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A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

Atoshi was about to help her when the bastard spoke again "No... You'll never touch her again..." And he fired the gun, the 'bullet' hit his neck, the drug quickly entering his blood stream. "Never again..." He glares at the man and tosses the empty gun on the bed, he slowly bends down and pulls Ana into his arms and stands "Take him..." He holds her close, letting her hide in his chest, he glances at the bed and noticed the blood, and a small dripped trail where Ana moved. "She needs the doc... Let's get going..." Once his men had him pinned down and tied up, he carries Ana from the room and back the way they came, his gun, his real gun firmly in his hand.
Ana flinches hard when he fires. She jumps at first when he touches her only to be eager to be in his arms. She holds on to him tightly not wanting to look at Andrews. Her body is more sore than before but in different ways. Even as he holds her she groans in discomfort. ‘Yes,’ she thinks. ‘Let’s get going. I wanna go home.’ As he carries her, she’s suddenly extremely tired. Maybe it’s the excitement of the day. Maybe it’s something to do with the drugs he’s given her. Her head lulls against his chest as she passes out.
Atoshi gets her back to the plane before the others and lays her on the bed in the back, he checks her over and grimaces when he looks between her legs, that bastard would be sorry when he had him home and restrained. "Maybe it's better that you passed out..." He pulls out his medical kit and opens it up 'please be here... Please...' "Yes..." He pulls out a small black jar and moves back to the bed, he spreads her legs and coats his fingers with the jars contents 'Please stay asleep...' He slowly works his fingers into her, trying to coat everywhere, he repeats this a few times before then coating her entire pussy and inner thighs, he gently closes her legs and covers her up, that's when he noticed the injection site "Bastard..." He checks her over again, checking her pulse and for any other, marks.
The drugs worked to knock him, but before they make it to the plane with him, Andrews is awake and yelling. “My baby!”
“Shut the fuck up stupid. She’s not pregnant,” Tony smirks. “We saw the report. Even with all the drugs you’ve had in your body, you’re not able to get her pregnant. Stupid fucker. Now. Why did you take her? Abby had cheated you, and you were caught. Both of you? Why risk it?” Andrews sighs. “You can keep your mouth shut, but I promise you my boss will get the answers out of you if he has to beat you half to death. Doesn’t matter to him. Hell you took his doll and did whatever you did to her.” Andrews smiles. “What the hell did you do to her.”
“I fucked her hard.” Frank kicks him in the head. “I’m getting tired of his mouth,” he says. Tony nods. “One last chance. Why?”
“I wanted a baby from her. I wanted her to be pregnant. I wanted to watch her sex rip open as my child was born.” Tony nods to Frank, and Frank kicks him in the head again. “You give her any drugs?” Andrews smiles. “What did you give her?”
“Something to make her more fertile. I gave it to her twice.”
“Yeah. So why the fucking smile on your face?”
“It’s only meant to be given once. I gave it to her twice tonight.”
“What are the side effects?” He doesn’t answer. “What are the side effects,” Tony screams. “Don’t know. Never pushed it this far before. I have no idea.”
“You could have fucking killed her.”
“Could have. Might have.”
“Might….have.” Tony takes out his walkie. “Boss? How’s Ana?”
Atoshi was sitting with ana, trying to wake her up and keepig track of her heart rate when his walkie came alive -Boss? How's Ana?- he glances at it then at her, she was getting pale and her breathing was shallow, he grabs the walkie "Not good, can't wake her and her heart rate is dropping... Get back ASAP or I'm leaving you here... You have 10 minutes!" He tosses the walkie down and goes through his kit, he opens a shot and gives it to her, jolting her awake for a few moments "Anastasia... Anastasia baby... Come on stay awake..." He slaps her cheeks lightly to keep her awake as long as he can before she passes out again. At least the shot had gotten her heart rate back up a bit.
“We gotta get him to the plane. Now,” Tony tells Frank. Frank nods as it takes both men to get him there. Andrews is still smirking and laughing. “Shut him up,” Tony tells Frank and he’s heading towards Atoshi. “He gave her something he was only suppose to give her once. He gave it to her twice. Doesn’t know anything about the side effects boss.” He looks at her. “We don’t know what this stuff could do. Bastard could have….No! That’s not gonna happen.” He rushes over to her slapping her face. “Come on there! Don’t sleep. No sleeping now.” He’s not as gentle as Atoshi, and if he makes him angry, he’ll deal with it. “I’ll tell Frank to take off he says, leaving the room.
He stops Tony "You stay... Keep her awake... Just don't hurt her..." He leaves it at that and walks to the front of the plane. "We need to go... Now... Is everything ready?" He takes a seat next to Frank and looks at him, "Tony is trying to keep her awake, but that won't last for long..." He turns away as the plane starts up and is going down the runway, he pulls his phone out and calls Kimmy. "Hey... Yeah we found them... No... Yeah, he overdosed her on something... Yes, have doc get ready... We're going as fast as we can... Don't you dare!" He got angry suddenly "We'll be there ASAP, be ready!" He hung up and stares out the window, Kimmy was starting to doubt they'd make it in time, Atoshi wouldn't hear of it.
Frank takes off feeling the urgency of getting them home. He pushes the plane as hard as he can. Kimmy tells the doctor what Atoshi told her. “There’s shots of pure adrenaline packed in the kit. Several. He can give them to her. It will wake her up for a short period of time, but it will keep her heart rate up.” She nods to him. “I’m sure he’s figured that out by now.”

“Come on Ana. Wake up. Don’t sleep.” She opens her eyes looking sleepy. “Hey there! Stay awake now. Alright. Stay awake.” Her mouth opens wide as she cries reaching between her legs. “What the? I didn’t do anything. Ana. Your fine! It’s okay.” Tony didn't know about the cream Atoshi had applied. He had inserted the cream inside her, and while it was working, she was still a bit sore. "It's okay Ana. You're safe."
Several minutes after take off Atoshi comes back to check in on her "If she does pass out... Give her one of these..." He sets the kit down by Tony and shows his the needles, then moves to look at Ana "I know it hurts baby doll... But put something there to help, I know..." He leans closer and whispers to her "If you ever wanna feel me in you again... You'll stay awake for me as long as you can..." He pulls back and smirks at her "Fight for me Baby Doll..." He glares at her to encourage her, giving her orders and holding her hand. "Show me how strong you are! Don't make me punish you!"
She nods looking up at him. Of course she wanted to fight for him, and Ana wasn’t crazy about the thought of being punished. “If she had swallowed the drugs, we could get her to throw them up, but they’re in her blood stream boss.” Tony is working to make sure another dose is ready in case she passes out again. Her eyes start to flutter closed, but she keeps hearing his words. ‘Fight for me Baby Doll.’
“I’ll fight….for you,” she tells him sounding almost asleep. She forces her eyes open wide looking at him. “I’ll fight….for you.”

Kimmy tells the doctor, “ Frank just called. He said they’re coming in hot on the landing strip out back. Be ready.”
“I’m ready. How is our guest doing,” he nods to Abby. “She’s….fine. You know. I’ll bet she knows what the drug would do if overdosed.”
“Kimmy. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I know where your mind is going.”
“But if I wake Abby, she could tell us.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Atoshi is not here. How do you think he will feel about this?”
“I have to try. For him. For Ana.” She walks over towards Abby. “Kimmy! I forbid it.”
“You’re not my Sir Doc.”
“Kimmy, you….” He’s cut off short to answer him phone. “Frank says they’re landing. Kimmy….I have to go. Come with me.”
“You better go doc. Somebody has to stay here with her.” He reluctantly heads out to meet the plane.
He holds Ana tightly as they land, it was a lot rougher then it normally would be, once they were stopped he takes her and rushes out and lays her on the stretcher that Doc drove over, he straps her down "Go!" He looks at her and holds her hand, he smirks at her "You're racking up those reward points... Fight Dolly... Come on... Almost there..." He looks up at the doctor "Where's Kimmy?" When he told him he glares slightly "Stupid..." He pulls his walkie, looking at Ana "Kimmy! I know what you're thinking... But you can't take her alone! You hear me! Stand down!" He held the walkie not sure if she heard him and continues to kis Ana awake, it wasn't long before they were at the house and unloading her.
Ana loved the feel of his lips on her skin. It wasn’t about reward points to her. She heard something in her head, something that Andrews had told her when they were alone. It was true, and the thought of it took the smile from her lips. ‘If you had managed to get away from him, none of this would have ever happened to you.’ She looked up to Atoshi as he walked next to her. ‘I could die tonight, and it’s because I’m with you,’ she thought. Andrews’ words had planted the seeds of doubt he wanted to. Everything around Atoshi grows dark, and no matter how hard she tries to stay awake for him, she passes out regardless. She falls motionless on the stretcher.

Kimmy’s walkie was on the small table outside of the room. She had left there. Now she stood staring at Abby. All the hate, all the rage in her eyes ever present. “Tell me what happens if she has too much of the drug?”
“She dies, and you get to watch. Clear enough for you, you whipped whore?”
“If you were not restrained, I’d kick your ass.”
“You know how to fix that.”
“Damn right I do,” Kimmy tells her approaching her starting to remove her restraints. “And when I kick your ass, you’re gonna tell me everything I need to know.”
"Dammit.. Ana... Doc I'm outta shots! And she passed out again..." They make it to a medical room with several nurses waiting for them, they take her inside but the doctor stops him "Sir... We've got this... You'll only be in the way... Atoshi!" The doc shook his slightly "She'll be fine... Now go stop Kimmy... I'll call you..." After glareing at him for several minutes he backs away, looking in the room once more before heading to the holding room, he was in the mood for a fight.
Kimmy is struggling to free her. "Damn Tony. You really got her tied up tight." Kimmy finally feels a pull as the rope releases. "He's had you so tight you've been bleeding. A little too much there Tony," she says reaching for her other wrist. Her chest hanging right over Abby's mouth, Abby smiles leaning up and biting her nipple through her shirt. "Fuck! What the....," she groans. "You need to....stop." Abby rolls her nipple between her teeth. "Fuck that feels good. You want me to untie you so we can fight?"
"Untie me so we can do anything we want." Kimmy looks at the rope and pulls hard releasing Abby. She jumps up from the table walking, backing Kimmy against the wall. "Pleasure laced pain little slut," she tells her before reaching out and grabbing her by the throat with one hand. She presses in watching Kimmy's face turn red as her free hand grabs her nipple and pinches. "You see? They mix so well together. Ana knows that. Care to learn?"
Atoshi made it to the room as Kimmy let her free and he notices it through the doors window, he glares and enters the room silently. -Ana knows that. Care to learn?- He glares hard at Abby and reaches out, twisting his hand in her hair "No, you need to learn to stop touching what isn't yours!" He pulls hard and rips her away from Kimmy, tossing her to the floor, he glares at Kimmy "I'll deal with you later..." He quickly turns and goes after Abby, jumping on her and holding her arms above her head in a death grip "I think it's time you learned your own lesson you fucking bitch... Kimmy! Cuffs!" He holds her down, pinning her legs with his own, he was beyond posses and was quite enjoying this, he was going to take this cunt down a few pegs.
Abby screams as he tosses her to the floor like a rag doll. Kimmy snaps back from her pleasure induced reverie. “I’m sorry Sir,” she tells him knowing it won’t do her any good. Abby was trying to scramble across the floor when he caught her and pinned her down. “Get off me you fucking animal!” When Kimmy heard him call, she moved quickly grabbing the cuffs and brining them to him. “Sir,” she said offering them to him. “I thought you wanted to learn little slut,” Abby tells Kimmy. Kimmy is smart though, and simply backs away without acknowledging her. She can see that Atoshi is angry, and she would much rather Abby take the force of that anger than do it herself. “What Atoshi? Huh? You gonna cuff me now like a big, bad boy? Why can’t you face me while I’m free? Do you always have to restrain what you play with? Scared to take me on without the cuffs? Such a big man,” she taunts.
He grips her hair again and twists her head to look at him, her hands now cuffed behind her back "No... I'd gladly take you free... I'd enjoy fucking that grin of your face... But that's not what I want right now..." He grins at her and sits back on her legs so he can open his pants, "I just don't want you trying to get away is all..." He then lifts her ass and smacks it, hard across both cheeks "You see... You hired help took Ana..." He kneels on her legs to keep her up, also holding ther cuff's chain "So I need something to take my anger out on..." He reaches up and grabs the lube off the table and pours some on her ass "That's only so I won't get stuck... I don't care if I hurt you, you're just a walking fuck toy, for mine and Ana's pleasure... You fucking Pet!" With that he quickly thrusts into her ass, in one hard thrust, not waiting for her to adjust he pulls out and repeats before setting a rough pace, smacking her ass if she cries out.
Abby screamed out feeling him fill her ass. She could not believe he was fucking her. It didn't matter where, but Atoshi was fucking her. "Are you fucking insane? You hate me! I hate you! Why the fuck are you doing this?" She cried out feeling the immediate pain as he stretched her open, filling her, without mercy. For a while it was utter agony, and he slapped her ass for her cries. She thought it would ease, and her pain would subside. It always did when she was having her ass fucked, but something was different with Atoshi. Maybe it was the size of his cock, but the pain was not easing for her. "Stop! You're fucking hurting me!"
He only grins and chuckles darkly as he thrusts deeper and pulls on the chain, pulling her I to his thrusts "Good... You've had enough pleasure in your life... You're my fuck pet now... So deal with it!" He continues to smack her ass for every cry she makes, ignoring the sting in his own hand "You're a tight little bitch Abby..." As he gets close to his release he leans down and grips her hair again, thrusting deeper as he leans over her "I'm going to watch your face as I full your ass with my cum..." He holds her there and thrusts faster before thrusting hard once more and filling her. "Nnn..."
She could feel his anger as he took her. His words felt like fire burning her as he spoke. “Of course….I’m a tight….bitch! I don’t fuck….everything….like you….and that bitch!” She tensed as he mentions filling her ass with his cum. “I don’t want….your cum….in me!” Her face was red as she felt his body tight, stiff, and the rush of warmth filling her ass. She screamed out so loud her throat hurt almost as much as her ass from all the smacks he had given her. “You animal! Tell me! Is she even awake?”
He pants a few moments before pulling out and flipping her over, pinning her hands behind her back. "What do you care if she's awake or not!" He slaps her hard across the face and forces her legs open wide "You know... You wanted her pregnant so bad... Why not put you in the same boat!" He thrusts hard into her pussy and continues to thrust hard and fast, reaching up he smacks her breasts and pulls her nipples "Do you like that PET... Do you want it Deeper!" He leans closer and thrusts deeper, biting at her own nipples "What about that... Does my PET like a little pain..." He slaps her breasts and squeezes them roughly, thrusting so hard into her he could hear his balls slapping against her ass. "Beg me you little piss ant... My little fuck toy... Beg your Master to let you cum... You worthless PET!" He slaps her breasts again.
Her eyes blaze at him after he slaps her. “What? You mother fucker,” she screams as he slams into her pussy. He’s abusing her body roughly while filling her, and she can’t help but cry out. Kimmy cringes watching having never seen him like this before. “Stop fucking calling me that! Let me go! I will NEVER be your pet! Why don’t you go fuck Ana? Hmmm? Awwwww. That’s right. She’s like a….LIMP….NOODLE right now! Right?”
He glares at her and rages "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He reaches up and warps his hands around her throat "I'll kill you!" He kept fucking her as he squeezes her throat tighter, hearing her gasp was pushing him to move faster, when her eyes start to roll back he lets her go and continues to fuck her hard, "You'll always be my PET... From now until you die..."
She wanted to say something to him, to scream, but she struggled to even swallow. She looked at him, feeling almost numb in her face as he fucked her hard. The pure hatred for him clear on her face. "Never," she mouthed to him calmly before opening her mouth wanting to scream. He had left bruises on her neck, and her body simply as limp only moving as he thrusts into her, sliding her along the floor. "Just cum," she mouthed.
"Gladly!" He thrusts hard a few more times before filling her again, then pulls out and sprays the rest on her chest and face. He stands up and glares down at her "Face it Abby... You lost..." He fixes his clothes and leaves her on the ground, then moves over to Kimmy and stands before her "Now... What were you thinking! When I walked in you looked ready to roll over for that bitch... She was a mistress Kimmy... She knows what to do and say to have you begging her..." He said the last part softly, cupping her cheek "She would have stolen you too..." He was getting tired, he'd been up and fighting for almost two days, he cleans a bit closer, then falls to his knees and then over, passing out.
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