- Joined
- Jan 18, 2009
- Location
- Under your bed aka Tennessee
Random note/observation. Mint tea is such a strange creature, even when it is piping hot it leaves a coolness behind.
you lie *glares*Kingschoolyou said:I'll be on soonThen you can tell me all about them ok?
He's got a bucket of them (the specific reference starts at about 1:50).vampire seduction said:You know I always have a spare ear if you wish to use it.
Holy crap, Pony!My_Apocalypse_Pony said:For those of you who do not know yet, I have been kicked out of my house. I am living with my grandmother, while looking for a job, although not as activly as i should be. I have found very few openings, and since i have no special degrees in anything it makes the job hunt that much harder. I have found a few places that i could posibily live all somewhat promissing. For right now life is looking pretty bleak.
Leave it sit a few days, then call to follow up. Some places, they file your app, but they don't bother to look at it until/unless you show some dedication by actually following up. A call to check on whether they've filled the position won't reflect badly on you at all. Quite the opposite.My_Apocalypse_Pony said:Nothing like putting your application/resume almost everywhere that you are qualified to work at, and not getting any resonces. Makes you feel down right stupid! *pout*