A New Beginning (Black Butler) TamaRose/wiki234

He looked over at her and finally finished, going over to sit next to her with a sigh," I am free for now, all I have to do is for some things for tomorrow and that's it." He then looked over again and saw that it was now dark outside for both of them, " would you mind if we come inside?" He asked looking over at her with his handsome eyes, raising up his arm a bit to offer her to hold it if she wanted to. Sebastian waited for her, "well the future is obvious for you when you stay here.... The dream to do what you want not worry about danger and be yourself...."
Rose was slightly shocked at the offer of his arm but she still took it none the less, not wanting to pass up an opportunity such as this by being close to such a smart and handsome man. Yes, she knew there was more to him then what she knew or what he was letting on...but for the moment he was being kind and sincere and that is a lot more then she ever could have dreamed of. "Well, since you have sometime to yourself...would you like to spend time with me? I mean is there anything you do in your free time that you wouldn't mind sharing with me?"
" free time...well there's nothing I do particularly other than be busy with the young master all the time, even when it seems I have free time there's always a mess to fix and also making sure the next day runs smoothly. It is hard work but I can manage it fine anyway..." He sighed and looked over as they walked back inside. " sure I would glad to be with you in this free time...even when there's nothing I don't really have anything I would want to do that would be fun."
"Well, maybe we need to find out what it is you like to do. I mean other then for taking care of the master and the mansion. We could figure things out together. Especially, since I have never really done anything other then my job as well. That is if you would like that. After all I don't want to make you do do something you might not want to."

Rose wasn't sure if she may have overstepped her bounds with Sebastian but she prayed that she hadn't. She really liked the man and she wanted him to learn to have fun, along with her. It would be something they both needed. Neither one of them really had a life outside of pleasing everyone else. Maybe this was their time to learn to be happy and please themselves.
"Hmmm I would very gladly accept your offer, maybe we can go out later while the night is still young..." He suggested with a smile. Sebastian did like someone like her more personally. She was easier to talk to than the normal servants and she also wanted to learn about him more personally. It touched him a bit for her to be like this to him so he was very serious when he was very glad to take her offer on it. "Shall we relax a bit more, maybe tea and snacks?" He offered turning to give a happy relaxed smile for the moment.
When Sebastian mentioned tea and snacks, she gave him a bright and genuine smile that she hadn't given anyone in a very long, long time. For once she was very happy and it was a little odd. True, she was quite nervous but this was a new kind of nervous. Not the kind that she had to be afraid of. Never had she ever felt like this before and it was exciting and confusing all at the same time. "Yes...yes, I would love nothing more then to have tea and snacks with you. Maybe, we could sit outside while we enjoy our tea. It would be a shame if we didn't enjoy what was left of this lovely day. If you get the tea ready I will make us something special."
"That will work nicely then...I also love surprises as well, so I can't wait to see what your unique talent has on the final product as they say..." He gave a nod and turned quietly to the kitchen, opening a cabinet to take the tea kettle out, then turning to start the stove where he would now start to boil the water and wait. After that was all done he walked over to pick out cups from their personal collection, and it really was a collection to anyone who would see it for the first time as well. Sebastian took some time to pick out something that was only the very best but also could compliment the mood and the snacks as well. Not just the tea cups but also the tea itself of course as well.
Rose knew she shouldn't use the good food for her and Sebastian since they were just servants but for as nice as the Master had been to her, she didn't think he would really mind. So, deciding to make them each a few finger sandwiches, she began cutting several pieces of bread into small triangles before toasting them and drizzling them with olive oil and adding fresh tomatoes, prosciutto, and basil, before putting them back to the oven for a few more moments while starting on a raspberry/strawberry sundae that began with fresh fruit and included vanilla beam ice cream.

When everything was complete and she had cleaned up after herself, she placed the sandwiches and sundaes on a tray and headed outside to the garden where they could sit and watch the moon and evening stars while hopefully getting to know each other better. "I hope you like what I made. I thought we could start with something small before topping everything off with dessert."
He started on the tea, thinking of being a bit strong but mostly sweet, it was the usual yes that his master always had, it was the sweetest and warmest smelling as well as It had a clear refreshing soft taste to it. Sebastian quietly started his own thing while he let her do her own, until he finally finished as well and takes the tray walking out again to follow her. As the pair find a seat and set their tray down in the middle, he looks up at the stars wih a small smile then looks over to her then to her tray. " my you really do have talent in the kitchen I must say..." He says actually even a bit impressed. " I think it would be good to have you help me more don't you think?" Sebastian smiles and sits up a bit straighter, " I can't wait to taste it, my dear rose..."
Rose couldn't keep herself from blushing. She would love nothing more then to work more with Sebastian. After all he was smart and knew the in's and the out's of the mansion compared to her. She could learn so much from him. Yet, that wasn't the only reason she wanted to be closer to him. He seemed so kind and sweet...even though he was very aloof at times when it came to his work or personal life. Although, she could completely understand. He was a private man and the mansion was run a certain way and probably had as many secrets as her father's castle did, so she didn't question or mind. She liked him and she liked it when he smiled. Most of all she just liked him in general, not really caring if he was different then anyone she had ever met before. "Living with my father you had to be fast. Otherwise he would become very angry. So, you learn a lot of short cuts and faster ways of doing things.

Anyway, I would love to work with you. Anything you can teach me would be greatly appreciated. After all I really want the master to like me. As for how it tastes...well, I hope everything is to your satisfactory."
He sits down on the bench with a sigh as he turns and sets the tray on his lap and waits for her to sit with him. Sebastian never had personal feelings for anyone in this world, his secret was being an almost mindless dog as he just carried out the orders of his master but doing it exactly how and when he wanted it. Sebastian was there as his masters shadow doing everything by and for him, doing something to make sure that things were in order and everyone but mostly the master was happy. Sebastian had no feeling of love joy or personal pride, that was a human luxury and his life was not destined for human emotions.

The young man turned to look at her casually, " that is true most of the time, but sometimes the long way Is the best way you know...I would not be afraid of an angry man even if he is your father...do your job in a way that makes you effecient and comfortable, that's what matters...even if it goes against it, just try it for yourself..." He suggests with a smile. " it would be my dearest honor to teach you the ways of being a true servant to a master...." He looked down at the other tray that had her creations, " that is a very nice piece of creativity, I think it will...I also have the tea here.." He stands up and goes to pour."
"You know, I think it would be strange to be able to take my time and do something slowly? I mean just being here has been the most I have had to myself and actually had time to think or relax. So, to be able to cook a meal and take my time without being rushed would be strange....and some time to get used to. Although, I would be willing to give it a try."

When Sebastian mentioned the tea, she smiled and got up and poured them both a cup before sitting back down and taking a sip, enjoying the taste as she looked at the stars coming out in the night sky. Everything was so beautiful here. Especially, when it came to the gorgeous man sitting next to her.

"I have never talked to anyone about my father before. So, I want to apologize for bothering you with my personal issues. It's just that I have never been this open with anyone before. To be honest I have never really been able to trust anyone until I came here and...I don't know....I just feel like I can trust you and you won't tell anyone my secrets. Anyway, if I am to much of a bother just let me know and I won't bother you with anymore of my past.
" well you can't be too slow, but you can't rush everything, you have a job but it's not all about speed, do it well but not so slow..." He leaned back a bit as his hair flowed and the sky started to be even more darker and the stars brighter. He enjoyed even newer company with someone he didn't know much of until earlier and it felt a little personal to him as well for the moment. " well I don't mind at all..." He dhrugged and looked over at her, seeing her glowing beauty shown by the sky. " be yourself and stay focused.."
"Be myself!? In all truthfulness Sebastian....I don't think I know who I am. I have been so busy being everything to everyone else, I forgot what it was to be anything else.

As for going slow...I think I can handle that. To be honest I think it will be nice to do things a little slower from now on."

Setting, her tea cup down, she turned toward Sebastian and smiled. She wanted to know so much about him yet afraid to ask. She knew he probably had secrets that he didn't want anyone to know. Although, in the end she could see herself loving him no matter what kind of secrets he had. "Would you like to do something after we finish our tea or do you think it would be best that we clean up and go to bed for the evening?"
" now you may, have the memories of growing up in your mind again, maybe tell yourself how you were a child, growing young and free..." He suggests. Sebastian finished his own and sets the cup down as he looks up the breeze blowing his hair, showing a bright orange in front of them as the sun would slowly go down. " well I think we still have a little bit after the sun goes down but not much. It's good if we are able to rest enough to be arohnd before the master is up..." Sebastian stands up and turns taking his own cup and plate, " may I take yours my lady..."
When they were done, Rose set her cup on top of the tray along with the other discarded plates and silverware and handed it to Sebastian. In all honesty she should have been the one waiting on him since she was below him but if he was willing to take everything she would not argue with him. After all it wasn't very often that she had anyone cater to her so it was a nice change of pace, even though she knew it was selfish on her part. "Thank you Sebastian...and if you would like we can wait until tomorrow to spend more time together. I wouldn't want us to disrupt the flow of the mansion. So, I think you are right. We should turn in for the night and get some rest. We want to be our best for Master Ciel."
The butler turned to pick up everything as the darkness did set in his eyes giving off a bright red glow. " sounds fine then, please sleep well my lady...please excuse me..." He gave a bow and turned to walk back in with a sigh as he would set everything away now.
Rose didn't really want to turn in. After having spent the day with Sebastian she was excited to be around someone so sweet and caring. Still, she didn't want to ruin things on her first day at the mansion so, she went up to her room and began getting ready for bed.

Maybe tomorrow would be an even better day with Sebastian. Now that she wasn't so worried about her place here at the mansion she could relax a little and enjoy herself for the first time in her life. Only, how could she full relax when she knew someone as enchanting as Sebastian was in the same place as her? He was so beautiful and different. She had never met anyone as brilliant and charming as the head butler.

She wondered if she stayed...if they could fall in love. Yes, it was way to soon to tell anything but she had a good feeling since they had talked...and by the way Sebastian acted, she could tell he had felt something different tonight as well. The days could only get better and brighter living here with Sebastian and she couldn't wait to see waht the next several days and weeks held for them.
The darkest had come in many forms and so did the light, things that could morph their appearance to endless shapes and forms, the darkness hidden in the mask of light and the opposite being true as well. Those were his own views and saying of the world, this world can be so enchanting and mysterious yet so unforgivable and cruel breaking even the strongest of spirits maybe not now but eventually...Sebastian though was not one to care for others, it was the darkness, it was his whole being his very life, something that made him look human, learn, maybe even live like them if only he could wish.

Sebastian had checked to his master and would begin his service to him for the moment as he would wait for him to sleep, watching the poor soul he cared about but not the body that had trapped it. He knew that the time had to come and a good chef always waited patiently to have his meal be perfect in the end. Finally the butler took off himself into his own room, the boring part of his non human life, just sit and wait now.
For the first time in her life Rose had, had a good nights sleep. Not only was it restful but it was nightmare free as well. So, when she got up around five the next morning to get ready for the day, she felt rested and relaxed, unlike she had the day before.

Deciding, she would give herself a leeway to get ready but not enough to be late, she climbed out of bed and began getting everything tidy in her room before getting water to wash herself off to get cleaned up so she was dressed and ready for the day.

When she had found herself suitable and appropriate, she left her bedroom and began making her way to the kitchen where she began getting the tea ready while waiting for Sebastian to join her.
Sebastian sighed as he stood up from his bed, it would finally be time as he got dressed, his hair combed to one side as he pulled his long black gloves to hide the symbol of what he truly was. He sighed and opened the curtains as he would step out into the hallway. Turning now he headed down the hall as he would go ahead to the kitchen to see that the young lady was already there before him. He turned to get his apron and quickly started on the breakfast.
"Morning, butler. I hope you slept well last night." Rose began cutting the fresh fruit to go along with the master's breakfast as she continued to keep an eye on the water for the Earl Grey tea. She didn't want the water to over boil and make a whole kettle of tea taste flat. Otherwise Sebastian and the master would be very upset. She wanted them to know she was competent enough to run this kitchen in case anything ever happened to Sebastian, so she wasn't going to let the master down. Even if it was over something as simple as tea. "Will the master be receiving company anytime today or with it just be him for dinner?"
"same to you my lady and good morning as well...' he looked over giving his devilish smile any women would be jealous and just melt with. Sebastian started to flip the food he was making in the pan adding thing with quick and graceful hands, ' well most of the day but its not anything very major at the moment at least....' finally he would plate his meal and get everything else ready he usually had for the master to be presented every morning. ' I would as servants be always prepared for all and anything..' he set his things on the tray looking over and waiting.
When Rose saw the devilish smile he gave her, she couldn't help but turn a dark shade of red as she tried to go back to doing her work. The longer she was around him, the more she was starting to see that he was a very mischievous man. True, he was very dedicated to his job and he was very professional when he was around others but when it was just them, he was playful and flirtatious. Something, she didn't think he was before he was until she arrived.

She wasn't quite sure why out of everyone else that he would flirt with her but she to be honest she didn't mind it one bit. In fact she was thinking she was starting to have feelings for the man.

After, Sebastian had his part of the breakfast done and on the tray, she had placed the tea cup and tea pot on the tray along with the fresh fruit and playfully shooed Sebastian out of the kitchen and up to the master's room. While he was gone she would go ahead and start making them each a plate so they would have something nourishing to eat before setting out to due their duties for the day.
After everything would be set he looked over at her, slowly leaning back against the counter for a moment wondering if she would take it or him, though of course he instinctively took it himself already supported by the fact that she already wanted him out of he kitchen. He couldn't help but smile at the little game she was playing with him and turned slowly as his stepped could be heard, going a few feet down the hall before the noise dissappearing as he went up the stairs to the room.

Finally he turned down another hall to find the master in the office again busy. " and here you are master, an easy breakfast today with some small healthy additions as well..." He stood in front explaining to ciel the meal as he slowly gave a bow and headed off back down with the young boy alone in the office with some work.
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