The Dark Side[Naruto](Silverknight & Emi)

"It is much easier then the other options," he commented as he heard her voice and made note of how long he would have to go without being able to see. He knew that there was his notes but they wouldn't answer his question. There was one other person who might be able to answer the question, but what he guessed she had passed on as well, given that Danzo was the hokage after all, he had no idea that Tsunade wasn't dead at that point. He sat there as he thought about it for a long moment or two before letting out a sigh, "I could ask Kabuto, but that won't go well, he wants me dead at the moment for attacking Orochimaru. Orochimaru's notes will not help, they are about jutsu not history."

"Your teacher though, Tsunade, the former hokage, she passed on recently correct why Danzo was hokage when I killed him," he mused as he looked over at her "She would have the notes of her family correct, those notes would be of a great amount of help then Orochimaru's perhaps I can find the answer in her grandfather's notes, but only she would have them from what I can tell, her grandfather and grand uncle are the only ones who can explain the whole reasoning for Konoha and everything else that I should know, but at least like the third, they passed long ago, and the only clan member I know of his your teacher," he explained as he rested, "Still their notes would be as hard to find as meeting Anko I would think."
Didn't he know? "Tsunade is still alive." she informed him as he seemed to be unaware of this fact. "Getting into Konoha is one thing, but I doubt we'll be able to go unnoticed by everyone there." A thought struck her. "If you want to revive someone, why don't you just revive your brother instead? Can't he tell you everything you need to know?" That seemed more logical to her than bringing back Orochimaru.

Something else was puzzling her... Why would he trust her with taking away his sight for several days? He had to have some idea of the possibility that she might be deceiving him. She would love it if he actually trusted her, but on the other hand, he might just be using her and planning on disposing of her once he got what he wanted. Would he kill her if need be? She didn't know, which only made what she was doing that much more risky.
"You are right, I can't go back, you can go back though," he paused as he thought about it, "you may go back and get the work of Orochimaru and the second hokage, so I can learn how to revive my brother and those who I need to talk to for a short time before I let them return to the otherworld, I think that would be the best way of getting the answer," he said after thinking about the options for a long enough period of time."You will do this after you put enough food for me out for two days and show me where it is, I will figure everything out, just don't come back and bring anyone, I do not want anyone to know that I am here," he said as he looked at her, he was sending her away, but he couldn't think of another way to get this answer answered.

The key to the future was this answer, and his brother would be a superior person to answer the questions but he would perhaps be able to summon back the first hokage as well, he knew how to pull it off too. He also needed to know how to pull the jutsu off, correctly. He faced in the general direction of Sakura as he waited for her answer, "so head back do what you need to do and return alone, I will be waiting, and I will then be able to get my answer and I shall know what I need to do in the future," he said again firmly as he knew that this path was the most logical and the one that would get him the answer the fastest.
"I can't do that, Sasuke. Not unless you want to wait weeks for your eyes to become fully healed." A few days should be enough to figure out how to get what he needed. He wanted her to steal from her mentor, after all. It wasn't going to be easy. Especially not now that she ran off on her own during a mission. She would have to come up with an excuse for that too.

"What if we wait until you've accustomed to your new eyes and then head for Konoha together? It would be easier that way." she suggested. "Of course, I'm not suggesting you walk into Konoha just like that. You'd be restrained without hesitation. But with your Sharingan and a few jutsus you should be able to pull off a convincing disguise, right?" That way he would also get to see what he was missing out on during those three years of absence. "What do you think?"
Sasuke took a deep breath as he cleared his mind. He rested on his back as he couldn't see but he could hear rather well, perhaps he could work on improving his other senses while he was like this, it would help him later on when he got his eyes back after all. He heard her comments clearly, he wasn't surprised though. He couldn't make her do something she didn't want to do, that wouldn't help anything at all. He tried to think about how to put the situation best to Sakura though that she would understand the important of this. It wasn't a easy thing to do and he wasn't charismatic like Naruto. The natural leadership of the Uzumaki was something that helped him gather so many friends it would seem.

"Fine, we will wait till then, but I must stress the importants of this, for if I rejoin the village, I must warn you, that things are going to get really bad soon, Madara is not a good man and his plans, those few that I have figure out are rather bad, he will take over the ninja world and what is more will take your free will form you and everyone else so that you live a fake life," he said having overheard that bit as he was around the other Uchiha member. "I believe Madara Uchiha, helped my brother kill off my clan as well, from what he told me, he was there that night, and aided him as well as the whole nine tails ordeal," he explained calmly as he figured that Sakura should know this info. He paused thinking about something, "the blonde flower girl how is she?"
"I know how important it is, but if you strain your eyes before they're properly healed you risk never being able to see again. And with that visual prowess of yours I doubt you want that." She understood he was eager to learn the truth, but like many of her patients, he was being too impatient.

"Ino? She's gotten stronger as well and she's training to become a medic." Considering her and Ino's old rivalry, it stung a bit that he asked about her. It was stupid in this situation, but she couldn't help it. At least Ino had been smarter than Sakura as she had given up on her crush on Sasuke. "You'll probably be glad to hear that she gave up on you when you left. She still considers you a friend, though." At least, that's what she thought.
"Alright, I will listen to the doctor on this," he commented as he took a deep breath thinking about something for a moment before turning and putting his feet on the ground and then putting his hands on the edge of the bed and working his way so that he could stand up. Now though was the serious problem as he had no clue where he was in relationship to anything, it was so frustrating and annoying to not be able to see anything. "Good, she wasn't my type," he mused as he turned to the direction that he though that Sakura was in. "I am glad that she has moved on, from that old rivalry, there were so many crushes back them you, and Ino crushing on me, Naruto, and Lee crushing on you and Hinata crushing on Naruto."

"Now, Sakura, I need your help, I don't know where anything is, and I need to walk over and get some water, I believe there is a cup somewhere and I need to get some water, cause I am thirsty at the moment, and I can't see where I am walking or where it could be," he explained as he really couldn't and he didn't know where he was in relationship to where he could get water from. He would need her help with things like this for a the time he couldn't even see, at least while he had his eyes and couldn't use his sharingan, he would be able to do things for himself.
"Oh God. Don't remind me of Lee's crush on me..." The way he always screamed his confession to her was so embarrassing and he always chose the most random moments to do so. Hinata's crush on Naruto, though, was sweet. She could really see those two together. If only Naruto weren't so dense...

"Oh, sure." she stood up and hesitantly took his hand to guide him to the water. Once there, she grabbed the cup, filled it with water and carefully gave it to him, making sure that he wouldn't drop it. Seeing Sasuke like this, so helpless, was weird. He had always been so independant of others. Now he couldn't even get something to drink without her help. "Just tell me if you need anything else."
"I am sure that his teammate will settle him down and convince him to stop that at some point, if they are the same as I remember them being, the girl, um with the weapons anyhow," he mused as he looked at her and then shook his head, it was ironic, her opinion of the embarrassment that Lee caused her was similar to how he felt about her back in the day. He shook his head finding there to be something funny about that. He took the water and nodded his head as he drank it before returning it and working his way back tot he bed, it would be a very long two days, very annoying too, he had to depend on Sakura for so much over the following two days.

As the time past he had to depend on her and he was so happy when the two days had gone by and passed. He sat on the bed having gotten used to using his other senses to help him somewhat get used to being blind. He sat there with his hands at his sides as he had been able to count on Sakura, she had shown herself very helpful and hopefully a good doctor, he wouldn't be able to see if she had done a good job for a few more moments after she had removed the bandages from his eyes and he looked around. He figured after that he would be able to see if the operation worked or not and would at least be able to see her again. He would be able to see anything again something that would be great.
It wasn't as bad as it used to be. Lee had calmed down now and hopefully realized she wasn't going to return his feelings. When thinking about it this way it was as if she was describing herself... A memory of Sasuke telling her she was annoying popped into her mind. Perhaps she had been just as bad as Lee had been. At least she was more mature now; she definitely wasn't going to scream his name whenever she thought he was being cool like when they were younger and still at the academy.

Sakura had healed his eyes a bit every few hours to make the healing process speed up and the two days were finally coming to an end. She was standing in front of him as he was sitting on the makeshift bed, healing his eyes for the last time. She felt nervous now; would he still want her around in a few moments when the bandages came off? With a sigh she started unwrapping the bandages. "Before you do anything, let me have a look, okay?" she placed her hands on either side of his head and gently tilted it upwards so she could examine the result.
Sasuke opened his eyes slowly as he then looked at the same person that he had looked at before, he had a calm reserved look on his face as he looked at her. He looked at her, his eyes his brother's eyes were pretty much the same as his own as he looked at Sakura, he showed no scaring either like Kakashi had with his eye. He blinked as he looked over her face blinking and surprised as he noticed something. He hadn't noticed it before, but maybe it was because he had been blind for a few days, but he was able to notice so much more not that he looked at Sakura's face. His eyes focused on her own eyes for a long moment pausing as he rook his hand and ran it over her cheek softly caressing it as if he was touching it to make sure he was noticing what hew as.

"Sakura, have you changed at all in the last two days somehow," he said confused why he was able to notice her beauty now, that he was able to see, it was as if not being able to see made him notice things that he hadn't noticed before, that now he could see the world though the mind of a person who didn't take it for granted anymore. "You have done something to yourself in the last two days, I don't remember ever seeing you look as good as you do at this moment," he said honestly his voice stoic but his tone also honest as he looked at the pink haired woman. "Strange, there is so much that I can notice now, perhaps I just didn't take the time to notice the small things before and now I have been blind I can see them."
Her breath caught in her throat, she looked back at him. He was caressing her cheek... and complimenting her... It felt surreal somehow. Her blood rushed to her cheeks as she blushed. "Y-your eyes seem okay." she stammered and pulled back her hands. She stepped a few feet backwards. "So... do they feel okay? Are they hurting in any way?" she asked, trying to regain control of herself again.

He had to know she hadn't done anything in the past two days about her looks; they had been together basically every second and though he couldn't see anything, he would have been able to hear what she was doing.
Sasuke popped up and looked around the cave for a moment looking at the small things the color the shape of things. "It is interesting Sakura, you don't notice things till you can't see them. You would be surprised how much of the world you can't notice when you take it for granted. I guess I have taken many things for granted myself, and have grown used to looking at things but not really looking at things, if that makes any sense to you," he reasoned as he walked around and stopped looking at the water that he had been drinking for the last few days. "There are so many things that I can now notice that would of gone under my radar before, so many beautiful things which I would of never noticed before."

He stopped and turned and looked at Sakura, "They feel perfectly fine, I will not push myself at all, but I am glad to be able to see, I haven't been able to see this good in months," he said honestly as he had his eyes failing him for a while now, getting worse, but now he could see things just perfectly fine, as if he had a new chance to see the light around him and everything else. "He looked at Sakura for a moment and paused for a second, "Sakura, what would it take for me to return to the village?" he asked looking right at her curiously, "I mean what would it take for me to reenter my home town without being thrown in a jail cell, and being killed or what not," he asked figuring she would know better then anyone.
Sakura didn't quite understand his question; or rather she understood in two ways. "If you mean to retrieve the notes a disguise would probably do, but... if you mean: what would it take for you to return for good... I'm not sure." She hesitated. "...I do know, though, that neither Naruto nor I would let anyone kill you. I don't think you would be able to avoid jail, though. Maybe you could get away with having someone keep an eye on you at all times for a while." Knowing Tsunade there would have to be some kind of punishment.

"I do wish you would just return home..." she looked at him with eyes showing nostalgia. "But I know you can't be forced, so I'll wait patiently for you to get your answers and hopefully those answers will bring you home." Konoha just wasn't the same without him in it somehow.
Sasuke could understand her confusion as she stated her question for him. He paused as he looked at her and then walked over and looked at her, "Well, the later is what I am asking about, and you have answered my question," he commented as he looked right at her, "I am going to return, Sakura, I can not let Madara destroy this world, and I can not let the world continue as it has, I must do something and I have been thinking about this a lot and I believe that I shall find my answer there not fighting for Madara destroying things. If my brother gave his life to protect the leaf, then there must be some reason that makes it worth it. I am going to go back and find that reasoning and do what I can."

"We shall go back, I am going to count on you on your word, that you will not allow for them to kill me," he commented his firm as he looked at her. She had proved trustworthy so far. She had so many chances to kill him or have others find her and kill her as well. She had done neither of these things, she had stood by him the whole time and now was still there. "I am still going to look into the past and the papers of the first hokage, but I am quite sure what I will find there already," he commented as he stood close to her looking at her, "Now, doctor, is it okay if I were to travel now, or would you suggest that we remain here for a couple of more days," he asked curiously.
Her expression was that of surprise. He was really willing to return? "You... you're coming home?" She listened to his every word. "I promise you I'll do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen." If anyone did try to kill him, they would have her and definitely Naruto to answer to. "I can understand you still want to find proof and I'll help if I can."

The corners of her lips slowly turned upwards in a smile and without thinking she happily wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. "Of course you can travel now, but don't use your Sharingan." she replied, ecstatic about him finally coming home. Her eyes opened wide when she realized what she was doing. She let go of him quickly and backed away, embarrassed. "S-sorry." she stammered, the heat rising to her cheeks. "I didn't mean to do that."
"Yes, I am going to go back to Konoha," he said with a stoic tone as he looked at her. He knew that she would live up to her words, and he would be able to find the truth, but Itachi died to protect those who he cared about. Sasuke could only think of Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi as those people who he cared about in his life, and they were not in his life. It felt empty to not have them in his life, there was a darkness in him that was created by the fact that his friends, those worth protecting were not in his life anymore. He blinked as he felt Sakura hug him pressing against him, he blushed as he realized something else, Sakura was no longer the little teen that she was back in the day, she was a young woman, and despite his stoicness he was still a young man, and felt a certain attraction towards the pink haired woman.

"It is fine, don't worry about it," he said looking at her as he looked at her his voice calm but friendly. "Now, it is been to long since I have been home, I am going to follow your lead on the way," he said to her as he knew that he would follow her to the gate. He knew there the trouble would start, but he had to be prepared, Danzo was not a good man, not at all, and he paid for his crimes against his brother as well as the crimes that Sasuke didn't even know about. He followed Sakura as they headed back, he could tell that Sakura still had feelings for him. He wasn't sure what his feelings for the pink haired woman were for sure, but he was wondering if they were there as well. "Now, Sakura, do you mind if I stay with you after I am out of jail?"
Despite her embarrassment, she couldn't help but smile as they took off towards Konoha together. What would it belike to have him back in the village, she wondered. "Not at all. Stay for as long as you want." It would take them a great deal of time to get back to Konoha; they probably wouldn't reach it until the morning after. But when they did they had to be careful, because although most of the villagers wouldn't mind accepting Sasuke again, there were also a bunch of them who saw him as a traitor. When taking a break later on they would have to discuss the best approach. For one thing, he should probably leave his katana with her, so he wouldn't seem a threat when walking into Konoha.

Hours later, Sakura stopped in a small clearing. "We should stop for now and rest a bit." she declared. They were only about 5 miles away, so they needed to prepare themselves.
As she sat down against a tree trunk she looked up at him. "I think you should consider what you want to say when we get there. Misunderstandings can lead to violence and we don't want that."
He paused as he looked at her, and knew that she was right, if he walked up and acted like his normal self then he wouldn't only have to deal with being attacked, but would have to defend himself and that could likely cause a large violent battle, which wouldn't be good for it wouldn't at all end well. What could he say, nothing he could say would work, they would think him as a member in the bingo book and attack on the spot. He looked at Sakura, perhaps she could do something that would help him, perhaps there was a way to go in without drawing to much attention. Perhaps she could take him to her teacher, where he would be able to talk directly as a missing nin to the hokage herself.

"Sakura, you are going to have to take me in as a prisoner, tell them that I have surrendered to you conditionally and that you are taking me to the hokage, as part of the conditional surrender," he said looking at her, "I am sorry for this, I am asking you to do much for me, and I shall not forget this, I promise you Sakura," he commented as he looked at his things and took the blindfold and blindfolded himself, as he knew that this would work, "if I am a prisoner there is no reason for people to attack, and it will give me access to your boss. I can talk to her directly and we can work this out whatever it is going to be person to person. This is why I made you promise to make sure no one kills me before I get there," he said as he took out some rope and tied his hands up securely as he looked at her, "Now we should be off, right?"
"Sounds like a plan." she said and got up. She stopped for a moment and just looked at him as he was standing before her, blindfolded with his hands tied together. Now that he couldn't see her, there was something she needed to tell him while they were still alone and before he was out of her reach once again. She took a few steps towards him, leaving only a few centimeters between them. "I'm glad you're coming home. I realize that you will probably never feel the same for me as I feel for you, but... I'm hoping you can at least see me as a good friend." She drew a nervous breath and gently laid her hands on his chest. "I apologize for this..." she whispered as she leaned in and softly pressed her lips against his. It was a chaste kiss, but it was needed; she needed to know what it would feel like before deciding on giving up on him completely. She didn't want to be the annoying little girl in his eyes and now that he was coming home they would be around each other more often. She'd rather be a friend to him than nothing.

She pulled away and reached out to take hold of the rope. They would have to walk the rest of the way, since he was now blindfolded; it might have been easier to wait with the blindfold, but then they risked getting caught before reaching Konoha.
He raised his hands as he faced the general direction that Sakura was in, he could hear her footsteps as he knew where she was, "I do not completely understand my own feelings as far as you are concern Sakura," he said looking at her, as he wanted her to wait for a moment longer, "but I wish to find out what they are, and I wish to go on a date with you, if you would be up to going on a date with me, and based on that kiss, I would assume so," he said calmly as he thought about the kiss, he was rather sure about it, but he wanted to make sure. "You have nothing at all to apologize for, you are one of my important people, as Naruto would put it, the most important one in my life at the moment."

He knew that this was chancy, that there was much that could go wrong, but he had to put the faith he had in her, and that she would be able to keep him from getting his head cut off or himself stabbed or killed in a number of other ways as they headed back to Konoha. Perhaps Naruto would find them first or there wasn't many people who were going to notice them, he wasn't sure what to expect, he knew thought it was worth the chance. Sakura was a woman who was amazing, his mind went over that kiss time and time again as he walked with her, towards the village gates, he was sure that it was simple, but he felt something when she kissed him, and he really liked what he felt.
She stopped dead in her tracks. A date? He wanted to go on a date? With her? And here she was about to give up on her love for him. Thank heavens he couldn't see her face at that moment. It was beat-red. "O-okay. I'll go on a d-date with you sometime." She quickly reminded herself that it would take some time as Sasuke would probably face a punishment when they got back. And then there was the whole thing with Madara too... "When everything has settled down a bit." She bit down on her lower lip as she started walking again a few feet ahead of him, the rope in her hand.

An hour or so later they arrived at the front gates of Konoha. She drew a breath before asking, "Ready?"
The guards from the village noticed her as she approached the village. Kotestu Hagane, and Izumo Kamizuki, were on watch as normal, they were shocked to see Sakura with a prisoner with her. They looked at the who, and they knew who it was too, Uchiha Sasuke. They blinked as they looked at each other and then they looked at her again, how the hell had she managed to capture Sasuke by herself. Kotestsu walked up looking at Sakura blinking still surprised by what he was looking at in front of himself. "Sakura, congratulations on the capture of Sasuke. I have no idea how you managed it," he said still stunned at the development. "We should most likely take the traitor to Ibiki so that he can start to get as much information as he can get. He knew the sadist would be able to get information from Sasuke, with his brand of interigation and torture, and it was common for that to happen to enemies.

Sasuke heard that name and had questions if he should of agreed, that was not a man he wanted to meet at this moment. He wanted to speak up here, but he knew they wouldn't believe him, they might believe a fellow villager though, if Sakura was to make her point, that he was to meet with Tsunade, then he would show her that he was willing to give her any information she wanted and he could perhaps get a deal for all the information that he had, which would keep him out of to much trouble and keep him from being interrogated by Ibiki as well. He remembered what Kakashi said about the man, he would most likely activate his sharingan and kill the man which would just turn him into a criminal again.
Sakura looked up at the guards, her face stern. "I would like to say that I actually captured him all by myself, but the case is that he surrendered himself to me conditionally. He wants to speak with the Hokage and explain himself. He is willing to give any information he has in return of staying in Konoha as a part of it." She clenched the rope in her hand and started walking again. "I trust him and I will be taking him straight to Tsunade." she declared.
They both seemed to accept it, but the expression on their faces made her want to punch them. They let them through.

It was early morning, so not many people were out on the streets, but the few that were wore an expression of surprise. "You're officially home, Sasuke." she whispered to him as they walked through the village towards Tsunade's office. She only wished she could give him a proper welcome instead of the current situation.
The pair nodded their head, they trusted Sakura, as both of the pair of chunnin had been Tsunade's assistants for a long while and they both knew her really well, and trusted her. "We will send on ahead that you are going to meet her, Sakura," Kotestu commented as they looked at the pair, they were not the same pair that the two tricked them with a genjutsu during the chunnin exams for sure.

Shizune looked as she was walking out of the office and looked at the pair, she had gotten the information about Sasuke and Sakura, the young dark haired woman walked over and smiled, "so you brought him back, Naruto is going to be excited to hear this," she said as she looked at Sakura, "you can untie him and do away with the blindfold, unless your into that type of thing," the older woman commented teasing Sakura as she knew very well her feelings towards Sasuke, "Well she is in there, so I will wish you luck."

"Sakura, if you could please untie me and wait for me, here, I can go in there and talk to her by myself, I think it might work out better that way," he said as he stood there waiting for her to untie his bindings as well as the blindfold, He would be having a long talk with Tsuande and it would be boring in parts and he figured with lots of yelling as well as he talked with the hokage. He figured that if she waited outside she would be able to overhear most of what was going down anyhow.
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