Blue moon in the shadow realm of love (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Krystal squealed in excitement when she saw him, hugging him tightly as she pulled him into the room. "Dai! Its so good to see you! I missed you." She said softly, giving him a passionate yet chaste kiss and pulling him over to the bed. She laid in between the two men, pulling them close to her. it had been a long time sonc she could have both sides of her heart. "Atem is trappednin his millenium puzzle. The boy over there solved ug and set him free. He's currently only a spirit. I used my magic." She explained, giving them each soft sensual kisses. She had missed them both so much.
Diamond expected a slightly more surprised reaction from them when they saw him. H didn't care because he was quickly thrown in bed with them just like all that time ago. Atem always had her first but he loved diamond enough to allow this triangle to continue on. "So 5 millenia and no call Atem, for shame to keep someone waiting" diamond said as a joke knowing there wasn't much he could do about it. "Hello diamond" He said with a smile wrapping his arms around her. While Diamond played with his knuckles. "Is there more or is that it" he said a dissatisfied look on his face. "I missed you" atem said grabbing his wrist and pulling him around krystal so she was now lightly sandwiched by them.
Krystal relaxed completely once she was sandwiched between the two men. She kissed each of them sweetly, wrapping her arms around both atem and diamond. "I missed you both. When was the last time we were together dai, WWII?" She asked contemplatively, snuggling into him slightly and breathing him in deep. he still smelt the same. Of red wine, exotic spices, and just a hint of darkness. Atem on the other hand, smelt like the sands of egypt, shadows, and a blend of other things she could never name. Each she loved so much, each she had missed so much. "I missed you both." She said simply, kissing each of them again.
"I missed you more" the both said almost in unison it made them chuckled before atem stopped himself "What is a WW and why were there 2" he asked not lnowing how long of a story it was. Diamond grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer into Krystal. "Doesn't matter right now just shutup and cuddle" he said sounding like a complete dunce. "Fine, fine but I want an explanation of it ans of what I missed." Atem said giving a mocking angry face before moving closer to her.
Krystal chuckled a little, kissing him back. She snuggled into both of them, relaxing completely. It was such a joy yo have both herbmen back. She chuckled again. "Its a long story atem, but I will explain later." She said, giving him a kiss and smiling contentedly. She had missed this.
Diamond looked over to the boy who lay on the couch still sleeping silently. "So he set you free?" He said looking over to Atem who nodded. "He has a bit of a crush on her as well" He laughed running his hand through Krystal's hair. Diamond laughed a little wondering what she thought of him though he didn't say it out loud. "He doesn't look like much" Diamond said not knowing what either of them thought. "Yug!!!! Where are you Weavil is looking for you!!!" They heard Joey calling from the hallway. "He's much more then he looks plus he has an amazing group of friends who support him every step of the way." He said thinking it was a bit rude to be talking about them when their queen was in the room. "Well if he finished the puzzle he must be something" Diamond said laying his head back down.
Krystal cuddled into daimond, making a small happy noise as atem ran his fingers through her hair, which was currently down. Shebrelaxed even more, giggling a little. "I like yugi. He seems very sweet and shy, like me. I'm only so bold with you two or seth. He hasn't changed much since silver millennium."She admitted with a sigh, cuddling close. She didn't mind that they were talking of yugi. She didn't really care what they talked about as long she was with them. She loved them to much.
Diamond let out a sigh bored of only laying there with them he smirked grabbing Atem's wrist again and chuckled keeping his voice low. As to not wake Yugi "why take the time to remember each other" he said pulling atem so his head was hanging over Krystal. Diamond quickly let go moving his hand to the front of her pants rubbing lightly as he moved his head and kissed Atem feircely. Something he had been waiting to do since he found out the puzzle was locked away. The kiss was long and full of passion and it was able to be seen as Atem's eyes closed and he calmed moving his hand to raise another wall though he had no clue he had figured it out.
Krystal watched in curiosity as diamond pulled atem, letting out a soft moan as he started to rub her pants. "Ahh.. dai..." she blushed, watching in awe as diamond kissed atem. Her moan became slightly louder. It was so sexy to see them kiss. "Ah.. fuck.. Dai.. Atem... I want you both.." she moaned out, pulling them each down to her for hot and needy kisses. Krystal was glad one of them had iniyiated sex. While she was a dom all the way, it wasn't princess like to initiate sex. She was made to be ladylike, not slutty.
Luckily for the three of them the walls that Atem had put up blocked the sound within the walls and Yugi had been out like a light as Joey still searched for him. Atems lips broke from Diamonds as he was quickly pulled to hers. He kept his arm wrapped around her as Diamond went for her neck kissing it softly. "Be careful krystal" he chuckled in a teasing way "He may be a spirit but in that form he still needs to breathe" He said before her lips went onto his instead.

Atem put his hand where Diamonds was and began to unzip the pants she had been wearing. She may have been the dominant one but both diamond and Atem could match her without hesitation and diamond had always been impatient. When he felt Atem take over Diamond moved his hand up her shirt rubbing her torso gently as he moved up it. "So how does it fwel to have both your men back" he said with a heavy breath after braking the kiss.
Krystal let out a soft moan into the kiss as diamond kissed her neck, playing with his suit. She wanted him out and In the open for her. She coildn't beleive that after a thousand years, she finally had them both back. The men she loved were back in her arms. "Its feels complete, dai. my heart is no longer in pieces" she said, snuggling them close while she undessed them.
They both felt their clothes disapper a trick she used often just to get them out for her. As they lay next to her, their bodies moving in tandem rubbing her body at the same time. "Good I'm glad" he said with a smirk grabbing atem and kissing him for her pleasure again. "All it takes is one command like it used to" he spoke into krystal mind wanting her to take charge like she used to "Let's make this night as memorable as the last" He coninued moving his hand from her body and moving it to atems cock. Rubbing him while he played with her.
Krystal let out a moan as he kissed atem again, hopping on top of diamond. "A command you say? Like... fuck me?" She asked, kissing at his neck as she ran her free hand down atem's body, the other hand stroking diamond's cock as her clothes to disappeared. When she was sure he was hard, she plunged her pussy over his cock, nibbling his neck.
Atem watched as she sat on top of diamond and yet still played with him toying with him to get him hard. Diamond felt her tight pussy squeeze around his cock taking the whole thing quickly as he continued to rub atem who was sitting patiently moaning. Diamonds neck being nibbled on by krystal made it all the more enjoyable feeling atem squirm having not felt this in over 5 millenia.
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