The Dark Side[Naruto](Silverknight & Emi)

Though it had only been a few weeks since she joined Sasuke, it seemed like an eternity had passed for them to get there. They were finally right outside her mentor's office. "Yeah, I'm sure he will." Sakura grinned at Shizune. At least she could see the positive in Sasuke coming back. "Shizune!" she exclaimed at her suggestive words, the heat rising to her cheeks once again. "Well, thank you."

She turned to Sasuke and reached up to take off the blindfold as he spoke. "You want me to wait here?" she asked, surprised, but complied with a sigh nonetheless. As she untied the rope around his hands she told him, "Just... don't anger her unnecessarily, okay? She has quite the temper." Just like herself, really. "I'll be waiting out here then. Good luck." She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek for good luck. She wasn't superstitious, but it couldn't hurt, right?
Sasuke nodded his head before he went into the office, and sat down. For Sakura she would hear the conversation go over so many different topics, and from time to time she would hear Tsuande upset, and at one point she would hear something even hitting the door hard as she yelled at Sasuke about something or other. The meeting went on and on as they pair of them were in the room. It wasn't till much later that Sasuke opened to door and walked out of it and looked at Sakura as he sat down next to her and smiled, "Well now, we have something to talk about," he commented as he looked at her pausing for a moment thinking how to explained the agreement that had been made.

"I have to have someone watch me follow me around the whole time, for half year, this person will have to keep check on me, and make sure I am not a danger to the village, I will have to be close to her, and live with her and stay with her and all so she can make sure that I don't get do anything dumb and that I help out and pull my own weight as well as respect her as my superior in rank and thus pay as well," he explained as he shook his head as he looked at Sakura, "So, I am sorry, you won't be able to be at the hospital as much as you have to keep an eye on me, and somehow I and Naruto have to go to a chunnin exam again after all the mess is dealt with as a team again," he said letting out a sigh.
The meeting dragged on and on. Outside the office, Sakura was wandering back and forth, anxious to know he the meeting would turn out. She nearly jumped out of her skin when something hit the door on the inside of the office. What was going on in there?!
After a while she sat down, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. Come on, it had to be over soon... Just as she thought this, the door finally opened and Sasuke stepped out. She sighed with relief.

She listened nervously as he told her about the result of the meeting. "I'm the one who's going to watch you? I would have thought it would have to be an ANBU or at least a Jounin." She was thrilled nonetheless.

"Oh, that's right, you're technically still a genin too." she had forgotten about that. She rose from her seated position and held out her hand with a gentle smile. "Come on then. Let's find Naruto and tell him he can finally become a chunnin." The underlying meaning being that he would now meet Naruto under friendly circumstances after three years.
"Yeah, your watching me, it took some doing but I managed to talk her into letting you be the person watching me, as the student of the Hokage, you are talented enough to keep an eye on me, plus this way there will not be any problems," he explained as he looked at her as he gave her a nod of his head, "Is Naruto in town, I mean if you knocked him out he might not be in town, he might be looking for you still," he mused after thinking about it for a long moment. "I figure he would be getting busy preparing for the battle as well, anyhow, we can go look for him if you want," he aid with a shrug of his shoulder. He wondered if he was in town, he figured that he would find out sooner rather then later thought.

He got up and walked with Sakura, he had told them much about Madara as well as what he knew about what Danzo had done which would help deal with Root for good especially the fact that Danzo had a arm full of Uchiha eyes literally. He hated that man still he was a horrible person. He walked with Sakura as he got several looks from people most of them were looks that showed shock on their face. The look on Ino's face was one that was in complete shock as she looked at him as she passed by her. He was glad she had found a way to move on though that was good for her.
Sakura thought about it for a moment. "I don't think anyone would let him search for two weeks straight. At least I hope not." She figured he might have searched for maybe a day or two before getting dragged back to Konoha by the others. After all, Sakura didn't want to be found, so the chances of actually finding her had been slim. "We should try Ichiraku's. Knowing Naruto he's probably drowning himself in ramen right now." She chuckled at the thought. That would be so like him.

Walking through the streets of Konoha with Sasuke right next to her was great, despite of all the looks he was receiving, especially the look from Ino. She probably couldn't believe her own eyes. Soon after, they arrived at Ichiraku's. Moving the curtains aside she looked inside... and there he was; eating his ramen like always. "Naruto." she spoke up and he froze up. Seconds later he turned around in his seat.
"Well now, Naruto Uzumaki, how are you," Sasuke commented as he looked at him and sat down next to him at the ramen bar, looking up at the menu he paused before he made a order, "this place hasn't changed much in three years, neither have you and your eating habits," he commented as he looked over at his rival and oldest friend as well. "Now, Uzumaki Naruto, it seems I am going to have to work with you again to become a chunnin after the whole mess we have to deal with first," he commented as he paused, "to think you want to be hokage but haven't made it to chunnin," he said before cracking a half smile to show that he was kidding with the statement his tone telling that as well.

"Sakura, talked me in coming back, she can be very convincing when she wants to be," he commented as he looked back at her for a moment. He felt right, he had missed being with his teammates and the memories of them together were special to him even then. "So, I have also heard your getting better, do you think you can beat me yet, in a fight, cause with everything I think we both are going to have to get way stronger before then," he commented honestly as his eyes focused on him for a moment and then he patted him on the back "Anyhow, we should start training again together so we can get ready, but you need to go talk to the woman standing behind the fence behind us on the left side, hurry too, cause those types of stalkers tend to get nervous and flighty too," he said to him quietly so only he would hear him.
Naruto stared at the Uchiha in front of him, barely able to believe what he was seeing. "Sasuke..." he mumbled and turned once again in his seat when Sasuke sat down next to him. Then he grinned. "I was training with pervy-sage! Besides, I don't need a test to tell me how awesome I am!" he exclaimed in his usual manner as if Sasuke had never left.

"So that's where you were, Sakura-chan?" he asked, looking at Sakura. He turned back to look at Sasuke when he challenged his ability to beat him in a battle. "Of course I can, I'm the best!" he replied, his sure-fire-winner grin in place. "Huh?" He looked back over his shoulder in the direction Sasuke told him about. "But that's just Hinata-chan... Wonder what she wants..." he mumbled as he got up.

Sakura sat down in the seat Naruto just left. "Do you think he's ever gonna get it?" She sighed; Naruto was so clueless at times... Well, most of the time. "So," she said, turning to Sasuke with a smile. "How do you like being back?"
"Well Naruto ever notice Hinata," he said pausing as he looked at him and then smiled, "yes, cause it is bound to happen, especially with you off the market, he has to look around and find her finally," he commented as he watched Naruto walk away. He knew at some point he would figure out that Hinata cared for him so completely and so deeply. He looked at the dish he had ordered, and then looked over at Sakura hearing her question and pausing for a moment. He took a bit bite of food to prevent himself from answering quickly so that he would be able to think out answer properly, he figured that giving her an honest and complete answer was something that he owed his girlfriend.

"It feels natural," he said pausing as he looked over at her, "it feels like it did when I left, it feels better though. Before I couldn't understand the importance of having a home. I had to leave to understand how important it was to have a home and be there. I understand that now, and I understand how important that it is to have a home to live in now," he said honestly as he looked over at Sakura and then smiled as he looked at her and then leaned in and kissed her cheek, "Now, I don't plan on leaving you or this village again," he said to her as he knew that he was getting a bit soft because of Sakura and the influence the pink haired woman was having over him at that moment, and he knew the influence would only grow over time.
Especially with you off the market, she repeated in her mind. She liked the sound of that. "I hope so. Hinata will probably wait for him forever..." She looked out at Naruto talking to Hinata and her face was red as usual when being near him. She reminded Sakura of herself when she was younger. She chuckled; Hinata could be so cute sometimes.

Sakura smiled as she listened to his answer. He finally understood what it all meant, how important it was. He lost his family when he was young, but he seemed to finally understand that all of the people around him could be considered family as well. She blinked a couple of times when he kissed her on the cheek. This was the first time he had kissed her. Though it was only on the cheek she felt happy nonetheless. Coming home was a huge step for him and he was still changing little by little. "You better not. I won't be nearly as forgiving the second time." she joked.

"When you're done eating, wanna come see where you're gonna live the next few months?" she asked.
Sasuke returned to eating his meal and then looked over and nodded his head, he remember that the girl even blushed around him when they were in the academy, she was an different one, but the two should find each other. He knew that Naruto would need the support of the beautiful woman if he was going to make his way to being the hokage as his dream was. He smiled as he looked at her and then looked at the pair of them as he smiled, and then focused on his food as he went back to eating finishing the food pretty quickly before he nodded his head as he heard Sakura, he didn't notice the effects of the kiss on her but he knew that they were he was changing, but he didn't mind.

"Sakura, yes, I want to see your home, so that I know where I will stay," he said as he looked at her and then got up and stretched, as he looked over at her, "well now, I figure that it can't be as messy as his home, I once went to naruto's home man that place was mess up, so many instant ramen noodles everywhere, he needs that girl to step up cause he might die of a bad diet before he ever makes it to being hokage otherwise," he mused as he looked over at Sakura his voice serious but there was a tiny hit of playfulness to the voice as he knew that Naruto couldn't hear him, but that Sakura would understand he point he was making though.
Sakura chuckled at his words. Naruto had of course grown up all on his own and therefore lived by himself, so he probably never saw the point in cleaning up. “Hinata would probably feel happy just being invited to his place.” She’d probably even start cleaning his apartment and making food for him, she mused.

“Let’s go then.” She timidly reached out and took his hand in hers before showing him the way to her own apartment. A few months ago she had found her own place as she was tired of her parents nagging her about everything. She made enough money, working at the hospital, to live on her own anyway.

Five minutes later, they were standing in front of her apartment as Sakura unlocked the door and opened it. She heaved a sigh as she walked inside; it felt good finally being home again. The main reason for that, though, was Sasuke and the fact that he would be living with her for the next couple of months. “Oh, that reminds me, I’ll have to go buy an extra futon…” she whispered to herself.

“Well, anyway, make yourself at home.” She told him, smiling.
'I tend to agree, they can use each other to help each other in the future," he commented as he thought about it for a moment and then he looked at her and followed her. He figured that she was going to take him to her apartment or their apartment soon. He would have to fix that when he had enough money he would buy some land and he would build a home for the both of them just with his own hands. He looked at her and then looked over at her, "why do you need to by another one, we can't share," he commented hearing her whisper as he gave her a playful smirk as he knew that would cause her to blush, "they are cheap, I can give you the money for one of them actually."

He looked around the place it was nice for them to start off in, but he was sure that he would work hard raise his rank and make some money and build a home for himself Sakura and their future family. He was sure that he would get the stuff needed to start a family with her. He looked at her and then walked around a bit as he looked over the place, "it is a good home, it is very fitting for you, and thank you for letting me stay here Sakura," he commented softly as he looked over at her knowing that it was a nice place to stay in, "Who would of ever guest that they would of let me stay in such a place, it sure beat a jail cell, so Sakura, I am going to be following you around, so is there anything I should know about?"
Sakura bit down on her lip as she felt the warmth rise to her cheeks. The thought of them sharing her bed was causing very impure thoughts to go through her mind. "W-well, sharing my bed would be..." she swallowed, embarrassed. "T-they would probably make someone else watch you if they thought we have that kind of relationship..." she said as an excuse. She hadn't noticed his smirk.
Maybe having him live with her wasn't such a good idea, after all. While she was thrilled with having him by her side, she was afraid she might get too caught up in her love for him. What if she wasn't serious about her? She wouldn't be able to stand it if he left her again. "No, it's fine, I have the money, but for the time being you can use the couch."

"It's nothing. You can stay for as long as you want after you're deemed trustworthy again by Tsunade." Hopefully he wanted to, but she could understand it if he would rather go find a bigger place to live in. Her apartment was just barely big enough for two people.
"Not anything special, but I do have to go to the hospital at least once a day. I want to make sure everything is okay and see if they need my help and that sort of thing, but other than that there's nothing. We could train sometimes if you want?"
"What are you talking about, I figured that was why they made you the person watching," he commented as he looked at her and then nodded his head, "I know what you mean, I am to work at the academy in the next months, so that I can be kept an eye on, so that I can teach students which will be different, and so that I stay in the village as well," he commented as he looked at Sakura, "I figure that I am going to be around, so I was kidding about following you around, but when we are together, I wish to take you on dates, you and me, it will be you with me watching me, but on a date," he said as he looked at her, "Sakura, I came back not for Naruto, not for anyone but you."

He paused as he looked at her, "Now, I will repay you for all your kindness and the fact you wouldn't give up on me when I gave up on myself," he said to her softly as he leaned over and kissed her softly on her lips one more time before he pulled away, "I will be training, for a while if you need to go get your things, I will be in the back," he said waving his hand to her as he moved out to train on a post working taijutsu and his movements on it as he knew that his words and his actions would have a large impact on Sakura and he knew that he still held a special place in her heart, he was glad about that fact.
Oh, she hadn't thought about that. She had figured that they would think her judgement would be compromised. Hm, maybe they chose her because she had the best chance of changing Sasuke for the better. After all, he already had changed a bit.
She tried to picture Sasuke teaching at the academy and couldn't help but laugh slightly at the image; he might actually end up scaring the students if he wasn't careful.
"Oh, you did..?" she was surprised at his words; she hadn't expected that. And the dates as well... She could hardly wait.

In her opinion he pulled away way too quickly. He was finally hers and she wanted to enjoy that, but he probably wasn't the romantic type. Though, she had to admit that he was better with his words than he was when they were younger. Her eyes followed his movements as he left to train. He had already changed so much. She couldn't help but smile as she was standing there alone. If it wasn't for what she knew was coming she would think that her life was now perfect.

A few minutes later she joined him outside. "What do you say to a little sparing session in taijutsu?" she asked as she approached him.
Sasuke looked over at Sakura as she came out, "that is fine we can train a bit, and I am sure I can learn a bit from the beautiful strong Sakura," he commented as he knew that she was very strong as he knew that she had a lot of power and strength into her fighting skills. He motioned her forward as he prepared himself started to spar with her. He wasn't going to go all out but he felt that this was fun to spar with Sakura, being close to her as they moved near each other. He could sense that she had grown a lot since they were teammates. She really was a student under the hokage. He dodged strike but others worked up and hit him as he smiled proud of Sakura for her growth, and how much she was her own woman now.

He looked at her as they came close and grabbed Sakura, around her waist as he kissed her lips as he grabbed her in a hold as he was pressed up close to himself. He knew that in a sparing match this wasn't allowed but against Sakura it would work, plus he wanted to do so a great deal as well. He pressed up against Sakura as he held her in his arms. He let the kiss deepen fast with her as he loved the feeling of his lips against her own as he let the kiss go on for a long moment before he pulled back and then smiled at Sakura, "So, I think I won this match."
Hmm, had he always had this way with words? She wasn't sure, but she liked it. Seconds later, they were going at it, lashing out at each other, quick and calcuated. She only landed a few hits, but with her strength it had to have hurt. He caught her off guard, though, grabbing her around her waist all of a sudden and pressed his lips against hers. She sighed into the kiss and relaxed against him as she placed her hands on his chest and kissed him back.

When they evetually broke apart her cheeks were red and her breathing was heavy. "T-that's cheating." she stated, stammering and out of breath. She couldn't complain, though; he was a great kisser. Deciding that she hadn't had enough yet, she leaned up and pressed her lips against his once again.

"Hey, Sakura-chan! Don't just run off with Sasuke like that!" Sakura heard a voice yelling a small distance away. "He's my friend too, you--!" he stopped midsentence, probably noticing them standing pressed against each other, kissing.

Sakura broke the kiss and glared at Naruto. *He has the worst timing ever!* she yelled in her mind, feeling the urge to hit him...
Naruto had to have the worse timing for sure, he broke away from Sakura and then looked over at Naruto, as he had missed a great chance to heat things up with the pink haired woman. He figured something he had wanted to recreate his own clan again, and now he was the last Uchiha left unless you counted the evil Madara who he didn't. That meant that he was the last of his clan, and if he died then the Uchiha would be gone for good. That bothered him a lot more then he showed it. He looked at Sakura, and the idea of being with her was amazing, but he knew that with her he could have a rebirth of his own clan, and that with her they could raise a lot of little Uchiha to take over the name.

Sasuke walked over to Naruto, "So, what do you want," he said in his calm confident tone as he looked at him. "I am stuck at the academy for the next half dozen months or so, so I am not sure how much help I can be for your missions sadly," he said as he knew that Naruto was going to have his hand filled dealing with the last of Madara's minions. "Now, if you came for a spar, I guess I can work something out but you better be better then you were last time we meet up," he said as he remember when he and Naruto battled last it was rather one sided in favor of him. "So, also did you have a talk to the Hyuuga girl or did she pass out when you talked to her?"
"Of course I wanna spar. I'm heading out on a mission in a few hours and you left earlier before I had the chance to ask." He complained. "Well, she kept looking down. She always does that. She really is shy." he mused.
Sakura sighed. When was he ever gonna learn..? Perhaps it would be better to just tell him directly. He would never realize it on his own. "Naruto, you need to go find Hinata and ask her how she feels about you, okay? What you make of it you will have to figure out on your own."

Naruto tilted his head in confusion. "How she feels about me? She's my friend, isn't she?" He was quiet for a bit, but then spoke up in his usual loud voice. "Wait a minute!" Had he finally taken the hint? "I know what you're doing! You're both trying to distract me!" he pointed a finger at them, accusingly. "You were kissing and stuff!" Sakura sighed once again. He really needed to grow up a little. "So... are you two together then?" he asked finally.

She left the answer to Sasuke; she wanted to hear him say it.
Uzumaki Naruto, he just figured that out huh, he hadn't changed at all, he was still Naruto. There was something comforting about this fact and the fact that he was still him it meant that there was something that was the same in this world and that felt right. "Now Naruto, yes, I am with Sakura now, I am sorry, I know that you liked her too, and well, someone likes you more then you ever liked Sakura, your just to blind to see it and she goes shy around you, Hyuuga Hinata, I think you were talking to her a bit ago. Everyone knows it but you," he said being blunt to his friend, he needed to hear it straight up and honest. "You should know she has been following you around and crushing on you long before I left here."

Sasuke looked at him, "Go see her, be careful on your mission and when you get back safe and sound, then we will have this match you and me a sparing match to see just how good you have gotten," he commented as he pointed his finger at Naruto. "Now Uzumaki Naruto, go and deal with Hinata be straight with her, tell her what you think and don't just let her follow you till she is some old lady. I am sure she will if you don't tell her about what you think about her. I am sure if you just ask she will avoid the question, so be honest, tell her what you think about her, if you think she can only be friends with you tell her, it is better for her to know that then to be led on forever."
Watching them talk to each other like that, one might think Sasuke had never even left in the first place. It made her happy that none of them seemed to be bearing any grudges against the other. Naruto had kept talking for the past three years about how Sasuke and him shared a bond, so of course he wouldn't be mad.

Naruto was standing before them, dumbfounded. "Hinata-chan likes me..?" He was quiet for some time after that, thinking back. Hinata had offered him her help during the written test in the Chunin exam, her cheeks went red whenever he talked to her and she had even fainted a couple of times when he got too close. To top it off he had never seen her faint or blush so hard around other people. It made sense now. He never knew! When he thought about it, she was actually kind of cute, beautiful even. "...I'll see you guys after my mission then." he said before taking off in the direction he came from.

"Finally." Sakura sighed. "Hopefully he'll give her a chance." She smiled, happy for Hinata. She would finally get her answer and hopefully she wouldn't get hurt by it.
Sakura turned towards Sasuke again. "So, he finally left." she said, suggestively and slid her arms around his neck.
Sasuke almost facepalmed himself as he heard the comments about Naruto seriously this guy wanted to be honest, he was so oblivious to everything. He looked at him as he headed out and then hoped that Hinata would be able to set him straight. He looked at him walk away, it was good to be home. He knew why his brother defended this place with his life. It was cause the people who lived with mattered so much to him that he couldn't avoid wanting to help protect those who he cared about. He looked at Naruto, this felt like he never left, but in many ways things felt better now then when he was here last, perhaps that was just cause the three of them had done a lot of growing up.

He looked at her as Sakura had her arms around him. "Well now, your answer is I want to be with you Sakura, you and me together is correct," he commented as he leaned in and kissed her lips lightly as he pulled her closer to himself in his arms. He then let this kiss take up where the last one happened to end. It was amazing, to think that he could have a future again a place to be home and a new direction in his life as well. He knew that dark days were ahead, which meant that these days were ever the more important and he had to enjoy them.
Sakura kissed him back and combed her fingers through his hair. Oh, this was heaven. She moaned into the kiss. "You can't imagine how long I've been waiting for this." she whispered. She couldn't imagine ever getting any happier than she was right this moment. But with what Sasuke had told her about Madara, her happiness probably wouldn't last very long. He could attack whenever.

"Do you umm... wanna go inside? You know.. to my bedroom..?" she wanted to become one with him before anything changed for the worse. Embarrassment at her sudden and very forward question was showing in her eyes and the redness in her cheeks.
The words from the pink haired woman, they were not surprising , but at the same time Sakura's words were surprising, just cause she was saying them outloud. He knew that she had feelings for him for a very long while, but she never put them into such strong words as she had at that moment, her words carried a great weight to them as well. He looked at her as he paused and then heard her second comment as he knew what she was thinking. They might not get out of this alive, there was a good chance that no one would leave the fight against Madara alive. He might as well live and let his feelings for Sakura be known and acted upon. There was not going to be another chance for this perhaps.

He slipped his hands under her legs as he picked up the pink haired medic and pulled her up into his strong arms holding her firmly in his grasp. His hands holding her against himself as he carried her, his hands under her legs and back as he carried her into the room. It was easy to find her room. It was the only room that was a bedroom in the apartment he carried her into the nice room and then he laid her gently upon her own bed laying her down gently on the bed as he smiled looking down at her beautiful body. He let his eyes scan over her body gently looking up and down it. A smile slowly slipped to his lips as he approved the look of the pink haired woman before he waited for her to sit up, and the moment she had, he kissed her lips pressing his lips passionately against Sakura's.
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