Blue moon in the shadow realm of love (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Yugi put his hand on his chin? "White haired friend? The only person I know with white hair would be Bakura and he isn't here." he looked at Atem confused who shrugged not knowing either. He walked towards the middle of the floor and sat beginning to think of Bakura and his grandfather becoming sad.
Krystal chuckled a little. "Oh, believe me, Baki is here. He's just hiding." She explained, smiling at yugi. She could sense something coming, but she didn't know what. It felt familiar though and non threatening, so she wasn't to worried. She gave atem a kiss then yugi as well. "You, aibou, are to adorable for words." She admitted before she apoligized, realizing he probably hated being called adorable.
Yugi blushed when she kissed him putting his hand behind his head. "Adorable?" He looked at her while she apoligized "No, no it's fine" he began to think of Tea for a second before realizing she wasn't here. "I'm used to it." he looked put his hands on his knees not sure what to think. Atem looked down to yugi and crouched patting him on the back. "Yugi don't worry" He looks up at Krystal "Sometimes it just takes some time to find the right person. sometimes it someone you've known your whole life." he looked back to yugi. "and sometimes it isn't." Mahado chuckled a little bit while the very small amount of magic Krystal used on him faded causing him to disappear from eye-sight. Yugi looked over at rah petting him again before he stood up "alright." he said smiling while atem went and stood by Krystal.
Krystal leaned into atem, kissing his cheek softly. "Love is a stange thing, yugi. I know though, you will find the right person for you. Though, i don't think shes been born yet. Don't worry though. I think perhaps that you will halt aging when you look exactly like atem, aside your eyes." She said, and it wasn't really a guess. She could see the future, and she knew yugi's destiny lied in her and atem#s daughter serene, who wouldn't be born until after atem had a body of his own. Maybe she'd just norrow him awile. She did really like him, and besides, what serene didn't know wouldn't hurt her, right?
Yugi gave krystal a very confused look, He had absolutely no clue what she was talking about. He looked up at Atem thinking he might have a clue though he didn't have much to offer in thoughts. Atem knew Krystal could see the future but he wasn't sure who she could be talking about. "Well, we have a few hours before we reach the Island. though basing the fact Mahado has faded I don't think I'll be solid for long." Atem said looking at Krystal "and I fear that people might try to swipe your cards if they find you yugi." atem looked back to yugi shrugging looks like we're hiding in here for a while. "what about Joey?" Yugi question hearing him yelling for yugi.
Krystal chuckled. "I see the future yugi." She said simply, smiling at him. She knew something was on the horizon. Then the energy hit her like a ten ton brick. The energy of her son, and he was in trouble. Well, more specifically, his twin. She was sick. Roza never got sick. She's a demi god. "Atem, there's something i need to tell you. When i was younger, a life or two ago, anubis and i well... we had some kids.. twins." She explained, bushing wildly. This was embarrassing for her to explain to him.
Yugi looked down "anubis? The god of death?" He asked her as he stood up next to atem. "Yes, He's also not very friendly when it comes to me." Atem said his face gaining a very concerned look as he watched Krystal become slightly more embarrassed trying to explain. "It's to late now, but you relize he's the reason I locked away the power in the first place." Yugi looked confused still hearing Joey screaming in the background. "Wait, so you made the items because of Anubis?" Atem nodded but barely. "In a way but not entirely the reason." Mahado though faded stood by Atem's side as someone began appear next to Krystal.

Though he wasn't in a solid form like Atem the pressence was to recognizable for atem not to notice. Next to Krystal stood a very tall man with the head of a dog and he wasn't pleased to see Atem alive again. "Krystal" He said his voice very deep and demanding. "Roza is sick and I don't know why." He looked over to atem fazing in enough to be seen but not hurt. "Ahh why if isn't the pharaoh who destroyed my progress." Atem's eyes closed as he took a deep breath his eyes becoming that of blaze of fire. "You were planning to destroy the world anubis but if you wish we can play a game to finally end this nonsense." It was clear to yugi that Atem was alot less calm as he usually was. Maybe even more scary then usual as well. "All it takes is one game and this will all be over" he grinned almost like it was evil.

Anubis laughed at the proposal "In due time Pharaoh, but this time it'll be me who sends you to the shadow realm." He laughed fading away once more till his presence was missing. Yugi looked back to Atem who had returned to his normal self though yugi wasn't sure which side was his normal. Atem crossed his arms not very happy with how this trip has turned out. "I believe we have a guest" he said looking at the door. There stood a boy blue hair and eyes looking the same age as Krystal. "I thought you were here." He said standing in Black jeans and a dark blue long sleeve shirt Almost mimicing the shirt Atem and Yugi had.
Krystal nodded. "Yes I know. It worries me, Nubi." She said taliing so casually to the dog headed god. She was unsure what could be ailing her daughter, but it must be something horrific. Her status as a demi-god made her immune to most anything. She looked over worriedly at atem, noticing the sudden change. "Be nice you two, or i'll kick both your asses to the shadow realm."she said, sharpness to her usually soft voice. Krystal hated when they fiugh, because she adored both of them. She was the type of person who just wanted everyone to get along.

When her son appered, she gave him a light hug. "Yukio, be nice. You've been spending to much time with your father." She said with a small chuckle, ushering him into the room and closing the door. "What's wrong with your twin? Nubi appeared." She added, looking worried and curious. He only ever showed up idf the situation was extreme, though he adored his children. Anibis was like a puppy when it came to her or their kids.
He walked up slightly pissed off at the sight. "What do you expect mom, the man dispersed the magic and sent father to the shadow realm." He lookes scorn fully at Atem seeing a boy who looked almost wxactly like him. "It's enough seeing one of him, but two? Mother, really? The man doesn't need a smaller version of himself to piss me off." Atem laughed a bit seeing the resemblance of anubis.

Yugi blushed only slightly knowing what the man meant. "Actually, I haven't...." His voice was stopped feeling atem grasp his shoulder. "Leave it be yugi." He said looking at Krystal with an angry but caring look on his face. "Whatever" Yukio said looking to his mother. "Mom I don't know what's haplening to her. It scares me though."

Atem closed his eyes and focused on Krystals head entering it to speak "go with him then come back. There is more that will happen in the next few hours before I'm gone." He turned and walked to the window leaning on the wall to look out. "She wants to see you" Yukio said turning to the door and opening it "we'll wait in the room." Yugi traded off on looking at Atem and her. "Oh boy this situation doesn't look good." He said in his head before taking a large sigh.
Krystal sighed. "Yes well, your father was being a bad boy. He wished to destroy the world. He should kjow better. I'd have kicked his ass myself, but atem wouldn't letnme come." She explained, eyes narrowed. While she loved and ado e ed anubis, she was still rather sore about him trying to destroy the earth she loved so much. It wasn't a subject she loked talking about.

Krystal chuckled. "Yugi's nothing like atem, yukio." She said, smiling at the two near her.she gave her son a soft look, hugging him again. "I know baby. It will be fine. I'm sure your uncle baki is lurking and can help. I suspect she's been poisoned, otherwise you would be sick too." She explaied, knowing atem woukd not like the idea of her hanging out with the old theif king, though he would have littlw say. He didn't own her just because they were soulmates.

Krystal smiled, nodding slightly at atem. "Alright. Lets go see her. Poor thing. Do me a favor and track down your uncl for me? I've not the time." She told her son, knowibg he wouldbknow who he spoke of, and likely where he was. Yukio had always been close to the old thief last he was reincarnated. It helped too, that bakura was an expert on poisons. He could hopefully help her daught to get better.
Yukio nodded walking out to the front of the boat. It didn't take long but he had to go to the part of the boat no one was watching. "Uncle Baki?" He called out quietly, a voice came from the shadows to his right. "Yukio? is that you?" Bakura walked out of the shadows in his white pants and and light blue sweater. "What are you doing here?" he asked looking around. "I got invited by Max, But that doesn't matter. Roza is sick and we think it's a poison. We need your help." Bakura looked around the corner to see no guards. "alright we best hurry then." He ran following Yukio to their room where Krystal was already Roza.
Roza smiled weakly as Krystal came into the room. "mommy" she said softly, and the older woman looked at her with kind and worried eyes, making some forms of medical equipment appear. mainly ones that would help Bakura determine if it was poison or not. Sh relaxed a bit, though still she worried for her daughter, stroking the dampened hair from her face. Roza was burning up. "You poor dear. don't you worry, your father is here somewhere, and your uncle Baki will help us figure out hat has happened, iubitel." she said softy, calling her daughter "adored one" as she always had both twins since their birth shortly after the end of WWII. Roza nodded weakly, and Krystal smiled at her, She had every confidence in both her son and the old thief king. She gave the man a light hug as he came in, eyes worried. "Please Baki, find out what's wrong?" she asked softly, and he would see in her eyes just how truly worried she was about her daughter.
Yukio led Bakura to the room opening the door to see the medical supplies he hadn't seen before. Bakura gently brushed past Yukio giving Krystal a one handed hug as he looked at Roza. "just by look it does seem unnatural." he whispered looking into Krystal's eyes. he let go of her walking to Roza. He knelt grabbing one of the pieces of equipment. "this may hurt a bit." He said grabbing a needle and gently placing it into Roza's wrist, his hands very steady without failure. he hooked a tube into it and took out a very small amount of blood putting it in a vial. In a rush he wasn't worried about switching out the needles, she was a demi-god after all, once she was cured she would battle any health problems easily. He replaced the tube and began pumping small amounts of liquid into her body. "this will battle what ever is going on until I know if what's going on.

He took the vial and put a small amount of water into it. "most poisons react to different liquids water changes an infected bloods color." he took out a cotton swab and stir the blood a bit turning it into a much lighter shade of red. He looked at the color going through his mind trying to think of what the color meant "Well poison yes but it's actually very interesting." Yukio looked at Bakura and lost his temper quickly "What's so interesting about my sister dying." Bakura looked at him his look very sincere and calm "Well, that for instance. Whoever poisoned her wasn't trying to kill her." he looked at her squinting slightly "they just wanted her to get sick, why I'm not sure. As far as I know poison still can't take a demi-gods power." He stood up "I don't know what can stop a non-lethal poison. So she just has to fight it." he looked at the pack of liquid "that's all I can tell you. She'll be fine otherwise."
Roza nodded slowly, clising her eyes to rest. This wholenordeal had made her very tired, abd she just needed some sleep to help her body recover more. Krystal held her oposite hand, stroking her knuckles softly. She was worried, but she knew bakura would get to the bottom of it. He always did.

Krystal tilted her head in confusion as bakura explained. It certainly was curious. "Hmm, who would do that? I know it wasn't max. He's to afraid of me to cross me like that, even if it was non lethal." She admitted, trying to figure it out. She had already ruled anubis himself out, because he would never cause his family pain, even in an attempt to get her attention. "This is quite a mystery baki. Will you keep an eyenout for me?" She asked, knowing that he lurked alot.
Bakura nodded not knowing who could possibly do something like this. "I'll also take care of her while you two are dueling. It may be non-lethal but I'm not sure how long it will last." His roring began to point towards the door. "Oh that's right, Krystal I saw someone recently who I know you've been waiting for." Yukio laughed knowing the only person she had been waiting for was Atem. "She's already seen him Uncle Bakura, and I don't see the reaon for him." Bakura shook his head "If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be here today." Yukio turned his head brushing the comment off "Yea whatever."

Yugi opened the door looking down the hallway "I wonder if everything is alright." Atem shook his head in disbelief. "I'm sure she's fine besides, If she is right and Bakura is on the ship. He'll be able to figure it out." Yugi closed the door again taking out his deck and started to look through the cards. "Grandpa I will win this for you" Atem walked to yugi and put his hand on yugi's shoulder. "Don't worry Yugi, We will get him back."
Krystal smiled lightly. "Thank you baki. This means a whole lot." She said softly, tilting her head. Baku4a had seen someone who she is waiting for? The only person she had been waiting for was daimilond. "Is he on the ship baki?" Shebasked, looking curious.
Bakura looked over to Yukio "I thought you said she already saw him?" Yukio looked confused now. "Yea she did, mom who are you talking about?" Bakura looked to her "you've already seen Atem? When?" He looked down to Roza making sure she was sleeping. He kneeled next to her and checked her pulse and the medicine. "Nevermind, I haven't seen anyone other then the pharaoh since he saved me from this." He looked down to the ring. "Thanks for giving me the man's memory though Krystal, It's been very helpful."
Krystal looked a little disappointed. "I had thought maybe you'd seen diamond." She said sadly, stroking roza's cheek softly. She was glad that her daughter would be okay, because she worried about her. She lookednout I ut the window a moment, wondering about her long lost diamond. She missed him, and to feel completely whole again, she needed him. "Diamond my love, where are you? Please find me." She thought to herself, holding her daughter's hand.
Bakura nodded at what she had said "I'm sorry I didn't know you had already seen him." he looked down checked her head. "Well like I said all we can do is wait and hope she doesn't get dosed by are mystery man or woman again." He looked over to Yukio who wasn't sure what to do. He didn't know anything about medicine let alone poisons. "Yukio why don't you grab a damp towel and lay it on her head." Yukio nodded grabbing a towel from their bathroom and dampening it.

"As for you." Bakura said now looking at Krystal. "go ahead and head back I've got it covered." Yukio put the towel on his sisters head kneeling next to a bakura "will she be okay uncle? He said rubbing her cheek, Bakura laughed wlmost as if it was a trick question. "She'll be perfectly fine Yukio, absolutely fine." He said with a smile on his face trying to keep both Roza and him happy.
Krystal nodded at bakura."whoever did this obviously doesn't know who their dealing with. If they did, they wouldn't have even tried." She told the old theif king, giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug in thanks. She handed him a smallish box,nudging him to opennit. Inside he would find the gold and onyx cuff bracelet she had made him so long ago in silver millennium. "Kept this for you baki. Please wear it?" She asked with a vulnerable smile, watching as her son placed a cool towel on Roza's head. She wasn't as worried now as she was when they'd started, but still she worried. Krystal could be a bucket of nerves sometimes.

Krystal nodded her head. "Alright. I'll go. Call me if there are any changes or if you need me to kick ass." she said, chuckling slightly before she faded away, landing back next to atem, yugi asleep on the couch. "Hello, my heart. I'm sorry i was gone so long, but Roza needed me." She whispered, kissing him passionately with all the love she could ever feel for him. She was determined to make it up to him.
"It's alright my queen" He said putting an arm around her waist. "While I'm not sure what to say about Anubis or your children I will say I'll do my best to support you and so will he." He smiled looking over to yugi still sound asleep. "Do you want to wake him?" He said looking towards her "I think he's got a bit of a crush on you" He chuckled quietly looking down at the floor. "He's fine either way I just want to spend some time with you before this spell clears, whether he is with us or no." He continued giving her a kiss. He had missed her lips and this kiss was as good as the previous few He just wanted to be with her again now that he had his memories.
Krystal smiled, leaning into him, her head on his shoulder She was so glad to have finally found him, but the other part of her heart was still missing, her diamond knight. She smiled softly. "No, let him sleep awhile. i want to spend some time with you as alone as i can." she told him softly, kissing him back passionately. It had been so long since she had had him in her arms. She laid the down, relaxing into him on the queen sized bed. She gave him another kiss. "I missed you so much, Atem. It is very hard to live for 5 millennium with only half my heart." she admitted, and Atem would know who she spoe of, having loved him as well. "I think he's somewhere on the ship." she said, eyes curious and hopeful as she kissed him again.
Atem laid next to her looking over to yugi before making a wall in between the bed and him at the movement of his hand he wasn't sure how he looked to his hand knowing he could do magic but didn't know how to. Mid confusion he heard her her words stopping him from wondering what he had done. His expression was a mixture of was a mixture of doubt, excitement, and sorrow. "really?" he said said looking at her. "how can you tell?" He asked now still in disbelief hoping her knowledge would explain it.
Krystal chuckled a little. "I see you have found your wall making power again." She said, cuddling into him, giving him a kiss. She had missed him. She had been without him for 5 milleniums of being reborn. She looked at him, her face contemplative. "Its just a feeling i have. Nobody but him carries the energy he does. I can sense it a mile away. Open your mind. You'll feel him too." She told him, clising her eyes and focusing. Just them a surge of diamond's energy passed by her like a wave, and there was a knock at the door. Was it daimond?
Atem closed his eyes trying to follow what she said to no avail before hearing a knock at the door. Yugi didn't wake up though he squirmed in his sleep at the noise as Atem tried taking the wall down. He couldn't do it so he watched as she did and answered the door. Seeing a face he never thought to be possible. In the doorway stood a white haired man about krystals age at least in looks and a white suit making him look very nice. He looked alot like bakura except with alot more riches. "I knew I'd find you" he said looking at her and him sitting up on the bed. He looked around the room seeing yugi laying on the couch and questioned them. "Though who is he?"
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