A Magical Revolution [Azecreth & Wingshadow]

Night passed on, the city falling to slumber, before it swung once more to day, and the city rose in turn with it. Plans were made, movements done, the chess board went back to work once more, the great game all engaged in continuing on into it's next phases.

Homura awoke early, and wasted no time in getting to her day. She didn't have the time to waste after all, with so much on her plate. She had to hunt and add to her collection of Grief Seeds, keep tabs on Madoka and that pesky Incubator. She had to keep appraised of Mami, Kyoko, Sayaka, the Yakuza, other internal foes as well. She had to preempt threats, prepare for what was to come, and continue her search for Oriko and Kirika, before they could cause trouble to her plans. It would be another long day for her.

Kyoko awoke and did her daily routine. She ate a nice breakfast, played some video games, and generally relaxed before she had to deal with the bureaucratic affairs of state. Thanks to her recent venture she had some visibility, but in a few days she'd have to go out and find someone to otherwise intimidate or beat up, lest people get the wrong idea. But that wouldn't be too hard. So she went to her meetings, and then went on to enjoy the rest of her day.

Madoka awoke at her regular time, then woke her mother up after saying hello to her father and brother. She got dressed, did her hair with the red ribbons her mother had gotten her, ate breakfast, and then hurried off to school, fully expecting this to be a normal day, without the excitement of nearly being killed by a Witch this time.

Oriko and Kirika awoke at practically the same time, and the two of them set off as well, to lay their own plans, meet with their allies in the Shadow Compact, gather supplies, Grief Seeds, resources for their eventual actions to save the world from what they knew was coming. It was hard work, but someone had to do it. They could not fail, not in this.

At home, Etsuko and Miyako awoke to get on with their day, going to school, doing chores, getting groceries, all the mundane things that magical girls did when they weren't hunting Witches and didn't have the luxury that people like Kyoko enjoyed. They had each other though, and that was what mattered.

And across town, a violinist awoke in a well furbished hospital room, to get on with his day and his physical therapy, after the miracle he had been granted.

The players were set, now time to see what moves transpired this day.
Sayaka rose from her bed, her short blue hair a bit disheveled as she slid out from under the sheets and rubbed her tired eyes. The day before had given her quite a lot to think about, but even so she knew that she had to move onward and forward with the day closing fast upon her. She had a lot to do, after all, in order to squeeze in a visit to Kyosuke before her afternoon classes. Unlike some of her fellow magical girls, Sayaka had not abandoned the notion that she could still live a normal life and go to school like any other young woman her age. Still, she most certainly looked forward to seeing Kyosuke more than her professors, especially since she planned on speaking with him during his hospital stay. Her wish had granted him the opportunity to move on with his life as a musician, a gift he hopefully would appreciate... Perhaps more than appreciate, even.

Sayaka's cheeks flushed, her innocent heart stirring with emotion as she thought of the possible escalation of events. of course, nothing like that would actually happen, right? She shook her head and began to pull off her pajamas despite the cold morning air that hung in her room, determined to keep herself focused lest she waste all her time fantasizing. After dressing in a fresh change of her usual attire, she hurried over to her nightstand and drew out her cell phone, her eyes slightly widening with surprise when she noticed the heading of the text message at the very top of the list.

"A meeting with Mami?" she blinked, unsure what to make of this odd turn of events.


Mami rose early that morning, which she started off with a brisk shower and a quick breakfast, while the sun was still below the horizon. She stepped out of the apartment complex just as the sun's rays began to spread out over the city, her hand held up in front of her eyes to block out the intense rays which skimmed low across the landscape. She had a lot to do that day, like every day, and it would be best to get a fresh start on it despite her excitement to talk with Sayaka and discuss a possible meeting with the mysterious girl named Madoka. The whole situation felt a bit nostalgic, but she had no way of knowing why this was the case.

The morning meetings with Kyoko slipped by in a flash, and the paperwork that followed as well, and before long she foudn herself at her desk, her hands gently folded in her lap while waiting for Sayaka to arrive at her office. The piles of papers stacked on either side of her had diminished significantly, her eyes inexplicably drawn to the wood of the door across the room from her. When was the last time she had felt so eager to talk with the bluenette? Sure, she was easy enough to carry a conversation with, but there was something about this particular meeting that was different from all the others... Mami, the second-most-powerful person in the city was about to ask a favor of one of the city's least experienced magical girls. That alone was rather remarkable.

Sayaka stumbled into the room, the abrupt sound of unsteady footsteps causing Mami to jump a bit in her seat from the sudden intrusion. The bluenette took it in stride, however, clearing her throat and apprachign Mami's desk boldly, standing right at the edge while looking across the wooden surface at Mami. "Good morning... May I ask what this is all about?" Sayaka held her phone up to Mami's face, which had the following message written on it:

"Dear Sayaka,

Please meet with me today concerning an important matter I wish to discuss with you. Show yourself at my personal office at seven in the morning, sharp, and please do not be late. If you try to run away, I'll send Kyoko after you. ^_^


Mami Tomoe"

Mami smiled and gestured to the seat behind the bluenette, "Please have a seat... I wanted to ask a favor of you."

"If you wanted to ask a favor, did you really need to threaten me like that? Its not funny, you know," Sayaka sighed and took her seat as instructed, crossing her legs as she did so, "What's this about a favor?"

"Always straight to the point, Sayaka-san," Mami nodded, "You know a girl named Madoka, correct? I understand that the two of you are good friends. I was hoping that you could arrange a meeting for the two of us... You're the only one I can really ask to do this for me." The blonde magical girl's voice was filled with a sincerity that baffled Sayaka. Couldn't she just ask Homura to haul her in for her if that is what she wanted? Sure she didn't like the idea of poor Madoka being dragged in by her collar (quite frankly the idea annoyed her more than anything) but what could Sayaka have done about it?

"Why am I the only one?" Sayaka pressed for more information.

"Due to various reasons, you are my only contact," Mami flat out refused to clarify, instead simply smiling back at her.

"Fine... But on only one condition," Sayaka sighed, sensing that Mami wouldn't budge but perhaps she could afford to get something she herself wanted out of this deal, "You need to have a serious discussion with me tomorrow about how you are running the city. I want you to give me a chance to turn this city around for everyone's benefit, not just for yourself and Kyoko."

"Very well," Mami nodded without a moment's hessitation.

"Really?" Sayaka nearly fell out of her chair, "You agreed that easily?" She thought about pinching her arm to make sure she wasn't sleeping. It was entirely possible she had fallen asleep in the middle of the meeting, after all.

"Yes... I must speak to her at all costs," Mami nodded in complete seriousness, "Thank you for your cooperation... I look forward to seeing you tomorrow to discuss the changes you wish to enact." They arranged for Madoka to speak with Mami later that afternoon, after Sayaka and Madoka finished with their classes for the day. With that, Mami motioned for Sayaka to leave, an order which the bluenette was all too eager to oblige. At last, the gears of change had begun to turn... Perhaps not in the way Sayaka intended, however.
Mitakihara Middle School wasn't the most outstanding place of education in the city, compared to such institutions as Shirome Girl's Academy, but it was by no means the worst either. It was of modern architecture, with glass walled classrooms, a decent athletics program, and could be said to be a well off school. Of course, it had it's flaws, such as teachers of slightly questionable quality that had a habit of dragging their relationship issues into their classes, but it was balanced out by the prestige of having not one, but at least two magical girls attending - those being one Homura Akemi, who had transferred in earlier in the month, and one Sayaka Miki.

And then, of course, there were the normal people, such as Madoka Kaname and Hitomi Shizuki. Friends, yet their personal activities kept them from hanging out too often. And not of incredible note to the upper level administration, but still important, still relevant. After all, they were the overwhelming majority in the Greater Mitakihara Area, and education didn't overly care if you had magic or not, so there was little issue.

Madoka had noticed the lack of a blue haired presence on the way to school, and wasn't sure what was up, but she wouldn't get a chance to comment on that until lunchtime came, since without the telepathy that Kyubey could provide for her she couldn't converse with her friend. As it were she just had to bide her time, taking notes while glancing at both Sayaka and Homura, the latter of whom certainly succeeded in impressing Madoka by sheer fact of having such burdening government responsibilities, yet at the same time also finding the time to study, to the point where she was at the top of the class.

As it was, Saotome-sensei's lecture on her latest relationship issues was endured, notes taken, quizzes survived, and at last they were released for temporary lunch, Madoka making her way up to the roof will a filled bento box to eat. Homura made herself scarce, and Madoka looked forward to conversing with her friend for the time they had as she took a seat on one of the long benches.
Sayaka yawned, her thoughts far from whatever subject that Saotome-sensei had attempted to expound upon during class. She had long since accepted the fact that it would be impossible for someone with her skill set to be both a successful magical girl as well as student. As long as she actually graduated from high school, Sayaka felt it was sufficient. With grades as bad as hers, however, even that much would be a struggle. The bluenette, however was not thinking about any of that. Instead, her thoughts were centered around how she would bring up the subject of asking her friend to speak with Mami that afternoon.

Shuffling up the steps to the roof access, Sayaka turned the knob and stepped through, her right hand held up to block the blinding gleam of light that shone through the open doorway. After a moment of adjustment, she looked around the rooftop area, finding only the chain link fence and a few benches, along with the fresh breeze and pleasant view that their customary meeting place afforded. Apparently Madoka hadn't arrived yet, which gave her some much needed time to think things over. She sat down on one of the benches and leaned back slightly, letting her arms drape across the back of the bench while turning her gaze upward to the blue, cloudless sky.
Madoka huffed up the stairs that led to the roof at a bit of a jog, having been sidetracked before she could go to lunch on account of the duties being the nurses assistant meant. Not that she minded, since she had volunteered for the position and all, but she didn't want to lose any time being with her friends either, despite the fact that she knew Sayaka would understand. It was just a quandary that she would have to handle at her own pace in her own time. And that she did well, for the most part.

At last she emerged onto the roof, pausing to take some deep breaths of fresh air, a hand rising to shield her vision from the bright sun as she looked about their meeting spot. There was the fence, the open sky, and Sayaka, as expected, though the other girl had definitely seen better days. But she wasn't using the time to sleep either, which was a bonus. Naturally, Madoka would help any way she could, whether that be through notes or simply providing encouragement. She had a lot more time to work on school assignments than her friend after all.

"Good afternoon Sayaka-chan," Madoka called as she made her way over with a wave, sitting down next to her friend and cracking open the bento box she carried to reveal a delicious lunch, all expertly prepared by Papa. She could already feel her taste buds watering in anticipation. "How are you doing," she asked as she began to eat in slow, measured bites. She wanted to enjoy it after all.
"The world is such a strange yet wonderful place, don't you think, Madoka-chan?" Sayaka replied in a slightly deep and ominous manner before looking down at her friend, her usual friendly smile breaking whatever solemnity her words had created, "Good afternoon. I see you have a delicious-looking lunch again today, as always." Her own lunch was rather plain by comparison, but she knew she could get away with sampling some of Madoka's lunch as necessary to supplement her own.

"What I mean by all that is, I have an opportunity to make some changes in the city, if all goes well." Granted, she had no intention of letting her in on the whole Oriko conspiracy she had joined, as she didn't want to worry her best friend over something that may never even fully materialize. Sayaka took the time to open her own bento, which she quickly got to work eating with chopsticks in hand. Deciding against a course of subtlety, Sayaka took a direct, upfront approach instead, "I had to skip some of my morning classes because Mami-san requested to speak with me. Apparently she wants to meet you for some reason. It shouldn't take very long, so we can hang out afterward if you're fine with it." She suspected her friend wouldn't mind talking with Mami for a bit, especially since their personality types were fairly similar in some respects, with Mami being more confident and brave while Madoka was more timid and unsure, both girls however held a strong interest in being kind and caring toward others. The bluenette certainly couldn't imagine the two of them getting into any sort of heated argument, so what was the harm in it?
Madoka looked over to Sayaka with a concerned frown, wondering what had sparked that initial enigmatic question. It was like when she and Homura had met for the first time. But she did what was expected and nodded her approval. "Yeah, it is," she agreed, relieved to see that the blunette still had a smile on her face in spite of the serious tone she had taken to begin with. And hearing the follow up comment, Madoka looked between her friend and her own lunch. "Papa always makes too much,' she admitted, which was, surprisingly, true for the most part, Mr. Kaname preferring to err on the side of caution when it came to food, and any leftovers always cleaned up by one or more of Madoka's friends. So at least it didn't go unappreciated.

As she ate, she listened as Sayaka gave her the good news. "Really? Congratulations," she said happily, always glad to hear that Sayaka was making some headway, however small, either in her duties as a magical girl, or in her efforts to try and bring reform to the city, something she had been striving for in vain for so long. And really, when it came to Madoka, ignorance was bliss. Even if she had known about Oriko though, the most she probably would have done was warn Sayaka to be careful. She would never rat her out or really oppose her, not when she assumed the other girl knew what she was doing.

Then the not-so-subtle revelation, and Madoka paused in eating, surprise painted across her features. "Me? Why would Mami-san want to see me," she wondered aloud, head tilted in thought. "I'm not anyone special, not like you or Hitomi-chan." Then, as confusion had come, it vanished in a flash. Ah, that was it, it had to be the reason. "Oh, I bet it has to do with Mama's work," she concluded, it being the answer to make the most sense given that Junko Kaname's company did extensive work with the city government, though why Mami would want to see her rather than Papa or Mama was beyond her.
"I have no idea, really," Sayaka shrugged, "She wouldn't tell me why, but she was really insistent about it. She wants to talk to you after school today, and I told her I'd talk it over with you. She even offered to pick you up right at the school gates." The bluenette did not see any real harm in it, since Madoka would be with Mami of all people. If anything, she'd be safer with Mami than by herself, right? Sayaka did not even consider the fact that the blonde magical girl had many powerful enemies which would not hesitate to involve innocent bystanders in their attempts to rid the world of Mami's influence. Perhaps Mami's business involved Madoka's mother, perhaps not, but whatever it was couldn't be anything Madoka would be any worse off for playing a part in.

"Please, Madoka-chan," Sayaka bowed her head toward her friend, "Could you speak with Mami a bit this afternoon? Mami promised to hear me out about my plans for the city if you go along with her. I'll treat you to some crepes later as thanks." Sayaka felt a bit bad about asking such a favor. Even though she had laid out all her cards onto the table, she knew Madoka was too nice to refuse to help a friend's request, as long as it was within her ability to do so. It was that gentle dependability which endeared the pink-haired girl to those around her, even though as an ordinary girl she lacked the capacity to enact change to the degree of the magical girls in the city.

Although Madoka would discount her own worth in comparison to those around her, Sayaka still thought very highly of her friend. Just spending time with her would make her life feel that much simpler, without all the complications and worries that went along with her magical girl duties. The time Sayaka spent with Madoka helped calm her soul and reassure her that her mission to protect others and give them a reason to hold onto hope for a better tomorrow was well worth fighting for. It was as if Madoka herself had a certain sort of magic, her very own unique kind.
Madoka was impressed to hear that Mami was even willing to go so far as to pick her up from school so they could meet. It was an opportunity she hadn't ever expected she would get, and it would be quite an honor to partake in it. While she made the assumption that it was related to Mama, she had to wonder what was so important. If Mami wasn't even willing to tell Sayaka, then there had to be great significance to this meeting. And yet for the life of her she couldn't figure out what was so important. She didn't matter that much, at least in her own opinion.

"Of course," Madoka agreed with an eager nod. She would have said yes regardless, but hearing how important this was to her friend merely cemented her resolve. She knew she couldn't do much as a normal person, but if she could help even a little, she would do it. After all, she wouldn't let a friend down. "I'll do my best," she added happily, even though saying such was perhaps a bit precipitous given that she didn't know why Mami wanted to talk to her.

As for the crepes, well, she didn't think that was necessary, but she wasn't going to try to put herself up against Sayaka's aversion to anything resembling charity right about now. She'd just have to see how things worked out, though she hoped for the best. It was that innocence of hers that drew people in, one that had thus far been untarnished by the tragic realities of the life of a magical girl. A state of affairs others were willing to preserve, even unintentionally, as long as possible.
"Thanks, I owe you big, Madoka-chan," Sayaka smiled, relaxing a bit after hearing her reply, "I'll leave it up to you." If all went well, perhaps she would not have to work with Oriko much, unless Kyoko remained stubborn even after she had won Mami over to her side. Although the exact reason behind the meeting remained a mystery, it have given Sayaka the chance she had been waiting for. Exactly how said meeting would play out remained to be seen, but from Sayaka's point of view it had already served its purpose.

"I'll be going to visit Kyosuke in a bit," Sayaka remarked out loud, changing the subject rather abruptly, "I'm a bit nervous, but I think I should tell him about my wish..." The bluenette pressed her fingertips together, her usual rashness giving way to her more feminine side, "What do you think, Madoka-chan? I... I want to get closer to him, but I don't even know where to begin. I mean, he doesn't even seem to realize I exist." Sayaka's shoulders slumped in dismay, her own words beginning to make herself feel slightly depressed.
Madoka nodded once more in determination, ready to help her friend do what needed to be be done to help everyone, as she followed along with Sayaka's plan with almost blind devotion in a way, confident that everything would work out. Of course, said plan had it's flaws, like the spanner known as Kyoko, but there was no way for Madoka to really know about that. Sayaka had told her about the girl, but they hadn't met in person, so she could only make assumptions. And her base assumption was that everything would be alright in the end.

A hum of interest came forth as the topic shifted, to, naturally Kyosuke, the crush that Sayaka held on to, and had even wished for. "Alright," Madoka replied, listening to the worries of her friend regarding whether she should tell him what her wish was, and at the same time managing to get herself all the more depressed at the same time. But that, of course, was not something that Madoka would stand for if she could help it.

Shifting over, she patted Sayaka's shoulder gently. "I'm sure he knows you exist Sayaka-chan," she said in turn. "I mean, what about all the times you visited him in the hospital? I doubt he's forgotten that." She was really trying her hardest, which meant something. "If you think you should tell him, then tell him," she agreed. "I'm sure he'll understand." Of course, having never suffered such a crush herself (Well, not really), she didn't quite get the complex relationship going on between the potential sense of obligation Kyosuke might feel for Sayaka in turn for healing his hand, even if his feeling weren't similar to hers. But such facts paled in the certainty of Madoka's belief, and she really wanted Sayaka to succeed at last.
While thankful for Madoka's support, the bluenette understood the complexity of the situation a bit better than her friend did. If she didn't play her hand well, she could very easily end up an unwanted third wheel, especially given the fact that her friend Hitomi held similar affections toward Kyosuke. "Well, you see..." Sayaka rubbed the back of her head a bit sheepishly, "I don't want him to feel burdened since a magical girl's wish is sort of a big deal, you know? If I tell him I used my wish to heal him, he might feel obligated to make it up to me in some way, and I don't want a relationship built on something like that... Worst of all, he might even feel like its a burden."

"I know I should stay positive," Sayaka sighed, "But the more I think about it, the more confused I become... I want to tell him, but at the same time I wonder if I'd have a better shot if I just told him about my feelings instead and let the whole wish matter go unspoken, for now at least." Her cheeks flushed slightly, "I'm really in a bind... What should I do, Madoka-chan?"
Faced with this injection of possible reality into solemn belief, Madoka's determination as to the result of this all did flag a bit. Se hadn't considered as much, but when Sayaka brought it up Madoka would admit that she did have a point. And that just made her feel more bad for the girl and her apparent inability to give the kind of advice she needed, since she could see how it was affecting her friend. And to be that helpless, it was not an enjoyable sensation.

"Hmm," she said, frowning in thought as she looked down to the lunch she held while giving this affair the consideration it was due. And at last she ceded the point to Sayaka. "Yeah, I guess you're right," she agreed, shoulders slumping a bit. "If I were you I would probably tell him about my wish later too." Of course, Madoka tended to be a bit more cautious when it came to things than Sayaka was, so that answer might not be entirely unexpected. She could only hope that she helped Sayaka figure it out in the end.

"Sorry I can't help that much," she added apologetically, figuring it was better to say as much off the bat. But relationships like that had always been the providence of her mother rather than herself, since if there was any romantic leanings towards her in school, they stayed muted at best and nonexistant at worst, thus depriving her of the experience she could have used to give useful advice to her friend, and making her feel otherwise inadequate at the moment.
"That's what I thought," Sayaka nodded in agreement, "Its strange, when I made the wish I felt like it would help everything get better, but as it turns out it just made talking with him even more difficult." The full weight of her own words did not sink in at the time, the bluenette simply speaking off her own thoughts while taking occasional bites from her bento. She ran through the conversation over in her mind, but could not think of anything outside of casual smalltalk to exchange with her crush. It was frustrating beyond words, but her own reluctance to move forward proved to be her own worst enemy in this matter.

"I know, I'll test the waters a bit," Sayaka finally settled on an arrangement that avoided a direct confession, "If Kyosuke-kun doesn't have anyone he's interested in, then I know I have a shot." Of course, she had no idea of what to do if he actually did have someone special in mind. She did not even consider the possibility that he held any feelings toward herself.
Madoka tried as hard as she could to empathize, even though she didn't really have similar experiences to draw on. But she had to imagine that it wasn't easy. As Sayaka fell silent she enjoy the lunch she had as well, little sounds of approval slipping out as she enjoyed the meal her father had expertly prepared for her. She was lucky to have the family that she did, and she wouldn't trade it for anything.

But at last her friend seemed to have come up with an idea, and Madoka smiled happily as the new idea was presented. "That sounds like a good idea, Sayaka-chan," she replied in approval. She didn't know if her friend would actually act on the knowledge if she knew Kyosuke wasn't with or interested in anyone at the moment, but it was a step forward to say the least. She knew the other girl just needed to build up her confidence first, which meant small steps, as it were. And Madoka would be there to support her the entire way, in spite of not knowing where that might end both of them up.
"Mmm..." Sayaka nodded, her own meal slowly vanishing bite by bite as well. She had no idea how she could naturally guide the conversation with Kyosuke in that sort of direction. In fact, she had not given a lot of thought how to strike up a meaningful conversation with him at all since she had used her wish to heal him. She had busied herself with magical girl duties and her own fruitless attempts at speaking with Mami and Kyoko to such an extent that she had not set aside any time to visit him. Perhaps a small part of her worried that he would figure it out on his own, leaving her in a bit of a tight spot. Perhaps she should have thought through her wish a bit more carefully in order to avoid that sort of situation.

"I'll do my best," Sayaka reaffirmed, although her tone lacked the firm resolve she often carried with her. She could not carry a conversation (or relationship, for that matter) with the power of resilience alone, after all. She needed to build up her self-confidence, confidence in her feminine appeal in the very least, if she wanted to get anywhere at all rather than standing idly while Hitomi threatened to step in and steal him away from her in the mean time. All things considered, Sayaka's response was most likely the best she could manage.
Madoka was observant to note the lack of confidence Sayaka had in herself with her reply, but was willing to accept that. It was hardly her place to interfere without being asked to after all. She speak in her friends defense, help her where she could, and such, but in the end it would have to be Sayaka's own certainty and moral strength that carried the day. There was always the worry that Hitomi might sneak in to steal the violinist away, but Madoka was also aware that the other girl was considerate, and wouldn't make a move so long as she knew Sayaka might potentially do so. They did value their friendship after all.

"I know you will," Madoka replied with a smile and nod as she went back to her lunch, enjoying the food Papa had prepared for her. Even hearing that Mami wanted to see her had caused butterflies in her stomach, but she knew she should eat, and so did as such, small bites while savoring the food, ready at the same time to share with Sayaka should the blunette seek a sampling of what had been made as part of Madoka's lunch this day.

Soon enough though break would be over, and they would have to get back to classes, to face the rest of the day and the difficulty that that entailed. It wasn't the most fun for Madoka, and she knew in turn it wasn't fun for Sayaka. But sadly, they couldn't stop the passage of time, and would have to depart their sanctum, to whatever events awaited them in the immediate future.
Time waited for no one, but that did not stop Mami from waiting at the school gates for a certain pink-haired girl, her hands calmly folded together as she leaned against the exterior wall, her distinctive appearance drawing more than just a few looks and hushed whispers. Mitakihara High School apparently had a fairly well-informed student body to be able to recognize her from merely a glance, but it mattered little to Mami if they noticed her. Mami only wanted one particular girl to notice her and hopefully, through their discussion that afternoon, help dispel some of the mystery surrounding Homura for her.

Madoka as well was something of an enigma, as she knew Sayaka fairly well and Homura by association, but she knew virtually nothing about this girl that Homura apparently went to great lengths to keep safe. Was there something special about her? Mami did not know for sure, but she'd try her best to find out. While she waited, she pondered these thoughts to herself silently, awaiting the moment that the pink-haired girl would make her appearance.


Sayaka could read the name printed beside the door leading to the hospital room, her weight shifting back and forth slightly as she smoothed out her magical girl uniform and brushed her blue bangs with her fingertips. That single doorknob before her had always felt somewhat distant, but that day it felt particularly distant, as if it would require a lengthy journey wrought with perils in order to reach it. She steeled herself, however, and reached forward despite the temptation to hesitate further, finally turning the knob and stepping through, closing the door behind herself before she could loose her nerve.

"Hey... How are you?" Sayaka waved from just inside the door, "I hope this isn't a bad time..."
School soon ended, and Madoka took a few moments to pack up and make sure she had everything she needed to complete tonights homework before she exited the building. Not that she wanted to keep Mami waiting any longer than she had to, but academics was important if she was to get into good schools in the future and follow in the footsteps of her mother, or go to medical school. And she was not one to slack off if she could help it. Hopefully the other girl would be understanding, as the leader of an entire city-state, as it were.

Past the school gates she proceeded, and it was hard not to notice Mami standing there, confident in pose whilst leaning against the nearby wall, distinctive hairstyle definitely an eye catcher. Madoka's heart sped up at the sight, any thought that Sayaka might have just been joking with her banished. Mami was here, in the flesh, as the blunette had said she would be. It was definitely a bit nerve wracking, to say the least. But Madoka gulped down her fear as she approached the magical girl.

"Hello Mami-sama," Madoka said with a respectful bow as she came to a rest in front of the girl, backpack held tightly. "I'm sorry for making you wait for me. I-It's an honor to meet you in person." She had to be strong, like Mama would want her to be, and it was that inner strength she drew on to keep from trembling in Mami's presence. Hopefully she did a good job at that.


The room beyond was well furbished, a sign of the wealth that had been put into making Kyosuke's recovery as quickly as possible. The window outside provided a nice view, the room itself was in subdued hues of brown and wood, and it was definitely a comforting atmosphere to be in. And, as the medical staff knew, it was all the more impressive for having been witness to a miracle recently, one no one would have expected.

At the moment Kyosuke was in bed, sitting up with the sheets resting gently, but no attention was paid to his surroundings. Instead he found himself transfixed, staring down at his hand as he flexed it and moved it, still apparently unable to believe that it was healed. The doctors had said that there was no hope, that he most likely would never be able to use it again, and definitely not play even if he could regain some movement. But here it was, as good as it had been before the accident, and all that remained was the physical therapy needed to get him out of the hospital and back to life, something he was looking forward to now more than he ever had.

A familiar voice drew him back, and he let his hand drop as he looked to see Sayaka in the doorway, a light smile coming to his face. "Hey," he replied in turn. "It's fine. And I'm doing well. The doctors say that if everything keeps going as normal, I should be out in a few days." That was something he had hardly expected would happen a few scant weeks ago, as it were.
The blonde magical girl looked up at Madoka, her eyes slightly widening as she recognized her as the girl she had seen below her when she had gone to visit Homura's apartment only a few days prior. She quickly recovered her composure, however, and replied in a calm and polite manner, "The honor is all mine, Madoka-san. There really is no need to be so formal with me. Please, you may call me Mami-san if you wish." She offered the young woman a nod, pushing herself off against the wall to face her more properly. "Let's find somewhere more private for the two of us to chat, alright? It should not take too long, I assure you."

The pink-haired girl struck her as the polite and cute type, the sort of girl that was easy enough to talk to, which made things infinitely easier for Mami. She had briefly entertained the thought that she might be difficult to get along with like Homura, but she was glad that this was not the case. Mami turned and led her down the street, striking up some casual conversation with the girl to ease her nerves a bit and pass the time. She could not make such personal inquiries about Homura in public, after all.

"I hear that you are Sayaka-chan's friend, correct? Thank you for taking such good care of her for me. Sayaka-chan, like all the magical girls in the city, is very important to me. It is because of people such as you that we are able to remain strong and continue to protect the city from both internal and external danger, and for that I would like to thank you," Mami began, hoping that her show of appreciation would help ease Madoka up a bit. The poor girl seemed terribly nervous, a fact that Mami's attive perception picked up on with ease, and she did not want to startle her any more badly by asking difficult questions right off the bat.


"That's great..." Sayaka nodded, returning his smile with one of her own as she took a few steps closer to his bedside, "Some view, hm?" She looked past his silhouetted form to the clear sky through the window before her gaze was drawn back to his face. Already she could feel the butterflies gather in the pit of her stomach. Abruptly she blurted out the first thing that came to mind in an effort to keep herself from freezing up entirely.

"You're planning on playing again after you are discharged from the hospital, right? I... I'd love to hear you play sometime." The bluenette flushed slightly, a fact that she hoped was masked by the sunlight streaming through the open windows on the far side of the room.
Mami seemed to have some sort of reaction as Madoka approached, but she dismissed that as it fled as abruptly as it had been there as something innocuous. No need to get worried over potentially nothing. And she stood where she was as Mami pushed away from the wall, giving another nod in the process. "Alright Msami-san," she replied happily both to the name and suggestion of a change in location, the more familiar term rolling easily off her lips. It was unusual, but even she thought that, in her boundless optimism, that there was no real barrier to the two of them being friends beyond what barriers they put up themselves, and so she was not opposed to this step in familiarity.

The two of them moved down the street then, Madoka letting Mami lead the way while idly wondering where it was they would end up. She had no idea of the thoughts flowing through Mami's head regarding her, but she did her own quick appraisal as well, taking in the confident yet elegant stance, her expressed attitude thus far, and she couldn't help but be impressed. Did Mami have this effect on everyone, or was it just some sort of act put on because she needed Madoka for something? Though the latter couldn't be dismissed, Madoka sincerely hoped it was the former.

She was shaken from her reverie as Mami began to speak, starting a tad but quickly calming down as she heard the older girl mention Sayaka. "Y-Yes, I am," she replied, fighting back a blush from the seemingly unwarranted praise she found herself the recipient of. It was good to see that Mami did care for the blunette, as well as all the other girls in the city, and it certainly raised her hopes that the two of them would be able to reach some accommodation. But she didn't mention that particular fact for the moment as she glanced away. "I just try to help where I can, since she's done so much for everyone without any sort of compensation in return, even if I can't do much."


As Sayaka approached, Kyosuke followed her gaze to look out the window, something he'd done a lot of before he had gotten better, but had never really appreciated until now. It was as if a switch had been flipped when his hand had been fixed, restoring the world to all it's old wonder for him, and he nodded in agreement. "Yeah," he agreed, taking the sight in for a few moments before he looked back to Sayaka, with her closer to him than she had been before. And he would admit, she did that uniform justice, to say the least.

At her question, he nodded once more, glancing to his healed hand before his gaze returned to where it had been. "Yeah. To be honest I can't really imagine doing anything else," he admitted. "And apparently they kept my violin in spite of what I'd said before." That was something he was grateful for, even if he would have objected before this miracle. And it would be fairly evident that he was looking forward to it as well, the melancholy Sayaka had seen him wearing so often replaced with contentment, to say nothing of happiness. "I'd be glad to play for you,' Kyosuke added, like it was no big deal.
"Have you heard of the loose nail that turned the tide of the war?" Mami looked back at Madoka from over her shoulder, "There once was a loose nail that just happened to be one of the nails on the general's horse. On the way to the battlefield, the nail slipped free completely, resulting in the horse harming itself and delaying the general's arrival at the front lines. Due to the general's absence, the army lost a significant amount of morale, such that when the approaching army arrived they were quickly routed."

She smiled back at the pinkette, "Many people take this story to mean that even the smallest detail is important to victory, but I take it to mean that even the smallest and most seemingly insignificant person can have a very strong effect on every outcome. Just because you cannot do much does not mean you are not important, Madoka-san." She then turned her gaze back to the path before her, choosing to take a more direct path to her intended destination, a small karaoke place she knew of that had comfortable little rooms they could rent for the evening. Although it was doubtful they would be getting much singing done, the rooms were very nice and calming, which suited her purposes nicely.


"Well, I mean, if its no trouble," Sayaka held her hands up, "I wouldn't want to pressure you into something you might not be comfortable doing..." She laughed nervously, although it was clear she was happy with his response. She had not seem him so lively since he had been admitted to the hospital, the life and glimmer in his eyes lively and well. She wanted to tell him what she had done for him, but she restrained herself. It wasn't her place to force herself into his life like that, to claim responsibility for the miraculous healing he had received from her wish.
Madoka hummed in thought at the question, head tilted as she struggled to recall that particular tale. It seemed familiar, like something she had heard in a class once, but the memory escaped her. Fortunately it seemed she wouldn't have to, as Mami recounted what she had been referencing for her, something that Madoka was grateful for, since it meant she wouldn't have to embarrass herself in front of the other girl, which probably would not have helped her self esteem in the slightest.

The lesson presented was something she had heard before, mostly from Sayaka herself when they touched on topics near this one, and she knew Mama would probably have said the same if she knew Madoka was having these kinds of doubts. Well, she'd have a few other choice words, some encouraging advice, among other things. But though Madoka knew it was true, it was hard to accept when faced with the reality of the world.

"I know," she admitted as the karaoke place came into view, definitely a spot where they could converse without risk of being overheard, if that was what Mami had had in mind, and it would be enjoyable even if they didn't get that much singing done. "I just see people like Sayaka-chan going out to fight every day and risking their lives, and I feel like I should do more." Self inflicted depression quickly lessened though as she perked up once more, giving a chagrined smile. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure you didn't want to see me so I could bother you with my own concerns, especially when you must have a lot of bigger things to deal with."


"It's not a problem," Kyosuke reaffirmed with a shake of his head. "As long as you don't mind me being a bit rusty. I haven't had a lot of time to practice recently." That would be something of an understatement, what with doctors trying to figure out what had happened, the physical therapy, and the renewed surge of visitors. Finding the time to actually practice violin had been somewhat difficult, and though muscle memory would be involved, it had been a long time since he had even touched a violin.
"I'm sure you will find your answer someday, Madoka-san," Mami replied, waving her hand in the air, "Don't worry. I'm sure a lot of other people feel the same way... I was simply hoping you could help me in some small way to alleviate some of my own curiousity. Its a selfish request, really, and nothing too important, at least not on the scale that you are probably thinking... Its just been weighing down my thoughts lately, and I was hoping you could help me a bit in that respect." The blonde magical girl approached the front desk, the older woman who owned the place simply giving her an understanding nod.

"Two hours should be fine," she informed her before walking down the short hallway to the room marked with the number six. She stepped inside, the warm interior with its carpeted floor, soft seats, and welcoming TV set hanging on the wall across from them giving the place a soothing aura. She took her seat at the table, sliding her hands across the smooth surface before gesturing for Madoka to join her. Almost as soon as they had taken their seats, Mami rested her head on her folded hands, propping her head up on her chin as she spoke, "Let me be straight with you, Madoka-san... I'd like to know a bit more about Homura Akemi. According to Kyubey, Homura is rather protective of you, and for someone like her to behave in such a way toward you, I presume that the two of you must be rather close. Homura refuses to tell me any personal details about herself, so I was hoping you could tell me a bit about her. It doesn't have to be anything private in nature, I just want to get to know her a bit better."


"No... Not at all," Sayaka shook her head, "I mean, even if it doesn't sound all that great, it would still be wonderful to hear you play... Its your dream, and I think its wonderful that you can pursue it again." She wanted to admit that it was not about the music itself, it was the fact that he would be the one playing it that would make it special. But, admitting something like that would have been like admitting her feelings upfront, something she shied away from doing, at least for the time being.

"You should probably play a piece for that special someone in your life, too," Sayaka smiled, "I mean, I'm sure they would appreciate it, too."
"Hm?" Now that was not what she had been expecting. She had really convinced herself into thinking the purpose of this meeting was in some way related to Mama and her work, but to hear it was merely related to the other girls curiosity, she wasn't sure how to take that. Not that she could be offended, but she wondered what had arisen that motivated Mami to some and talk to her, rather than any other random person in the city. Whatever it was, it had to be important in some small way, so she kept her peace as they entered the karaoke place.

She let Mami make the arrangements for the duration of their visit, and otherwise followed along as they went to the room they had been given. It was a nice place, well furbished, and Madoka could see the time and money that had been invested there to give the room a warm atmosphere for whomever was within. And at Mami's direction she sat down across from the girl, hands folded in her lap while waiting to hear what her senior had to ask of her.

"Homura-chan," she asked in confusion, that particular subject also not one she had really considered as a choice. She knew Homura preferred to be isolated as it was, but she hadn't realized that that applied even to her government duties. A finger rose to rest against her chin as she thought about what she knew of the other girl. "Well...she said she'd gone to a Catholic school in Tokyo before coming here, and she was in the hospital with a heart condition." She paused before going on, like she had to speak in defense of the girl who wasn't here. "Homura-chan can be a bit quiet and mysterious, but she's a nice person inside, I know it! She saved mine and Sayaka-chan's lives a few days ago, so I'm sure she has her reasons."


Kyosuke nodded, finding it hard to disagree with the sentiment Sayaka expressed. It was his dream, had been his dream until it had been shattered, but now it was again, and for that he was very glad. Being unable to play anymore, he wasn't sure how he would have gone on, an opinion he was aware he might have accidentally voiced once or twice over the duration of his stay in the hospital.

Sadly, if he was even a bit romantically inclined, he massively missed the follow up point Sayaka brought. "My parents said they'd be avidly awaiting the first concert," he replied. "They hear me practicing all the time anyway, and they've told me that they don't want preferential treatment like that." He shrugged, as if to say he wasn't about to go against that kind of desire, while completely leaving it left unsaid as to whether he had a girlfriend or not.
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