Deadly Metroid [solace x DonVoltonus ]


Apr 22, 2011
In Pleasure
The specimen was tucked away behind a glass tube that went from the floor to the ceiling. All sorts of equipment were scattered about the lab. Some of the tools were reading the specimen's vital signs and others were charging up to begin the next set of tests. The specimen in question was found drifting through space. It was somewhat of a mystery as to why it was floating through space, but even more so why it was drifting unconscious and half frozen. It was made mostly of a slime material, but its organs were clear to see in parts of its body. Even as it floated in the glass tube, its organs were beating to a rhythm, but ever so slightly.

The next mystery began as to why it had similar DNA to another species completely different in appearance. For easier classification, the specimen was nicknamed "Slime Metroid". The earlier tests showed that the Slime Metroid needed a constant flow of energy. A flow of energy was scheduled for the tube every half hour, but the burst of electrical energy did very little to sustain the creature. It was slowly dying and a reason to the cause could not be found.

Juno had been assigned to the space colony specifically to do research on the creature. She had been assigned since the very beginning and was one of the chief scientists assigned to the ship. Even though the colony was a civilian craft, it was temporarily under military orders. Upon the nearest military outpost, it would relieve control of the creature and any research over. Juno was there to make sure that happened and do what research she could. The equipment wasn't military grade, but she and her team was able to put something together. The other more complicated tests would have to wait until she was in a military lab.

Juno was the only one in the lab. She had dismissed the rest of her team earlier to get some rest. They were still days away from the military outpost, but there were still tests to perform. Specifically, how to transport the thing without incurring any injuries. A timer beeped on one of the consoles near the glass tube. It was time for the energy surge. Juno pressed a couple buttons on the terminal and the process began. The Slime Metroid was electrocuted, but it seemed to be in pain. Perhaps it wasn't getting what it needed at such a low voltage. In tired state, she failed to forget that a higher voltage would also damage the glass tube. When she turned the machine up higher, it caused a power surge in the lab. When the emergency lights turned on, it would show that several cracks had formed along the tube.
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The heavy organ that formed it's head flickered, then two points of light glowed like eyes in it's head. It pressed against the glass, seeping through the cracks before hardening and shattering the tube. The being spilled out, wobbling about slightly as it stood, before lunging and pinning down Juno, hissing at the woman.
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Juno was pinned down on her back, her white lab coat would make sure that she couldn't crawl on her back to get away. Her legs parted so she could try and scoot away, but the heels covering her feet made it so her feet slipped. Her black skirt did little to help her in her desperate attempts to get away from the creature. She tried calling for help, but the lab was isolated. No one would hear them, even if they were right outside the door. All the security measures in the lab had been temporarily turned off as the creature was now considered a military matter. Juno was alone with the creature and she knew it and she was scared.
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The beast gave a gentle gurgle, looking her over. A thick member of slime swelled out between it's legs, squirming slightly as it grew to ten inches. The creature pressed under her skirt, the prehensile cock pushing aside her panties to thrust into her passage.

(Shall she have a sort of pheramone to arouse?)
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(Sure we can add that)
Juno watched as a phallus grew between the creatures legs. It came closer forcing the cock inside her skirt and against her panties. It was supposed to be the last line of defense against a situation like this, but her panties were moved aside by the slime leaving her sex exposed. It was then that Juno realized what was going to happen. Just like a Metroid, this creature needed living energy to nourish itself, but the way it took the energy was something different. There were two possibilities that simultaneously formed inside Juno's mind. The first being that the Slime Metroid would use sex to weaken her resistance. If she came, she would be at her most vulnerable state which would allow the creature to suck all of her energy killing her in the process. A second possibility was the reverse. If the creature succumbed to an orgasm it would somehow signal the process of sucking her energy, also leaving her dead. There seemed to be no way out as Juno was pinned to the floor. She tried to move her hips to prevent the creature from penetrating her.
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The slime rippled, forming into a second set of arms to pin her hips. It thrust roughly and deeply into her, but caused no pain, shifting to fit her perfectly. It seemed to be obvious that it was trying to give as much pleasure as possible.
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"AAHHH!!" Juno let out a loud gasp. She felt humiliated, frightened, and somehow aroused at the same time from being violated by this creature. The creature formed itself to fit her perfectly giving her better pleasure than any previous lover ever had. Her cheeks grew red as her body reacted without her wanting to. It was clear that her first theory to how the creature took energy was correct. Her life would end if she had an orgasm. Her mind was saying no, but her body was slowly betraying her. It was saying it wanted to surrender and cum. Juno closed her eyes tightly and tried thinking of other things other than sex so her body would feel turned off. She was foolishly trying to prolong an orgasm that was going to happen. The only thing that could save her was if one of her fellow scientists came by and alerted the rest of the vessel of the disaster about to take place.
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The being drove deeper, still thrusting as it seemed to tense, flooding her womb with a dull red slime. This didn't stop the sexual onslaught, the creature still pushing her to orgasm.
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Juno felt the creature thrusting deep inside where no man had ever been able to penetrate before. Her moans came forced at each thrust from the creature. The Slime Metroid also had all the signals that indicated orgasm just like a man. Juno tried to struggle upon realization that she was about to be impregnated by the creature. "Noo!! Please NOOO!" Juno wasn't worried about the creatures sperm that was about to invade her body, but rather the action of ejaculating inside her would cause an orgasm of her own. She felt the creature's cock pulsate and ejaculate inside her. She let out one final moan as her own orgasm began rocking her body to the core.
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Her belly glowed as it's seed began draining her. It stopped just before death, leaving her concious, but unable to resist. The cum flowed back into the slime, it's eyes gleaming. It pulled out and stood, lifting her by the throat. "Ahhh, so much better to have some power, and a language to use. Thank you for your strength."
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There was no sensation like it that Juno had ever known. She was being drained yet filled at the same time. She felt herself 'leaving' her body and she grew incredibly weak. She was awake for the entire thing and somehow she still felt pleasure raging inside her. She looked down at herself and saw the red glow emanating from her belly. It seemed like she was going to die, but at least she would die in pleasure. Before she reached that point, however, the creature pulled out relieving her of an early death. Then the creature began to talk, but Juno was much too weak to care. She felt old and drained and she couldn't move, but the creature lifted her by the throat cutting off her supply of air. Her limbs hung lifelessly around her. She tried to move them but nothing happened. Was she old? Why couldn't she do anything?
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"Guess I took to much to even enjoy your death, pity." A grin spread across her gelatinous face, and with a grunt she snapped the woman's neck and dropped her to the floor.
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Juno didn't even have time to feel more fear as she was contemplating how ruined her life was. She was still trying to contemplate with the idea that her body had somehow aged as the Slime Metroid took her energy. Then the light shut off from her eyes and she knew no more. Her lifeless body dropped to the floor with a sickening thud. Juno was but the first victim. The colony was still full of fresh warm bodies to be stripped of their lives.
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The slime slithered under the door and into the hallway, looking around. "Help!" She cried, mimicking the dead woman's voice perfectly.
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Two of Juno's scientists were walking down the corridor. One was a female and the other a male. They both came rushing as they heard what they though was Juno's voice echo through the hall. Upon seeing the Slime Metroid, the male stepped in front of the other extending a hand as if to protect her. "Run, get out of here!" he yelled.
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The slime flicked her wrist, a dart of goo flying forth, sticking in the girl's neck and injecting a sedative. "Oh come on stud, I'm not really going to hurt anybody, so long as you fuck me."
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The slime stuck to the woman and she soon collapsed to the ground. The man looked behind and gave a silent curse before charging the Slime Metroid. "You Bitch! You'll pay for that!" He held up a fist thinking that a blow to the right area would be enough to subdue the creature.
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She slid to the side, grabbing his neck and slamming him down on his back. She pressed a hand over his mouth, pouring aphrodisiac fluids down his throat until coherent thought became impossible. "Now fuck me."
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The man was slammed down on the ground knocking all wind from him. He tried to gasp for air, but the Slime Metroid took the opportunity to pour something down his throat. It went down without any resistance. Something inside him was changing. His dick grew hard in his pants even though he didn't want to have sex and soon his mind slipped until he could not think any coherent thoughts.

A command was given to him and he obeyed it even though he could not remember what it was. His hands went down to his pants and tugged them off exposing his cock. He sprung forward wrapping his arms around the creature's body and started to bring his hips forward. He wasn't thinking clearly and all he wanted was to feel pleasure and the eventual release it would bring. He didn't even think about the repercussions of having sex with the Slime Metroid would have on his body.
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She moaned, wrapping her slick legs around his hips, letting him thrust into the organ that was her stomach, but functioned more like a human womb, letting him thrust into the clutching red flesh inside of her.
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It didn't take the man very long to find his pleasure. Like most men, he would happily thrust until ejaculation occurred. Since the man was making no thoughts whatsoever, he failed to pull his cock out when he felt the ejaculation take place. He kept thrusting inside the creature as he felt each shot fill the womb of the creature, but even then he kept trying to thrust.
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"A fast shot, keep going and stay hard, if you want to live." She rubbed her hand over his chest.
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The man couldn't even comprehend the words that he heard, only that his body wanted more pleasure. His cock stayed hard thanks to the aphrodisiac and cum was still sticking to the tip. He kept thrusting wanting to get to another orgasm, but it would take more work on his hard dick to make him cum again.
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She moaned, her insides twisting a rippling around him, milking her for seed. "Ohh give me more..." She panted, bucking her hips. She knew his next climax would be his last.
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It almost as if on command when the creature began to milk him for everything that he lost control of his body. The pleasure was too great for any man to sustain for very long and even though he just had an orgasm, he reached a second climax just as quickly. His seed poured into the Slime Metroid and his voice echoed down the corridor, although it was hard to distinguish whether it was from pain or pleasure.
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