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Unearthly Lust (DonVoltonus and AndNich123)

She followed him, letting his words comfort her. When they entered the bay and she saw the ship, she sighed. "Yeah. Sounds like it has everything I'll need. Everything except you and Nadia that is. Will you be joining me at some point?"
He chuckled lightly. "We'll be just a holocall away, and I'm certain Nadia will talk you into the specimen dissection pod and control it remotely on you."
"But I can't fly it," she quickly spoke up. "What if I crash it, and I can't get into the tank to heal? Then I'd be dead and lost." She sighed with her arms crossed, gazing at the ship. "Sorry. I don't mean to be so whiny. I guess I'm just nervous about doing this and being away from you and Nadia."
He chuckled. "As if I'd send you away without you a backup darling. Should the tanks fail you'd be sent back here, and the ship will really be flying itself anyway, so you won't need to worry too much about a crash, even if you do the ship will be able to repair itself with nothing more than simple material collection."
"Wow," she whispered, looking to him. "You thought of everything. Then again, you always do." With a sigh she asked him, "So when do I leave?"
"Well, you don't really have anything to prepare aside from yourself, so, right now. I do have another assistant like Nadia, but she has some issues that prevent her from harvesting samples for me, she'll be meeting you there mainly to help navigate the planet."
"Ah," she replied, raising her eyebrows. "Well then. I guess I'll be on my way." Callie stepped inside the ship, and turned her back as the door closed. She had to see him just one more time through the window. The engines fired, coming to life, and she found her seat. It was best to not be standing when it took off. "Alright ship. You know where to take me. So let's get this show on the road." Callie wondered about the other assistant. She would certainly be an addition to this adventure.
The ship took off, stars becoming longer and longer rays of light as the ship broke lightspeed, arriving a little over an hour later at a bizzare planet. It appeared to be two hemispheres, one similar to earth but more land than water, the other a red and grey toned world, meeting at the equator with a metal ring, binding together what appeared to be two halves of unrelated planets.
Callie stepped out from the ship and took in the sight of the planet. It was odd and yet beautiful. This was something most people will never see. It was clear she wasn't like the other beings around. They took note of her. To them, she was the alien. It was an odd position to be in. "Great," she said. "I don't even know this assistant's name or where to meet her?" For a moment, she thought about going back inside the ship and hiding away, but that wasn't what she was sent here for. Frustrated and saddened because of the absence of her lover and her Master, Callie called out, "Does anybody here know Sarovir?"
She would recieve a few odd glances, a hand suddenly stifling her from behind, small fingers of black skin and glowing blue markings. "Hey, listen sweetie, you shouldn't go around shouting our master's name like that. You're lucky there's no feds here or they'd arrest you and torture you for information." the feminine voice chuckled, letting her hand off Callie's mouth, walking, or rather floating, around in front of her.

(NSFW image)
"Nice to meet you, name's Zahra." She looked Callie over, licking her lips. "Mmm, you must be Master's newest little morsel." She smirked.
Startled Callie could do nothing but wait for the hand to release her mouth. Fed? Arrest me? As the being the voice belonged to came into view, she was further confused. "Zahra? Feds? What did our Master do? What..are you," she asked before thinking. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. It's just that," she began, looking her over carefully. "I've never seen anyone like you before, and how many morsels has our Master," she asked, suddenly stricken with jealousy.
She giggled lightly. "It's more what he doesn't do, such as following certain galactic standards about blacklisted species...or medical licenses." She giggled. "I'm sort of an experiment in genetic alteration, made from scratch from a number of different genetic signatures." She smirked lightly. "As for how many I'm not sure. I know he has at least a dozen researchers like us, but I'm not sure how many know him like us."
"Oh," she replied, her eyes widening. "I didn't....know. Guess if you add kidnapping to that, he might get in even more trouble," she teased. "You're beautiful. I've never seen anyone like you before. Can I....touch your skin? It's fascinating."
Certainly." She smiled, her glowing blue pulsing lightly. "There is nobody like me darling, I'm custom made, even if there's a few...glitches, here and there."
Callie didn't hesitate. Her fingers extended, carefully touching her skin, not sure of what it would feel like. Her eyes narrowed and came alive with child like curiosity. "Wow," she whispered. "It's unlike anything I've ever felt before." Looking up to meet her eyes she asked, "What do you mean glitches?"
"Well, for one my inability to actually collect samples. My body is too good at absorbing cum for that." She chuckled. "That and my tongue..." She stuck it out, curling it into various shapes. "It's instinctual and will immediately grab removed flesh samples and pretty much make me eat them if I don't."
"Oh," Callie replied, feeling her cheeks blush at the sight of her tongue. Instantly her mind began to imagine how that would feel. "Work," she blurted out in an attempt to take her mind off the erotic images. "I'm here to work, and I'm sure you me..get started. So what do I need to do first?"
"Just some simple hunting and collection" She smirked, floating along with her, leading her through the city. "First we'll stop at the lab." She smirked, showing her to an unassuming building.
Callie didn't speak anymore. She simply followed her. When they arrived at the building, she frowned. "Not much to this place huh?"
She led her in with a chuckle, just a mostly empty office. "Well that's the point, isn't it?" She led her into the back, sliding a bookcase aside and floating into an elevator. "Well come on, we're heading on down."
Callie followed into the elevator, making no attempt to hide the smirk on her face. "Going down. What's down there? Do you go down a lot?"
"Of course honey, I do have to suplement my diet with a lot of spunk. Why, you hiding a dick honey?" She smirked, the elevator grinding and slowing. "Ugh, I gotta fix this thing, now we're gonna be stuck for awhile while this thing slows down." She looked Callie over. "Imagine we could do something."
"Not if you're wanting a dick," she teased. "I'm sure we could....come....up with something to do while we wait. Will it take it a long time to slow down? I mean, if it does, we could be in here a while. That's a lot of time to spend in these....tight....quarters. Could get hot in here. Sweaty. You okay with that?"
"Yes, I'm sure it would be a long...hard...wait." She smirked, licking her lips. "Now, if you'd like to lay back I can show you what my lovely little tongue can do to you!"
Callie felt her knees growing weak. It was all she could do to remain standing as the beauty before her licked her lips. When she made her offer, Callie has to pace herself so she wouldn't seem too eager, but truthfully she was sure the beauty already knew how much she wanted this. She sank down to the floor, hands splayed on the floor until she was comfortable. "I'm sure you won't disappoint me."
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