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How Well Known Are You On BMR?

5/10. We haven't talked all that much, but your wit delights me. Also, I ordered Thai Iced Tea for lunch thanks to ya. xD
Taught me that deer are quite difficult to hunt. I might need to get a second hot-air balloon, just in case. :p
5/10. Enjoyed our little chat. The world needs more devil's advocates. ...And now I'm really curious about this hot-air balloon story.
Helped me out more than once, chatted. Known you through a few name changes. Haha
2/10 ~ I see you slithering around but I don’t personally know you. Hi though! :3
Seen you around here and there, know you're an admin, but never interacted in any way, meaningful or otherwise.
Hi! :3
1000000/10 ~ seriously, how do I know you? Did you sell me an extended warranty for my car?
2/10 have been in the chat at the same time during the same conversation, but I don't recall anything direct.
5/10 - gotten to know you a bit better, the two New Yorkers who hate garage plates 😂

Fellow WCer, have run into you a bunch!

Did the interview with them which was a blast and seen on the forum from time to time. Haven't talked with outside of the interview tho.
(I need to stop playing forum games. I break them, even when I follow the rules).

Let's go with ....2/10. I did just PM you to laugh at what a goober I am. So, that's something 😀.

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