Fall of Titania (w/Ironic)


Feb 19, 2012
Midwestern USA
He had found her. For years after she had escaped him--betrayed him--he had searched for her. And he had finally found her, or rather, she had found him. She had met with the council and seen his doppleganger there. He had come up with a ruse, a long lost brother, and she had seemed to believe it. At the very least, she had not tried to expose him--although even if she had, she would have failed. Jellal was far too careful to be undone by a blunt instrument like Erza Scarlett.

As simple as her mind may have been, it was also incredibly strong, as was her magic. From the moment he saw her again through Siegrain's eyes, he knew she would be the key to heaven. But he would have to bend her iron will to his, and that would take time. Even though the tower was far from complete, he would have to start working on her immediately if he wanted to have her ready in time. And so, he had been tracking her since she left the Magic Council, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Erza Scarlet was well known and had a bit of a bad first impression. Her closest of friends knew that she was really a strong, powerful and kind hearted person, and was also well respected for that. Funny, how a girl like Erza could be so kind hearted after what had happen to her back in the day. Her young life was rough, and it was easy to say she didn't even have a childhood at all. Flashbacks of the lingering memories always terrified her, but she wore her armor to shield it away, to make herself feel safe.

Jellal and Erza were very close friends back in the day, helping each other get through the struggles of hard labor and punishment while being forced to build the Tower of Heaven. One day, they had a decision amongst their friends to escape the hell that enslaved them. During the process of their risky quest, they were caught in the process, resulting in Erza to get tortured to the brink of death and lost her right eye to learn her lesson, even though she wasn't the one who started the idea.

After being imprisoned and beaten, she returned back to her friends, Jellal hurt to see his friend, a crush, in a messy state. Erza gained her confidence in the midst, and told Jellal she was fine, saying how they needed to step up their game and revolt. All seemed to be going to plan, until the guards captured Jellal. After the harsh battles of fighting off the mages, Erza went back to find Jellal, but discovered that he was... changed.

He was now taken over by the spirit Zeref, proclaiming that Zeref is the freedom they need, so they should continue on with building the Tower of Heaven. Immediately opposing of his idea's she betrayed him, making him cast her out wit her life, threatening her that he will kill her if she ever came back.

Years have now past, and Erza can live her life however she pleases, but Jellal is always itching at the back of her mind, fear coursing her veins, something her armor cannot protect.

Going up to the quest display, she searched through the clutter of papers, trying to find one that appeased her the most and offered a handsome reward at the end. Spotting the one she wanted, she gathered her things for the journey, and began it by walking. The quest was close to the Tower of Heaven, but it was far enough distance that she didn't exactly violate Jellal's words.
When Erza returned to her guild, Jellal stayed away. He wasn't quite ready to confront her there, surrounded by powerful wizards who, in a group, could pose some threat to him--at least, while his energy was divided between his real body and Siegrain. But it wasn't long before she left on a mission, and Jellal tracked her movements. She seemed to be heading towards the Tower--not to confront him, surely? No, there must have been some task, some beast that needed slaying in this region. But still, she was so bold as to come this close to the place where she had suffered and been enslaved. It was a good place for her to take her first step back towards slavery.

As she traveled, Jellal approached stealthily, employing simple darkness magic to help cloak his location in the shadows. He tailed Erza for about a quarter of a mile, observing her. He watched her gait and her stance, looking for weaknesses but finding few. He examined her armor, trying to get a feel for its gaps and its restrictions, knowing it hardly mattered because she could switch it out in a moment. And he eyed her figure, the voluptuous curves which were obvious even through the rigid plate mail. Jellal couldn't stop himself from grinning. She was very talented, very beautiful, and this would be all the more satisfying for it.

He held up his hands, forming magic circles in the air as large, shadowy hands erupted from the ground to grab at Erza. He had acted swiftly, giving her very little warning, but he doubted she would need very much.
The shackles on Erza's armor clanked as she walked on the rough soil. Her quest was to venture off into the mountains of an island, a name she forgot, but it didn't matter. Her posture was straight, and her scarlet hair was cascading down her back. Funny, how even after all these years she still kept scarlet as her last name, getting it from Jellal when they were kids.

The air made an abrupt change in sound, giving Erza a bit of time to depict something was out of place, though uncertain until a tight grip was bounded to her ankles, making her gasp from the unexpected stunt. She wobbled sloppily, falling to her knees, her armor roughly hitting the ground, coating herself in the Earth.

Her head whipped back, seeing what happened, only to find hands with a hue of black gripping onto her. She growled in her throat, teeth clenched and demanding for an answer. "Come out you coward!" She roared, lifting her swiftly sword up, threatening to quickly swipe her blade against the wrists that kept her from moving any further.
Erza's blade was easily able to cut through the shadowy hands, but Jellal had expected at least that much from Erza. He abandoned his cover to stand up straight, smirking at Erza as he walked slowly towards her. "Coward?" he asked. "Such hurtful words, my dear Scarlett. It was just a playful greeting. I happened to notice you wandering through my lands..." His collected smile faltered, giving way to cruel fury for an instant before he calmed himself and continued. "And I was just looking for a way to break the ice after our last parting. Do you really feel so threatened by such a feeble attack? I expected better from you, Erza." He shook his head and sighed. "Maybe I should show you a real spell. Just so you can tell the difference, in the future."

Jellal held up both hands, and a sphere of darkness appeared before him. It expanded slowly before erupting into a mass of black tendrils, all of which snaked their way towards Erza, trying to wrap around her limbs, waist, and throat.
Immediately seeing that it was Jellal, she somewhat seemed... relieved? But in reality she wasn't, knowing that this would be a much more difficult task, and she had no one to help her - she was all by herself. After all of these years though, she wouldn't of thought that she would end up seeing him like this, randomly on her quest. He looked much more different - and obviously older - then when she last gazed at those eyes. The monster he turned into be was only a nightmare beginning to happen, and she wanted so much more for him until he fell into that deep spell. She was too late to save him.

"Jellal, enough with this nonsense." She ordered as her voice grew louder, her eyes glaring at him. "I have business to attend to. I don't have time to play these foolish games." With a quick and easy swipe she cut through the dark shadowy hands like butter, making them disappear into thin air. Quickly she stood on her feet, placing them firmly on the ground. With ears tuned into his voice, she raised a brow at his remark on showing her 'a real spell.' What was this?

Lifting her head up, the blackness began to make its way towards her, attempting to grab anywhere and everywhere they could just to get to her. Luckily, Erza was smart, and quick to think. Twisting her body around, she began to dodge the oncoming tendrils, her face not showing any fear whatsoever. She equipped into her cheetah armor, giving her increased movement speed while boosting up her agility. Her swords flailed in the air, ridding of the blackness, quick to dodge and quick to think.

'Is this really what you got?" Taunting him, her lips curved into a smirk, chucking to herself as she continued to doge the obstacles .
"Well done, Erza, after you were snared so easily before I was beginning to worry for you." Jellal swirled his hands and three spheres of darkness appeared in front of him. They circled for a moment before launching towards Erza, closing in on her from different angles, moving at different speeds in different patterns. Dodging any one of them would have been a cakewalk, and Jellal was sure that with the cheetah armor she could have handled two. But, all three? Well, it wasn't impossible. It was going to depend on how far her skills had advanced since he'd seen her last.
He tried to make his words get to her, and she wasn't going to allow for that to happen. Turning around quickly, her pupils shrunk to see the spheres of darkness swirling their way towards her, threatening her to be enslaved in the dark mists. It was incredible how they weren't synchronizing, Jellal had held powerful magic in his grip, and only he knew what he could do with it. It was up to Erza to find out.

"Coward!" She growled, her heart thumping in her chest, trying to figure out what to do. She wouldn't have enough time to reequip, so she had to make do with what she had now. Taking her daggers she spun them around, bending down on a knee before sprinting away from the three orbs. The one that came fastest to her was easily dodged, seeing the sphere land on the soil and make a black mist of explosion. The second one nearly got her, her body contorting to feel the wind of it whiz right past her on her fair skin.

Looking up, the last orb took her by surprise, and she couldn't react fast enough, hitting her abdomen and sending her plummeting to the ground, making a small crater due to the immense force from the impact. Her body ached, a nice cut on her side, but she wasn't going to give up just yet. She closed her eyes, breathing heavily from her new wound, and reequipped into the Heaven's Wheel Armor. Her swords dancing around her form.

"I was hoping for a more adventurous battle, what do you call that?" Her brows furrowed, already unamused by him.
"What do I call it? How about foreplay?" A wave of Jellal's hands conjured up an array of magic circles, from which emerged numerous shadowy swords. They swirled around him, a dark mockery of Erza's wheel of blades. The magic constructs were not quite as strong as her steel, he knew, but they would hold up to a few blows if he needed them to. Jellal charged at Erza, the blades spinning faster and faster, but that was a distraction. With a flick of his wrist, shadowy hands erupted from the ground at her feet, smaller and more numerous than before. They grabbed at Erza's legs, trying to drag her down to her knees.
Foreplay? The words itself caught Erza off guard, until she watched as the magical circles filled her vision. Her lips twisted in shock, seeing how he could mock such a powerful spell. He has grown from the last time she seen him, how could he possess such a magical power? Was it really Zeref doing all of this? She could only imagine what he truly has been through, almost feeling sympathetic for him until she watched as the man began to charge towards her, his face in a smirk.

Erza blew out some air before charging herself towards him, gripping at her sword so tight it made her knuckles turn white, focused on finishing the poor fool off, until she was instantly stopped in her tracks, her legs being forced to fall by tiny black hands, more powerful than before. Her face twitched, disbelief coating it.

It turns out that she is the true fool.

"Jellal, please, knock it off!" She snarled at him, her brows furrowing in distaste. "I wasn't looking for trouble, if I wanted it then I would of came directly to you!"
Jellal did not heed her words and continued his charge, regardless of her fall. His shadow swords hovered around him, ready to parry any attacks Erza might make against him. They wouldn't last long under the onslaught of her blades, but they were enough of a defense for Jellal to get within arm's reach. The shadow hands grasping at Erza's legs vanished as he threw a punch at her bare stomach. The Heaven's Wheel Armor was great for offense, but it exposed so much flesh... not that Jellal was complaining. She was an exquisite sight in this garb.

"It's true that you didn't come to the tower, that you didn't attack me directly. So I won't kill you, as I said I would. But... you are still in my territory. You should still be punished." He grinned down at her. "How shall I punish you, Erza?"
Her hands clenched at her exposed stomach, her face twisting in pain. Jellal was consuming her mind, making her weaker than the thought. She shook her head, needing to snap out of this. This wasn't like her, she was stronger than him and smarter. Feeling the grip disappear on her legs, she stood up, staggering to her feet. Taking a deep breath, she nodded to herself. Enough is enough.

"You will never punish me. It is you who will be punished, Jellal." Her blades began to swirl and dance all around her, the sound of the swooshing of the blades echoing in the wind. Deep down inside her chest it felt as if it was burning, her anger intensifying, regaining the strength that she lost. "I will not let you consume my mind again. Never." Long ago, Erza loved Jellal, but seeing the monster he is today, she had no love to offer to him anymore.

The blades began to separate, flinging off into his direction. Five of them glided against the air, the sharp end aiming directly at him. Lifting up her own sword, she jumped up in the air, ready to dig her sword into his thoracic cavity, planning on submerging it into his heart.
Jellal gestured with his left hand, and his swords swooped in to deflect the flying blades. Thankfully, he didn't need to block them outright, just change their course enough so that they flew by him. As Erza leaped at him, he held up his hand and a sphere of shadows formed between them. As her blade struck the darkness, it passed through effortlessly, up until it was nearly at the center of the orb. Then the swirling shadows solidified, tightening around Erza's weapon as black tendrils erupted from the sphere and tried to wind themselves around Erza's arms and throat.

"Punish me? Even assuming you could, I've done nothing wrong Erza. You'll understand that in time. But first, unfortunately, you will have to understand despair."
"Done nothing wrong? Is this a sick joke? You've done everything..." Erza struggled with the solidifying magic, her body wiggling around to try and escape it. Thinking quickly, she reequipped, changing into the Armadura Fairy. Her sword disappeared in the process, therefore getting out of the sticky situation it was just in. Her hand wielded two swords, glowing in a bright neon green electric energy. Quickly, she slashed away at the black sphere, making it splatter to the ground.

"Believe me, when I was stuck in that hell for what seemed all of my life, I understood well what despair was; all thanks to you too." Taking her sword she pointed it at him, her eyes glaring in frustration at how foolish he was acting.

"This ends now."
Jellal jumped back as Erza cut through his shadows. He could tell from the magic power radiating from her current armor that it was incredibly dangerous. Her strongest armor? He hoped so. That meant she was taking him seriously. And it also meant that if he could overcome it, when he overcame it, the psychological impact would surely be devastating.

He swept his hand in front of him in a broad arc, generating half a dozen magic circles. Several black spheres flew out from each one, spreading out to flank Erza on either side before they all converged on her and exploded. With his left hand, obscured from his target's sight by both his body and the magic circles, he conjured up another, smaller magic circle directly behind her. He closed his light hand into a fist, causing all of the black spheres to converge on Erza and explode. If she decided to endure or deflect the blasts, he would able to gauge how strong her armor was. If she tried to evade, well, he had left her only one angle of retreat, and if she crossed the magic circle his trap would be sprung. So far she seemed to be having trouble with attacks from below, having been ensnared twice already.
Her eyes grew wide, seeing all of the orbs come her way. She wanted to dodge away, but there wasn't enough time. Instead, she shielded her arms against the spells, trying to make sure she wouldn't get seriously injured. His magic was tough and dangerous, and then she began to think about how many lives were lost by his hands.

Blackness engulfed her, the blows vibrating throughout her body. It seemed to last forever, the darkness blinding her, until the smoke began to part away, her armor in pieces now, some pieces already meeting with the soil. Her armor couldn't handle such a blast, maybe five of them, but definitely not seven.

Her skin was coated in burn marks, her body aching everywhere. Next thing she knew, her eyelids closed on her and she collapsed on the ground.
Jellal was at her side in an instant, carefully scooping her up off the ground. "Erza... did I lose you already? And here I thought you would be difficult to break..." He slid a hand up her back until he reached her neck, parting her hair and pressing his fingers into her skin just where her spine met her skull. Snake-like black markings spread from his touch, encircling her neck and crawling further down her skin. The symbols slithered under her armor and clothes to wrap around her torso, arms and legs. Then, slowly, the mystic bindings lifted her into the air, spreading her arms out to the sides while her legs fell beneath her, her toes barely scraping the ground.

Jellal just watched her for a few seconds, trying to determine if she was conscious. Not that it really mattered. She would have to be awake for most of what he intended, but he could make some preparations first... he reached out and grabbed the cracked breastplate of her armor, hands cloaked in shadows. His power was spread too thin for Heavenly Body Magic, but he could still call on the darkness to finish off the armor. Bit by bit, plate by plate, Jellal tore away and shattered what remained of Erza's armor. Finally she was left with a tattered pink skirt that was barely staying on her curvaceous hips, and black stockings up to her thighs. He stepped back to admire her. My Scarlett girl, you have grown so beautiful.
Erza's eyes fluttered open, her back now on the ground with a pounding headache. Everything seemed to be a blur, she didn't know where she was or what had happened, until she caught a glimpse of that blue hair - everything came back to her. How did she managed to get defeated so easily? This was not like her at all, but her feelings for him in the past seemed to get into the way of her skills, making her clumsy and fragile.

A breeze past over her skin, making her shiver. Using her hands to balance herself, she lifted up to see her clothing changed, only now in her skirt that barley even was on herself and black stockings. Gasping, her hands quickly covered her breasts, her head hanging down low, not wanting to make any eye contact with the fool. Easily she would change back into her armor, but her mana was drained from her. More than likely because of him and his black magic.

"Please, Jellal, just let me go and continue on with my mission. If I wanted a fight, I would of came to you myself."
Jellal smiled as she came to, and laughed at her words--and at her modesty. "As if you would have the courage." With a flick of his finger, the tattoo-like marks on her skin came to life, dragging her arms away from her bosom. "You could never defeat me, Erza, so why would you even try?" He knelt down over her, settling his knees on either side of her shapely hips, and reached up to stroke her face. "And besides, I already told you, you must be punished. Did you think to get out of it so easily?"

He slid his hand down her cheek, cupping her chin briefly before running his fingertips down her throat. He curled his fingers around her neck and tightened, not enough to cut off her air but tight enough to hurt as he pulled her towards him, pressing his lips against hers. He settled his free hand on her large breast, enjoying the smoothness of her skin under his fingers.
Before Erza had a chance to notice the new markings that coated her pale skin, the patches began to glow brightly, coating her form in a bright yellow hue. Effortlessly her hands moves from her exposed breasts, the plump flesh bouncing to life. Never before has she been so scared, terrified for her life, but she had to face the music - she wasn't in control of her body anymore.

Trying relentlessly to cover her breasts back, her hands refused to go back to her bosoms. Her eyes met with his, his shadow casting on top of her once his legs wrapped around her elegant hips. "What you're doing is wrong, and you know it. You'll regret it once I get the chance. This time I won't be so nice"

It's as if her words triggered something in him, his hands tightening around her frail neck, her muscle tightened, but her airway was okay. It hurt, her face twisted with pain, wanting to escape but she couldn't. How could she be so weak? Pathetic. She deserved this as her punishment for not defeating this fool.

For sure she knew he was going to beat her to death, to kill her and leave her body to rot, but as his lips collided with her own... it shocked her. With wide eyes she looked at his face, mumbling words that couldn't be heard. "Jellal, stop!"

Erza would of wanted this in the past, if Jellal was his normal self before he was cursed with Zeref. She never pictured it like this. Wiggling her legs around, she tried to kick him off of her, contorting her body to break the kiss.
Jellal paid no mind to Erza's threats. She didn't have the strength to back them up, and he had more important things on her mind. He loved the look of shock in her eyes as he kissed her, as if she had no idea this was coming. He loved the feel of her lips moving against his and the sound of her muffled protest. He was less fond of her squirming. Even with the control his shadow bind exerted over Erza's body, Jellal would have had a hard time keeping her head still.And the harder he worked to keep her under control, the more in control she would feel. That would defeat the purpose.

So, instead, he let her pull away and turned his attention to her bosom, releasing her neck to grasp her breasts in both hands. They were soft and warm under his palms, and her skin was remarkably smooth. "I must say, Erza, you have grown into a magnificent woman." He squeezed, digging his fingernails into her taut skin, not drawing blood but certainly leaving marks. He leaned forward, kissing her breast before biting down gently on her nipple.
What was this strange power overpowering her? She could barely control herself. Damn it! She let her guard down in the worse possible time. Her body was unconscious, susceptible to anything, even Jellal. Having little control of herself, she felt her muscles tense, being forced to do what he wanted. And her power... was it draining it from her and entering into him? Everything was hazy.

His fingernails dug into her, causing pain but no blood coated his nails. She wanted him to stop, wanted to kill the bastard now. Trying so desperately to move around, it was useless. She was only wasting what little magic energy she had left.

Naturally, her nipples stood erect to the smooth licks and nibbles of his mouth. Hating to admit it, it did feel good, but she would never admit to anything like that. Love had to be made willingly. This wasn't love, this was out of pure lust.

Erza felt like shit. Like she was nothing but a toy for someone's pleasure. Then what would happen afterwards? Just get thrown out like garbage?

That was to be expected.

"I'll kill you..." With clenched teeth she hissed at the man as he played with her useless body.
Jellal pulled his face away from her breast to reply. "If you were capable of that, Erza, you would have done it already. You're simply too weak." He took one hand off of her bosom to pick up one of the fragments of pink metal scattered on the ground. "Was this the best you had? Not very impressive. But even besides your magic..." He dropped the metal and pinched her hard nipples with both hands. "I've barely touched you, Erza, and your body is already yielding to me. Your flesh is weak... but not as weak as your will." He didn't believe that; it was the strength of her will that he needed, after all. But to command her he would first have to break it. "That's why your magic is weak, why your body obeys me over yours. It's why you didn't kill me all those years ago, when you actually had a chance."

He slid one hand down her breast, along her smooth skin and firm abs, stroking the curve of her hip and running his palm down her thigh. "It's too late to defeat me now, Erza, so you might as well give in." Jellal ran his hand back up her leg, rotating it around to caress her inner thigh, before slipping two fingers between her legs to gently stroke her opening.
Her jaw began to grind back and fourth, anger and frustration in her mind. She couldn't say anything in regards to his statement. They were all correct. Speaking would only be wasting her breath and time. She didn't deserve to be an S Class wizard. How could someone as weak as her possess such a high ranking title? Depression was setting in, and her will to fight was slowly decreasing.

Jolting at his rough touch on her slit, she tried to push her knees together to make it so he couldn't get to her love hole, but alas, she couldn't do anything. Even if she tried with all of her might. A tear began to form on her left eye, slowly trailing down her cheek. Her right eye was artificial ever since her gruesome attack back when she was enslaved as a child.

"There's no point in fighting anymore." Lowering her head, her tear dripped down to the soil "I've lost, and I am not afraid to admit to my defeat."
Jellal laughed. Her jaw, her tears, her words, all told him how hopeless she felt. And that was what he wanted, or rather needed her to feel, if he was going to break her. But he certainly wasn't going to let up now. "That's good, Erza, that you can so graciously accept your defeat." He continued to massage her pussy with two fingers, gradually parting her labia and working them inside of her. "But if you knew what I could do to you--what I will do to you..." He squeezed her breast and twisted it beneath his hand. "You would be afraid."

He leaned forward, and at the same time her bonds dragged her closer to him as he buried his face in her bosom. He kissed and sucked at her breast and nipple, slowly working his way up until he reached her collarbone and bit down. It wasn't hard enough to break the skin, but his teeth left red impressions in her flesh. He continued up, biting at her throat and her jawline. He gave his teeth a rest for a moment as he ran his tongue up her cheek, and up to the lid beneath her artificial eye. The wet trail matched her tear stain on the other cheek.
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