Blue moon in the shadow realm of love (Krystal x KGT Witty)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
It was 8 am when Krystal walked on the ship that would take her to her destiny. there were many familiar faces, one in particular she wished she had the courage to say hello to. Yugi motou, the king of games. Seto had told her many things both good and bad about him, but something in her gut told her she was meant to meet him. She feely some sort of connection to the small boy, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Krystal remembered the first time on the TV. She knew instantly who he was, and knew she had to meet him. "Atem my spiky haired Egyptian god, please come back to me" she thought, taking deep breaths as she stepped onto the ship to duelist kingdom.

Her long blue double rabbit bun hair blew in the wind as she just looked off into the distance. "Why am I feeling this way? That presence... No it couldn't be!" That's when she saw it. Around Yugi's neck was the millennium puzzle. HIS item.

Krystal cried silent tears as pieces of her past life and love flashed before her eyes. His deep red orbs, the way he looked at her with such love. Their son marik, still born, and Atem's death. Her tears got the the best of her, and before she knew it, a small concerned tri-colored haired boy stood before her. Her eyes widened when she saw him. He looked just like Atem had as a child, save for his deep violet orbs. She wiped her tears on her sleeve, happy to have had the foresight to wear water proof mascara today. "He-hello. I'm Krystal. Its good to meet you." She said in a soft tone, her nervousness apparent. She hoped Atem would appear and not just stay a spirit.
Yugi motou, the king of games, though he was only in Highschool had already become a world known duelist. Even though he was short compared to many of the duelists that stood about he had proven himself to everyone already. "How do I get here?" he asked himself as he heard the voice of Atem in his head. "It because of our teamwork Yugi, and the help of our friends" Yugi turns around seeing Joey screaming at another duelist about trading. Yugi laughed as he held the the puzzle "Your right Pharaoh but still, I mean we are hear with Duelists like Rex raptor and Weevil Underwood. Two of the top duelists in the game right now." Yugi looks around to see a woman staring at him. "Yes but don't forget yugi, your not far behind them." he looks down in sadness "But it isn't me dueling."

Atem sighs "While that may be true I wouldn't have been able to do any of it without you." Yugi smiles as he looks up to see the woman now crying. "Hold on Pharaoh" he begins to walk over to the woman and looked at her hearing hearing her polite introduction. "Oh, Hello Krystal I'm yugi." he looked up at her since he was much smaller then her. "Are you okay? I saw you crying and wanted to know if I could cheer you up?"
Krystal smiled slightly at him. "Im pleased to know the king of games." She said politely, looking straight into atems eyes as she fumbled with a necklace around her necessary. It was a smaller than the puzzle, though it looked like it. She smiled again. "I was hoping to talk to pharoah. We share a very long history."she said soft enough that only yugi could hear her, looking again right at atem. She wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this, not after looking for all of 5 millenia. "Please, come to my room so that we might speak, yugi? I prefer to talk in private." She admitted, stroking the air where atem's cheek would be.
Atem looked at the woman truly confused then looked at yugi who looked at her in awe seeing the necklace. Yugi looked to the pharaoh shrugging "How do you know the Atem?" he asked following close behind hoping none of his friends would see him. He began to get a little nervous of her. "Could she be from your past pharaoh" he said in his head knowing Atem could respond. "I don't know Yugi but we might want to prepare for the worst." atem said back slightly worried.

They reached her room and Yugi began to hold the puzzle in fear. "Okay we here now I would really appreciate a little insight." Atem stood next to Yugi with his hand on his shoulder. "Yugi be careful, I don't know anything about her."
When they got to her room, krystal chuckled slightly. "Well, it seems the great pharoah atem has forgotten his own wife. Pity." She said, clothes changing magically to that of what she wore as queen. She smiled at yugi, winking at atem. Now the fun could start. Schanted something inaudably, and watched as the spirit became no longer a spirit. "there, isnt that better? Its only temporary, but suits me fine. Now, sit. We've much to talk about. I've been looking for you for 5 millenia, atem."zhe explained, pulling out a box that looked like the one that held the puzzle. She pulled out a crown, placing it on aten's head. "Therem you look like you now, milove." She stated, grinning at him.
Yugi watched as his friend became real behind him. "What the? Yugi backed up. As the Pharaoh came to life he got even more confused then he already was. "My wife?" Yugi walked towards the Atem "How did you do that?" He questioned looking to her. "Pharoah your actually here without switching."
Krystal nodded. "Yes, your wife." She said witha smile, before she chuckled. He obviously was in the dark about his powers as well. "Its an old shadow magic spell. You used to use it on rubeus after he died in the war." She admitted, smiling at him. Krystal chuckled at yugi's reaction. He was just to cute. She smiled st both of yhem, petting a miniaturized golden dragon that had just materialized. She spoke to the dragon. "Go ahead rahrah. He won't remember though" she said as the dragon walked over to atem, rubbing agaist him and purring.
Yugi looked up at Atem "what's shadow magic?" Atem shrugged putting his hand on his chin "By name it obviously has something to do with the shadow realm." Yugi looked over to Krystal. "Then it must also have some connection to those shadow games we always end up playing." Atem nodded thinking the same thing "That seems very likely."

He looked at the dragon backing off a little "then whose rubeus, And is that a dragon?" Atem showed no worry as the creature rubbed against him, kneeling down he began to pet it "Wait a second, why does this feel so familiar?" Yugi walked forward bendin down "Wait a second I've seen this before in a museum. That's the dragon of Rah right?"
Krystal chuckled. "Yes, it does have to do with the shadow realm, and with shadow games. It is what controls the shadow games. You can control it, both of you. I can teach you how." She said, smiling a little. That was true. She had been harnessing the shadow magic for 5 millenia now, she was an expert.

Krystal looked saddened for a moment before she smiled. "Ruebeus is an old friend of pharaoh and i's. He was killed in a blood fued between him and his cousin Diamond. Diamond was jealous because of our closeness. He feared I would leave him." She explained, smiling as atem pet her gaurdian, who was purring loudly. Hevwas glad to see the pharoah again, and shd didn't blame him. She felt the same.
Yugi looks at his hands "Control shadow magic? But there really isn't anything special about me." Atem looks over to Yugi still petting the Dragon "That's not true though Yugi, You were the one able to complete the puzzle" he said pointing at the Millennium Puzzle. "Maybe because we are now connected you can control the powers." Atem walks to him putting a hand on Yugi's shoulder. They both look to Krystal interested to hear the Pharaohs story.

"So If you are my wife, then can you tell us a little bit more about me?" Yugi looked at Rah "And maybe more about the dragon." Yugi put his hand out wondering if the dragon will accept him. Atem looked down at Yugi "I would also like to learn a bit about Rubeus and Diamond, If you don't mind" he sat down on the small couch pushed against the wall.
Krystal smiled at yugi. "It isn't just that you solved the puzzle, though that does have some to do with it. I believe you were meant to find that puzzle, Yugi. That you are the pharaoh's reincarnation. You look almost exactly like he did when we were children. He didn't really start to grow until he turned 16." She explained, smiling at both of them. This would be fun.

When asked about his life, krystal handed him the box that his crown contained. "Here, look through these pictures, an I shall tell you all about everything." She said, beginning the story of her and the nameless pharoh the night they met, and ended the day he died, not even leavingnout their still norn son, and her suicide.
"So I really look like he used to?" He looked at Atem still trying to retain it all. "So that's what happened." atem stood up looking at yugi "why can't he remember any of it?" Yugi asked looking up at atem, who was just as confused. Atem pulled out Yugi's deck and started shuffling through the cards "so these are all real monsters that I used to control?" yugi stood up standing next to atem "It would seem that way, but how could they be real the games was created by Pegasus. Where could he have possibly found real monsters." yugi looked at Krystal in confusion
Krystal looked at them. "To defeat zorc, you gave up your memories of yhat time, my heart." she explained playing with her long blue hair tails. She watched him shuffle the deck. She looked at the two. "Stop hiding mahado. I know you're her, dark magician." She said, looking in the corner to see where he sat, just watching as usual. Krystal chuckled again. "Uncle max somply modled the game on the shadow game we played in anchient Egypt, yugi." She said, smiling at him. While pegasus wasn't actually her uncle, he was an old friend of the family, so he was like her uncle and she treated him as such. Her magic was much more powerful though.
The two look behind them to see no one there "Dark magician. you mean this guy" Yugi said pointing to the card in his deck Atem puts down the deck. "look you obviously have something to do with me, But I can't remember anything." He puts the deck back in yugi's pocket. Yugi looks up at Atem who's not sure what to do "Is there anything you can do to help him?"
Krystal sighed. The magician liked hiding. She nodded "yes and no yugi." She said, flicking her hand toward the dark magician, and him solidifing in front of them. "Still lurking near ate, i see old friend" she said, chuckling as dhe hugged him. She looked to yugi again and nodded. 'I can try. It may require less savory means though. It depends on how strong the memory charms on him are." She admitted, stroking atem's cheek, and chanting softly. When she finished, the puzzle glowed, and she kissed atem straight on the lips, solidifying the spell. If he remembered, he would kiss her again for sure.
Mahado watched as he was solidified, giving a rude sigh and rolling his eyes. "not very friendly is he." yugi said looking over at him. Yugi look back at her as she was kissing "Oh." yugi looked away blushing. Atem's eyes closed as she kissed him having scenes play through his head. as she finished the kiss he began to lose balance and tip over falling on top of yugi. "Ahh, Atem? What's wrong." Atem eyes open seeing that he landed on yugi. "Huh what happened"
Krystal chuckled. "He is, he's just mad because i didn't let him hide." She admitted, before kissing atem. She looked sort of worried as he fell, but helped boyh him and yugi up. "Are you alright atem?" She asked, hope and worry in her glacial blue eyes. She wasn't sure if the spell had worked, but she hoped it did. After 5 millenia of searching, she had finally found him, her atem. She looked up at him, and in her eyes you could see all the love and hope in her.
Mahado walked over and stood next Atem keeping a straight face. He looked at krystal with a face of worry even though to anyone who didn't know him it looked normal. Yugi looked up at Atem who looked very dizzy. "Pharaoh are you okay?" Yugi asked trying to keep Atem balanced. "Yes yugi I'm fine" Atem shook his head trying to fix himself. His eyes widened as they became fixated on Krystal, images flashed through his mind of her but in different clothing. "Is- Isis? W-Why is that name in my head" Atem said holding his head in one hand.
Krystal gave a "i have it under control" smile to mahado, knowing he was worried. She had known him a very long time. Krystal locked eyes with atem, worry abd hop in her eyes. Her eyes widened a fraction when she heard "isis" come from his lucious lips. She smiled at him, taking his hand, and leading him to the queen sized bed in the room. "Its what you used to call me long ago. It was a long running joke in the kingdom that i was so beautiful because i was Isis in disguise. Lay down my spiky haired Egyptian god. It will help with the dizziness." She said, helping him lay down and sitting beside him and playing with his hair.
Yugi followed them to the followed Krystal to the bed watching as she played with his hair. "Isis was the Egyptian goddess of magic and life right? The most beautiful of them all I believe." He said looking up at her. Atem looked up at her "What do you think yugi?" He looked ovrr eye level with him. Yugi moved in trying to speak quietly "about her or in general?" He looked up at her blushing. "In general yugi" he laughed pushing him away. Mahado walked up looking down at atem with the same looks as before, I hope you know what your doing Krys he thought.
Krystal nodded. "Yes, she is. A very nice lady, but I am certainly not her. My beauty comes from my roots as a princess of the moon. Long ago there was a kingdom there. Someday i'll be able to show you yugi." She said with a small smile and a happy sigh, still playing with atems hair as she remembered. She nodded at mahado which she knew was worrying. Everything would work out. Krystal kissed atem's head and cheek softly, smiling at him. She had missed him. It had been to long since she was with him. "Please remember quickly, my atem" she prayed, adding ti the magic.
Atem's eyes closed and he woke in a room of Hieroglyphics. They told a story of a great pharaoh who locked the dark magic within Items called millennium items, It also told of his beautiful wife and wonderful kid. The story began to become very sad talking about his untimely death and wife taking her own life. when he finished the story he looked at his arms and instead of the normal Blue jacket and pants he was in that of an ancient king. "This is my story?" he looked around as the monsters on the walls came to life and surrounded him causing him to black out.

When he woke he had the memories of his past and those of his present he sat up looking to Krystal and her beauty. "I'm sorry." He moved his hand over her cheek and moved in to kiss her. Mahado looked down and walked back into the corner where he sat down and stayed quiet. Yugi looked and blushed at the kiss turning away "Oh I'm sorry."
Krystal smiled into the kiss, stroking his cheek. "Its alright my spikey haired egyptian god. You did what you hadnto do, and so did I. Seth made as goodba pharoah as you did." She told him softly, cuddling into him. She had missed him so much, kissing him again. She couldn't resist, it had just been to long. She pawed at his clothes, looking into his blood red orbs. "I have missed you so much milove. So so much. 5 millenia is much to long to have only half your heart." She said, wondering if he remembered diamond and their love as well.
Yugi turned back around when they finished their kiss "So you remember who you are?" Atem looked back to him. "Yes I do but don't think that means I'm leaving you. You finished my puzzle Yugi, you are the reason we are here. Plus, we still have to find your grandfather." Yugi smiled thankfully towards his counter-part. "Thank you pharaoh." he said looking at the two of them together. Atem stood up looking at Krystal "Far too long my beloved wife." He took her hands and then looked to Mahado. "Still quiet as ever I see my old friend." Atem said to him though he didn't say much back.
Krystal smiled at atem and then yugi, kissing his cheek. "I will help to, yugi. My magic is stronger that max's. I can keep him subdued. But I would watch out for that white haired friend of yours. I belive he is the old theif king who used to fight with atem and diamond over me. He was always a sweetheart to me, but he is the reason that committed suicide back then." She explained, wondering still about diamond. Every life before this one, she had found diamond first, and they had been happy, though, each of them knew a piece of their heart was missing.
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