So, in line with my earlier evil sex doll vignette. I had pondered the idea of being the perfect fuck doll when her owner is around, but secretly working against him, stealing his passwords, etc. Going out into the world and building up a new identity. But there is another approach she could take. In some ways, it's a bit more fantastic and perhaps harder to write. But what about using the techniques guys use to crush a girl's self esteem and turning them against him, this guy who bought her thinking she would be the perfect little obedient sex toy.
You know how some guys constantly make a girl feel inadequate. Ala, making some innocuous comment about how she shouldn't worry about getting fat, he liked a girl who was a little hefty as she munches on her ninth carrot sick of the day (by the way, I actually have three baby carrot sticks left in my little plastic bag and they're very good thank you!).
She might yawn after sex and ask if he could pass the big vibrator over so that she can finish herself off. Or say, "you really shouldn't feel self-conscious about your size. I read the other day about a woman who divorced her husband, because he was too big down there. She'd probably have been thrilled to have a man with a more petite sized penis."
Now some guys like to dominate a girl physically and sexually. I'm not hundred percent sure on how to flip this one, because (finished the last carrot stick) well face it, this probably sounds like a guys dream. Maybe slap him on the ass in public and if he doesn't like anal sex, you always stick a finger in his butt. Paint his toenails? Shave his head. Let him know that he belongs to you now. Need to work on this one.
Oh a good way might be to isolate him from his friends and family. Complain if he wants to go out with the guys. Find ways to sabotage any relationship he has that isn't with you. If he's at a business dinner text him and then call him at the hotel when he gets back to make sure you know and he knows you know where he is at all times.
And of course, you can reward him at random, chaotic, intervals, telling him, he's a good guy. But keep it confusing so he never really knows what to do to make you happy. Pout, whine, and then go all flirtatious on his ass at other times. Use blatant sexual manipulation, rewarding him when he pleases you with sex and withholding your favors when he doesn't please you. Okay, okay, this might be one girls use againt guys anyway.
I used to have a boyfriend who made me cry routinely. He'd be a complete ass and then once I was a puddle, he'd turn into perfect boyfriend. I always felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster. So in that sense, she might be loving at times and go psychotic bitch at other times.
And of course, always use sex to control him. Fuck him like it's her last day on earth (which if she's ever discovered may well prove true), she would want to use every trick and technique to bind him to her.
Of course, the problem is that he may see that her programming isn't quite what it should be. He might send her in for a factory re-tune. So maybe the first approach is the best one. Or it might just be easier to grind up Xanax or Prozac and put it in his morning coffee for a few months.