Dragonball Moon [blakkatt07 x Malfrost]


Jul 5, 2009
Too much. It was just too much. Usagi Tsukino aka Sailor Moon, had lost too many of her friends and she knew it was hopeless against Chaos now. All that was left was her and Ami Mizuno aka Sailor Mercury. She just wanted to take Ami and run to somewhere where they aren't known. She knew her thoughts were cowardly but she just couldn't find herself wanting to keep trying.

So that's what she decided to do. The moment the Starlights had managed to grab Chaos' attention, Sailor Moon grabbed Sailor Mercury and wished for her and Mercury to be transported somewhere else. A quick flash from the silver crystal and the two of them were gone. Little did they know, that they would be dropped in a place that was completely new to them, with remaining members of a completely different alien race as part of the people protecting it. They landed in a field and lay unconscious, clutching each other's hand.
Vegeta and Gohan were out in the field sparing. They both agreed to not go Super Sayian as they fought. They wanted to push their regular limits. Gohan had grown close to Vegeta over the years, as he had become like a very close uncle to him. Sure, he was still cold and distant at times, but he was much friendlier then when he invaded Earth before.

It was while they were sparring that they both sensed two fair strong power levels randomly pop into existence. They both looked at each other and nodded as they flew towards the location. There they found two girls, dressed in odd clothing.

"This is strange. Are they from another planet? People just don't pop into existence like this." Gohan thought aloud as he approached the girls, checking their vitals to make sure they were okay. Vegeta just clicked his tongue.

"Who cares, their power levels are decent but nothing stellar. They aren't are problem. If they try anything later, we'll take care of it. For now, lets just leave them be." He muttered, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He hated when sparring sessions were interrupted.
Both girls vitals tested out fine. As Vegeta was talking, Sailor Mercury started to stir first due to feeling Gohan checking her vitals. She blinked a bit and looked between the two men, almost as if she was trying to figure out whether they were friend or foe. At the same time, she started lightly shaking Sailor Moon. "Princess...." She hissed low. "Wake up."

Sailor Moon murmured low for a moment. "Five more minutes."

Sailor Mercury rolled her eyes. "Princess...." She hissed again. "Get up. We're not alone."
It seemed they were able to speak their language fine enough as the blue haired girl talked first, calling the blonde haired girl Princess. Gohan decided to wait until the two were settled before trying to talk.

Vegeta, standing next to him however, wasn't that kind of person. As the blue haired girl tried to wake the other, he scoffed slightly. "She is suppose to be a Princess? Of what exactly...the sleeping fairies?" Vegeta seemed annoyed that someone of any kind of royal blood who carry themselves in such a manner. Being a Prince himself, he was always remembering what it was like to be royalty and to have that expectation of leadership on one's head.
Sailor Moon finally woke up. "Fine. I'm up." She sat up and looked at the two men tiredly. Her eyes showing that she had seen so much in her life. Her eyes widened at hearing Vegeta asking about her royal heritage. "You heard that? But she whispered it...."

Sailor Mercury narrowed her eyes at Vegeta. The fact he'd heard her call Sailor Moon "Princess" had her on alert as instinctively, she reached up to one of her earrings and twisted it, activating a visor that appeared across her eyes. Symbols flashed on it as she scanned the two men with it before her eyes widened briefly. "Saiyans. Explains the hearing." She twisted her earring again and the visor disappeared. "She's the remaining member of the royal family of the moon kingdom."
Both of the men raised their eyebrows as Mercury pulled out a visor. As she spoke the name of their race, Vegeta seemed to grin widely. Indeed, even these strangers knew of the Saiyan race! As the Princess was introduced as heir to the Moon Kingdom, Vegeta scoffed. Gohan just seemed confused, he had never heard of it before.

"The Moon Kingdom was destroyed long ago according to the stories I was told. How can I, Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyans, be expected to believe that this young girl here is the sole surviving member of the Royal Family!" Vegeta laughed loudly as he introduced himself, his tail wrapping proudly around his waist. Indeed, if this girl was the last member of the Royal Family, she should have been much, much older, according to what he was told in the stories.
Sailor Mercury stood up defiantly. "Just as proud as ever. Those stories are right. It was destroyed, and the other kingdoms in alliance fell soon after."

Sailor Moon stood as well with a sigh, placing a hand gently on Mercury's shoulder to calm her. "I'll take over from here, Mercury." She looked to Vegeta, her birthmark crescent moon now in obvious sight since she was looking right at him. "I am the remaining member. My mother, Queen Serenity, used the last of her strength to send myself and my court to be reborn on Earth since we all had already been killed in the battle."
"The Saiyans are a proud race, of course I am proud to be their prince!" Vegeta laughed as Sailor Moon turned his attention towards him. "I see, your mother must have loved you dearly then to do such a thing. So...what brings you here then? Are you trying to restore the Royal Family and the Kingdom?" Vegeta questioned as he raised an eyebrow. He was interested, if she was trying to restore the Kingdom...the could become quite the ally.

Gohan just chuckled awkwardly as looked towards Mercury and gave her a small smile. "Sorry for my uncles...well...ego. He's always been like that. I'm Son Gohan! It's nice to meet you!" He held out his hand and gave the girl a small smile. He wasn't sure what all this stuff was with the Moon Kingdom and everything, but they both seemed like nice girls.
Sailor Moon sighed. "I'd had hopes to one day." She then looked down. "As for what brought us here....my cowardice...and..." She started blinking her eyes repeatedly as if trying not to cry. "Mercury's all I have left of my court.The others were killed in battle against a really strong enemy. And I couldn't take losing her too. So I grabbed her and made a wish on the silver crystal and here we are." She undid her transformation, looking down in shame. "Some champion of justice I am."

Mercury smiled at Gohan before undoing her own transformation. "I'm Mizuno Ami." She placed her hand in his to shake. "Nice to meet you."
Vegeta seemed interested in her transformation, but as she began to sulk and blame herself for the death of her friends, he grew angry. He quickly grabbed a hold of her shoulders and shook her slightly as he yelled at her. "Get a hold of yourself! Is this anyway for a Princess to behave?! Your friends gave their lives to save yours so you could continue to fight for your dream! Don't give up on it! It's the same as giving up on them! Do you want for them to have died in vain!?" The Saiyan was cleared pissed off. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was quitters.

Gohan shook Ami's hand with a smile and turned to watch Vegeta shout at the princess. He rubbed the back of his head meekly as he spoke to Ami. "Don't get to mad at him for yelling at her...he is stubborn and hard-headed...but that's just his way of showing he cares."
Usagi's eyes widened when she was grabbed and yelled at. Her tears finally able to fall since she was too in shock to stop them. "You're right. As much as I hate that they died that way, I won't let their deaths be in vain." She didn't try to stop the tears that were falling now. "They wouldn't want me to give up."

Ami watched. "In this case I won't. She needed that toughness to her. A trait I don't have."
"Good. Fight for them. Don't let them have died for nothing. Focus on getting stronger so you can take down all those who stand in your way!" Vegeta gave the girl small smile after he finished lecturing her as he ruffled her hair in an affectionate manner. She reminded her of himself once his father had died and so had most of his race, but Nappa forced him to be strong.

Gohan nodded and gave Ami a large smile. "You do seem like a very kind girl, and a great friend...I'm sure she'll be needing that in the days and years to come...so stay close to her." He encouraged the blue haired girl as he squeezed her hand in a supportive manner.
Usagi pouted when he ruffled her hair. "Getting stronger for me isn't as easy as you think. I can't just practice my attacks. All the upgrades I've had in power were given."

Ami smiled and nodded. "My duties as her last remaining guardian aside, I plan to stay close to her. She's the sweetest person I've known and has a big heart to prove it."
"Then I'll train you! I'll teach you new attacks! I don't want to hear any excuses!" Vegeta got serious again as he glared at Usagi as he wondered if the girl would even be able to survive a training session with him.

Gohan nodded." I can tell, I sense a really loving and caring aura coming off of her...she'll fight to the death to save her friends. In that way, she's alot like Vegeta...though she's more open about it at least!" Gohan laughed loudly.
Usagi lit up happily. "Really? You will? Thank you!" True to her nature, she happily hugged Vegeta.

Ami giggled. "That she is. It's just Usagi's nature. But then she has her moments, when Princess Serenity shines through. Almost like she's two separate people."
Vegeta was extremely surprised when Usagi hugged him. He blushed slightly as he muttered and mumbled something about this being stupid, but returned the hug all the same. He blushed slightly as he knew he was slightly hard...they were two pretty girls after all. He just hoped the blonde wouldn't notice.

Gohan smiled and laughed as what Ami described reminded him a lot of a certain someone. "Yeah...I know what that is like. My dad is a lot like that. He tends to be carefree and happy go lucky, but he can be really serious when it comes down to it."
Usagi did notice that he was slightly hard, blushing when she realized it. But instead of calling attention to it as she let go, she instead started murmuring apologies for invading his personal space. All the while she was apologizing, she was blushing and feeling herself growing wet as her eyes looked him over even without her meaning to."Where are my manners? I never formally introduced myself. Usagi Tsukino, aka Princess Serenity. Feel free to call me by either name."

Ami giggled. "He sounds like a nice guy. Anyway, is it possible that I could get you to train me like Vegeta is training her?" She was quiet for a moment. "Oh gosh. Usagi and I don't have anywhere to stay now."
Vegeta was still blushing as he nodded slightly. "Very well then...I'll call you Usagi..." Vegeta tried to will his erection away but he wasn't able to as he looked over the young woman's body, which only increased his arousal. "What was that outfit you were in before..." He questioned, as her Sailor outfit was really nice to look at.

Gohan grinned widely as Ami asked to be trained. "Of course I can! I'd love to train you, Ami-chan!" As she mentioned they didn't have anywhere to stay, Gohan merely squeezed her hand hand and gave her a smile. "You two can stay with us! We have spare rooms for you!"
Usagi blushed. "That was my sailor fuku. I usually transform into it before a battle being that I can't exactly fight the type of enemies that Ami and I have faced without doing so."

Ami blushed when Gohan squeezed her hand. "Well that will work. It'll make things easier since you two are training us. We really appreciate all you're doing for us." She kissed his cheek.
"Ah...I see...well. Can you transform into it without being in battle?" Vegeta asked with curiosity. If he was going to train her, he needed to be able to see her in it. But...if he saw her in it out...he might just have to take her and make her his.

Gohan blushed as Ami kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his firm and sculpted chest. He looked into her eyes, his own clouded with a slight amount of lust. "How much do you appreciate it, exactly...? His voice was gruff and full of lust.
Usagi nodded and held out a white and gold heart shaped brooch. "I can. With this. Did you want me to transform back?" Part of her had the urge to do so just to see if it would tease him any.

Ami's eyes widened briefly when he pulled her against his chest. Then she looked into his eyes and saw the lust there and it was as if that one little bit had given her the courage to be bold as her finger started tracing circles on his chest, feeling him out. "Well, I'm sure Usagi will find her own way to show Vegeta how much she appreciates it. I can definitely say that I appreciate it very much and would love the chance to show you." Her voice was full of lust as she purred her words.
Vegeta nodded his head and licked his lips as he looked at at Usagi with lust, his erection throbbing in his pants. "Yes...go ahead and transform." He was waiting in anticipation for the beautiful woman to transform.

Gohan felt her hand on his chest and he grinned slightly as he knew that she was starting to feel as lustful and aroused as him. He too licked his eyes as he eyed Ami as an object that could pleasure him greatly. "Well then...hope about you show me...I hear Usagi is going to transform...I'd like to see you in yours..."
Usagi had been staring at Vegeta just a little too hard when he licked his lips. Between that and the look he gave her, she felt her arousal grow even more. Silently she was praying that she wouldn't end up with a wet spot on her fuku where it counted. She clutched her brooch and held it in front of her. "Moon Eternal Power....make-up!" She felt her brooch open up and the familiar feelings of her fuku replacing her clothes bit by bit, her crescent being the last thing to show as her brooch settled on her chest bow, finishing her transformation.

Ami still blushed from the look he gave her but then smirked as her transformation wand appeared in her hand. "I'll hold you to that soon enough." She waited until Usagi was done before calling out her own phrase. "Mercury Crystal Power....make-up!" She closed her eyes as the familiar ribbons of water encircled her before they formed her fuku and her transformation was complete.
Vegeta watched in slight amazement as Usagi transformed into Sailor moon. Her fuka fit her perfectly and revealed just how beautiful of a body she had. Once she wad done transforming, the Prince nodded his head as he took a seat on a nearby bench. "Good...now then...to pay me back for training you and housing you..." Vegeta's cock throbbed as he issued his command. "Give me a lapdance."

Gohan was amazed by Ami's transformation as well. However, because he was younger and more hormonal, his lust too over that much quicker. As soon as Ami was done transforming, Gohan was upon her. His hands groped her firm ass underneath her skirt as his lips kissed her lovely, bare neck, his tongue like a brush on canvas, painting her neck.
Usagi blushed at his command, amazed at how regal he seemed to look even on just a nearby bench. "As you wish, my prince." She purred before she started the lap dance, moving sensually to a song in her mind. Her hands roaming over her body as she looked at him lustfully, going down over her legs before slowly coming back up. She moved closer and trailed her hands down what she could of his body, only lightly touching his cock through his pants but enough where he could feel it.

Ami let out a gasp as Gohan groped her ass. Her head tilted to give him better access to her neck. She pressed herself close as her hand started down his chest again. The way his tongue moved over her neck had a mind drifting to imagining just where else on her body he could use his tongue.
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