A Magical Revolution [Azecreth & Wingshadow]

The discussion between the blonde and bluenette drew out into the afternoon before the two of them came to an agreement on how they should proceed. Naturally, Sayaka had given in on several points yet felt satisfied that she had at least left an impression on Mami which would hopefully get the wheels of change turning in the background, even if the results were not readily apparent. Mami, for her own part, felt mentally exhausted by the time she sent Sayaka away. Explaining her own reasoning several times at every point proved to be a difficult task to say the least, especially when Sayaka kept getting sidetracked instead of putting the necessary effort to understand what the blonde magical girl attempted to convey.

Mami leaned back in her seat and stretched her arms over her head, her gaze directed at the window directly behind her. The afternoon hours had already begun to close upon her, and she needed to hurry if she planned on meeting up with her friends for another witch hunt. Without further ado she rose from her desk and stepped out, her twin drills bouncing slightly in time with her stride. A soft tune issued from the young woman's lips as she began to think of what sort of adventure she and her friends would have that day. She honestly could never have guessed.

"Miyako-chan, Etsuko-chan!" Mami waved to the two of them as she stood at the street corner of their previously agreed-upon meeting location. The blonde magical girl had taken the liberty of inviting both of them out for some tea and cake at the nearby tea shop as before. It would be a pleasant reprieve from the memory of discussing the finer points of governance with a girl who could not tell the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony. "Good afternoon to both of you, I trust that you are both doing well?"
It had been a long day for both Miyako and Etsuko at this point. Perhaps not as long as Mami's had been, having to deal with Sayaka Miki, but long in it's own way. They'd done their chores around the house before they left, but most of their time was taken up with school. Attendance had forced by Etsuko, who was determined that her sister would not falter in that area. The fate generally held by magical girl was not gonig to be one that befell her sister, not if she had anything to say about it. so off to school they had gone.

That posed it's own difficulties and challenges, with both of them being hard working magical girls. It affected their academics by giving them less time for school work and studying, and it affected their social lives by relatively isolating them. Not that they cared, since they still had each other. But it made advancing in school difficult, in spite of their best efforts. They didn't know how the other girls managed really, but had no choice to struggle with it as best they could. And that was what they did.

Eventually school let out though, and the two headed off to the designated spot where they would meet Mami for another Witch hunt, and activities before that time. Miyako was looking forward to it, though Etsuko was still cautious to a degree, if out of habit than nothing else. Though nothing had happened before, there was no guarantee that nothing would now. Indeed, it might have made Etsuko seem slightly prophetic, had she known what was to occur later today.

"Hello Mami-san," Miyako said happily as they arrived, having switched back to magical girl garb from school uniforms, to see Mami already there and waiting with her own greeting. She, along with her sweet tooth, was looking forward to this.

Meanwhile, Etsuko echoed that somewhat. "Hello. And yes, we're both fine. You seem to be doing well yourself." Well, as far as she could tell anyway. It wasn't like she personally knew any other magical girl rulers to compare to for evidence. So she'd just make her assumptions there, and be the voice of reason compared to her little sister. That was how it tended to work, as Mami had most likely discerned the last time they had met to do something like this. And in spite of that, the two cared for each other just the same. A bond that held strong in the face of the challenges that were thrown on them, even with the occasional disagreement.
"I'm glad," Mami smiled and nodded to both of the siblings before gesturing toward the tea shop, "Shall we step inside?" The blonde magical girl sensed a bit less hessitation in Etsuko, which she took as an encouraging sign that the older sister had begun to accept her. While the reason for her caution was understandable, she believed that in time Etsuko would be just as much a close and trustworthy friend as her sister. With this in mind, she led the two of them with her into the tea shop.

Just as before, service was prompt on account of Mami's status and with only a short pause the three of them were seated at a small booth by the window. The waitress laid down three menus and stepped aside to give them some time to decide what they wished to order. Mami, as expected, gave a few of her own suggestions, "This place as wonderful cheesecakes. Oh, and I like this one as well. I've even baked a few on my own on occasion." The ruler of the city excitedly pointed out her long-standing favorites from the menu, completely ignoring whatever confused or curious glances the other customers might have cast in their direction.

Mami laid her menu down onto the table then folded her hands together in her lap, "The two of you are still attending school, correct? I really admire that... When I became a magical girl, I continued my education as well at first, until I joined up with Kyoko. It did not take long for my duties as a ruler overwhelmed my schedule and made it quite impossible for me to continue with my studies. The fact that you two continue to do so is quite impressive, as I know how strenuous it can be to keep up with both school and magical-girl duties."
“Sure,” Miyako agreed as Mami suggested that they head inside the indicated tea shop. She had complete faith that Mami had chosen a cafe that would offer the best in what they were looking for, or at the very least something that was up to her standards. And given the impression that Mami left, those standards weren't exactly below average. So she had to visibly hold herself back as they entered the cafe together, with Etsuko in tow.

It was a nice place, that much could be said, and they weren't lacking for service, though Etsuko noted that it was pretty much only because they were magical girls, and Mami's presence in particular. Otherwise they probably would have been left waiting much longer. But quickly enough they were seated at a table, the sisters on one side, Mami on he other, and both with menus.

Miyako looked over it with wide eyes, the variety of options and choices there. There were just too many things to pick from there, and Mami wasn't helping too much with her suggestions. Well, much. It did direct Miyako towards the things she really wanted. And she had to assume that cost wasn't much of a problem. For her part though, Etsuko was more conscious of that sort of thing, not wanting to build up any kind of debt towards Mami, friendly though they might be. So she looked towards the cheaper, yet still highly rated options.

“That sounds delicious,” Miyako commented to Mami's statement of making some of her own versions of these confections. Etsuko shot her sister a confused look, but it wasn't returned. The question Mami posed was easier to answer though. “Yeah,” Etsuko replied with a nod. “It's not easy, what with our other responsibilities, but I don't plan on letting my onee-chan be a magical girl her whole life. And it is easier to manage with the two of us.”

Miyako smiled as she looked over to her sister. “And I have to drag her along with me,” she added playfully. Etsuko merely rolled her eyes to that, even if it was true. She was more devoted to getting her sister a good education than herself, and Miyako ended up having to badger her to come along as well.
"I think you both do a good job of taking care of each other, like all siblings should," Mami nodded. The blonde magical girl felt a little uncomfortable with Etsuko's declaration that her sibling would drop out of the magical girl ranks at some point. She had never heard of something like that actually happening before, and given the finality of the formed contract, it seemed unlikely that it ever could. Of course, Mami did not fully understand the true nature of magical girls and the inevitable fate that awaited each of them.

"What would you like to do, then?" Mami turned to Miyako, "I mean, after you have the leisure to pursue other activities not related to magical girls. I'd imagine there are many things you'd like to do, but I would be interested in hearing about your plans." Mami once had her own plans for her life. Its strange how an accident and years of isolation can change a girl's point of view, and Mami certainly made no exception to this general trend. She had certainly never entertained the possibility of becoming a ruler of any sort beforehand, but as fate would have it such a place had been given for her to fill. Perhaps the two girls before her would find their own places to fill that they never would have imagined while seated at a tea shop enjoying cakes with friends, but even so Mami harbored a certain amount of curiosity as to how they saw their own lives playing out.
"Thank you," Etsuko replied with a grateful bow. She was hardly going to turn away a compliment, especially one that was obviously sincere and not intended as flattery. And it didn't hurt that it was true. Not that that was exactly a secret, but recognition of it, and coming from Mami of all people, certainly gave extra weight to it that might not have been there otherwise.

Miyako hummed in thought as she was asked about her plans for the future. Admittedly, her retiring was more her sisters idea, a firm belief that she deserved a normal life, and the details weren't particularly well thought out at this point. Etsuko had told her that she would hunt for the two of them, but Miyako was as determined that if she was able to fight, she wouldn't let her sister fight alone. It was one of those areas of friction between the two that had only arose after that fateful night in an alleyway a few months ago.

An internal sigh from the girl then, not sent over the telepathic connection. It seemed almost like a lifetime ago when she'd only seen herself as a normal human, and not a magical girl. "Well," she said at last, "I would like to do something with science. Probably engineering. Seeing the skyscrapers downtown, I wouldn't mind being one of the people that helps build those." It was a bit strange to say it aloud, but it was a credit to Mami that she did so, and without being nervous on top of that. "I'd also like to travel, and see what the rest of the world looks like beyond Japan. And maybe write a book or two." A light giggle escaped as she smiled, and Etsuko let slip her mask as she gave a warm look to her sister. That, she thought to herself, was why she wouldn't let her be a magical girl all her life. Still, she was nothing if not practical, so they would just have to take it one step at a time.
"Hm... So, something like a structural engineer?" Mami had heard a bit about such a profession, but had never actually talked with one at length before. The concept certainly did seem interesting and demanding, as a comprehensive knowledge of several field was absolutely necessary in order to properly design and direct the construction of buildings, bridges, and other large structures. There was certainly a need for such people in the world at large. As Japan stood at the moment, there was little interest in competing on who had the tallest or most impressive buildings.

"Getting into such a specialized field and traveling around the world as well... It sounds like you have quite a life planned out for yourself," Mami remarked, "If you put some of that determination and skill that you have as a magical girl toward your efforts to become a structural engineer, I'm sure you will do just fine. Keep your head up and your hopes high, and you'll go far." Mami smiled, pleased for the opportunity to offer her friend a word of advice and encouragement.

As she looked between the two sisters, she saw many similarities yet also distinct points on which the two differed, like two cards from the same deck or two smooth stones on the bank of the same river. As Miyako gave her a glimpse of her true self, she felt certain that with time the three of them could become close friends, forming a bond that would carry them for many years to come. Of course, exactly how much time remained for them to enjoy had yet to be seen.

"Be sure to come back to Japan sometime for a visit," Mami giggled, "Once you become successful and buy your very own private jet, that is."
“Um, yeah. That's it,” Miyako affirmed as Mami named the occupation in particular she had been thinking of pursuing. It was easy to get a sense of awe from the tall buildings that struck for the clouds, and even though she knew that people never remembered the ones who had built things like those, she wanted to do it nonetheless. She was hardly an egotist, as Kyoko was, she just wanted to leave an impression somewhere, however small it might be. Well, it was that or be an architect. Or maybe an author. She liked reading too, but that wasn't the current topic of discussion, so she laid it to the side.

She resisted the rising blush that threatened to tint her cheeks at Mami's compliment on her plans, though she definitely agreed that they were ambitious. They also didn't take into account her sister, which would always be a concern for her. But for the moment, she felt a mixture of happiness and seriousness as she bowed whilst sitting. “Thank you. I'll do my best,” she told her superior with firm intent. She didn't seem like the person for half measures as it was, when she could overcome her reserved and shy nature.

“O-Of course I will,” she added with a light chuckle that clashed with her slight protest. “I wouldn't just leave onee-chan here by herself. Or my friends. Japan is my home after all. Though, I don't think I'll be buying a private jet any time soon...”

Her response lapsed off as Etsuko sighed, shaking her head slightly. “She worries about me too much,” she commented on her own behalf, looking over at her sister. “Not that it's a problem,” she quickly added before Mami got the wrong impression, “But I think I'm supposed to be the one worrying over her, not vice versa.” She shrugged then. “Still, bit late to change it now. As long as she's happy, then I'm fine.” Another true statement from Etsuko's point of view. As if it needed to be pointed out anymore, they were quite the pair of siblings.

"I'm sorry," Miyako replied to her sister with a look tinted by sadness. "I just get worried about you, that's all. That's why I became a magical girl after all, to help you. If anything happened to you because I wasn't there, I don't know what I'd do."

Given the situation, Etsuko was willing to let that revelation, if it even was one at this point, to slide. "I know. But nothing's going to happen to me. Promise. I wouldn't just leave you like that." And even though she couldn't guarantee that, she meant every word.
The siblings before her evoked a sense of closeness and familiarity that she herself envied, not that she did not wish for the two of them to be close but that she desired such a connection for herself as well. The revelation that Miyako had even become a magical girl for the sake of her sister only added to the weight of the conversation. A subtle smile spread across her lips as she watched the two of them, eyes looking downward toward the long-forgotten menu. Perhaps in time she too could acquire such a deep-set bond, but for the time being she merely grasped onto them with determination and perhaps more than just a little desperation. While she could boldly debate and stand up to other magical girl leaders and army generals alike, confronting her own personal demons held a unique brand of hesitation and doubt.

"Ah, and now I'm feeling like a third wheel in this perfectly-balanced relationship," Mami giggled, "I do not think it is only the older sibling's responsibility to look after the younger. It is a two-way relationship, with each looking after the other as the situation demands. Naturally, older siblings tend to have more experiance and ability with which to help, but that is not always the case. I think the relationship the two of you share is something very precious but also very strong, and that no matter what the two of you will be together."

"So let's not worry about what the future might hold, because as far as I'm concerned, the most important thing is already set in stone," Mami continued, "That you will have someone by you who will always be there and will support you in both the good times and the bad." She looked between the siblings seated before her and nodded, "I've decided..."

"I will have strawberry shortcake this time," she cupped her left cheek with her left hand, very much aware of how she had abruptly shifted the discussion topic, "I'm in the mood for something simple and smooth, like the scent of spring."
The comment presented by their erstwhile companion and leader was successful in shifting the attention of the sisters back to Mami, from their own exchange. Of course, both were relatively aware at this point of some facet of the loneliness that Mami must suffer on a daily basis, but there was still that disconnect between her and them, as a result of social standing and different circumstances, in a way that made it impossible for he two of them to imagine what it would be like without the other, an experience the blond had to go through every day, living alone. It was sad to think about, and while Etsuko was naturally more cautious, Miyako was quicker to try to placate and include.

Etsuko shrugged at the comment, resuming how she had been sitting from her half teasing posture to more formal. “Well, I made a promise to watch out for her, and I'm not going to break it,” she answered, aware that said promise didn't naturally clash against what Mami was saying to her. She still felt the burden of responsibility, even if she was willing to admit that her sister watched after her as much as she watched after her sister, both as a magical girl, and in regular life.

“Right,” Miyako agreed with a nod, looking up to the examples set by her sister, and by her companion. If they were confident as to the future, then she would be as well. “And besids, if you feel like a third wheel, imagine how our other friends feel,” she pointed out with a giggle. Admittedly, they didn't hang out too much at school due to being in different grades, but it was a decent point, since they were magical girls like Mami to boot. There was an even greater societal gulf to cross there. And she hardly wanted Mami to feel unwelcome, even if the girl didn't give off any real impression she felt that way.

An eyebrow rose with the sudden shift in topic, but Etsuko, and Miyako, didn't contest it. They did have to make a decision after all, and they were here to have fun and relax, not to discuss serious topics like that. “I'll have the raspberry buttermilk cake,” Etsuko said simply, not figuring she needed a reason, while Miyako frowned as she looked back to the menu. It was harder for the younger sister to reach a decision, what with the bevy of options and her sweet tooth not making it easy. Etsuko was used to it by this point. But eventually she made up her mind, closing the menu. “I'll have the chocolate mint cake,” the younger sister concluded. She was feeling a bit daring, and this time Etsuko couldn't say anything about her spoiling her appetite, so it was all the better.

Choices made, Etsuko relaxed, if a little, while Miyako looked about the store and did much the same. Unwilling to let the conversation die though, Etsuko took the lead, which might have been surprising considering hr general attitude and reluctance to engage. “So lets see...decorating, baking, marksmanship, administration, got any other skills hiding up your sleeve,” she asked, only the barest hint of curiosity breaking through. And she'd understand if Mami didn't want to say, but there was no harm in asking.
Naturally, Mami understood some of the rift between the magical and non-magical. She experienced both the prejudice and the vice of both factions on a firsthand basis on numerous occasions. Simply leaving school did not immunize her to the effects, as the forces which she contested against on a nearly daily basis fell into one category or the other. While the witches did present a potent outside danger, their mere presence did not present the same level of danger as few witches went hunting for magical girls. The same could not be said for other magical girls and factions of resistance against her rule. Even at a lower level in which both Etsuko and Miyako must have suffered similar distance and dislike, Mami knew better than anyone how important it must be for the two of them to have someone to relate to.

While many details of Mami's life were common knowledge, there were a few details that she felt like she could share with her new friends. After all, sharing life aspirations, dreams, worries, and hopes helps foster trust and closeness. Since Etsuko had taken the initiative to strike up a conversation, it was the least she could do to encourage her. "Well, I was an only child before the accident," Mami began, "So naturally I took an interest in my parent's work. I was studying business administration as my intended college major before I became a magical girl, but it seems fate had other plans in mind for me."

She lifted her teacup to her lips, swirling the semi-translucent fluid in the bottom for a moment, "I feel the need to look after others, and while many people may think that positions of power and influence are useful for furthering one's own interests, I see it in a different way. When you have the ability to influence other people, it gives you the opportunity to help them better themselves. I have been given a chance to continue to live as a magical girl, and because of that I believe that it is important to give others the opportunity to live out their lives as best they can as well. If I can do something to that end, I believe it is my duty to do so."

"On the other hand, to more directly answer your question, I do also enjoy music and traditional eastern fashion," Mami smiled brightly, "My parents worked with oversees businesses, and on several occasions I was given the opportunity to accompany them to various social gatherings. The music, the clothes, and the people inspired an interest in me that has never faded... I suppose that's part of the reason why I treat others to tea and cake. I want to give a taste of some of my experiences to others."
The siblings listened carefully as Mami answered the question presented to her, Miyako out of general curiosity to learn more about her friend and senior, while Etsuko was listening to further determine what kind of person the blonde was, and the possible trust that might be invested if she felt Mami was worthy of it. Every little bit helped, especially when it came to a person so important or complicated. Doubtlessly there were layers of expectations, experiences, and what occurred in the course of governance to make up her character, and while her intentions were good, Etsuko still wanted to know. Her sister deserved no less out of a friend, and she would not invest her confidence in the wrong person. This life was too dangerous for that.

As it stood though, Mami made a good impression. Qualified as much as one could be, and an expressed viewpoint that would count as humanist to some extent of the word and philosophy, and in a stark contrast to Kyoko, though the two wouldn't know that. And while Etsuko hadn't been expecting her to describe her general method of rule, it wasn't something she would object to, even though she did eventually get back to the asked about topic.

Leaving aside the wonder of where more tea had come from, again, Etsuko's curiosity faded. "Well then, I guess we're lucky to have such a talented person as yourself in charge," she commented once Mami had finished. It was an open secret that Mami was the one who actually did everything when it came to running the city.

"And as a friend," Miyako added from her seat, hard pressed to draw her attention away from Mami at this point. She was fully impressed, something Etsuko knew she would have to address in private. Didn't want her sister getting too attached. But that wasn't on Miyako's mind at the moment as she asked a question of her own. "So, um, what are Sakura-san and Akemi-san like?" A tad embarrassed to be asking, she looked down at her lap as her face lit with a light blush. "I mean, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but there are just so many rumors, it's hard to know what to believe without having met them in person." She looked back towards Mami with more than a bit of anticipation, apparently willing to believe whatever was said, while Etsuko still seemed relatively standoffish. But even she was a bit curious to hear what Mami would say.
"I would hardly consider myself talented," Mami shook her head, "I merely stood up when the opportunity presented itself. That's not something I should be praised for since its not really something I even had a hand in, but I do appreciate the compliment. I simply wanted a place where I could accomplish my goals and I was not afraid to step up to a challenge. With a little bravery and a bit of drive, I'm sure anyone could do just as well as I." Of course, not just anyone would have the same goals an intentions as the blonde-haired magical girl. Left to herself, who knows how Kyoko would rule the city, assuming she could stay in power at all given her personality.

"But, thank you," Mami nodded to Miyako, "I'm glad to be a friend to both of you." She then turned her attention to Miyako's question, "No, its alright. I'm sure they wouldn't mind me clearing up a few misunderstandings about them, after all." The magical girl took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before she began, "Sakura-san is a very focused person, who has a wide range of interests such as food, games, and of course, fighting. She loves competition and the thrill of facing off against a worthy opponent, even if it makes trouble for me in the end." Mami let out a lighthearted laugh, "She doesn't like working through paperwork, though, but she will do so if I work through it with her. I don't think she's a bad person, but she can be a bit difficult to work with sometimes."

"Akemi-san is a very serious person," Mami then began to explain what she knew about Homura, although admittedly she had her own sense of wonder concerning the raven-haired magical girl, "Admittedly I don't know very much about her myself, since she keeps most of her thoughts to herself even during our meetings. I do know that she has a caring heart, as well as a cute side, and I know she is a good person as well. I think she has been through a lot and does not know who to trust or rely upon. I want to help her, but until she lets me in there really isn't anything I can do for her."
The humility with which Mami presented her answer was appreciated by the sisters that sat across from her. Of course, they'd head about the fight that had taken place before Mami and Kyoko took over the city, and they might not agree entirely with what she said about just anyone being able to do what she did with sufficient motivation, but they weren't about to naysay her. After all, who knew how much that fight had been dramatized in the time since it happened? They weren't there, so they couldn't know how easy it had been. And besides, not everyone was motivated to try and be in charge, like Etsuko herself. She just wanted to survive and keep out of sight. And doubtlessly there were many more like her out there.

The two listened intently then as Mami went about describing her companions in government. It was a perspective they could probably never get otherwise, from the person closest to them. For one, the thought that Kyoko might have likes and interests similar to them, an actual person rather than a destructive force of nature that you didn't want to incur the wrath of. Meanwhile, Homura, and they weren't quite as surprised to learn that she was mysterious even to Mami herself. She did have a reputation of being silent but effective after all, and that was probably why they couldn't picture her with a 'cute' side. It just wouldn't compute. It was hard to do that to someone who was rumored to make people vanish in the middle of the night. But that was the price to pay.

"I see," Etsuko replied thoughtfully as they waited for their food to arrive. "They sound like an interesting pair to work with." And wasn't that a fact. They were just lucky that as strong a group was in charge and got along. It was debatable whether another coalition would have survived as long. And they complimented each other well to boot. Not that the sisters expected to meet them, much less get to know them.

"Yeah," Miyako agreed with a nod. "I'm not sure I could do what you do every day." And that she believed, even if it wasn't the most uplifting thought. It was just her opinion on things. She was still as soft spoken and respectful as when Mami had met her. "It seems difficult."
Mami gave the comment careful thought, her mind drifting momentarily. Certainly there had been rough points in the road, the latest episode with Homura being the most recent example, but all-in-all Mami felt comfortable around her fellow magical girl rulers. Granted, there were many duties and tasks which fell onto her shoulders to perform, not the least of which being the general administrative tasks and maintenance of the peace which the other two members put little to no thought into working out. Difficulty as well was just an everyday experience, as mundane as getting up and getting dressed each morning.

"I understand that my life isn't for everyone," Mami nodded, "There are times that I wonder what I would be doing now if I had never become a magical girl in the first place, if I had never become ruler of this place... An ordinary existence with ordinary friends, an ordinary sort of job, and a loving family would probably be my preferred life." She smiled, adding in one last thing for good measure, "Oh, and a cute boyfriend would be nice, too." The blonde magical girl giggled at her own joke, the absurdity of her own imagination getting the better of her.

"Every sort of life has its own struggles and troubles," Mami concluded, "I'm sure everyone would agree if they were being honest with themselves. I just have different ones from many people."
The girls were glad to see that even though Mami had it hard, she didn't begrudge the life she had, at least too much. Naturally, as she had pointed out, the very nature of their profession meant that there would be wondering about what could have happened, and alternate paths in their lives, but as it stood, they could only face what they had. And it was calming to see that Mami accepted that. Lord knew an unstable leader was the last thing any rational person wanted.

Miyako giggled along with Mami at her comment, though Etsuko was silent. As inappropriate as it might be based on what her sister had experienced, she still found it amusing. In their current lives, such things were near impossible, if not for the threat of imminent death every day, then for the societal gap that existed. Not that it was unheard of, but such attachments didn't tend to work out. And then again, Etsuko would always act as a gatekeeper to anyone trying to date her sister.

"Right," Miyako agreed with Mami's point with a nod. "It's not easy for us either. I guess we just all have to make due as best we can, and hope that everything works out in the end." The sisters fell silent then, burned out of reasonable questions to ask as they waited for their food to arrive. And besides, they'd impressed on Mami enough as it was, the blond could probably use a break from difficult questions such as those. And with witch hunting coming up, they would have to prepare for that, even subconsciously. Just because there were three of them didn't mean ut would be easy, as usual.
Mami could sense the discomfort Etsuko bore toward her earlier comment, silently resolving to avoid similar comments in the future. She did not know the circumstances, but given her cold reaction it would probably be for the best. Perhaps she had a bad experience in the past? Mami knew better than to pry, but if Etsuko wished to share with her then she would be more than willing to listen.

"Yes, above all else it is important to keep up hope, no matter how bleak things may seem," Mami smiled, "Tomorrow is another day, and with it comes something new and different. It might not always be something nice or expected, but it may be an opportunity for something greater in the future." Ah, there she went bringing up the future again. Her own worst enemy in regard to carrying discussions, Mami found herself once again faced with the looming distance, the true depth and darkness of which she had yet to fully appreciate.

The waitress approached, setting down a plate before each of them before granting them a polite bow and a few parting words wishing the assembled girls a pleasant time. The blonde magical girl picked her fork up and cut the very tip of her slice before placing it between her lips.
There was no disagreement with Mami's statement, even though they had adequately covered the province of the future at this point. It wasn't like they would stop the blond from saying whatever might be on her mind. She did have that prerogative, much like the two sisters, though Etsuko might be reluctant to impart her past without reason. But it would undoubtedly come out in time. All secrets did, eventually.

Before they could go on, their food arrived, the waitress receiving a grateful nod from Miyako, who looked on the meal with unashamed longing, while Etsuko's response was more formal and courteous. And the food did look good, to say the least of it, with a pleasant aroma to boot. She hadn't even tasted it and Miyako knew it would be good. She gave a mental thanks then, that because of Mami she even knew this place existed.

Well, that had been enough time, and Miyako dug in with a large bite, a near squeal of happiness escaping as her taste buds were practically assaulted. "So good," she mumbled happily in between bites, doing a near perfect impression of Kyoko and Madoka at that moment. Meanwhile, Etsuko ate at a more measured pace, giving her sister a resigned smile as she watched her eat. She was used to it at this point, so she'd just enjoy herself while she was able. "Take it easy sis. That cake isn't going anywhere," she commented.

"Sorry, " Miyako replied, suitably chastised, and she slowed down, though it was obvious she was restraining herself. It was a really good cake, and Etsuko gave a point to Mami in that regard. It was a step closer to actual friendship on her part, as they dined together before their hunt.
"I think we should get together more often," Mami concluded, taking another small bite from her own slice in order to savor the time they had remaining, "I used to be the same way at first, especially since I did not have such good company to share the experience with." Mami placed her fork between her lips and closed her eyes briefly, "Delicious food is for bringing people together. Cake serves much the same purpose, only it tends to come in smaller servings and more calories."

"I do not believe magical girls can gain weight, however," Mami explained, "Kyoko is proof enough of that." The redhead seemed to spend every non-sleeping hour of the day consuming some form of food, and yet Mami never one noticed her gaining any amount of excess weight as a result. Perhaps Kyoko simply had an unusually high metabolism, but Mami could easily excuse her own taste for sweets when comparing her own caloric intake to hers.

With the cake eaten and the sun falling close to the horizon, however, their social time together began to draw to a close. Counting out the exact change, she laid the bills and coins down on top of the bill and turned to her two friends. "Are you ready to go?" Her excitement became evident in her tone, even without her beaming smile's added confirmation.
It was strange, in a way, to consider that the talented, senior, important girl sitting before them had been much like they were now, prone to eating sweets and banishing what sorrows she might have in comfort foods. Not that that was Miyako's motivation, but it wasn't difficult for Etsuko to figure out when she connected the dots of things that had been said previously. And in a way, it was surprising, yet reassuring, to hear how similar they could be at times.

"That's good," Miyako commented between bites, as if she were actually worried about her weight. "We'd probably burn it all off fighting Witches anyway," her sister added, a statement more likely true than not. Still, it was unlikely there would be any studies into the matter, so Kyoko's example would be the only one to go off of. It would probably be best to not have her find that out though, lest they earn her nonviolent ire. That, and the snark involved, was potentially even more dangerous than her trying to kill you.

In spite of all efforts to the contrary, the sun sank, and it was all too soon time for them to begin hunting and patrolling as usual. Finished with their deserts, the two sisters rose, neither contesting as Mami paid for the meal in precise change. Best not to turn down her hospitality after all. "Yep," Miyako replied with a budding excitement as well, while Etsuko nodded, and the two girls let Mami lead the way as they departed the store to begin.
Mami took the lead of the group, her chosen path taking them across town to a denser, darker pocket of the city where they would encounter fewer hunting magical girls, a potentially rewarding hunting ground. The area lacked the hustle and bustle of the inner city, with narrow alleyways and breeze-swept roads which wound between the tightly-packed buildings that rose high on either side. While not run-down, the streets, businesses, and houses alike all carried the same awkward dimness. It being the afternoon hours only added to their eeriness. The occasional flowerbed and potted plant were the only break from the drabness surrounding them, pockets of life within a dessert of cement, stone, and wood. A cat sat on the front doorstep of one building, mewling and crying as it begged to be let inside. Given the stagnant feel in the air, it came as no surprise that few other magical girls frequented these parts. The area's witches were not particularly strong, on the average at least. Even magical girls were girls at heart, however, giving more than enough reason to avoid such a place as possible.

Mami took it as a challenge for her new group of friends, a trial of bravery as it were, but instead of venturing into a supposedly haunted house or cave, they would be hunting for witches in an unfamiliar section of her own turf. As she walked, Mami's curls bounced slightly in time with her footsteps, the senior magical girl having already summoned one rifle for each hand along the way.
The two girls proceeded along with Mami as they entered an unfamiliar section of town, led by their confident senior. It was unsettling, the general aura of their surroundings, not hostile, but hardly pleasant or comforting for those who had to experience it. Even the occasional cat or plant couldn't break the malaise. If there was a way for a physical location to scream the presence of witches without even seeing them or their barrier, this was it. And it was hardly a comforting presence.

For her part, Etsuko stepped forward with drawn cavalry saber, cautious looks cast about as they proceeded onwards. Given that even Mami was doing as such at this point, it seemed like a reasonable precaution for the naturally cautious girl to take. Admittedly, she wasn't entirely sure what they were defending against, but she would take no risks, not if she could help it.

Meanwhile, Miyako proceeded onwards with her hood raised to hide her face, throwing knives held in her grip. A shiver ran down her spine from the ambient atmosphere, but she drew strength from the presence of her other two companions to boost her own confidence as they moved. They wanted her here after all, and she would not let them down. Even if this place gave her the creeps. So, resisting the urge to activate her illusion magic, she went on with her sister as the trio looked for a witches barrier in this section of the city.
Mami led them a bit further before stopping at a rather nondescript mailbox which apparently marked the outer edge of a witch's barrier. She motioned to her two friends to follow her, stepping into the space between the normal world and the surreal. Almost as soon as they hand entered, the world around them vanished, leaving a rather peculiar scene in its place. Two-dimensional fishes (angel fishes, with white and black stripes) swam about in single file, each one following the one in front of them in endless strings extending into the distance. They were interwoven with each other in a haphazard manner, obscuring the magical girl's ability to see much of anything other than them. The floor and ceiling both had a blue dappled pattern, an imitation of sunlight filtering through deep water.

"Stay close together," Mami turned to the siblings, "Its dangerous to get separated... Let's try to find our way out of this area of the barrier. I mean, we can hardly even see three feet in front of us as it is." The blonde magical girl gave them a reassuring smile before stepping forward, careful to avoid running right into the fish as they weaved between each other. All the moving fishes and their striped patterns all blended together in such a way to be outright disorienting, a potent defensive measure for a witch who had chosen a rather obscure part of the city to dwell in.

Before long, Mami began to sense the presence of familiars. First one, then two, then five. She could not see them, but they were honing in on their position, forming a circle around them as they made their way through the haphazard school of striped fishes. Mami turned to her left, something large and black rapidly approaching them from that direction. She held one of her muskets out before firing a single shot, just as the fishes darted away to create a temporary opening. It was a jellyfish-like familiar, with human arms instead of tentacles, reaching and grasping at Mami as she coldly fired two more shots from her muskets into its soft, jelly-like body. Spurts of blood erupted from its sides as it let out a shriek, making one last fruitless effort to grab Mami before it slumped onto the floor in a lifeless heap.
Miyako and Etsuko exchanged looks as Mami brought them to a halt by one of the nondescript mailboxes on this street, oneof many that they had seen on their trip. Any average person wouldn't know better, but the two knew, if they couldn't deduce it for themselves, that the entrance to a Witches barrier was somewhere around here. At the blondes motion they followed, and in a few steps were engulfed in the labyrinth of the Witches barrier, and the chaos therein. It was a strange setting, like they were in a giant fishtank of sorts, surrounded by a mockery of schools of some kind of fish that made it hard to see,and the walls and ceiling with a pattern that imitated sunlight on the water. It was definitely strange, to say the least.

"Right," Etsuko agreed with a nod, keeping her weapon at the ready as they went on. Normally, she'd have trusted Mami to shoot anything that came at them, but with visibility as it was, they might be engaged in close combat at a moment's notice, so better not to risk getting taken unawares. Meanwhile, her robed sister held on to her knives nervously as she quietly advanced forward, looking out for familiars and any other threats. She wouldn't let anything happen to her sister, or friend, and she wanted to make up for her slip ups the last time, small though they might have been. They deserved at least that much.

Together they advanced onwards and forwards towards the Witch, weaving through the obstacles presented by the streams of angelfish as they moved on. And it seemed Etsuko's caution was well founded, as she detected some sense of the familiars closing in, only to stand by and watch as Mami effortlessly took out the one to go after her. It was another reminder of the skill which their leader wielded. For her part, the older sister nodded to Mami before moving on, looking forward to getting out of this place andbeing able to see clearly again. As it stood, this was not a good situation to be in.
Almost as soon as Mami had dealt with the last familiar, the other four more rushed in at once, each with their arms extended as they moved with a sudden burst of speed to break through the lines of fish and make a pass at the magical girls which had stepped into this bizarre place. They appeared to be sentries of sorts, attacking anyone or anything on sight that was not a part of the barrier itself, another familiar, or the witch itself. Mami's shots had drawn their attention, with many more flocking to their position from all directions. Without any way of knowing how many there were or even where they were headed, the girls found themselves stuck in the center of a swirling mass of fish and grasping hands.

"Stand back-to-back, and follow after me," Mami commanded, firing one shot from each of her muskets before summoning two more, her eyes darting side to side as more familiars began to leap out at them unannounced, "Hurry!" She forced herself to remain calm, fighting back the bubbling fear that one of her friends might be snatched away by the familiars as they made their way deeper into the barrier. The only path available for them was deeper in, where they would hopefully have more visibility and room to maneuver. The blonde magical girl spun, firing shot upon shot and tossing aside the spent muskets while casting the occasional glance in the direction of her friends, making sure they kept up with her in she surrounding chaos.

There, far in the distance shimmered an archway of some kind, obscured by the fish but distinct in its form... If they could only reach it, perhaps they would earn themselves a much-needed respite.
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