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Unearthly Lust (DonVoltonus and AndNich123)

Nadia hissed in pleasure, gripping callie's hair. "Well now, you do have some skill sweetheart." She groaned, rippling her cock to give Callie little pockets of air. "Alright, you made your point, you're ferocious for cock." She giggled.
Callie pulled back, letting her cock slide from the confines of her throat. She wanted to speak, but her throat was sore from accmodating the massive length Nadia possessed. It wasn't that she was ferocious for cock. Her finger pointed to her as her voice squeaked, "you." She swallowed, gaining a bit more control over her vocal chords. "Ferocious....for you." Her mouth began to kiss her legs, covering her thighs with warm, moist kisses as her hand began to caress her cock. She wanted to feel more of Nadia's precum streaking down her shaft before suckling her fingers clean. Nadia was perfect in every way. Her size, her taste, her skill, she could no wrong. Callie could spend an entire day doing nothing but having her, all of her, and be happy. "How would you....want Nadia," she asked, her curiosty peaked. "If you ever..wanted me to, how would you..want me to do it?"
"Why would I ever not want you to kill me?" She panted, her flared, squirming cock drooling heavily. "I mean, you're so very good at ferocity darling, there's such a myriad of ways you could rip me apart, and we can try all of them."
Callie could feel her claws tingling. There was something growing inside her, gnawing at her. It was strong, and it would not be denied. It felt as easy as breathing and equally as important. Callie rose slowly, aware that her expression was hard. There was something in her eyes, something that should have warned Nadia of what was to come. With one quick swipe, she raked her claws across her chest, wanting to feel the blood spraying her face, staining her skin and lips. Callie traced her tongue her bottom lip, tasting her. Again she swiped, relishing the feeling. She felt more alive than ever before. “Die for me Nadia,” was all she said.
She moaned in pleasure, cock giving a spurt of clear spunk, blood splattering Callie's face. "Well darling, you'll have to give me more than a flesh wound." She panted.
"All part of the dance my love," she whispered. "I twirl you on the dance floor, showing you off, before pulling you close." Her hand snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. "With you firmly against me, I," she told her, her claws stabbing into her chest. With one swift movement, she pulled them from her body, closing her eyes, wanting the blood to spray her face.
Nadia moaned, blood splattering across Callie's body, her hands caressing the woman. "Yesss.....that's what I love to feel." She panted, licking blood from her lips. "More Callie, make me really feel it!"
Her blood was warm, leaving a copper taste in her mouth as her tongue gathered it from her bottom lip. Callie slowly lowered her to the floor, her body feeling as though it glided in her arms. "You want to feel it. I want to give it to you." She pressed a claw to her face, dragging it across her cheek, leaving a faint line as proof of her presence. With a gentle motion, she sliced into her chest once more, a single claw, plunging it deep. The blood quickly surrounding her claw, soaking her. The feeling was orgasmic. Callie could feel her own pussy growing wet. It was undeniable. Shoving her claw in deeper, her own body tensed. "Fuck," she whispered before leaning down and licking the blood that flowed from around her claw. The taste sent her over the edge, and though there was no cock in her pussy, no tongue licking her clit, Callie felt her own orgasm take her. "Nadia," she panted. "I love you."
Nadia groaned in response, shivering and arching upwards. "Mmm, Callie, you lovely little sadist." She panted, her cock hard as iron. "Did you cum just from that?" She giggled tauntingly, moaning as Callie's claw left a deep scratch in her breastbone. "We knew you had it in you to be a part of this." She purred. "You're worth so much more than a dull human life."
Callie's eyes were glossy. As Nadia asked her question, she smiled warmly. "Yes," she whispered, feeling the sparks ripple through her body. Nadia's words rang true to her, striking a chord. She was right. A dull human life would never suit her now. The door had been opened and a light placed on something far better than any human life. It was this life, the one she had now, and Callie would never be able to go back.

Moving her body, she felt Nadia's cock. She was so ready, so....tempting. Callie didn't move her claw as her legs maneuvered her over her erect member. "How can I..say this? This life..this cock..this way of living..and dying?" She lowered herself slowly, knowing she could never take all of her. It would rip her apart. Indeed. The thought alone made her smile widen. "I could do it you know. My body could give, and I could slide along..your shaft. My body would split..and there would much blood..but no. You see..I want you..pleasured..and dying. I want you happy Nadia. Are you happy? Tell me you're happy..before your heat beats..for the last time."
"Happy as can be darling." She smiled, her cock pulsing and throbbing. "Sarovir said he has something very special for you to do tommorow." She panted, length drooling precum. "A special mission for our lovely lover, to really find her real self."

She caressed Callie's hips, pulling her slowly down. "We could both die now darling, it'll take you awhile to bleed out once my cock spears you through." She cooed.
Spears you through. Callie loved the words. She closed her eyes, allowing her body to sink down further on Nadia's shaft. Had her claw still not been embedded in her chest, she would have retracted it and rested her hands atop Nadia's. Of course the sensation of her thick member stretching her open, filling her, was more than enough. Callie's mind had grasped that Sarovir had something in mind for her, but it would have to wait. She could not allot any thoughts, any energy, to that now. Nadia and her own pleasure were both consuming her. Her breathing quickened as she knew her body could accommodate only so much of her length. The way Nadia forced her opened had gone from pleasurable to intense. The more the waves of bliss crashed over her, the closer she knew she was to her skin ripping open. The suspense was building, sucking all the air from the room it seemed, until finally she felt it. For a moment, she was sure she heard it as well. Her eyes suddenly opened, frozen in a stare straight ahead as the blood began to trail down. For a moment, her heart beating was the only thing that moved. Everything else was suspended in time. A groan, deep and low, vibrated from her throat before Callie felt her sex tighten as much as possible around Nadia's cock. She had done it again, pushed Callie over the edge, and now her release mingled with the blood flowing from her torn body. "Yes," Callie whispered. "I..can not see what he has in store."
"Neither can I." Nadia hissed, pulling Callie fully down, the equine cock squirming it's way up to nestle itself in Callie's coiled organs. "We should have Master Sarovir give you tougher insides." She teased. "Maybe he'll even find cum for me so we can have lovely kittens." She purred, blood pulsing out around Callie's strong claw.
Her smile widened at Nadia's words. Was it her words or simply her voice? Either way, it didn't matter. Her thoughts were ripped back to reality as she felt her insides shifted and torn. Blood oozed around her lips and ran down the corners of her mouth. The pleasure was intense. Callie knew the truth. In reality, this would have been incredibly painful. Every blissful sensation she felt, she knew was actually agonizing pain. "Kittens," she asked softly, surprised and yet happy at the thought. "Would they were born?"
"I was thinking actual kittens, but maybe he could make furry Xenomorphs." Sylvia chuckled, thrusting to the hilt, rubbing against Callie's heart with her cock. "Going to take me with you my darling?" She purred, nibbling Callie's ear.
For a moment, her mind flashed with images of the two of them holding tiny kittens. It wasn’t a typical family portrait, but they were a family. It was an image that seemed to freeze time for a moment. Her heart thudded, trying to continue carrying her life as Nadia’s cock massaged it. The pounding radiated up to her ears, and Callie slowly blinked as she felt Nadia’s lips against her ear. Without replying, she mustered the last bit of strength she had. With her claws drawn, she reached up as she pulled back away from Nadia and sliced through her throat, ripping veins and muscles. She wanted to see the look in her eyes and feel the blood spray her skin. As the crimson liquid painted her face, she closed her eyes smiling counting the beats of her failing heart. ‘1..2….3…..4……’
She gasped and gurgled, grinned as blood poured from her ruined throat. "Mmm, lovely, she choked out, slamming to the hilt. Her newly prehensile cock pumped this ropes of clear cum as it coiled around Callie's heart, squeezing until it burst before falling limp inside her chest as Nadia slumped over, eyes glassy, still spurting cum like a hose.
Callie knew where she would wake up. She had grown to love the sights and smells of the room. Instantly she began to search for Sarovir and Nadia. Weakly she called out to them. "S-S....Master? Nadia?"
Sarovir entered with a smile. "Nadia is having a little fun at the moment darling, she'll be by later on, she's trying to graft something weird to her body again I assume." He rolled his eyes. "I have a sneaking suspicion the girl has some image issues...or is just indecisive." He chucked, helping Callie out of the tank. "We have work to do."
His voice sent shivers along her spine. Callie shuddered as the smile spread across her face. "She's female. Nadia is entitled to both. For such an intelligent being, I would have thought you would have known that," she teased. The air was cool as it hit her body. She didn't mind. "So what is it you have in mind for me? Nadia mentioned something. I'm eager to find out."
"Yes, I have detected an energy signature that could become highly useful in the long term. The only issue being that both Nadia and I have many things in the works here. So, this will be your first real trip to another planet." He smiled, tail caressing lovingly along her chin. "I already have a ship ready. Along with this energy source I'd like you to collect any semen or organ samples you see fit, or even live specimens if you can catch them." He looked her over. "I think you're up for a real test of your new body, hmm?"
Her mind raced. "A new planet? By myself? A new energy signature? Wait," she said, shaking her head. "I don't understand. How am I suppose to harness this energy signature? Should I just contact you when I find it? The organs and semen samples are pretty straight forward, but this? I mean what if the beings on this planet....don't like me? I mean back home I wasn't popular." Callie forced a smile. "Why will it be any different on this planet? Is that why you're sending me? Because no one will notice me, and I can blend in, explore unnoticed?"
He chuckled. "Well, I want you a little un-noticed, but they'll see your great beauty. Aside from the ship AI you'll have small drones to carry things. If this energy source is small enough then you can put it in a carrier drone, if not then contact me." He chuckled, caressing her body. "The drones will take the samples back to storage on the ship. I should make one thing clear though, unless attack, don't go around killing sentients, there is some law on this planet, wouldn't want you getting arrested. Of course if you find somebody that would make a good subject like you and Nadia, you can bring them back to the ship for me."
She took in everything he was saying. It seemed like a huge responsibility, but at least he was giving it to her. He trusted her. "Thank you," she told him, her emotions true. "Thank you for trusting me with this. I will do my best. Do you have any idea where on the planet this energy source is? How will I know it when I see it?"
He chuckled lightly. "Do not worry, the drone AI will be able to do a lot of the leading and scanning for the source. This is halfway an escort mission, as these drones are made for specimen collection, but are ill-equipped for combat, unlike yourself." He smiled, caressing her tail and leading her into a small bay with a ship the size of a bus. "This will be your home for a little while, fully equipped with revival pods and food synthysis, modules."
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