Provocative: An Avatar: The Last Airbender universe (The Real Bucky/finx)

The Real Bucky

Aug 5, 2014
I walk into the chamber with the Eastern Air Temple Nun Council sitting on their pillows on a ledge at the opposite end of the room.

Three of them are about thirty. Two of them are pushing fifty but have hardly any wrinkles and might as well be the same age as the other three on the Council. The other two are 100, but their spiritual connections makes them appear like they're thirty as well.

I speak to the one in the center.

"Sister Jinora, I'm Linc from the Southern Earth Kingdom. I've come to the Eastern Air Temple to seek spiritual enlightenment, as well as...other things that require psychiatric therapy. It's nothing severe. I just need advice for...frustrations I have. Care to abide?"
The woman glanced at him then looked at each other. "Of course." Jinora smiled "we will be happy to help." The woman had dark brown hair and deep brown eyes that spoke of an intelligence past her age they were all dress in air nomad robes with blue arrows tattooed on them.

((Can I pick there names?))
finx said:
The woman glanced at him then looked at each other. "Of course." Jinora smiled "we will be happy to help."

((Can I pick there names?))

((Sure, name five more but leave one more for me. I've another name planned for that one.))

"See, I've always been interested in Air Nomad culture. You're wise, you're at peace with the world and yourselves... I want that same level of...whatever ti is you all have. How can I be like you all?"
"Of course we will teach you our you air bend?" Kikyo asked she was one of the older ones with blond hair and sea green eyes. "That shouldn't matter." Shika sighed she was younger with blond almost white hair and blue eyes.
finx said:
"Of course we will teach you our you air bend?" Kikyo asked she was one of the older ones with blond hair and sea green eyes. "That shouldn't matter." Shika sighed she was younger with blond almost white hair and blue eyes.

((Why exaclty would Kikyo ask that? He's from the Earth Kingdom.))

"No, I'm a nonbender. I wish I could though...

I just love how even if you all are so wise and have this passion for life, and you all have the greatest senses of humor and love for fun."

(Oh yeah. I was kind of going to describe their appearances, but... Sorry. :p)
'Alright." Jinora smiled "Shall we teach him my sisters?" They all nodded the youngest of the group smiled "I'll be your teacher for a while for the basics." She had blue hair and black eyes odd traits for a earth bender. "Let us introduce ourselves. I am Jinora." "Kikyo." "Shika." "Tara." "Kara." the one that spoke had silver hair and cinnamon brown eyes. "Lori." this girl had chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes.

((yes well since I have to introduce them might as well describe them a little as well. that's my five by the way. ))
finx said:
'Alright." Jinora smiled "Shall we teach him my sisters?" They all nodded the youngest of the group smiled "I'll be your teacher for a while for the basics." She had blue hair and black eyes odd traits for a earth bender. "Let us introduce ourselves. I am Jinora." "Kikyo." "Shika." "Tara." "Kara." the one that spoke had silver hair and cinnamon brown eyes. "Lori." this girl had chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes.

((yes well since I have to introduce them might as well describe them a little as well. that's my five by the way. ))

(Um...there are no Earthbenders in the Air Temple. :p And I've decided to add two more.)

"I am Sister Risha" says the fifty-year-old woman with dreadlocks. "I'm Sister Nina" says the other fifty-year old with her hair curled up into a bun in the back of her head. "The last one is Sister Ikki."

"You know I can introduce myself!" says Ikki with her little buns in her hair.

(Should we be restricted to a certain amount of characters?)
((yes please those are enough girls for you mister XP...well I never said there were earthbenders.))
"What would you like to learn?" Lori asked taking a leap off her seat landing in front of him with a smile. "Ask me anything I can't guaranty that you'll like the answer though."
finx said:
((yes please those are enough girls for you mister XP...well I never said there were earthbenders.))
"What would you like to learn?" Lori asked taking a leap off her seat landing in front of him with a smile. "Ask me anything I can't guaranty that you'll like the answer though."

(Lol what I meant was that we are portraying certain characters. I guess since we've introduced the council, you can portray the women. I'm just Linc now.)

"Well, I have these...fantasies..." Linc says.
"Oh about what?" Lori asked curious she thought he was kind of cute looking in interest at his body.
finx said:
"Oh about what?" Lori asked curious she thought he was kind of cute looking in interest at his body.
"Well...With regards to therapy and easing those frustrations I mentioned earlier...May I have permission to talk with you all about the stuff I'm...into?"

I notice Lori checking me out with her beaming hazel eyes. This make me hopeful that she'd comply.
"Sure." Lori grinned leading him to a room with a table and chairs "Sit and let me hear all about your fantasies." she sat down in on one of the chairs smiling invitingly at him.
I blushed. Was it this easy? I walk up to Lori, who was sitting in the room next to the Council Chamber in a chair.

"Well, I kind of wanted to talk with the entire council about the stuff I'm into."

I walk out into the Council Chamber.

"Are you all okay with me talking about the stuff I'm into?"
Lori followed after him humming softly "Sure." Jinora shrugged looking to her sisters who all nodded. 'Go ahead son tell us."
finx said:
Lori followed after him humming softly "Sure." Jinora shrugged looking to her sisters who all nodded. 'Go ahead son tell us."

"Well...I'm sure you all know of BDSM. Bondage. That's the stuff I'm into. That and women, and occasionally other guys, in latex...

What do you all think of that?"

(Sorry about the wait. I had to take a BIG-ASS shit. How's that for unnecessary information? :D)
((*stares*....better then knowing you had to whack it. *shrugs*))
They blushed "Well I suppose we can help well get a few girls..." Jinora blinked as Lori came forward "May I help him?" she asked blushing "If you want to." Jinora smiled at the girl.
finx said:
((*stares*....better then knowing you had to whack it. *shrugs*))
They blushed "Well I suppose we can help well get a few girls..." Jinora blinked as Lori came forward "May I help him?" she asked blushing "If you want to." Jinora smiled at the girl.
"Um...How will you help me?"

(Do you think getting them to do this is too easy? Oh, and I don't whack. I rub on my bed. Yeah...)
((A little.))
"Well I can help you focus your mind on other things." Lori smiled "Until you find the girl you like and can talk to her about your fantasies."
finx said:
((A little.))
"Well I can help you focus your mind on other things." Lori smiled "Until you find the girl you like and can talk to her about your fantasies."
"That's not really what I was hoping for. See, I want someone to talk with about what I'm into. Like what some of you think of my fantasies. Is that something you all would be interested in?"
"Not really." Jinora blinked softly "We are not really into that part of the world." Lori pouted a little disappointed. "I'll talk with him." she offered.
"Okay. If I can talk with you about this stuff, do you think you can convince the other Elders to talk about it with me?"

(I don't want Lori to be too easy to get into it. But I want it to be possible.)
Lori nodded and sat down "Alright tell me all about your interests." she smiled at him as the youngest she was the most open minded but she had her limits.
finx said:
Lori nodded and sat down "Alright tell me all about your interests." she smiled at him as the youngest she was the most open minded but she had her limits.
We sit down in the room next to the Council Chamber in some chairs by a table.

"Well, let me show you a pic that I've been infatuated with for a long time. It kind of made me like this kinky stuff as much as I do today. Take a look at this."

I show Lori a pic on my phone.

(The pic is this pic:

(Yes, smartphones exist. It's been 100 years since The Legend of Korra, just as a reminder.)

"It's two Northern Water Tribe girls. What do you think of it? Give me your honest, detailed opinion."
Lori turned a pink color "They look like slaves...they also don't look to sure those are both girls?" she frowned softly not to judge or anything." she looked ashamed for a few moments. "I've never really thought about kinks or sex...I've never even done it." she sighed.
finx said:
Lori turned a pink color "They look like slaves...they also don't look to sure those are both girls?" she frowned softly not to judge or anything." she looked ashamed for a few moments. "I've never really thought about kinks or sex...I've never even done it." she sighed.

"Sorry if this is different. But aren't Air Nomads supposed to be open to learning about different things? And I can guarantee that they are light skinned Northern Water Tribe girls. This just happened to be shot somewhere in the Earth Kingdom..."
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