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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"...So call him?" Jana said, brow arched. "Have you? He might be on his way," she shrugged. "It's not a bad thing for you to call your lover boy, you know," Jana smirked. "Nice collar, he get you it?"
Mei went bright red and she looked away. "It's a necklace, and yes he b-bought it for me. But..I guess I should call him." She wasn't sure why she was so reluctant to do so, maybe she just didn't want to be clingy. "I mean..since we're official as of today, it's only natural that a girlfriend should do these things...right?"
"Right," Jana grinned in amusement. She wouldn't tease her about it...not yet, anyway. "It's okay to be concerned, Mei. It's been a little while, knowing him, he decided to walk here on his own. He's kind of an idiot like that."
"...You're right." Mei pulled out her cellphone and then sighed a bit. Walking around with a broken rib was a horrible idea. She should have just stayed with him. She dialed his number and put her ear to the phone. She would probably drive him crazy with all the worrying she was doing.
Komoku was not a good person for...well, acting like anything was wrong. He was practically a stubborn old man in that respect, the guy had a freakish resistance to just about everything imaginable and he seemed to be able to ignore pain like some people ignored an itch. Which is probably why he was particularly grumpy, and Masami was amused so much she was grinning from ear to ear. Her big brother, needing someone to walk him? It was just adorable.

He pawed faintly in his pocket when his phone vibrated, swiping it with his finger. "...Hello?" Komoku groused faintly. "What's up, babe?"
She was relieved when she heard his voice. So much that he would hear her sigh right before she spoke. "Nothing, I was just making sure you weren't lost..or hurt. Where are you? Dinners almost ready."
"I'm gettin' there-" Komoku started, before there was a shuffing of the phone and some annoyed cursing.

"Tell her! Tell her!" Masami grinned in amusement, giggling like a fool.

"Hey! Hey! I'm injured, remember! Quit it, brat!" Komoku spat in annoyance, hand shoving his sister away.

"Hiii Mei~," Masami said regardless. "My big brother needed his little sister to protect him from the big bad thugs, isn't that cute?"

"Ugh," Komoku muttered. Why did he do this again?
Mei blinked for a moment and then laughed a little. She was glad that Masami was with him...she just wondered who asked who first. "Tell Masami I said thank you." She told Komoku with a smile on her face. "She can stay for dinner too, there'll be plenty. My mom makes a lot of food."
"Yeah yeah...I'm sure the brat will stay, she eats like a pig-OW!" Komoku groused. "God dammit, Masami! My ribs hurt, you know!"

The only reply was the most obnoxious sounding raspberry in the world, making Komoku growl in frustration before hanging up. Masami was just eating this up, and Mei was appreciative of it!? Ugh, that traitor!
Mei moved the phone away from her ear and looked at Jana. "He's on his way, and he's bringing Masami along. My mother will be so ecstatic, I don't think she's ever had so many visitors at once. Too bad Justin left to do his own thing."
"It's probably for the best," she said, laying on her back to offer Mei-and really, anyone who walked in- a view of her cleavage that'd make the aforementioned boy hard as a rock, glancing up at the ceiling. "...I think he's still got feelings for me," she mused. "I don't really know what to do about that, so...I just left it alone."
"..Wouldn't surprise me. But he did a good job of not showing it, because I didn't really notice. Then again, I forgot he existed since he kept quiet the entire time." Mei's eyes moved away from Jana's breasts. Her mother and Komoku's teasing really bothered her for whatever reason. She kind of felt uncomfortable now.
Jana glanced at her faintly, brow arched in confusion. "...You okay, Mei?" she said honestly. "You've been acting kind of odd, what's up?"

"She's been stressed," Kuki explained, coming over after she found a book to flip through. "The Council has been starting to bother her for an appearance...Damien has been trying to make sure everything is properly set up before she goes."

"The Council, huh?" Jana mumbled. "Wow, that's big time."
Glad Kuki saved her with that one. "Yes, it is. I have to do this though, or they won't fund us appropriately. They want to speak to me in person before I'm officially recognized as the leader. I have to show them I'm competent enough for all this..." Mei explained as she laid back on the bed. "I can deal with a lot of things, but impressing people isn't one of them. I don't exactly know what they are looking for that will assure them I can handle this job.."
"What are you talking about?" Jana said, moving to lay next to her with a grin. "Are you kidding? What DC is right now is all because of you, how is that not impressive? Before, that crazy bastard Kishi used to do it! Now we're running it."

"...It is very impressive," Kuki agreed with a faint smile. "You've done really well, Mei...that's why we're all behind you, one hundred percent."
Mei smiled a little at the two of them. How could she not be confident in herself with so many people who believed in her backing her up? "Yeah, I know. But you know...Damien made me a little nervous. The role that DC had is greater than just it's body of students. Pitor had his fingers in a lot of pies, but now that he's gone....well I'm not sure how well I understand politics, and I don't want to be taken advantage of."
"That puts you in a perfect spot, actually," Jana scoffed. "Politics are the same no matter where you go, everyone is waiting for you to make your move to see where they can stand...but getting on the Council's side also means you can tell most of them to piss off, but if you have to kiss any ass, it's those three."

"I agree," Kuki murmured. "I don't know much about...politics, but gangs function similarly. Nobody does anything if nobody is tested."
"I suppose..I'm just hoping they approve of the way I'm running things now." Mei said with a sigh before sitting up. The last time she had so much pressure on her..she failed. Maybe that's what she was scared about..failing. In any way. She didn't want to let anyone down. "Enough of that though, we're all on break. I don't want to talk about work."
"Right," Jana grinned, arm around her waist in a friendly gesture. "We should do girl stuff, talk about boys, compare breasts..."

"None of those things happen!" Kuki hissed, almost on a reflex as her face lit up with either anger or embarrassment. "Nobody...nobody does that!" Was she doing this JUST to embarass her!? Ugh...
Mei blushed as Jana moved closer to her, and she just shook her head. Before she could agree with Kuki, the intercom in her room went off. "Mei! Dinners ready!" Her mothers voice said through the speaker right next to her door.

"...Guess we'll save that discussion for another time." Mei said as she moved off the bed.
"What discussion?" Jana sniffed. "We all know who has the best rack, between the three of us...that's naturally me."

"...Just because you have the biggest doesn't mean you're the best," Kuki muttered in mild annoyance. "Not everyone likes big, you know."
"That's true, Jana." Komoku loved her breasts. Her face went mildly red as she imagined what he liked to do with them. He bit and nibbled at them all the time when he was driving that huge...No. She couldn't think about this right now, if he smelled her at the dinner table he'd give her dirty looks all night long."Sometimes it depends on the person the breasts are attached to." She concluded.
"Speaking from experience, Mei?" Jana smirked, that wonderful smirk that said 'gotcha'. "You two are so cute together, I swear. You'd probably never do anything if you didn't have to, when he's around."
"What?! What do you mean by that?" Mei demanded as face went bright red. Her and Komoku? Cute?! Was she blind? Either way...well she didn't mind the compliment. It was just embarrassing.
"Don't you play coy with me," Jana smirked. "I see the way you get around him, It's cute. I think you just want to ride him all day." she laughed. "And I was supposed to be the dirty one!"
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