handbag but it was ruined beyond repair. "Shit!"

"It's almost out o'clock. But you really need to rest." Said the blonde paramedic.

But Mary Jane wasn't in any mood to rest. She got up and thanked the paramedics, "thanks both of you. But I really have to run." And then she did just that. She ran as fast as she could. She wasn't normally a runner, but she managed to run all the way home almost as fast as if she had gone by car - of cause the afternoon traffic of New York would have made a car journey quite extended.

As she arrived home she had to rush to get ready. She needed a shower and thousands of other things. But as she stood in the shower she finally relaxed enough to think about things. What had happened? She was sure she had felt her bones break, she should have been in the hospital or the morgue rather than running two miles in seven minutes - in heels. She looked at her body in the mirror, there weren't a single cut or bruise, it just didn't make sense. She had been thrown through the air and had hit that wall. The fact of not knowing what was happening to her made Mary Jane afraid and confused. However in her confusion she failed to notice the things that had actually changed... However small changes they were for now, they were to change her life in ways she couldn't imagine.

So while she got ready her mind was occupied with thoughts. So she just ran on cruise control. But she somehow managed to calm herself and when she heard a knock on her front door she was almost done.

Mary Jane opened the door to greet Quinn. She wore a black dress that hugged her body like a glove. It was open in the back and came just down to her knees. She smiled at Quinn. He looked so good to her and she had an urge to grab him and take him to her bedroom. But she resisted for now. "Hello Tiger, you look wonderful!" She exclaimed and stepped up to him and then she kissed him again. But this time she made the kiss last for several seconds. "Is my ride ready?" She asked with a big smile as she put on her four inch heels.
Quinn had been so busy getting ready that he had missed all the news reports, all the talk of the bank robbery downtown, the panic that had ensued at the seeming return of the Rhino after a noticeable period of relative quiet. Then again even if the TV had been on he would've paid it little to no attention. After all, he had a date to get ready for, a date with the hottest and most desirable woman in New York. No way anything was going to keep him from that. Even on the walk over, he could hear sirens echoing from across the city, but he was still unaware of exactly what was going on, even more unaware of Mary Jane's involvement. But again, none of it mattered, not to him. Besides, as strange as such events were, the city was beginning to become used to them. Even a guy in a Rhino suit with super strength robbing a bank and tearing through the city would likely be forgotten about within a day or two, probably little more than idle chatter around the office before something else happened to draw people's attention.

When the door opened Quinn felt his heart skip a beat before seeming to get stuck in his throat. He just stared at her with his mouth slightly ajar. He tried to say something, but all that came out was a small squeak that sounded somewhat like the word 'Wow'. When she stepped up to him he slowly looked up into her eyes, which went wider than ever when she kissed him, this time for much longer. He made absolutely no attempt to move away from the kiss, enjoying every moment, wanting to savour it for however long it lasted, though it was over far too soon, leaving him just able to stare for a few moments as she slipped on her heels, bringing her to stand even taller over him, and once more manage to utter the word "Wow..."
He was so mesmerised by her beauty, and the thought that such a dress made a bra rather impractical, that he almost entirely missed her question, taking several seconds to finally process it and come up with an answer. "O-oh! I...y-yes! I...sorry it's just a cab I..." He glanced behind him. Quinn may have been smart, but he was no rich boy able to afford a limo at short notice. He felt like he was letting her down, bringing her to an event like this in just a regular taxi, but for now it was the best he could do.
Mary Jane giggled, "Crazy boy. You know there's nothing that is 'just a cab' when it's Mary Jane and Quinn riding it. It's the best ride in town." She didn't feel let down by him. Mary Jane had tried having boyfriends with more money than dirt and none of their shallowness really meant anything to her. Quinn on the other hand was smart and she felt more special with him than with anyone else before. Mary Jane took her purse. Luckily she had several extras as the one she had used earlier had been ruined. She also took an old phone and put in the purse. "I'm ready to make your day tiger." She said with a smile and started to walk to the cab.

The Stark Industries headquarter were tonight hosting the big revealing of the prototype of Tony Stark's OmniCore. Mary Jane had been hired to be the face in several Stark commercials in the future and as such she was expected to be at the reveal.
"Heh...well, it definitely is for me" Quinn grinned, feeling somewhat relieved at her not seeming to mind the cab. He knew she'd dated rich kids when she was in High School, the type who just threw money at women hoping it would get them to put out. But he knew MJ wasn't like that, he knew she was far deeper than that, far deeper than any of those unworthy jocks could ever possibly have realised. He noticed her using a different purse than earlier, but he just figured that this one was somewhat more formal or suited to a fancy party like this. Personally, he didn't get it. What was wrong with good old pockets? He didn't notice her picking up an old phone, instead moving to open up the door of the cab for her, letting her get in before gently shutting the door and heading around to get in on the other side, informing the driver where they were headed.

On their arrival, before Quinn could even get out to open Mary Jane's door for her, the staff had beaten him to it, opening up the doors for the both of them. As he got out, Quinn was momentarily mesmerised by the sight of the entrance to the party, lights everywhere, crowds gathered at either side perhaps hoping to get a glimpse of the new technology, or more likely to get a glimpse of celebrity attendees. As Quinn walked around the cab to be beside Mary Jane, he was still somewhat out of it, his head being pulled in a hundred directions at once. "Wh-whoa....amazing...." He was snapped back to reality as he noticed camera flashes, the people walking ahead of them being eagerly photographed by the crowds, several reporter looking types among them. "Oh my..."
Mary Jane was used to walking where cameras flashed and she felt at home here. She noticed the couple walking in front of them that was the target of all those flashes. The blonde woman was a looker and her husband had a distinctive white line of hair in his otherwise black hair. She knew she had seen the couple before but couldn't place them. Luckily Mary Jane and Quinn dodged most of the cameras and finally reached the large area where the revealing was to be made.

Mary Jane got a glass of champagne for herself and Quinn from one of the waiters that walked around the guests. She noticed that most of the guests were not people she'd normally chat with. It seemed more to be sciency guys and gals, more interested in their tech than their looks that was here tonight. But she could perfectly understand that. It wasn't like it was the release party of some new album. So Mary Jane stayed at Quinn's side. She actually liked being here with him. It was like he was more at home in this environment than she. "Look Quinn. There's Tony Stark. I guess he'll reveal the thingy in a little while."
Quinn also thought he recognised the people infront of them, though from behind like this he couldn't entirely place them. Well, it didn't particularly matter. He followed Mary Jane's lead in their attempts to slip by the cameras, though he was sure that at least some of them had managed to snap a picture of the pair moving arm in arm. So much for keeping a secret from his parents for a while longer if those pictures ever got published.

Once they were inside Quinn took the glass of champagne and had a small sip. It wasn't exactly the first time he'd had alcohol, but it was the first time he'd had champagne. It was certainly an unusual taste, though not unpleasant. He took another small sip and smiled, glancing to Mary Jane, or perhaps more accurately up at her. She was taller than him to begin with and those heels had added another third of a foot onto her. The top of his head barely made it past her shoulder. Still, he didn't mind. So long as he was by her side then nothing else mattered. "Huh? Ah!'s really him..." He looked over as MJ pointed out Tony Stark, staring for a moment before having to quickly glance away, desperately suppressing his inner fanboy from coming out. The last thing he needed to do was go and embarrass himself, or worse embarrass MJ. This was sure to be a huge break for her, perhaps the start of a career at being a globally famous model. If he ruined this for her by being stupid he could never forgive himself. "This is so amazing MJ...thank you so much for bringing me here" He looked to her and grinned warmly, his free arm still linked with hers. Partly to be close to her, partly so they didn't get separated and lost, though deep down Quinn was also trying to keep their arms linked so that everyone would know she wasn't here alone...
Mary Jane was happy to link arms with Quinn. And she smiled at him as he thanked her, "No Q. It's me that should thank you for being here with me tonight. It's good to have someone at your side that actually understands what's going on." Mary Jane looked in the direction of Tony Stark. That man was notoriously known as a billionaire playboy and for inappropriate surprises. So if something out of the ordinary happened today nobody would really be surprised.

Suddenly Mary Jane saw a face she thought she recognized. She couldn't really place it but the blonde woman and the older man at her side walked her way. The man was old enough to be her father and it looked like she had recognized Mary Jane. She just couldn't place her until the couple was up close to Quinn and Mary Jane and the woman spoke. "Mary Jane? Isn't it? You're that model Mary Jane Watson? I thought I recognized you earlier. But you were pretty banged up." She smiled a wide smile showing her white teeth. "I'm Gwen Stacy. The paramedic." She looked at the man at her side, "And this is my father George."

Mary Jane was a little confused at first. But she quickly picked up. Of cause the woman hadn't worn a formal dress at the site earlier today. So she hadn't been able to place her. Then she realized that everything had happened so fast that she hadn't had time to tell Quinn about what happened to her on her way home. But she smiled at Gwen and her father, "Oh yes. I remember you. And good day to you as well sir." She smiled at the older man, "And yes that's me. Thanks for your help." She nodded towards Quinn, "And this is....." should she say it?..... of cause she should, "... my boyfriend Quinn."
Quinn was just beginning to relax a little, maybe it was the champagne, but then he heard someone say Mary Jane's name. He blinked and glanced up, seeing a blonde woman approaching them with an older man. So, someone who recognised her, maybe Mary Jane was already beginning to get famous from even the small modelling jobs she had done so far. Though what she said next rather confused him. "Pretty banged up...?" He blinked in confusion, looking at Gwen, then slowly up to Mary Jane. What was that supposed to mean? And this girl was a paramedic? Had Mary Jane gotten injured at some point? Quinn couldn't recall anything like that, ever since he'd known her Mary Jane had never been injured, just that bad cold was all. Maybe it was something that had happened before they met, in which case Quinn figured it probably wasn't any of his business.

Those thoughts were swept aside in an instant though, three words from MJ's mouth that pushed any other thoughts or concerns out of his head. She had called him her....she'd actually said he was....she had introduced him as...her boyfriend! His heart was pounding, his face was bright red and he was having to fight to suppress a goofy grin. Fortunately he was successful, able to smile brightly. "H-hello!" His voice had however gone ever so slightly higher pitched. "It's a pleasure to meet you both" In the back of his mind Quinn wondered what a paramedic and her father were doing at an event like this, though perhaps they were somehow friends of Tony Start, or possibly just here on behalf of the city for some reason.
Quinn wasn't the only one to wonder why a paramedic and her father was there. She didn't seem like the type of woman that would be at an event like this. But luckily for both of them the man answered their questions in his own way. "It's nice to meet you both." George said, "So you were the woman that was injured this afternoon and ran," he looked at his daughter with a raised eyebrow, "because you had a date?" He nodded at Quinn, "The investigation of the bank robbery is under my precinct, so I might want to ask you a few questions at a later date."

Gwen rolled her eyes, "Dad! Couldn't you leave work for once? You don't have to be 'Police Captain Stacy' every waking hour."

Mary Jane realized that of cause would the police captain be invited to an event like this. So that answered most of their questions. She smiled at the captain, "Of cause sir. I'll answer any question that you have. And I didn't just run off. I wasn't hurt at all so there wasn't any reason for the paramedics to look after me."

She looked at Quinn, he deserved an explanation, "That bank robbery today. By that Rhino guy. Well I almost got hit by him as he ran away." She shivered a little as she recalled the sound of her bones breaking. Of cause Quinn didn't need to know about that part, after all she didn't understand it herself.
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