A New Beginning (Black Butler) TamaRose/wiki234

She was already wondering if Sebastian and her would have another evening like the night before. It had been nice sitting alone, watching the sun go down as they talked about things she never thought she could trust anyone with before. He had been kind and he had been wise as he spoke to her. He even tried to comfort her in his own way. it was nice. Especially, when no one had ever really listened to her before. Sebastian had even tried to encourage her and give her strength instead of tearing her down like so many others. Not many people were like that with her and it was odd but heart warming all the same.

She would really like to get to know Sebastian better but it seemed he was quite a secretive man. So, it may not be easy as she thought. Then again he did seem to be letting his guard down while around her even though she was new. He even seemed quite flirtatious. Still, she didn't want to read to much into the whole thing and make a fool of herself. She would wait and see what he would say and do before she decided on what she wanted to do next. For now though she was just happy to be under the same roof as him because he seemed to make her life more bareable.
The life of a butler was a hard one but one he didn't mind at all. After all if the goal was worth it in the end then anything would be done to reach it, just being the simple truth about human life since he had observed already for the time he had been on earth. Sebastian did though find the truth about himself in that being a demon wasn't just about killing and eating human souls but becoming something more than that was what made this life worth living Sebastian could always and only think how much humans were always so interesting as they were amusing.

The soft sounds of steps could be finally heard down the lower hall as it grew louder to anyone who was nearby. Sebastian would now curiously check the kitchen again for he young lady he had been with a few moments before though before entering he would at least make himself presentable, fixing his tie and hair and slowly walking inside.
By the time Sebastian would return to the kitchen she would have the table set with two plates filled with food and a hot pot of tea setting in the middle of the table. For some reason today seemed like it would be better then yesterday. Yesterday, she wasn't sure how she would be received in her new home or as to how they would treat her...but today...today was different. Today seemed like it would be the beginning of something new and exciting. It was as if she could conquer the world. Especially, if Sebastian was there to help her along the way and protect her. Yes, this was definitely a new beginning for her and she just knew it was going to be one hell of a ride as long as she lived with her new family. "Everything is ready Sebastian! I hope it is to your satisfaction."
Sebastian gave a light chuckle looking over at her, " you don't have to do ask if I approve of it, just be yourself and don't let anyone judge you, not even the master....you can't improve without criticism even if it seems tough..its just the reality of human life..." He told her wanting the girl to be aware that she should let go and use her emotions to be able to hold her own. The young man sat down and waited for her, "please don't think too hard about it and just relax..." Slowly he stood up again and went over pulling e chair out for her, " here you are my lady, is there anything I may get you anything before we relax for the afternoon?" He asked leaning back after he had sat himself down opposite of her with a smile.
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