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School Rumble (Broom and I)

No. No, no, no. She had gotten so lost in her misery that she had wandered to Adam's department? Crap. When he moved closed to her, Mei took a step back. She...didn't want him close to her. For an obvious reason. Because of her guilty conscious and she didn't' deserve to feel his touch. "A..lot of things happened, Adam." She began softly, already feeling her eyes stinging as her stomach began to get butterflies. She had to tell him. She had to tell him, because every second she didn't, she'd be lying. "...I just got what I deserved." She started, biting her lip and shifted her eyes away from him.
"...What?" Adam blinked faintly, stopping his movement when she took a step back. "...Mei, what's wrong?" He...didn't like this, at all. Nothing about this felt right. What...this was completely different. He had a feeling of dread in his stomach, and he didn't like it. From Mei? That felt even worse, in fact.
Mei mumbled something faintly incoherent before taking a deep breath. "I don't deserve you, Adam..." She said as she looked down at her feet with her only good eye right now. Her heart was racing as she just..thought about everything good they shared between them. Including that night at her guest house. She even thought about the fact that he met her parents..and how disappointed they'd be. But, none of that matter. she needed to own up to what she had done. "Adam, I cheated on you." She said flatly, keeping herself from spilling tears. It was..damn hard though.
"...what?" Adam blinked in surprise, his heart slamming into his chest. "...But..." How? Who? When? He sat back in his chair, rubbing his face. "I...what? Mei, are...are you serious? who?" He didn't know what to say, he was...he was stunned. The girl was absolutely terrified of physical contact when he started talking to her and just...they hadn't really even been dating that long and she found someone else!?
She saw that question coming a mile away and yet she still hesitated to answer it. She..tried her best to keep her eyes away from him. She could hear his pain in his voice, however, so it didn't do her any good. "Komoku...Rokujo." She said slowly, feeling dirty just saying it. The person responsible for destroying their other building...their enemy before Pitor Kishi's death. Mei wasn't even sure Adam was aware that he was helping out. She wanted to explain herself, but she didn't. Not right away. She would only answer him if he wanted to know more.
Adam stared at her for a moment, before he blinked. "...You're serious," he mumbled. "...You...seriously cheated on me with Komoku!? The reason that we're even IN this situation right now!?" It was probably good that the office was empty, because this sort of thing didn't need to be spread. Empty, except for Kuki's silence presence next to the door...perhaps a good thing, perhaps not. Kuki had been following her since she entered the building anyway. She was weaker, and it was Kuki's job to see her safe.
Mei winced when Adam shouted at her. She glanced up at him, and debated on whether or not to keep quiet. Though she...couldn't help but want to hold him. He was so upset...and he had a good reason to be. "I..I...don't know why. I j-just..." Mei felt so bad for this. She felt worse than when she was beaten up by that girl earlier. "I'm sorry, Adam. I really am. It's my fault. I'm not shifting the blame when I say this, but he persisted and I broke. So..I'm sorry."
He sighed heavily, rubbing his face a moment to just...stare at her. "...Yeah, fine...look," Adam mumbled. "All that stuff you said, that you're not used to it, so what...he just...pushed a button and suddenly you were used to it? How does that make sense? I put all that effort in and...he just...what, sweeps you off your feet?" he grumbled. "Are you kidding? That guy is an animal!"
Her face started to go red, and she tried to step forward a little bit, but stupid her she forgot she needed to move the damn crutch forward when she stepped on that leg. She nearly fell to one knee, but she wasn't going to do that. No. She wasn't going to do anything that might make him feel bad for her. "I don't know why, Adam. Okay? I don't know. There was no button, he just...ugh. I know he's an animal! I don't know what that makes me, but...I know that makes me not good enough to be with you. So we shouldn't be together anymore..." Damn it. She let a tear slip by. This was really happening. She hated this.
"...So that's it?" Adam muttered. "...All the time we spent, all...all the things we did together, ruined because that...animal just...up and did things to you, and that's it?" he didn't know who he should be angrier at, but he was angry at both of them. He couldn't deal with this right now, he had work to do. She had to work do, whatever. Just...whatever. "Fine, great, good." Adam muttered, turning back around. "...Can you please go? I have work to do." he muttered. He couldn't believe it, Mei of all people. Cheating.
Mei just..stood there for a moment. It was really hard to believe it was over just like that. She felt awful. She felt angry at herself, but...she knew it had to be like this. She turned around slowly and then started to make her way..anywhere. Somewhere other than here. She needed something to distract her for a while, and there was plenty to do. And yet, she couldn't figure out what she wanted to do other than beat herself up some more. But...she knew she needed to do something productive. Like figuring out who those two were, but..that required her to work with Adam. So, that was out.

She barely noticed Kuki from the corner of her eye..and honestly she wished she hadn't been there. But there was someone else who was there, and Mei had to limp a little more before she saw someone familiar. Someone that she hadn't seen in a long time, because they made an effort to stay away. "Kokoro..?" She asked dumbly. What was she doing here? How did she even get in here?

The girl looked up at Mei, taking in her every injury. Her face was...cold. Expressionless. "Mei." She simply said.
Kuki was beside Mei in an instant, her steps casual regardless as her hand rested lightly on her sword, her eyes silently narrowed in warning. "What business do you have here?" she said lightly. "This is a DC building, people are who are not authorized need to leave, immediately."
Kokoro looked at Kuki and her own eyes narrowed in return. Who was this little chipmunk? Another friend of her cousins? Not that she really deserved any friends. "I wanted to see my cousin and offer my services to her as a volunteer." She answered, her red eyes moving back towards Mei. "Is that a problem?"

"Kokoro...why?" Mei asked, looking her up and down suspiciously. They...had a rough history together. Kokoro actually offering to help Mei was...strange.

"For Turuga." She answered plainly. Though she didn't seem to be too interested. Mei wasn't...sure. She was getting a bad feeling.
Kuki relaxed, somewhat...but not entirely as she glanced at Mei a moment. They had little choice for the most part, but perhaps this was a bad time. "...My lady, perhaps you should rest, Damien and Jana can consider her offer." she urged quietly. It pained her to see Mei like this, and she didn't know what to do to make it better, either. Ugh, what could she do? Simply protect her, as she had always done.
"I won't speak to anyone other than Mei." Kokoro stated as she moved closer to her cousin. "And it honestly makes me disappointed to see you like this. You're the leader of DC and yet you sustained those injuries during a battle? Who were you fighting?" She asked, her gaze strong enough to make Mei take a step back and look away. She felt...fragile. Like she was about to break. And Kokoro was pushing her over the edge...but she had always been like that. At least after that...incident.

"I...Kokoro, it's late. Report here first thing in the morning and we'll talk about this later." She tried, doing her best to sound somewhat professional.

"We can talk now. Don't tell me your recent break up has clouded your judgement?" Kokoro wasn't letting up. No, she was going to rub as much salt in the wound as she could.
Kuki stepped in front of Mei this time, her gaze unrelenting. "Her orders are clear, leave, or we will escort you out by force," she said, thumb flicking the first inch of her katana out in warning. "Master Damien will do so himself, if you persist in this pointless harassment."
"There's no need for that. I'll be here tomorrow. Hopefully you'll actually be in the head space to be an actual leader, Mei." Kokoro passively stated before she turned around and walked away from the two. She didn't care if Mei accepted her or not, she just wanted to stir up trouble and see what Kitten and Shi had done to her. Plus, she would have to pay this ex of Mei's a visit. Privately of course.

Mei watched Kokoro leave, and she looked at Kuki. "Thank you. My cousin can be...stubborn." Mei grimaced a bit and then sighed. "She's not a bad person though." Even though she made Mei feel even worse. A lot worse. Maybe she would rest as Kuki suggested earlier. As much as she hated to admit it, she wasn't in the right head space to work, as Kokoro mentioned.
"...Neither are you, Mei," Kuki assured firmly, glancing at her. "Life is a lesson in mistakes and successes, you can't let one mistake shape who you I did. I know you would have done it differently if you could, takes a lot of courage to tell him what you did," she said, cheeks reddening somewhat. "'s not my place, I know..." she mumbled, head tilted downward a little. "...but you are still my leader, and I will still follow you, no matter what."
Mei looked at the girl for a moment, a little taken aback from her statement. It's not that Kuki never spoke. Maybe it was just because she had never seen this side of Mei, and she was doing her best to try and comfort her. She bit her lip and then moved closer to Kuki, hugging her tightly. She needed..that. Really bad. For someone to just tell her she wasn't a bad person. "Thank you," She told her, her voice strained as she tried to prevent herself from crying. "I'm...going to go rest now, like you suggested." Mei released the girl and gave her a smile. "I'm really glad to have you as a friend, Kuki..."
"...I'm...glad to be here, Mei," Kuki smiled shyly, still a little breathless from her hug. "...I will be near, if you need me, Mei. Just call my name," she promised. "Allow me to escort you to your room." She could do that much, at least.
That was...comforting. Even though she felt bad that Kuki was waiting hand and foot on her. "Thank you..." She repeated before she started walking towards the direction of her room. "But you don't have to always watch me or know that right?"
"I know," Kuki said, following next to her. Not behind and slightly to the side, Damien had mentioned a few times that he was trying to make Kuki adjust better to socializing...perhaps it was working. "...But I...well, you're the first real friend I had when I came here," she admitted. "...If I can help you in some small way, I will. It doesn't matter to me. Jana and the others are always so busy too, I want to make sure you know you always have someone, even if it's just me."
"Just you?" Mei asked, having to shift her head a little to see her face. The eye patch was a pain and she had to get used to only seeing from one eye. "'re a really good girl. And I...actually have been meaning to talk to you more. I just have had a lot of things going on. I don't want you to ever think that I only talk to you as some last resort. You're not just Kuki, you're Kuki." She said as she limped along. They were almost to her room. "And I'm glad to have you...."
"I...well," Kuki mumbled, cheeks slightly pink. "Thank you, Mei...I um, I could...maybe sit with you at lunch?" she said, hopefully. "I can bring you something, so you can focus on resting. I'm sure Damien and Jana can handle things for a little bit." she assured. "...If you don't mind, that is."
"That sounds great, Kuki." Mei told her as she opened the door to her room. Yeah...she was hungry but she didn't want to run into anyone else. She didn't want people to ask how she had gotten her injuries...she was still so ashamed of that. When her father found out...he would be annoyingly over protective of her, too. The fact that this happened on school grounds would make him even more upset.

She just wished she could have just...been there before Jana got kidnapped. None of this would be happening if she had stopped that from occurring in the first place. She'd still be with Adam...who she already really, really missed. But it was better this way. Mei didn't deserve to have anyone love her like that. Then again...they had never even said those words to each other, but she was sure they were coming close.

Maybe Mei just wanted to sabotage herself.
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