A New Beginning (Black Butler) TamaRose/wiki234


Marvel Fan
Feb 4, 2015
Before "Lady" Rose Holloway had arrived at the Phantomhive Mansion, she was a servant in her own families home. Her father whom had traveled to England on business 17 years ago had, had an affair with a young lady by the name of Elizabeth Holloway and when his wife had found out about the tryst between the two, it had turned out to be a complete scandal. The papers from America to the rest of Europe and beyond had read about it and was agast with disgust but also quite intrigued by all of the gossip that continued to filter out on a regular basis.

For her though it had been 17 years of shame and embarrassment in her home. Not only had she have to live with knowing she was the child of tawdry affair but she had to live with her stepmother and siblings treating her like filth. She hadn't asked to be born. So, why were they all so mean to her? Wasn't it bad enough that her mother had died at childbirth and that she had been taken in by a man who hated her? Then to have the other servants in the household know about who and what she was and be allowed to treat her just as badly as the family...if not worse...how much was she suppose to take?

For the longest time it seemed like her life would consist of nothing but sadness and misery...but that was before she ended up here. Something she was still slightly confused about, seeing as she knew her own family wouldn't get rid of her for fear of someone finding out about her. So, how did she actually end up here in the Phantomhive Manor? Had someone seen her during one of her father's parties and asked about her or had the family gotten bored with tormenting and abusing her? Whatever the case this place had to be much better than her last home...or so she hoped. Either way she would prove that she was good at her job and she could be very obedient as she had been at her own home. They wouldn't have to beat her into doing what they wanted since she was quick at picking things up and knew how to be submissive when needed be. She would show her new Master and head Butler that she could do her job and do it well. So, much so they would never send her back to her father.
After many years of service to the young phantomhive son, Sebastian continues to be loyal to his master. ciel was the owner of a very large home and manor that was past down to him by his father when he grew up to be older and more independent, now he had a lifelong agreement to a demon and any worries or business plans were taken care of by one single man who could do something no normal butler or even human could even do. Sebastian did not take pity or care for the young boy other than by being bound to a contract to him, Ciel was different than anyone else and that was the reason why Sebastian stayed after all this time. The only thing he ever dreamed of and wanted so deeply was a perfect....beautiful...soul that was strong yet somewhat fragile on the inside than the out, like a hard walnut.

Today was another day full of work, full of chores, full of problems that had to be taken care of by Sebastian but he did have some help...though most of the time even their problems had to be done by a skilled butler. Sebastian sighed as he walked through the long decorated hall where various vases stood on either sides of the hall and a red carpet covered the floor on either end with the gentle sunlight shining through the open windows. Sebastian checked his clock seeing that it would soon be noon and a time for afternoon tea for the young master ciel, though today he was expecting a guest to arrive at the manor as well in a little while.

meanwhile ciel was in his office sitting down going through various letters and documents some sent by her majesty and some from other companies talking about business and other things. The young master was tired and bored, deciding to head out into the game room knowing Sebastian would soon find him playing chess only to stop once his tea was brought.
Rose stood at the door of the Phantomhive Manor and sighed, almost to afraid to knock. Even though she was excited to be somewhere new and far away from her family, she was still slightly afraid of how her new family would treat her. Would they ask her about the scars that were visible outside of her long ragged maid's uniform or would they ignore them like they weren't even there? She hoped that they would be ignorant to the fact because she really didn't want to talk about what her family did to her much less reveal that she was an actual child to royalty. After all..who would treat their daughter in such a horrible manner? Especially, one that was rich and well known as her family.

Looking, up at the sky with her bright green eyes, she took notice that the once blue sky was getting dark and it was about to rain. Figuring, she better not stall any longer or she would get caught in a downpour of cold rain, she slipped a long long of red curly hair behind her ear before knocking loudly on the door, hoping someone would hear her from whatever corner of the house they were in.
Sebastian sighed and bowed, walking out of the room to leave him alone. He looked around the hall and sufhed walking down to the kitchen to make dinner but hearing the door knock, then looking out he window and seeing the sky opening up in darkness as the night slowly came in. Sebastian slowly walked over and slowly opened the door, seeing a young girl outside, " ahh a guest...hm..well come on come in...you must be tired after the trip, come and relax in the living room and I will prepare a warm tea for you while you relax for a little while."

Sebastian stepped to the side and let her closing the door behind her and leading her into the quiet living room with a large green couch with a pair of chairs and a fireplace. The room was decorated with bands of white and some green that matched the patterns on the wall well. " just come and sit and please relax for a bit after the trip..." Bowing, he left to the kitchen and after a bit he arrived back with tea, setting it down on the table in front of her. "You are the guest we expected yes?" He asked making sure she was. "Please come see me in the kitchen once you've gotten used to your surrounds at least for the moment." Sebastian nodded and turned to go to the kitchen to make dinner.
When the door to the mansion opened and the butler appeared in front of her, Rose couldn't help but be a little startled at his pleasantries as well as his dapper and handsome young looks. The butler that her father had, had since she was a baby, was one that he had since he was a young adult. So, he was truly different than the man that was inviting her into the Phantomhive Manor. Her father's butler was old, rude, and quite....creepy! So, to say the least, it was a little odd to see a butler being so young and pleasant when it was something she was not to.

Still, instead of saying anything to the man, she followed him into the living room, where she got as comfortable as she could, considering she felt like this was all some sort of test and she was going to flunk miserably if she dared speak or move the wrong way.

Waiting, for him to come back, thinking he had quickly left for what she thought was a feather duster and an apron, she looked at him wearily as he walked back in with a tray of tea and told her to come see him when she familiarized herself with the manor and had a nice hot cup of hot sweet liquid. Confused by his actions but again not wanting to rock the boat, she simply nodded a "thank you" and had a quick cup of tea before following him into the kitchen with the used tray in hand. "M...master...butler...sir. If you have my clothes I am ready to begin. If you like I can help you with dinner or scrub the floors. Whatever you ask of me I will do."
Sebastian put on an apron that seemed rather odd with the black of his uniform but he was used to it like always. He sighed and checked his pocket watch for a moment before putting it back in his pocket and turning on the ovens and the stove, starting to chop up the vegetables that would be used for the masters dish for tonight. Sebastian first started by cutting onions and celery before turning to hear the young women's voice.

" please, just call me Sebastian my lady, I do not go by any other title accept by the name my master gave me." He smiled at her softly, " ah yes, your clothes are in your personal room, go up the stairs down the left hall and the second door to the right." He said guiding her before he would allow her to do anything else. "After that come back here and You will help me then...I'll give you some instructions once your all ready..." Sebastian then turned and started to chop up the ingredients expecting her to go and change to the uniform he had laid out on the bed in her room.
Listening, as Sebastian spoke, she waited until he was done before doing as he said and going up to her new room where she closed the door behind her and let out a sigh of relief. She couldn't believe how everything was going. Sebastian seemed like such a kind soul and what she had seen of the house was absolutely beautiful. Life seemed to be changing for the better and even though she didn't want to expect too much since she still didn't know anyone here all that well....she couldn't help but feel a little happy and joyous inside.

After, Rose relaxed on the edge of her bed for a few moments, she got up and began stripping her old clothes off and began putting on her new maid's uniform. It was just like all other servants clothes but these were new and spotless, unlike her old raggedy ones. They even looked like they had been pressed after being washed and hung up. Apparently, the master of the house expected perfection when it came to his house and servants.

True, her father expected his servants to look a certain way as well but not so much when it came to her. She was usually hidden from sight because no one wanted her to be seen. So, most of her time was spent working in the shadows or when people weren't around, working in nothing but used and torn clothes.

Yet, here...here she had a new uniform...and a nice warm bed...and a vanity, along with so much more. It was wonderful and she never wanted it to ever go away.

Deciding, she had spent enough time spinning around in her new uniform and daydreaming, Rose quickly did up her hair before going downstairs to the kitchen to join Sebastian and help with dinner. "Thank you for the new clothes Sebastian. I owe you and your Master so much"
The young cook continued with dinner taking out one of the cleanest and presentable ate he could find for the master meal, it would compliment the the texture of the food niely with the design and color of the plate itself, only the best for his young master and he intended to do just that at all costs.

Sebastian could see that unlike the others from what it seemed before that she would be very valuable for the team and even eager to learn seeing as she wanted everything set correctly every time like he did instead of trying to fix everyone mistakes which he always had to painfully end up doing and eating time for his schedule of his own chores and preparations for the day.

He chopped up more ingredients cooking them separately in other pots and pans before focusing on cooking the meat that he had ordered recently from rhe market. He walked over and started to grab a bit more ingredients trying to really bring out the certain flavored that woulld be light yet still go well, turning to see the new young maid in her uniform. " it's nothing really, we care for all our guests and servants the same. You won't have to worry about a thing accept doing your best with the chores..." He nodded with another friendly smile and turned back around, giving her instructions of what she could do to help with the dinner. Eventually they finished and everything was exactly how he wanted.

"Good job for your first task while I head upstairs to come get the master I would like you to set the table if you would please and set the food on the cart, we wouldn't want to waste a second with not having everything ready."
"I promise I will do my best in everything I do Sebastian. I wouldn't want the Master or you to be upset with me. Besides, you have treated me so kind since I walked through the door. No one else has ever done that before."

After, Rose helped Sebastian with the food, she quickly did as he asked and began setting the table, making sure everything was neat and perfect, while checking and making sure the silverware and plates were spotless of any imperfections or leftover food or grime from the night before. When done she went back into the kitchen and began placing the plates on the cart, along with the teapot and coffee pot with a fancy goblet filled with fresh orange juice....just in case he wasn't sure of what he wanted with his morning breakfast. Taking, the cart loaded down with food and drink back into the dining area, Rose waited quietly for a few seconds before deciding the table was missing something and she ran out back and snipped a long red rose from a bush and placed it in a vase, walking it quickly back into the dining area and setting the vase down in the middle of the table, waiting for her new Master and Butler to inspect her work.
Sebastian sighed and nodded, " of course not, we are famous for the phantom hive hospitality to all guests..." He smiled and left letting her go on with what she had to do before he disappears. The young butler himself made his way to see that the master was still waiting, though he did have to get dressed first. Ciel was lead to his room, changing into something more proper like he usually wore when he would wake up. He buttoned his shirt and made sure everything was well before he turned and lead the young boy out. Sebastian lead him down after a moment seeing the young women having already done what was asked with even a few small touches.

"Master this is the young apprentice maid..." He said letting him have a look at her. Ciel walked toward her and carefully held his hand" well hello, I am the owner and last of the phahntomhives. I am Ciel." The young boy introduced himself with a small smile
She placed her hand in his and bowed low in her new Master's presence. First, impressions were always the most important and she wanted her new Master to like her. Although, if he were anything like Sebastian she was sure that he couldn't be all that bad.

She had to admit though that she was a little surprised that her new Master was a small child but that didn't mean she didn't have to follow what he asked of her....but she wondered where his father and mother was. Did this little boy really live alone with just his servants?

After standing back up, she let go of his hand and gave him a small smile and nod before rushing to the tray to pour him some tea. "It is a pleasure to meet you Master Ciel. My name is Rose....but you may call me whatever you like. My other Master did."
Sebastian just kept his place standing next to rose, as he just watched and observed their little interaction for the first time. the young butler glanced around the room for a moment in case to take note of what seemed out of place or why needed to be cleaned later but for now he couldn't find anything.

Ciel walked over back to his seat leaning back to look out the window for a moment then back to both of them, with crossed legs as one of his hands was left under his chin, leaning over on one side as he waited for the tea. "Rose..." He repeated with a slight smile, " beautiful name for a young lady like you...thank you very much..." The young master sat up a bit and took his tea, raising his cup for a moment and taking his first sip. Sebastian still kept his place as all of this was going on for the moment before he spoke again " master your dinner time will be in less than an hour..." As Ciel replied " I will be there when it's time...you may both go now, for now I do have something I must attend to..."

"Yes my lord..." He bowed and slowly turned opening the door and waiting for rose, " the master does require his alone time...let's not disturb him..." As they both came out into the hall Sebastian closed the door behind him and turned to face her.
It was a little odd to be asked to leave. Since most of the time the servants were to stay in the same room as the Master in case they were needed for anything like serving, pouring, or fetching...but instead of arguing, she did as the Master asked and followed Sebastian out into the hallway.

Once outside of the dining area, she noticed Sebastian looking at her. Feeling, as if she had done something wrong or that maybe he was starting to notice the faint scars on her face, she quickly dropped her eyes to the floor and began fidgeting with her hands, all of a sudden quite scared and nervous in front of the dashing and handsome looking Sebastian. "Have..have I done a bad thing Sebastian? Will I...will I be punished now?"
Sebastian sighed and took out his watch looking at the time and keeping some notes in his mind for the schedule that was still a lot to be done, he looked up to see her eye to eye, noticing that she was quite nervous. "Of course you haven't, it seems that you aren't adjusting so well here for your first time meeting everyone here....it's very different to all the negative things people have said to you... The master never really punishes us because he knows that we will do everything to do right the first time. If he yells or anything like that, it's not because of you Doing something, the master has had a lot of things in his past and he breaks a lot more under stress." Sebastian put his arms behind his back, " the only thing I want you to know is that your safe here and you are part of the phantomhive family. I would never waste my time getting mad over if you accidentally break a plate or something..."

He sighed and leaned against the wall for a bit, " you should get some rest then, you seem tired and stressed out too much today..."
Rose, understood what Sebastian was saying and she was glad they didn't treat their servants like her father had treated her in the past but when Sebastian mentioned about her needing some rest, she was slightly insulted. She had never taken a day off....ever.

Well, unless of course she was severely sick but that was different. That was so she wouldn't get anyone else in the mansion sick. Still, she did her best to not miss a day and she worked very hard. Now, she was being told to go rest because she was to stressed?

Hell, yeah she was stressed...but that shouldn't be held against her. After all no one knew how she had been treated before she had come here...and then to enter a new home where everything was new to her. Of course she would be stressed.

With her face about the same shade as her hair, she just looked at Sebastian for quite awhile with a scowl on her face before undoing her apron and handing it to the Butler, refusing to argue with the man, even though she severely wanted to kick him in the knee. "If you need me I will be in my room!"

Turning on her heel, Rose walked away without saying anything more and went to her bedroom, where she locked the door behind her and climbed on her bed to take a short nap.
Sebastian sighed, glancing around for only a moment before he went back to her to continue their little talk though he wasn't fully aware what he had told her was something that was something she took more serious than he would ever find out for now.

Sebastian couldn't really tell her that either, though maybe it was because he was used to working harder than anyone else especially fixing everyone's mistakes than actually getting any of his own work done.

The butler stood a bit straighter, though he was a bit durprised by when she suddenly started to get angry with him. " very well...and it seems that I've done something and I'm sorry..." Sebastian replied trying to at least say sorry before she disssapeared into another hall and finally to her room.

He simply decided to do the rest of the chores he had left which wasn't much until it would finally be time for him to even get a little rest himself
By the time Rose awoke, the sun was already setting over the horizon and she knew she had slept a lot longer than she had planned on doing. She hoped Sebastian and Ciel wasn't upset because she didn't show up for work or to help serve dinner but apparently she had been a lot more tired than what she had first thought.

Figuring, since she had missed most of the day anyway, she decided she would wash up a little before going downstairs to meet with Sebastian for tomorrow's schedule.

Spending, close to half and hour washing herself up and then redressing into a clean maid's uniform, she finally made her way out of her bedroom and down into the kitchen where she hoped Sebastian would be. When she didn't find him there cleaning up, she made her way out into the gardens where she found him tending to the flowers. "Uh, Sebastian. May I....my apologies for sleeping so long and not helping you with dinner tonight. I didn't realize I was so tired. I hope you and Master Ciel can forgive me. Do you mind if I sit and watch you tend to the garden for awhile?"
The young lonely butler looked out quielty seeing the sunsets light glow against his skin and dark uniform as he stood there for a moment just looking out. He gave a small smile and picked up the shears again turning to cut some of the branches off one of the bigger trees that needed a bit of work.

After a little while he managed to get most of the work done, he decided to keep the green house for last and work on everything outside first just so that he didn't have to keep walking a lot at all. As he walked out to get a small pale to start watering the garden he turned to see the door open and see the young maid come out to see him.

"There was no problem with the dinner, it was already served and the master quite wnjoyed it. I had told him about you though, helping me out and he says that you will make a fine edition to our family...as long as the master is happy then there's nothing to be sorry about..." He turned and bent his hand over one of the flowers as he slowly started to water one of the first plants. " go ahead...." He said not minding if she wanted to stay a while now.
"I am glad dinner went well. I was kind of worried because I wasn't there but it seems you are quite good at your job and had everything under control.

I uh....I guess I should apologize for my strange behavior since I have been here. "

Taking, a seat on a bench nearby, Rose straightened the wrinkles in her maid's uniform before resting her hands in her lap. "My life before coming here was very.....hard. So, to come here and be treated so kindly....it is strange. I...I just want you to understand why I am acting different then maybe some of your other workers here. I hope you can forgive me. It will just take me sometime to...adjust but I will do my best."

Fidgeting a little, Rose, watched Sebastian as he tended to the flowers. He was so handsome and graceful. It was as if everything he did was so effortless. In her eyes, he was absolutely perfect and she was a broken down, torn up doll. "I love your flower garden. It is very beautiful. The servants at my father's home......

Anyway, they are quite beautiful and you do a wonderful job."
He simply continued for a bit more after hearing her for a moment, stopping to give her a little smile. He put everything down then walked over to a bunch of white roses. "It is hard to change and let go of the past so easily, that's why my master was desperate for a little help....that's why I'm here..." He gave her a smirk as his eyes glowed red for a moment. "Everyone here is valued no matter who they are..." He turned to cute a rose and walked up holding it out to her looking at her with a look that would make any girl just die from how gentle and sexy and cute it was.
When his eyes glowed a bright red, she pulled back a little, surprised at the fact that someone could actually do something like that. It wasn't until, he cut a rose and handed it to her with no malicious intent, did she know that even though he appeared to be more than just a common man, he wouldn't hurt her. In fact she thought that maybe he would end up protecting her.

Blushing, she reached out and took the rose from his hand as she continued to stare at the strange yet handsome looking man. He really was a heartbreaker and she was afraid if she stayed here for a long period of time, she would end up falling for a man she knew would was off limits.

"The scary part is sometimes the past can coming looking for you. When that happens what do you do?"

She paused for a moment, wishing she hadn't said anything. Now wasn't the time to bring up more drama when they day had already been so stressful. She didn't want Sebastian to think that, that is all she was about. Still it did have a tendency to follow her. She just hoped everyone would still back her up when it did come.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to say anything. I am just happy that you and Master Ciel think I have value. That means a lot...even though some people may not see it as much.
Sebastian moved on to another row of flowers and roses, continuing to cut and have a little talk with her. He sighed and looked out as it was already dawn, " well...there are so many things humans only know how to do...run away like frightened animals finding something they can get hold onto to get away from the darkness." He finished up for a little while quietly before he began to talk again.

" then they don't know they potential you have then, you come here for safety, but also to learn more from someone you trust which is me...I see you as value as a kind young and beautiful lady....humans are greedy animals is what I believe I don't very much like them personally....but...where's there's evil there's good in the world and I support that evil is what I desire to destroy the most...see the past coming back to haunt them instead...you are our family, no one will dare threaten the phantomhives."
"Humans! So, what I just saw with your eyes made me guess correctly. You aren't human are you? Although, if you are not human...what are you?"

It was true that Rose was quite naive. Especially, about things on the outside world....but for as scared as she knew she should be....she wasn't. What Sebastian spoke to her made her feel safe but also a little flustered and confused. "You say that I am considered family....but...I am one of those greedy humans you just spoke of. I mean....what am I if I am not greedy to want the safety of you and your master? I am also selfish and a coward to hide behind you and Master Ciel.

Trust me when I say I am not trying to argue with you...it's just that I don't want you to think I am not at fault or to blame for my....all I am saying is, is that I am in no way perfect Sebastian. I can be just as horrible of a human being as anyone else. If I wasn't...I mean there has to be something wrong with me that I am so hated."
Not all humans, most of the them I've seen are greedy, selfish, they cheat and steal from others to get where they are...." He smirked at her and walked closer until he lcpuld see eye to eye. " it's human nature to be selfish with yourself to push everyone away.... But what I see in you is family...I can feel your emotions. Your true emotions are just bottled up inside....it's hard to become nice and trust people when all you knew was pain and misery...that why I don't look down upon you as selfish. I agree that no one is perfect in this world..." He put a finger under her chin and lifted her head up so that she could him closer, " your not greedy like other humans....greed causes the heart to lose its way and seek evil and corruption...while yours seeks refuge and shelter from the darkness..." Your greed is a necessity that helps you survive and I see no evil in that....you aren't looking for power or corruption, your looking for a place to e free."

He took his fingers off from under her chin, " your greed consumes you in trying to survive, real greed consumes you if your after only money and power...if only your after your own selfish lusts and wants...you do what you can because you need to get by from doing something at least. “
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As Sebastian drew closer, Rose's heart began to speed up and flutter in her chest. No matter how many times she saw him or got close to him, she would always be enthralled by his devilish good looks. Yet, as much as a beauty he was it was his words that tugged and pulled on her heart strings like a beautifully played instrument. It seemed no matter how hard or cruel she was to herself, Sebastian always saw some kind of worth in her that she herself didn't see. "Sebastian!"

Even though his delicate fingers was now gone from her chin, she could still feel the warmth of where they lingered. In her mind and heart she wished that he was touching her once again, since it was the first touch that was kind and warm and made her feel something other than pain. Most of all it made her feel something she had never felt before and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it or if Sebastian felt anything similar. "You seem to know more about me then I do. It's as if you have a crystal ball and can read my future and past."
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