The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"...You're right," Ike sighed, taking her hand to hoist himself up. "There's something I need to do before that happens, Link...where's Chrom?"

"With Robin and Lucina," Link murmured curiously. "...Why?"

"I need to talk to him," Ike said. "Maybe more, I don't know." He needed that buried, if Chrom didn't forgive him...fine. But he couldn't keep wondering if he had an ally or an enemy.
Samus squeezed his hand to show her support. "I'm coming with you." She wanted to be there too...she was the one who murdered Chrom's citizens...she was the one who infiltrated and kidnapped him. Even if it was under Ike's command, she made the decision to follow through.
"Alright," Ike said, squeezing it in return with a faint smile. It was a tired, weary smile...but at least it was a genuine one.

"...Well, come on then," Link smiled. "You guys should meet the new baby, anyway."

...Ah, yes...Zelda's...child.
Even though Zelda wanted to help, she was more needed with Palutena and the towns people they had managed to evacuate from Ohma which she had heard had been destroyed. Not to mention she had two babies to watch since Robin knew her skills would be needed alongside Chrom and Lucina.

Being a mother for her. Strange, but a warm feeling all at once. There were times when she felt sad, knowing who Leon's father was. But Leon...he was perfect. And little Lucina was, too.

"Thank you for watching her, Zelda," Robin began as she took baby Lucina from Zelda's arm. Zelda only smiled and nodded as her now free arm moved to cradle Leon. "Chrom and I truly appreciate it."

"She was an angel the whole time. She slept most of the time." Zelda said with a smile as Robin smiled down at her baby girl. "I'm glad all three of you are safe."
"We got lucky," Chrom agreed readily as Pit seemed to have a boundless source of energy and enthusiasm for just about...any situation. Chrom was beginning to understand how he was able to defeat Medusa, or indeed...pose a threat. Behind that young exterior was a warrior of experience, perhaps not as much as Palutena...but honestly? He wouldn't complain. Pit seemed to dart every which direction when Palutena ordered him to do so, every the dutiful little bodyguard. Chrom was lucky to make it out with his limbs, he was a little roughed up, but no worse for wear compared to others.

"If it wasn't for Ashunera, we wouldn't be here."
"None of us would, she helped us all escape first. I just hope that she's okay." Zelda frowned as she looked down at Leon. It had been the first time Ashunera risked her presence...just to help everyone she could. But that wasn't the only reason why she was worried. "When she came to us, she gave Palutena a great deal of her power to hold in case Medusa or Ganondorf caught her while she helped everyone escape..."
"We have to have faith!" Pit said, arms crossed. "Lady Palutena always has a plan! And Lady Ashunera probably had a plan over that!"

"...Well," Chrom sighed. "Then clearly, we're the fools, aren't we?"

"It's okay," Pit said, wings fluffed up smugly. "Not everyone can forsee everything like Lady Palutena."

...And that went clear over his head, didn't it?
"No, not everyone." Lucina said with a smile as she reached over and ruffled his hair. She glanced up and then saw Ike, Samus and Link as they made their way over. The morose expressions on their faces gave her a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Did something happen?

"Link.." Zelda hurried over to him, letting out an exhale of relief. She had been truly worried for everyone, but him especially. She needed him. She leaned in to kiss him before glancing over to Ike and Samus. "Are you two okay?"
"I've been better," Ike murmured, rubbing his neck. "...But we're okay."

"...We lost Sona," Link said quietly, arm around Zelda's waist.

"What?" Pit blinked in surprise. "You're kidding!"
"Sona..she's gone?" Zelda asked, her face going slightly pale at the news. Lucina's eyes shifted away as she took a deep breath. Loss was always hard to deal with, no matter how many people died.

"I..see. She refused to come with us when we retreated. She said she had something she needed to do." Robin muttered as she held her baby close. Maybe they shouldn't have let her go, but the girl refused to take no for an answer...
"Dunno about all that," Magnus grunted as he kind of...wormed his way into the conversation. "She wanted to cause a lot of ruckus, though...a lot of it. Somethin' about keepin Medusa occupied."

"Among other things," Ike sighed. There was so much he could have done, things he could have said...
"You're the help Sona brought with her..." Zelda began as the others glanced at him. He seemed like a very seasoned warrior, and so did the others that had followed Sona into battle. "How did you meet her..? What's your name?" She could only wonder if Sona had at least found happiness as well as new allies before dying...but that might have been a difficult question for her to ask him.
"He's Magnus," Pit mumbled faintly. "He's okay, I guess."

"Nice to see you again too, Angelface." he snorted. "A thank you wouldn't hurt, would it?"

"Magnus, don't be rude," Gaol chided. A woman half his size, but her shoulders that peeked out through her dress spoke of a physique that was far from 'lady-like'. "Sona clearly meant a lot to them, now isn't the time for you to do that." she said, giving a polite tilt of her head. "Excuse Magnus...he's not the greatest people person," she smiled, much to Magnus' annoyance. "I am Gaol...Sona discovered us, by way of Chi. It is an honor to meet all of you. Sona spoke much about you all in our little trip."
"Chi..?" Samus muttered under her breath. Why would Chi send Sona to...these people? She didn't understand it...did she actually try to help Sona?

"The honor is ours...have you both settled into camp yet? If not, I'd be happy to find you a place..maybe we can talk about Sona a little more. I didn't get to see her before she...passed. I wanted her to at least meet Leon, but..." Zelda trailed off and sighed as she held her child close. "Let's go, shall we?"

Robin let out an exasperated sigh as she watched Zelda leave with the two. She was tired...banged up a little. Lucina noticed this, and she moved over to her side. "I'll take care of the baby, get some rest." Lucina gave her little choice as she took the sleeping girl. It was a strange thought that she was..literally cradling herself. But it was alright nonetheless.

"Lucina...wait." Robin frowned as she watched her daughter walk away..but she trusted her. She leaned against Chrom for a bit, slipping her arms around his. "What about you..are you tired, Chrom?" She asked as she looked up at him.

"Actually...before you two go..." Samus started, drawing Robin's attention to her. "We need to talk...Ike needs to talk to you both..."
"...About what?" Chrom muttered, arm around Robin. "There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes, there is," Ike said. "...I know it means nothing now, Chrom. But...for what it's worth, I'm sorry." he said. "...If there was another way, another chance that I could fix what I did, I would...but I can't. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, I'm just asking that you trust me until this is over."

"And what then?" Chrom mumbled. "I'm just supposed to act like nothing happened?"

"No," Ike said. "If you still feel as if I deserve it, I will take whatever punishment you give are still royalty."

"...You owe me, that's all," Chrom said. "I won't accept your apology, because there is nothing I can do to prove it's earnest. There are more important matters than my own revenge, for now." he muttered. "Are we done here?"

That went about as bad as he expected, so he nodded. "Yeah...we're done."
Robin looked into Ike's eyes, and then did the same to Samus. "...Just do everything you can to make up for what you've done." She told them just before she turned around with Chrom. She wasn't sure if she could ever forgive them, but...things could change. She would never say never.

"We will," Samus called out as they started to walk away. "I promise you, Robin...Chrom. We will not rest until we make up for it all..."

"You won't be getting much sleep then.." Robin muttered as she held onto Chrom tighter. She knew how much pain he was going through. He had lost had she. But she knew he was feeling it much more than her. Those were all people he knew from his childhood. Gone...slaughtered. It must have been hard on him to hold back those feelings of rage..she felt it every time she was around him. She had something for him.
Chrom didn't say anything, simply making their way towards their tent to rest. Chrom felt...exhausted, weary. Every single action they took was just more and more retreats. He collapsed on their makeshift bed with a heavy sigh, arm over his eyes. Why did he do that, anyway? Well, even he understood Ike's talent...same with Samus. But that didn't make him feel any better about it all. Damn them, and damn people like them. He just wished he could be home...
Robin sat down at his side and then gently reached out for his hand. She wasn't sure why but she was almost scared...touching him. It had been a long time since they had actually talked...with the stress of the baby and everything around them it was just hard to talk to him. He was always angry and she never wanted to make it worse. She could understand books...military tactics, and sword play. But she didn't understand people sometimes..and she never liked to admit that. As much as she loved him, she didn't know what would make him feel better.

But then she thought back to Zelda...and her advice. Even though she dismissed it before, it was starting to sound like a good idea. Though maybe she still felt guilt for never telling him about what she and Lucina did with the man he hated so much. Maybe that's what stopped her.

"Chrom..." Robin squeezed his hand gently. "It was very noble what you did today. I know it was hard, but you did a good thing even if it doesn't feel like it."
"I know," Chrom sighed. "...I know that," he mumbled, squeezing his hand in return to show that he at least was willing to talk, not that he moved the arm over his eyes. "...I just don't know what to do, Robin."
"We can't do anything right now, Chrom.." Robin muttered as she pulled her hand away from him and trailed it across his chest. "We just have to rest for now and gather our strength." Her fingers started to unbuckle his armor. She didn't think words would help him right now...even if she felt guilty, she had to do something for him. It had been far too long since they had been intimate together. Even if he didn't feel like it...she would make him relax if she had to.
Chrom glanced at her a moment, brows raised a little in surprise. "...Robin?" he mumbled curiously. It wasn't that he was complaining or anything...but it had been a while, even with all this...she didn't exactly leave on easy terms.
"I keep remembering what it was like being without you..." She began as she unfastened his armor. "I missed you so much..I missed feeling you against me. I missed when we would spend hours in our bedroom together without ever taking a break. Then we just got busy...and sort of forgot about each other's needs. It's the same thing now, Chrom." She glanced up at him as her fingers moved beneath his tunic. "We worry about everything and everyone else. Is it wrong to just...stop and only think of each other? For at least one night?"
"No, I just..." Chrom said, sitting up a little. "...I didn't figure, I mean..." How was he supposed to word this when his wife's hands were making his eyes flutter in satisfaction. He missed that feeling, more than he wanted to admit...
"You didn't figure what?" Robin asked as she pulled off the garment of clothing to reveal his broad, muscular chest. She was finally feeling she did before everything happened between them. "You didn't figure that I wanted you even after all these terrible things that happened? You're wrong, I only want you more. People keep's making me see that life is short...I want to be with you as much as possible...I want to fuck you as much as possible, Chrom. Anything...anything to show me how previous our time is together."
Chrom glanced at her a moment, feeling his erection strain against his pants before he shifted forward to slam his lips against hers, almost desperately. He wanted her, he had never stopped wanting her, actually. But he thought that she lost interest, or...whatever, it didn't matter. Not now.
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